There is no emotion... (A Jedi Order Quest)

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Mission Report 3941 BBY Q2 (Extended)
There were three lights.

Then something roared, and there were two.

Mission Report 3941 BBY Q2 Extended

Mission 3 (The Mid-Rim, 1 Padawan, 3 Jedi Sentinels, 5 Jedi Guardians, 1 Jedi Consular, Councilor Visas Marr
-Councilor Visas Marr-

To all things there is an echo. Love, yes. Loyalty, yes. Commitment, dedication, compassion, these things all make a sound, a wave, an echo, a mist, drifting from person to person. But they are not alone. Hate, rage, death, suffering. Fear. And where might there be more fear than where mortals watched gods fight? The world of Kalkid III was just pulling itself out of a horrific global war the likes of which are seen on few scales when the Tionese Empire made contact with them; drift, over the past few thousand years, has brought them solidly into the Middle Rim. They were conquered, subjugated, enslaved, in horrific conditions, under threat of orbital bombardment. It would be centuries until they freed themselves, and symbols of the Tionese still linger.

For instance the Chateau d'Enfer. A luxury resort, maintained by enslaved Kalkids, it was a vicious place where many thousand died, in often brutal ways, serving as a hard point of Tionese domination.

Naturally, one of those same Kalkid, now wants to turn it into an...attraction of sort. The tragedy, after all, is thousands of years past.

And yet I doubt the dead would rest so easily for the matter.

Naturally, I have taken something of an interest. I would not have the wage servants she has with her slaughtered when the thing, invariably, goes wrong. It will open in a month, and I plan to be there for every miserable week until it does.
A man looks up at a mannequin, dressed in Tionese style. Lots of purple, white and towering hats, that band. He swears he can see the thing, a human if he had to guess, looking at him. Seated at the dining table, Master Visas and Alvazza speak, accompanied by the rest of the Jedi band. "This is desecration, and you must know that." Slowly the owner brings up a glass of honeyed, golden-red wine and takes a deep drink of it. Visas is, relatively, calm all considered-- her hand only tightens in the way she knows, she knows, can break bone and smash the windpipe and ravage the flesh and does not perturb the Force in the way required to make it so as she stares at the woman, who is beautiful in the classic Kalkid way-- a thin, pinched waist, a particularly bright carapace that shines golden in the sunlight that streaks in, and tall, proud antennae that dip and move. For their part, the aliens do not seem appreciative.

"I consider it reclaiming some of the wealth they took from us from some of their descendants."

"Perhaps. But I greatly doubt that they would agree."

"Well, they are dead, sage." She shrugs, and gets up, launching a last retort over her shoulder, "And I do not fear ghosts."

And if the mannequin has moved to look at her, then seemingly no-one has noticed.
Mission 3 (The Mid-Rim, 1 Padawan, 3 Jedi Sentinels, 5 Jedi Guardians, 1 Jedi Consular, Councilor Visas Marr)
-Councilor Visas Marr-

The dead do not rest well in this place. Perhaps they never will. Whether as vague as 'bad feelings' or as obscene as message scrawled on mirrors in the fog, scratched into the walls, moving mannequins, they are making it clear. The Kalkid are brushing it off as protestor's disturbances; but if they are, they were more stealthy than I have ever been, and I doubt that; they did not manage to sneak onto the same ship as Darth Treya, did they? I do find myself wondering what perturbation in the Force might make the spirits so able, even Sith ghosts are not quite so lively; but perhaps it would be wisest of us to acknowledge that the Jedi and our wayward children do not know all facets of the Force.

In any case I have instructed the Jedi with me to be on their guard.

We will not be surprised by this, even if they would be.
"Ladies and gentlemen," Alvazza says in a proud voice in an auditorium that once sorted the slaves of a hundred worlds, "we will turn this into a place of wealth and glory, rather than only a reminder of what was lost.

And then the lights cut out, and the screaming starts.
Mission 3 (The Mid-Rim, 1 Padawan, 3 Jedi Sentinels, 5 Jedi Guardians, 1 Jedi Consular, Councilor Visas Marr)
-Councilor Visas Marr-

As I expected. I have instructed the rest of the Jedi to escort the workers, the guests, and the reporters-- in that order-- out of the area. I will find Alvazza and bring her to safety.

Or Justice, as the case may be.
There is one light. And something is moving through it. A figure, two arms, two legs, something dangling from the back.

The last light goes out.

She scrambles--

It lunges--

And a lightsaber bursts into life. It sears the flesh that is not and exposes the thing's flesh-- Tionese, human, female. It is a creature of the Force, born of dark arts by darker wills-- but not, in truth, the greater than the Jedi. A field of pure energy blocks it, and Visas blasts it away. "Go. I shall face it."

She hardly needs to speak twice, but Visas can't blame her. This is no fight for the unarmed; and, in both senses, she is unarmed. She scrambles out, trying to flee-- only for a door to slam into her face. Not turn of phrase, and she falls back, spurting blood from her nose.
Mission 3 (The Mid-Rim, 1 Padawan, 3 Jedi Sentinels, 5 Jedi Guardians, 1 Jedi Consular, Councilor Visas Marr)
-Councilor Visas Marr-

I won.

The thing, it seemed, agreed with Alvazza's statement. And strenuously. In myths men talk them down, speak to them. So I did.

I spoke to it of Katarr. Of Nihilus. Of the ashes, and of the silence. And of darkness.

And that frightened it away.

Now I must meditate.

(+25 Knowledge)
Mission Report 3941 BBY Q2
Mission Report 3941 BBY Q2

Mission 1 (The Core, 4 Padawans, 2 Jedi Sentinels, 1 Jedi Guardian, 1 Jedi Consular)

-Councilor Breda Sunguard-

Private contractors and screwing over your employees, name a more iconic duo. Some schmucks on Corellia are refusing to pay their Selonian workers, banking that the rest of the Galaxy wouldn't care. Well joke's on them: I'm pretty sure we're contractually obligated to care about everything, from somebody stubbing their toe to a Mandalorian war fleet. Ideally this runs more to the former than the latter: these schmucks, who sure do look a lot like somebody integrated old Czerka techniques to go with their old Czerka capital, are involved in manufacturing everything from civilian airspeeders to blaster. Civilian model, again, but that is kind of begging for trouble; so the government of Corellia has invited us to negotiate.

Mission 2 (The Inner Rim, 8 Padawans, 6 Jedi Sentinels, 6 Jedi Guardians, 4 Jedi Consulars, Councilor Brianna)
Sentinel Pal-

Freighter, a big one, has been stranded near the Ilesian Shoal: a collection of radioactive dust, black holes, neutron stars, and who knows what else. Trying to avoid customs. Small crew, so they can be evacuated; only issue is, we need to actually get there and with all the garbage flying around out there, you'd need to be one hell of a pilot to make it in and out without blowing yourself up or getting so blasted by x-rays you piss blue.

Naturally, we'll be heading there.

Mission 4 (The Outer Rim, 3 Padawans, 3 Jedi Sentinels, 1 Jedi Guardian, 3 Jedi Consulars, Councilor Bastila Shan)

-No Event rolled-

Mission 5 (The Colonies 1 Padawan, 5 Jedi Sentinels, 2 Jedi Guardians, 1 Jedi Consular, Councilor Atton Rand)

-Councilor Atton Rand-

We delivered medicine to the world of Mashgraz, formerly occupied by the Sith and still attempting to get back up on its feet. The ride was a little bumpy, but other than that, no issues.
(+5 PP)

Mission 6 (The Expansion Region: 4 Padawans, 4 Jedi Sentinels, 4 Jedi Guardians, 1 Jedi Consular, Councilor Juhani)
-Councilor Juhani-

We have received somewhat credible reports of a Mandalorian mercenary band making its way here under the aegis of the Hutt Cartels. Naturally I am moving to respond; and if I seem eager to come face to face with those who slaughtered my people, not so long ago as we count these things.


It's because I am. Hardly only for my people, but for everyone the Mandalorians have butchered. To see them stopped is a necessity, but I will not lie and say I do not feel a certain..satisfaction, at the thought of fighting these men for the sake of the galaxy and the innocent they will kill, if left alone (and then thirty years later, they will of course attempt to present a story of themselves as the victims of the big, bad Jedi). They will have their opportunity to surrender, for we will be waiting in the "abandoned" starport they are hoping to use to go to the world, Alchenaucht. They will be surrounded, and so they will give up, or I will make them surrender.

Mission 1 (The Core, 4 Padawans, 2 Jedi Sentinels, 1 Jedi Guardian, 1 Jedi Consular)
-Councilor Breda Sunguard-

Well, things had...not quite worked themselves out, but were on the way there when we arrived. It seems there was conflict in the board of directors as you might expect out of a band of greedy, power hungry executive types, and one of said execs has a kid who is, uh, friendly with the Selonians. Pressed on both fronts they eventually backed down since there was no honor among thieves, and back pay is making its way to the Selonians. For their part the vast majority have tendered resignations for the company to form their own co-op under the Chancellor's office directly, working for themselves rather than anybody else; said kid is also funneling a considerable amount of his wealth to it as capital.
(+15 PP)

Mission 2 (The Inner Rim, 8 Padawans, 6 Jedi Sentinels, 6 Jedi Guardians, 4 Jedi Consulars, Councilor Brianna)
Sentinel Pal-

Pulled it off, crew is currently waiting for pick-up on the nearest friendly planet. Gotta say, I like the Duros ship they had: don't know how well the "Ball-and-Socket" they were going for works in a fight, but it had plenty of space and the crew was kept safely away from all the radiation.
(+15 PP)

Mission 6 (The Expansion Region: 4 Padawans, 4 Jedi Sentinels, 4 Jedi Guardians, 1 Jedi Consular, Councilor Juhani)
-Councilor Juhani-

Let it be known that I have made a grave error, in several facets. At the most basic, I should perhaps not have trusted my informants, there having been red flags, among them his undisguised fetishism for the Mandalorians and their armor. I did not consider that the Mandalorians, for all they prattle of honor, might bribe local traffic control agents to inform them of Jedi arriving in system. More pertinently, I did not gather security force back up before heading out, and so we have been pinned down by heavy blaster fire. It will not avail them much, since have several masters of Soresu to maintain our position and good strong cover that should hold out, but we are stuck waiting for security forces anyway. It is, suffice to say, going to be embarrassing when they finally make it here. I was too eager to make contact with the enemy myself, and to strike some blow of, of vengeance for all they have killed, and now they might get away unless we can think of something clever to do, and quickly. Suffice to say, I do not expect so.

For what it's worth, I am sorry.

Mission 6 (The Expansion Region: 4 Padawans, 4 Jedi Sentinels, 4 Jedi Guardians, 1 Jedi Consular, Councilor Juhani)
-Councilor Juhani-

I, unfortunately, did not think of anything clever.
(-20 PP)
Some learning lessons for Juhani there. Don't underestimate the enemy, and keep a clear head…
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Atris: "Don't feel too bad Juhani, that could've gone a lot worse as far as hubris goes. Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Traya the- I will stop talking now."
Research Turn Q2 3941 BBY
Research Turn 3941 BBY

Knowledge has been accrued by the Jedi over the past year; and it falls, therefore, to you to distribute it.

189/5=37 points of Wisdom to distribute, 4 left over

Training Doctrines- The methods by which you train new Jedi-- how and to what purpose. (These are mutually exclusive, you have One Student, One Teacher currently active)
Many Students, One Teacher (0/5)- There aren't enough of you for you to teach only one student each. For the moment, at least, you need to be training multiples. (Bonus to recruitment Quantity)

Infrastructure- While grabbing abandoned temples is always going to be a good plan, there are other questions to consider.
A Thousand Sparks (0/10)- You will expand far and wide. (Expands to more planets, colonies, and polities)

Tier 3
One Student, One Teacher (Tier 3)
Back Roads: Often what keeps Jedi from reacting to crises is not being near enough. Having your masters pass on the secret, unknown hyperspace routes, reststops, and shortcuts to your Padawans; and for that matter, among yourselves, will help. (+1 Vigilance) (0/20)

Combat (Tier 3)
The Weapon of the Enemy: A crummy blaster and bad attitude are no match for the Force at your side, Padawan. (+1 to checks against ranged enemies) (10/20)
Force Combat III: Weird, Force based esoterica to allow your students to stand toe-to-toe with the mainline Sith Warriors. (Consulars may use Wisdom check against Dark Knights and Sith Apprentices) (0/20)
Adaptive and Fast on Their Feet: Your Sentinels might not be quite as blade adept as the Guardians, but they make up for that with a wider skillset. (Sentinels may use Skill instead of Combat against Mundane opponents) (0/20)

A Hundred Bonfires (Tier 3)
Bigger Dormitories: Converted starship quarters are nice and all, but something a bit more substantive would probably manage to hold the Order in finer standing; certainly it would allow you to house more people. (Increase population that can be held in all facilities by a quarter) (0/20)
Meetra's Notes: Long before she was a general, a warrior, an Exile, Meetra Surik was a Jedi Recruiter, looking for new members of the Order. Her work is a solid foundation, certainly better than your ad hoc attempts to gather together new Jedi. (Double recruitment dice from 1d5 to 1d10.) (0/20)
Defense Systems: You can't, won't, and shouldn't turn your Temples into Fortresses, no matter what certain people claim. But shields? Those are a different story. (All facilities gain shields) (0/20)
Basic Archives: While a complete archive is both impossible and impractical to replicate at each and every temple, you sure could stick a whole lot of the basics somewhere at each. Beyond the security this offers, you might of course also gain some knowledge by spreading it far and wide. (Duplicates a whole bunch of basic Jedi Stuff at each Temple/Facility, +5 Knowledge per completed Temple) (0/20)

Choose one holocron to study:

Holocrons You Have Obtained:
-Holocron of Arren Kae (1/3)
-Holocron of Karn Degarr
-Holocron of Homonix Rectonia
-Holocron of Vodo-Siosk Baas
-Holocron of Odan-Urr
-Holocron of Sar Agorn
-Holocron of the Unknown Jedi
-Holocron of Garon Jard
-Holocron of Vandare Tokare
-Holocorn of Master Kavar
Vote will open tomorrow morning. Sorry about that.
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[] Plan Common
-[] Weapon of the Enemy 20/20
-[] Meetra's Notes 20/20
-[] Holocron: Arren Kae

(blasters common, global +1 good)
(more Jedi good)
(continue what we started, capstones have been good and it's a better thing than spreading into a hundred holocrons at one point apiece)
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[] Plan Common
-[] Weapon of the Enemy 20/20
-[] Meetra's Notes 20/20
-[] Holocron: Arren Kae

(blasters common, global +1 good)
(more Jedi good)
(continue what we started, capstones have been good and it's a better thing than spreading into a hundred holocrons at one point apiece)
Yeah, this plan has my support. Defense systems is also something I want soon, but numbers are critical first.
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Okay. If I remember correctly our points are determined by how well we do each turn. So, I figure it is better to actually finish steps to get the bonuses than to spread the numbers around.

[ ] Plan: Applied Knowledge
-[ ] The Weapon of the Enemy: (+1 to checks against ranged enemies) (10/20) 10pp
-[ ] Back Roads:
Often what keeps Jedi from reacting to crises is not being near enough. Having your masters pass on the secret, unknown hyperspace routes, reststops, and shortcuts to your Padawans; and for that matter, among yourselves, will help. (+1 Vigilance) (0/20) 20pp
-[ ] Basic Archives:
While a complete archive is both impossible and impractical to replicate at each and every temple, you sure could stick a whole lot of the basics somewhere at each. Beyond the security this offers, you might of course also gain some knowledge by spreading it far and wide. (Duplicates a whole bunch of basic Jedi Stuff at each Temple/Facility, +5 Knowledge per completed Temple) (0/20) 7pp
-[ ] Holocron of Arren Kae (1/3)


My thoughts are that we should first focus on completing what we've started. Next, I figure improving our responsiveness will help all of our missions. Finally, basic record-keeping is always good.
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Okay. If I remember correctly our points are determined by how well we do each turn. So, I figure it is better to actually finish steps to get the bonuses than to spread the numbers around.

[ ] Plan: Applied Knowledge
-[ ] The Weapon of the Enemy: (+1 to checks against ranged enemies) (10/20) 10pp
-[ ] Back Roads:
Often what keeps Jedi from reacting to crises is not being near enough. Having your masters pass on the secret, unknown hyperspace routes, reststops, and shortcuts to your Padawans; and for that matter, among yourselves, will help. (+1 Vigilance) (0/20) 20pp
-[ ] Basic Archives:
While a complete archive is both impossible and impractical to replicate at each and every temple, you sure could stick a whole lot of the basics somewhere at each. Beyond the security this offers, you might of course also gain some knowledge by spreading it far and wide. (Duplicates a whole bunch of basic Jedi Stuff at each Temple/Facility, +5 Knowledge per completed Temple) (0/20) 7pp
-[ ] Holocron of Arren Kae (1/3)
We're allowed to leave points unspent, so we might as well. I'd prefer Defense Systems before Archives anyway; the archive bonus is kind of small. (One extra point towards upgrades per research turn per temple isn't nothing, but it's modest.)