There is no emotion... (A Jedi Order Quest)

All right. It does say mutually exclusive... so...

[X] Plan: More Knights Sooner
-[X] Learning From the Past (0/10) x10
-[X] Broad Applications (0/10) x5
[X] Plan Expansion
-[X] Many Students, One Teacher (0/5) x 5
-[X]Armored Warfare (0/10) x 10
-[X] Holocron of Arca Jeth
The many students tech will not help with our current problem of teaching all the initiates we have.
Many Students, One Teacher (0/5)- There aren't enough of you for you to teach only one student each. For the moment, at least, you need to be training multiples. (Bonus to recruitment Quantity)
As you can see, it will only increase the quantitiy, nothing about helping us with the backlog we have right now.
[X] Plan: Even Distribution
-Learning From the Past (0/10) +5
-Old Friends (0/10) +5
-Broad Applications (0/10) +5
-Holocron of Arren Kae
I don't understand the point of this plan. Why are we delaying from getting one those perks? Put 10 into learning from the past and 5 points into other things.

[X] Plan: More Knights Sooner
-[X] Learning From the Past (0/10) x10
-[X] Broad Applications (0/10) x5
-[X] Holocron of Arca Jeth
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Doesn't yours need a holocron to choose?
I don't understand the point of this plan. Why are we delaying from getting one those perks? Put 10 into learning from the past and 5 points into other things.

[X] Plan: More Knights Sooner
-[X] Learning From the Past (0/10) x10
-[X] Broad Applications (0/10) x5
[ ] Plan: More Knights Sooner

I would change to this but this plan needs a holocron option
[X] Plan: More Knights Sooner
-[X] Learning From the Past (0/10) x10
-[X] Broad Applications (0/10) x5
-[X] Holocron of Arca Jeth
[X] Plan: More Knights Sooner
-[X] Learning From the Past (0/10) x10
-[X] Broad Applications (0/10) x5
-[X] Holocron of Arca Jeth
[X] Plan: More Knights Sooner
-[X] Learning From the Past (0/10) x10
-[X] Broad Applications (0/10) x5
-[X] Holocron of Arca Jeth
[X] Plan: More Knights Sooner

We shall make our Padawans into glorious Jedi Knights who will learn as much as possible from true, live combat to make higher quality of warriors in a time of war.

Edit: Changed plans. The argument down below was convincing enough.

Edit 2: Decided to change plans again for quality over quantity.
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Training Doctrines- The methods by which you train new Jedi-- how and to what purpose. (Mutually exclusive)
Many Students, One Teacher (0/5)- There aren't enough of you for you to teach only one student each. For the moment, at least, you need to be training multiples. (Bonus to recruitment Quantity)

If it's mutually exclusive with our current path, why is it still an option? Are we allowed to switch tracks?

Holocron of Arca Jeth
-Holocron of Arren Kae
-Holocron of Karn Degarr
-Holocron of Homonix Rectonia

Do we have any idea what's on these?

It might just be fanon clouding my mind, but isn't it relatively easy to get them to say the general contents they have?


Can we get points for things higher on the tech tree than we have access to right now? Or would those points be wasted if they exist?
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If it's mutually exclusive with our current path, why is it still an option? Are we allowed to switch tracks?
Yes we an have both researched however we can only have one of them active at a time. so if we research it it will basically just give us mechanically wise the ability to switch to using quantity doctrine whenever. non-mechanic wise It fleshes out the doctrine and tells us the pros and cons of using it.
So it's something that we should research when we have some research to spare just so we have the basic info about both of the doctrines learned.
However right now i would rather continue down our current doctrine atleast till we finish all the tier two options.
We can switch to many students now and use one student later, we just cannot use both at once.

We need the many students doctrine available now or we're going to cripple our Jedi supply by being unable to train most of our initiates into padawans. This isn't really optional, and it cannot be put off. Without it we will only be able to train 8 padawans of our many more initiates, which we cannot afford.

Learning from the Past is great but we can invest in it later when we're not overloaded with students. Plus, this option will open up the advanced techs for many students one teacher and there might be very strong options there.

Arca Jeth's holocron is the best choice because he knew Battle Meditation, which is the single most significant force ability in any war. If he can teach it we would have more than just Bastila to swing major battles.

I beg and urge everyone to vote for this plan:

[X] Plan Expansion

More Knights Sooner gets us a lot less actual knights. We get 25 more knights with Plan Expansion. Please, please change your votes.

@buli-buli @One Autumn Leaf @AlysPower @Qudrim8054 @Hunter531 @EyeOfSauron
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Historical Worlds Of The Jedi Order
Historical Worlds Of the Jedi Order

While the Jedi have erected numerous enclaves on numerous worlds and abandoned them just as readily, there are worlds which are more closely associated with the Jedi, and with the the knowledge they hold-- which cannot lose that connection.

Ossus- According to most historical accounts, one of the first colonies of the Jedi Order as they spread from Tython. It is here where you made contact with the nascent Republic, and swore yourselves as knights to it. For many centuries, it was the the capital of the Order, as you grew more entwined with the Republic. It was abandoned after Exar Kun's Sith destroyed its surface with solar fire, though it might be reclaimed. (Location: Auril Sector)

Dantooine- With an Enclave created by Vodo-Siosk Baas, it was a small, elite academy, cloaked in secrecy. It garnered something of a reputation, though, having trained Exar Kun, Revan, and Malak. (Location: Raioballo Sector)

Telos IV- Headquarters of the agricultural corps, many of the people of Telos are strong in the Force. Further, after the tragedy of Ossus, it was decided that it would be where the Jedi kept backup archives, though those were destroyed by Darth Revan to mark the beginning of The Jedi Civil War. (Location: Kwymar Sector)

Jedha- The Forge of the Jedi, it is where many of the first "Frozen-Beam" technology experiments took place. In recent centuries it is where the Sentinels have procured their yellow saber crystals, which do not grow on Ilum. (Location: Terrabe Sector)

Ilum- A cold, hostile planet which produces the majority of Jedi lightsaber crystals of blue and green color. (Location: 7G Sector)

Tython- The birthplace of the Jedi Order, it is a world deeply attuned to the Force, in its purest, truest state. A mysterious place, when the Force truly burns there many oddities may take place, and the power of the Jedi waxes. It is currently lost to the Order. (Location: Unknown)

Ahch-To- The grave of the Jedi, it is to your Order as Korriban is to the Sith. Burial mounds dot the entire surface, many covered with simple temples. Those Jedi not bodily claimed by the Force rest here, their teachings with them, waiting for students. (Location: Unknown)

Coruscant- The Great Temple of the Jedi, it is the center of the web which you cast. So long as the Temple stands, the Jedi stand. What else needs to be said? (Location: Coruscant Sector)
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