Mission Report 3948 Q1
Mission 1 (Atton Rand, Kador Shirot, and 5 Initiates, The Core, )
-Padawan Kador Shirot-
Admiral Onasi has managed to track down a stealth freighter which Czerka has been using to smuggle arms to its more contemptible mercenary operations. It's carrying slaves and prisoners, meaning blasting it out of the stars is not an option; and if they have an inkling that we're hunting them down, they will kill the hostages-- that's what the captain who was piloting it as it ran out of Coruscant's space said, anyway. It's running to the Deep Core-- and if it gets there, we will never find it again. That's the bad news.
The good news? They still think this is just the Republic gunning for them right now. They have no idea the Jedi are on their trail.
There's two of us Lightsaber ready, seven in total. Master Atton is putting together a plan, apparently it has something to do with "pulling a Peragus". He hasn't told me what he's trying for, though-- he's still scrounging around for a stealth field generator.
I only hope it doesn't end quite as explosively before all the prisoners are off the ship.
I'm willing to negotiate on after, though.
Mission 2 (Juhani, Visas Marr, and Brianna, Mid-Rim)
-Councilor Juhani-
There is a Czerka office on the world of Mutanda. It is a den of vice, of evil, of suffering. Weapons, drugs, slaves, all flow through it in equal measures-- its shiny facade a lie, a deception, hiding blood on the walls. For years, those with the gall to investigate have been slaughtered, often in grisly ways. They've used that evil, that wickedness, to make the whole planet too afraid of them to fight back.
Well it is the way of the Jedi to face their fear.
We are going to march on this office, no matter what the cost. And when we are over, the galaxy will know not to be afraid anymore.
Mission 3 (Bastila, Mira, and Breda, Outer Rim)
-Councilor Bastila-
For the first time since the hunt for the Star Forge, I am going to Tatooine-- I do not know what it is about that dust-ball that seems to draw so much attention to it, but Czerka managed to get the last laugh out of all the failed investors: they actually managed to make the ore there worth something. It's still not the most profitable though--
No, the bigger issue is that they build blasters there, not good ones, but many of them. Taking that factory out of comission can only help the cause--pull the linchpin out from their strategy now, while they aren't expecting it. The plan is simple enough-- we sabotage the reactor, now, while the element of surprise is on our side.
Mission 1 (Atton Rand, Kador Shirot, and 5 Initiates, The Core, )
-Padawan Kador Shirot-
I am typing on a datapad as we speak. Master Rand's plan was simple-- we had the Initiates pretend to be fellow Czerka employees, and lure in the Profits by offering to fuel them back up and get them some supplies. Meanwhile, we'd deposit ourselves on the enemy vessel, and manage to place one of us in position to secure the prisoners before they could be killed while the other worked to claim the ship.
It worked. The captain was nervous, paranoid even, but no amount of paranoia can cover up the sloppy security of real idiocy. So we managed to get aboard while the ships were clamped together-- there was a time I accidentally brushed into someone, but I managed to make his blaster "misfire" before he put two and two together.
I've managed to locate the prisoners-- all I need to do now is signal Master Rand, and he can get started.
Mission 2 (Juhani, Visas Marr, and Brianna, Mid-Rim)
-Master Juhani-
It is not, I expect, the first time that cheaply filigreed lobby has had a stun grenade tossed into it from the skylight.
It is probably not the first time a lightsaber has been activated inside of it, either.
It is probably the first time both have happened simultaneously.
Security was strong, but it was not prepared for an assault by three Jedi Masters. I alone managed to put down three of the droids before they had drawn their blasters, even as the scum which walk through it on a daily basis tried to peel the front doors open. How unfortunate for them that Master Marr had it pinned shut with the Force, even as she and Brianna were also helping to cut through security, as the fire whirled around them and through them and as the world became chaos.
No, they did not get to run. They are going to prison for this. The lobby is secure, only the second floor remains in Czerka's hands-- it's essentially one giant office, a gaudy thing of lights and windows staring out over the plains, the space of the chief executive, who you may hear ranting in the background. It's been a nonstop cavalcade of how he's too powerful, too rich, too big to fail. His office door is made of the material they use for starship hulls-- it really is inconvenient, fighting the rich.
Perhaps. We shall see.
Mission 3 (Bastila, Mira, and Breda, Outer Rim)
-Councilor Bastila-
Breda and Mira both wanted to make this much harder than it had to be. They wanted to rain death from above on the security, try slowly sniping our way in, or even just a full frontal assault.
Instead, we used a mindtrick to get inside through the maintenance entrance. Admittedly, less flashy, but fewer people dead. Now we are going to find that reactor, and then we are leaving.
Mission 1 (Atton Rand, Kador Shirot, and 5 Initiates, The Core, )
-Padawan Kador Shirot-
The instant I gave the signal, Master Atton activated his lightsaber.
He gave them one chance to surrender.
Only one was smart enough.
Trying to shoot someone with a lightsaber is bad enough on planet, on a straight plane on a sunny day when they're charging at you. When they appear out of nowhere, lightsaber at the ready, and starts flipping about, it becomes a nightmare.
About half of them peeled towards the prisoners, trying to use them as hostages, while the rest tried to kill Master Rand. They saw me, and started blasting. While I am no Atton Rand, I think after about the third or fourth time I sent one of their disruptor blasts back, they realized I was not particularly easier pickings.
And it had decided these men needed to leave this plane.
Pinched between Atton and I, they were soon enough dispatched-- until the only the Captain remained, blown out of the fighting when one of us turned the Force on him, and slammed him into the bulkhead.
He pulled a grenade of some sort from his vest. Before he could react, Atton had managed to pin his- the Captain's-- hand shut around the thing as it went off, muffling the blast a bit.
Atton is keeping him alive, the Initiates have returned and are piloting the ship back, meanwhile I am checking on the prisoners, trying to distract them from the events of the past hours.
(+25 PP)
Mission 2 (Juhani, Visas Marr, and Brianna, Mid-Rim)
-Master Juhani-
It was tough enough to stop a lightsaber. But even the toughest material cannot account for the mistakes of the designer-- say, leaving the override in the lobby. Or perhaps he hated his boss? Who can tell.
In any case, he is now in Mutanda Security custody. His advocates are already attempting to get him out of it. They could manage the smuggling, maybe reduce the murder to indifferent malice, possibly even reduce the unlawful imprisonment through bribing enough of the victims to induce chaos.
I expect they will not manage to argue against the tax evasion which he has spent most of his adult life committing. Nor the charge against desecrating a grave-- he had Jedi artifacts from the grave of the first Knight to try and arrest him in his office as a twisted trophy.
(+5 Knowledge, +10 PP)
Mission 3 (Bastila, Mira, and Breda, Outer Rim)
-Councilor Bastila-
We were, unfortunately, detected by the security teams and forced to hustle through the halls. Eventually, we made it, but Breda pushed us in--literally, she used the Force to toss us and then sealed the door.
We went to work and after a frankly puzzling security system, a sort of tower of electricity-- I've included a sketch with my report-- we managed to set the thing to blow.
We couldn't hear anything through the doors, but I expected to exit a scene of carnage. At best, the security team hacked apart, which still was not a happy idea in my mind-- at worst, a new member of the Order slain.
Instead, Breda was managing a Stasis Field-- every single security figure was sheathed in purple glow and could not move. It was something Revan would have done, I think.
In any case, the factory has been undone. Czerka should find arming its agents much more difficult, from now on.
(+15 PP)