Mission Report 3948 Q2
#1 Voltaire Hater
- Location
- Ruritania Illinois
- Pronouns
- He/Him
Mission Report 3948 BBY Q2
Mission 1 (Kador, Atton Rand, Bao-Dur, and 5 Initiates, The Core)
-Councilor Atton Rand-
Turns out there are some secret Czerka hyperspace routes in the navicomputer on the freighter we captured-- looks like they lead to rest-stops for Czerka ships. The Republic's sending us, and a whole cruiser to claim them.
Mom always said I should have been a pirate.
Mission 2 (Juhani, Visas Marr, Brianna, and 1 Initiate Mid-Rim)
-Initiate Kozen Vahl-
Uh...hello, hi, Grandmaster Bao-Dur? I uh. I told Visas and Brianna about the Facility. It's where the Exchange ships off the slaves they take from the Outer Rim, and where Czerka buys most of theirs. They took me there, after I got caught in a raid.
Now we have to find it again.
Mission 3 (Bastila, Mira, and Breda, Outer Rim)
-Councilor Mira-
Senator Zpahk of Hephasta has introduced a bill to, in essence, buy the loyalty of the Outer Rim Worlds from Czerka. Much of their untouchability stems from the economic power they wield in the Outer Rim-- they are vital to the prosperity of ten-thousand worlds still reeling from the Mandalorian Wars, and the Jedi Civil War, and the Dark Wars. His plan is... well, it goes over my head, but if you'd like I can include a copy of the bill.
Our job is to keep him safe.
Mission 1
-Councilor Atton Rand-
This is both exactly what we thought it would be, and nothing at all like we expected. I figured it would be a few fuel refineries and a jumped up cantina, it was closer to a damn armory-- with surprisingly heavy firepower, to boot.
While the Virtue plays whack-a-slaver with its ion cannons, we will be going down to capture some samples of the weaponry, to try and figure out where, exactly, it's coming from. They've got a few auto-cannons, a turret or two, but nothing too scary.
Mission 2 (Juhani, Visas Marr, Brianna, and 1 Initiate Mid-Rim)
-Initiate Kozen Vahl-
It was right where I left it all along. The Facility is built on the remnants of Taris, heavily shielded to protect from the residual radiation and Rakghouls.
But we have a problem. They told me to stay with the ship, and that they'd be back before sundown--that, was five hours ago, and I'm getting worried.
Kriff it, I'm taking a blaster and I'm looking for them. If I die, sorry.
Mission 3 (Bastila, Mira, and Breda, Outer Rim)
-Councilor Mira-
This isn't even me trying to be funny-- I think Czerka is trying to bore us into a false sense of security. So far, all they've sent is one assassin, dressed as the delivery guy, supposedly for the senator's kids.
Only problem-- all his kids moved out last month.
Now I have no problem believing Czerka is actually, genuinely, a bunch of idiots-- but at the same time, I have no problem believing we're just waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Mission 1 (Kador, Atton Rand, Bao-Dur, and 5 Initiates, The Core)
-Councilor Atton Rand-
Now, we could have done this back when we were still trying to find the Old Council. With actual air support?
Well, it wasn't exactly the hardest fight of our lives. The kid got whizzed in the shoulder, but that honestly just kind of pissed him off. We got the samples, and then we blew the place straight to hell. If only everything was so straightforward.
Oh, and one other thing. We found a holocron-- yeah, apparently the exec who negotiated that alliance with Malak was given one as a gift. The Holocron was Master Homonix Rectonia's.
(+15 PP, Holocron of Homonix Rectonia)
Mission 2 (Juhani, Visas Marr, Brianna, and 1 Initiate Mid-Rim)
-Initiate Kozen Vahl-
So I found them. They weren't in trouble, per-se, they were in a hostage situation-- the damned slaver had a few victims dangling over the rancor pit, meanwhile Master Marr had her lightsaber right over the slaver's brat's heart.
They were so busy yelling at each other that nobody noticed as I snuck in, or as I took up position, or as I took the shot. Or, well, the Jedi might have, I suppose. But the slaver definitely didn't
She'll live-- but she'll always, always remember what happened here. And so will everybody else.
(+5 PP)
Mission 3 (Bastila, Mira, and Breda, Outer Rim)
-Councilor Mira-
It was a trap. The senator was never the real target-- or at least, not the primary one. The delivery guy was just so they could sneak in a damn EMP generator, and take out our lightsabers-- didn't work, for reasons I don't have the time to explain-- but did still take out the house's security.
About five seconds later, one of Malak's old squads busts in through the door-- at least thirty of them, with slug throwers and really obnoxious white noise generators-- nobody could've concentrated well enough to use the Force and block their shots.
So I didn't use the Force. Instead, I used my rocket launcher.
And the Exile said it doesn't fit a Jedi, hah!
Let's just I don't think they expected one of us to start shooting back-- or, for that matter, that it would be with such heavy weaponry. Lemme tell you, nobody's half as bold when half their squad gets blown up as before that happens!
The Senator's fine, we're fine, everything's fine. Well, okay, the floor of his study is...a little less than fine-- but, you know. He's a senator, I'd really hope he can afford new flooring, right?
(+15 PP, Senator alright)
Mission 1 (Kador, Atton Rand, Bao-Dur, and 5 Initiates, The Core)
-Councilor Atton Rand-
Turns out there are some secret Czerka hyperspace routes in the navicomputer on the freighter we captured-- looks like they lead to rest-stops for Czerka ships. The Republic's sending us, and a whole cruiser to claim them.
Mom always said I should have been a pirate.
Mission 2 (Juhani, Visas Marr, Brianna, and 1 Initiate Mid-Rim)
-Initiate Kozen Vahl-
Uh...hello, hi, Grandmaster Bao-Dur? I uh. I told Visas and Brianna about the Facility. It's where the Exchange ships off the slaves they take from the Outer Rim, and where Czerka buys most of theirs. They took me there, after I got caught in a raid.
Now we have to find it again.
Mission 3 (Bastila, Mira, and Breda, Outer Rim)
-Councilor Mira-
Senator Zpahk of Hephasta has introduced a bill to, in essence, buy the loyalty of the Outer Rim Worlds from Czerka. Much of their untouchability stems from the economic power they wield in the Outer Rim-- they are vital to the prosperity of ten-thousand worlds still reeling from the Mandalorian Wars, and the Jedi Civil War, and the Dark Wars. His plan is... well, it goes over my head, but if you'd like I can include a copy of the bill.
Our job is to keep him safe.
Mission 1
-Councilor Atton Rand-
This is both exactly what we thought it would be, and nothing at all like we expected. I figured it would be a few fuel refineries and a jumped up cantina, it was closer to a damn armory-- with surprisingly heavy firepower, to boot.
While the Virtue plays whack-a-slaver with its ion cannons, we will be going down to capture some samples of the weaponry, to try and figure out where, exactly, it's coming from. They've got a few auto-cannons, a turret or two, but nothing too scary.
Mission 2 (Juhani, Visas Marr, Brianna, and 1 Initiate Mid-Rim)
-Initiate Kozen Vahl-
It was right where I left it all along. The Facility is built on the remnants of Taris, heavily shielded to protect from the residual radiation and Rakghouls.
But we have a problem. They told me to stay with the ship, and that they'd be back before sundown--that, was five hours ago, and I'm getting worried.
Kriff it, I'm taking a blaster and I'm looking for them. If I die, sorry.
Mission 3 (Bastila, Mira, and Breda, Outer Rim)
-Councilor Mira-
This isn't even me trying to be funny-- I think Czerka is trying to bore us into a false sense of security. So far, all they've sent is one assassin, dressed as the delivery guy, supposedly for the senator's kids.
Only problem-- all his kids moved out last month.
Now I have no problem believing Czerka is actually, genuinely, a bunch of idiots-- but at the same time, I have no problem believing we're just waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Mission 1 (Kador, Atton Rand, Bao-Dur, and 5 Initiates, The Core)
-Councilor Atton Rand-
Now, we could have done this back when we were still trying to find the Old Council. With actual air support?
Well, it wasn't exactly the hardest fight of our lives. The kid got whizzed in the shoulder, but that honestly just kind of pissed him off. We got the samples, and then we blew the place straight to hell. If only everything was so straightforward.
Oh, and one other thing. We found a holocron-- yeah, apparently the exec who negotiated that alliance with Malak was given one as a gift. The Holocron was Master Homonix Rectonia's.
(+15 PP, Holocron of Homonix Rectonia)
Mission 2 (Juhani, Visas Marr, Brianna, and 1 Initiate Mid-Rim)
-Initiate Kozen Vahl-
So I found them. They weren't in trouble, per-se, they were in a hostage situation-- the damned slaver had a few victims dangling over the rancor pit, meanwhile Master Marr had her lightsaber right over the slaver's brat's heart.
They were so busy yelling at each other that nobody noticed as I snuck in, or as I took up position, or as I took the shot. Or, well, the Jedi might have, I suppose. But the slaver definitely didn't
She'll live-- but she'll always, always remember what happened here. And so will everybody else.
(+5 PP)
Mission 3 (Bastila, Mira, and Breda, Outer Rim)
-Councilor Mira-
It was a trap. The senator was never the real target-- or at least, not the primary one. The delivery guy was just so they could sneak in a damn EMP generator, and take out our lightsabers-- didn't work, for reasons I don't have the time to explain-- but did still take out the house's security.
About five seconds later, one of Malak's old squads busts in through the door-- at least thirty of them, with slug throwers and really obnoxious white noise generators-- nobody could've concentrated well enough to use the Force and block their shots.
So I didn't use the Force. Instead, I used my rocket launcher.
And the Exile said it doesn't fit a Jedi, hah!
Let's just I don't think they expected one of us to start shooting back-- or, for that matter, that it would be with such heavy weaponry. Lemme tell you, nobody's half as bold when half their squad gets blown up as before that happens!
The Senator's fine, we're fine, everything's fine. Well, okay, the floor of his study is...a little less than fine-- but, you know. He's a senator, I'd really hope he can afford new flooring, right?
(+15 PP, Senator alright)