There is no emotion... (A Jedi Order Quest)

Anyway, I thought Revan had some sort of dispute about Jedi having familiar attachments and having a teaching that allows Jedi to have families or something like that.

The point is that Jedi didn't seem to use emotions like love and companionship the same way someone like Luke did, and it might have hindered them a bit, because if there are people you cherish and desire to protect, it doesn't lead you to the Dark Side! Love, compassion and the desire to protect others are good emotions! Not all emotions are evil!

Lesson 1: "Why the Dark Side is whack and the Sith are an anagram of shit"
What do you mean "Not a Gray Jedi (At least in the stupid way)"? I know he was redeemed, but is there a right and stupid way to be a Gray Jedi? Is the Gray Jedi stupid in general?
Anyway, I thought Revan had some sort of dispute about Jedi having familiar attachments and having a teaching that allows Jedi to have families or something like that.

The point is that Jedi didn't seem to use emotions like love and companionship the same way someone like Luke did, and it might have hindered them a bit, because if there are people you cherish and desire to protect, it doesn't lead you to the Dark Side! Love, compassion and the desire to protect others are good emotions! Not all emotions are evil!

What do you mean "Not a Gray Jedi (At least in the stupid way)"? I know he was redeemed, but is there a right and stupid way to be a Gray Jedi? Is the Gray Jedi stupid in general?
Two very different things have been slapped together under the label of Gray Jedi:
1. A Jedi who tells the Council to fuck off (eh).
2. Somebody who wields both the Light and Dark Side of the Force (Gag me with a spoon).
Well, Luke did say "That force does not belong to the Jedi". (Yes, I like The Last Jedi. It's not Perfect, but it doesn't deserve the bashing it gets)

I generally don't like the Jedi Council because they usually tend to be very...arrogant? Preachy? Overzealous? Generally not good things. I kind see their dogma as extremist in a way, so while I do not support using Light and Dark Sides, I think that not being as so dogmatic as the Council is better.

Point being I do support the former case more than the latter. The Force should not be caged by strict rules, but the Light Side is the better side (Dark Side is supposed to be like cancer to The Force, right?) and should still be taught. I just don't like the Council mostly because of how much they pissed me off in the Prequels.
I personally don't like the idea of the Dark Side being inherently evil and the Light Side always being good. I like to think of them as Chaos and Order respectively, and the reason why so many Darksiders are evil is because chaos is naturally attractive to evil. It would make sense since the Dark Side has many abilities that go against the natural order (like midi-chlorian manipulation), and the Light Side uses abilities that go along with it (there is a light side ability that lets the user manipulate plants). A lot like the Open Palm and Closed Fist from Jade Empire, or at least what they were supposed to be.
I personally don't like the idea of the Dark Side being inherently evil and the Light Side always being good. I like to think of them as Chaos and Order respectively, and the reason why so many Darksiders are evil is because chaos is naturally attractive to evil. It would make sense since the Dark Side has many abilities that go against the natural order (like midi-chlorian manipulation), and the Light Side uses abilities that go along with it (there is a light side ability that lets the user manipulate plants). A lot like the Open Palm and Closed Fist from Jade Empire, or at least what they were supposed to be.
Well, from what I heard in general, balance is basically the middle point between both order and chaos (not sure about how it suppose to look in Star Wars though). Many others like to think of the two sides of The Force in that way, and I can see the appeal of it. Unfortunately it doesn't work like Yin and Yang (or does it?).
I could maybe almost buy "but what if the Dark Side wasn't pure evil" if every major wielder wasn't a puppy-kicking prince of darkness who gets high on distilled fear and suffering, shoots bolts of torture lightning, and looks like they mainlined Satan's blend of crack, meth, and acid for 110 years.

Anyways. @Voikirium is "Karn Degarr" a character you created? I like what I read of his fashion sense and wish to subscribe to his newsletter.
Mission Report 3949 Q4
Mission Report 3949 Q4

Mission 1 (Bao-Dur, Mira, and 6 Initiates, The Core)
Master Mira-

24 hours ago, one of the chief witnesses in the case linking Czerka with Outer Rim slaving disappeared. I imagine they expect one Twi'lek to disappear on the mean streets of Coruscant, one life to be snuffed out without pause.

Maybe 3 years ago, they could've gotten away with that.

But now we're around. And things are going to be different. I swear.
Mission 2 (Juhani, Visas, Atton Rand, Kador, and 1 Initiate, Mid-Rim)
-Padawan Kador-
The Dantooine Enclave recently reported a transmission burst from Jedha.

As Jedha was the second Jedi Enclave to fall to Revan and Malak, that should probably not be happening.

We're heading to investigate-- hopefully it was nothing. At worst, we're about to meet some very angry ghosts. Sith and Jedi alike.
Mission 3 (Mical, Bastila, Brianna, Breda, and 1 Initiate, The Outer Rim)
-Padawan Breda-
Good news, bad news time. The Hutts are trying to steal a number of Jedi artifacts from the Great Library on Ossus. It seems they want leverage over us, so that we don't end up helping the Supreme Chancellor, should his promise to help stop the Hutt's corruption become a real issue.

But they have not stolen them yet; and I expect, they will not find Ossus as pleasant a trip as they expect. The Spirits of Jedi, and of Sith, quite things, all told-- but neither loves thieves. We will be making planetfall shortly; I can sense a disturbance, already.
Mission 1 (Bao-Dur, Mira, and 6 Initiates, The Core)
Master Mira-
[Metal hissing, as though something is melting very quickly]

"...Now, a little girl and her mother are missing. Conveniently for Czerka, they happen to have been some of the key witnesses linking them and the Outer Rim slave trade together. Also conveniently, this bar happens to be a known stomping ground for Czerka mercs on Coruscant."

[short, sharp bark noise, followed by constant thumming]

"All we want is information. We will leave, once we get information. But until we do, no-one is leaving."
Mission 2 (Juhani, Visas, Atton Rand, Kador, and 1 Initiate, Mid-Rim)
-Padawan Kador-
The dead are restless, but not enraged. The constant wars, the endless strife, the mindless bloodshed, has convinced the warriors of Jedha, those Jedi Knights, that the Galaxy has need of their wisdom; and "thunder in the Force" has allowed the spirits of Ajunta Pall, Ters Sendon, and Vandare Tokare, to come among us and share their wisdom, for a brief time.
Mission 3 (Mical, Bastila, Brianna, Breda, and 1 Initiate, The Outer Rim)
-Padawan Breda-
The spirits here are more coherent, more calm, than the ones of Korriban-- they seem, at least, to have realized that we are Jedi. Master Bastila's worry that the spirits would attack her for her past seems to have been unfounded.

No, the bigger issue is that spirits are about to kill the poor bastards the Hutts roped into this. They have them hung up in the Force, suspended in stasis.

Like I said, neither seem very fond of thieves. The current plan is to try and talk the spirits down, see if we can't convince them to show mercy.

It's hard to tell who is who in this sea of hoods; I almost think some of them are still alive, they're so animated. They seem to be congregating around one spirit in particular; we can't tell who he is, but at least he has a cybernetic arm-- that should pin it down a little.
Mission 1 (Bao-Dur, Mira, and 6 Initiates, The Core)
Master Mira-
36 hours after their original disappearance, Mal and Kolo Wanal are back, safe and sound, and Czerka has been left short a few mercenaries. With this we proved they can be fought, they can lose, are losing, that despite everything money is not power, and it certainly does not make what is wrong right.
(+5 PP)
Mission 2 (Juhani, Visas, Atton Rand, Kador, and 1 Initiate, Mid-Rim)
-Padawan Kador-
The moment has passed. The Jedi of old have returned to their slumber, having taught us what they could. Master Jeth passed on much knowledge of Lightsaber combat, of the training techniques which are most important to the Jedi, of where the finest Lightsaber crystals can be found. Master Tokare gave us knowledge of the healing arts, how one may meld together mundane medicine with the power of the Force to heal the body and mind alike-- indeed, he edged unto the techniques which first allowed them to rebuild the mind of Revan.

But it was Ajunta who taught you all the most, for that founder of the Sith, returned to good in death, answered a question he first asked in life-- but gave a very different answer:
"What is strength? The Jedi believe it is to turn away from what tempts you.

I believed it was to take what tempts you, what you desire, regardless of others.

Now I know better.

I believe it is to face what tempts you-- and to deny it."
(+10 Knowledge)
Mission 3 (Mical, Bastila, Brianna, Breda, and 1 Initiate, The Outer Rim)
-Padawan Breda-
Trapped on Ossus? Prosthetic? Wavey hair?

It was Cay Qel-Droma leading these spirits to protect his final resting place. We had put together a brilliant speech when that was all made really rather irrelevant when one of the mercenaries had her helmet knocked off. The stasis wore off of her on that moment, and Qel-Droma's spirit wielded the Force to catch her.

Which is when he revealed she was his grandaughter. It seems both Qel-Droma brothers broke the code in their own way, though his was the less terrible, I think. The spirits dissipated at that, and she ran off. I expect we will see her around soon enough, however; the Qel-Dromas have never been a family of apathy-- more importantly, the hutts have never tolerated failure.

On a different note, we got a few cursory scans of Ossus, and have some records of its atmospheric composition now. It might be helpful.
(+20 Knowledge, Akila Qel-Droma Met, +1 Ossus???)
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INTERESTING well those where some thing that happened.
still not fully understanding why "masters" of the force are traveling with one and other when they could cover so much more space traveling ether alone or in pairs.
INTERESTING well those where some thing that happened.
still not fully understanding why "masters" of the force are traveling with one and other when they could cover so much more space traveling ether alone or in pairs.
As much fun as fighting off an army of two-bit bounty hunters who haven't heard the contract's off alone sounds, it's not really on any of your itineraries.
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I like the idea of Cay Quel-Droma having a kid and expect we will be seeing more of his granddaughter but wanted to mention at this time it was not forbidden for Jedi to marry, KOTOR misunderstood the lore during their development of the game. The restriction on marriage came latter though even at this time the Jedi were cautious about marriage believing it could interfere with a Jedi's highest duty to the Force.
Mission 2 (Juhani, Visas, Atton Rand, Kador, and 1 Initiate, Mid-Rim)
-Padawan Kador-
The dead are restless, but not enraged. The constant wars, the endless strife, the mindless bloodshed, has convinced the warriors of Jedha, those Jedi Knights, that the Galaxy has need of their wisdom; and "thunder in the Force" has allowed the spirits of Ajunta Pall, Ters Sendon, and Vandare Tokare, to come among us and share their wisdom, for a brief time.
Can't help but wonder how Vandare and Ajunta ended up on Jedha of all places, it being on the other side of the galaxy to Katarr or Korriban and even further in the middle of nowhere... The Force moves in mysterious ways I guess! :V
Can't help but wonder how Vandare and Ajunta ended up on Jedha of all places, it being on the other side of the galaxy to Katarr or Korriban and even further in the middle of nowhere... The Force moves in mysterious ways I guess! :V
Jedi spirits have always been more capable of popping up away from where they bought it-- Anakin, Ben, and Yoda showing up on Endor, for example, or Orgun Din on the Emperor's station.
Jedi spirits have always been more capable of popping up away from where they bought it-- Anakin, Ben, and Yoda showing up on Endor, for example, or Orgun Din on the Emperor's station.
I suppose, but there were relevant people on Endor and such for them to talk to. :p
Jedha's kinda of extra strength nowhere (though I guess literally never coming up in the KOTOR era means it can have more relevance if you want it to... 🤔).
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though I guess literally never coming up in the KOTOR era means it can have more relevance if you want it to... 🤔
It is the forge of the Jedi, where many of the first experiments with 'Frozen Beam' technology took place, and where many found their saber crystal, though in that role it pales in comparison to Ilum.
Negotiation 3949 BBY
You have met up again, to speak, to listen to plan out your strategies, and to report what you have found.

Bastila and Juhani seem to be the only ones who could tell you anything about this Karn Degarr.

Bastila knew him before the Mandalorian wars-- he was a senior Padawan when she was first taken to the Order. According to her, he was one of the first Jedi to listen to Revan's call. He marched to war and followed Revan's lead, but he never returned from battle, one way or another.

Juhani, meanwhile, met him on Taris, as the Jedi marched to battle. He was a thing of kindness then, attempting to sharpen the people around him into the best people they could be, to give them the strength they needed in the battle to come.

Engagement Milestone: 25
Engagement: 43
+25 PP for meeting Milestone, +15 for Bao-Dur, +135 For Mission Results
Available PP: 175
  • Reclaim Coruscant Temple (225 PP)
  • Recruitment Drive-- Recruit 2d5 Initiates (30 PP)
  • Introduce a new Battlemaster, to coordinate with the Republic Army and Navy in case of War (40 PP)
  • Introduce a new Jedi Caretaker of Knowledge (40 PP)
  • Request Republic aid rebuilding Dantooine. (20 PP)
  • Send a Jedi with a Republic archeological expedition(15 PP)
  • Search the Telos Academy (50 PP)
  • Agree to supplement Republic patrols in the Colonies (+5 PP, Gain Colonies Patrol Route)
  • Request a Republic Colonization Ship, for use in establishing Enclaves (40 PP)
  • Ask the Dantooine Planetary Museum to return the Jedi Artifacts they purchased from Salvagers (150 PP)
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[X] Plan: Gaining Legitimacy
-[X] Introduce a new Battlemaster, to coordinate with the Republic Army and Navy in case of War (40 PP)
-[X] Introduce a new Jedi Caretaker of Knowledge (40 PP)
-[X] Search the Telos Academy (50 PP)
-[X] Agree to supplement Republic patrols in the Colonies (+5 PP, Gain Colonies Patrol Route)
-[X] Request Republic aid rebuilding Dantooine. (20 PP)
-[X] Recruitment Drive-- Recruit 2d5 Initiates (30 PP)
Battlemaster seems a bit premature?

[X] Plan Random
-[X] Recruitment Drive-- Recruit 2d5 Initiates (30 PP)
-[X] Introduce a new Jedi Caretaker of Knowledge (40 PP)
-[X] Request Republic aid rebuilding Dantooine. (20 PP)
-[X] Send a Jedi with a Republic archeological expedition(15 PP)
-[X] Search the Telos Academy (50 PP)
-[X] Agree to supplement Republic patrols in the Colonies (+5 PP, Gain Colonies Patrol Route)