Mission Report 3942 BBY Q4
Mission 1 (The Core, Councilor Mira, 2 Jedi Consulars, 2 Jedi Sentinel, 1 Jedi Guardian, 6 Padawans)
-Councilor Mira-
Weird things are happening lately on Ord Dabrand, if you can follow the echoes correctly. Lots of strange weather, droughts, increase in crime but decrease in mortality, the whole nine yards. As it was ruled, for a time, by a dynasty of Dark Jedi trying to pull a Freedon, that is very suspicious. The problem, of course, is that unlike Freedon they were slightly more subtle. Capitalists, running a megacorp, and not a brutal king. There was a split between where he did his Dark Side nonsense and his penthouses and so on, but the records saying what was where are lacking. The revolution that deposed them and broke up the Kesos Congolmerate was relatively recent, only a hundred years ago, but that's still enough time for damage and rumor to have seeped in.
I suppose, then, that I'm going to have to go for a walk.
Mission 2 (The Inner Rim, Bao-Dur, 3 Jedi Consulars, 4 Jedi Sentinels, 3 Jedi Guardians, 8 Padawans)
-Grand Master Bao-Dur-
War. I have had enough it to last a lifetime. I have waged it. I have won it. But now I am called upon to end it. The governments of Berchest and Little Atullus are mere days from going to war over who cares because it certainly does not justify the blood they are going to shed. And in any case it's a glorified pretext for the real issue, which is water rights-- the pre-Hyper Space governments on both planets went hard on carbon-fuels even before they were off-world, so clean drinking water has become scarce on both planets. There are asteroids filled with the stuff, but they're rare and expensive, not helped by all the competition. But if someone, say, invented a cheap way to bring them to orbit, or even better down to the planet itself where they could help restore the planet's hydrospheres...
Oh wait, I did. The Telos authority didn't only want me for shields, after all.
I just need to convince them.
Mission 3 (The Mid-Rim, Consular Atris, 2 Jedi Sentinels, 1 Jedi Master Watchman, 5 Jedi Guardians, 8 Padawans)
-Consular Atris-
Pirates. Many of them at that. Fortunately, they aren't Sith. Unfortunately, they really aren't from around here: I couldn't tell you who or what they were, but their ships are big and ugly, with no aesthetic to them. Raw industrial power, bricks in the worst possible sense of the term, but strapped with enough weapons to tangle with anything short of the real big ships and carrying fighter squadrons with them. The only saving grace is there's about four, but four will be enough for them for the moment, being that they're jamming our communications and on our side all we've got is the Citizen Navy of Antras VIII, not exactly the most compelling force to present to the foe.
Mission 4 (The Outer Rim, Councilor Atton Rand, 3 Jedi Consulars, 5 Jedi Sentinels, 2 Jedi Guardians, 6 Padawans)
-Councilor Atton Rand-
There's something strange happening here. It's as though a pressure is building, mounting, growing within the Drakion, like something is poking at them, prodding them, and they won't acknowledge something's wrong. After nine or so months here I do trust them, odd as that may sound, at least as much as I trust any other random group of people. But a planet is a big place, and a history is a long time, and what I'm feeling now reminds me a lot of the same feeling I got when we were being followed by the Sith Assassins with Meetra. Maybe it's internal security, maybe it's something wilder, but I don't trust it, at all.
Mission 5 (The Colonies, Councilor Visas Marr, 1 Jedi Consular, 6 Jedi Sentinels, 2 Jedi Guardians, 6 Padawans)
-Councilor Visas Marr-
Hm. I have had...visions, of late. A holocron, of the Jedi and of the Order. But it is trapped, where I know not; but I saw the stars, insofar as I can see anything before you ask, which should by rights allow me to triangulate their position, following the eddies and currents of the Force which their great weight bends around them in unique ways. Except something is blocking them, stoppering them, like it does not want to be found, as though it waits for a better more proper time. I do not know whether it is the holocron, or if it is something else, but I have this sinking feeling that, whatever it is, I won't be finding the holocron anytime soon.
Mission 6 (The Expansion Region, Councilor Bastila Shan, 2 Jedi Consulars, 6 Jedi Sentinels, 6 Jedi Guardians, 6 Padawans)
-Councilor Bastila Shan-
Pirates. Many of them, too, in all their little damned freighters and picket ships. Unfortunately for them, we've got that fancy new station in orbit. It's a bit out of keeping with the Jedi spirit, I suppose, but when the galaxy wants to keep throwing pirates at you you need defenses. It's no planetary defense network...yet...but it does have at least ten hardpoints for missiles alone, not to mention the proton torpedo launched extending on the outer struts or the hundreds of laser-cannon batteries everywhere the designers could manage. A few of these were meant to deter Mandalorian attacks, and they probably would.
Now to see whether they can fight off pirates.
Mission 1 (The Core, Councilor Mira, 2 Jedi Consulars, 2 Jedi Sentinel, 1 Jedi Guardian, 6 Padawans)
-Councilor Mira-
Smiling ghoul. Doesn't seem there was a damn thing he wouldn't inflict on his employees to try and rip another credit out of their hides, and all while trying to hide behind a law he was making a mockery of in the first place; and not the victimless kind of law-breaking, either. Who knows how much time and blood and sweat and tears were wasted so that pathological creature could stick a few more zeroes in his bank account? But the good news, as I've walked the path and followed the echoes he's left behind, I've learned a little more and a little more with each effort, until I've figured out exactly what it was. Now I just need to break into a highly weaponized abandoned penthouse and have it out with a droid.
Mission 2 (The Inner Rim, Bao-Dur, 3 Jedi Consulars, 4 Jedi Sentinels, 3 Jedi Guardians, 8 Padawans)
-Grand Master Bao-Dur-
Things were very close. For a moment, I was convinced the generals were going to give the order to blast my ship out of the void, and you would all be taking orders from Atton. But, the fighter jockeys turned their ships around at the last minute and dared anybody to try anything, and that gave me enough time to demonstrate my boosters. They can be modified, whether you want to deliver the payload directly to the surface or else keep it in orbit for harvest; and this, without needing to go to war over them, since it can be done cheaply at home at the sort of massive scale needed. While there's still baying for blood, without the incentive for even the sane to go to war, things should be considerably less hot, for the moment.
(+20 PP)
Mission 3 (The Mid-Rim, Consular Atris, 2 Jedi Sentinels, 1 Jedi Master Watchman, 5 Jedi Guardians, 8 Padawans)
-Consular Atris-
Tactically, it was a draw. The pirates were warded off from this planet after taking light physical damage but falling apart after we, the force as a whole that is, killed their leader. But strategically, it was a defeat of almost the highest caliber. Most of the Antras VIII Citizen Navy is in drydock or destroyed, six Jedi are in no position to do anything more strenuous than meditate next year, and the invaders, while they splintered, still present a significant threat to nearby systems and the rest of the Mid-Rim. I take complete responsibility, it was my idea to lead a strike team onto the largest ship and the leader was not there, leaving the rest of the force without Jedi support. Not that it did him much good, the much smaller ship he was on got blown up anyway. Nobody walked away happy from that.
They got Iolete...
-FAILURE, -25 PP, Events in the Mid Rim tilted towards Pirates for the foreseeable future unless decisive action is taken, 6 (5 Guardians, 1 Padawan) Jedi cannot be deployed next year-
Mission 4 (The Outer Rim, Councilor Atton Rand, 3 Jedi Consulars, 5 Jedi Sentinels, 2 Jedi Guardians, 6 Padawans)
-Councilor Atton Rand-
Now I'm no expert in Sith Subspecies cuisine, but I'm pretty sure that their own tentacles do not, generally, go into their cooking. So I'm not going mad, at least. Even if my Padawan, and the others, are all trying to hunt me down now. Not paranoid, just right. Not paranoid, just right. I am one with the Force, and the Force is with me...there is no Emotion, there is Peace...flip 1, total 12. Alright. Trapped in a small city that's gone out of its mind to a great or lesser extent, with the Jedi getting hit worse by whatever is doing this but nobody is exactly having a fun time, unless cannibalism sounds like a laugh and a half to you.
But I think figured out what did it.
Mission 6 (The Expansion Region, Councilor Bastila Shan, 2 Jedi Consulars, 6 Jedi Sentinels, 6 Jedi Guardians, 6 Padawans)
-Councilor Bastila Shan-
They tried, and they lost, though it got a little dicey before the Republic reinforcements arrived. After their flagship took a missile to the nose they were willing to surrender, though that came after almost a fourth of the fleet had been vaporized-- not bad, considering it's all converted civilian model, nothing more militant than a YZ-100 in the lot of them. Most will be remanded to Republic custody.
(+20 PP for removing a massive number of pirates from the Expansion Region)
Mission 4 (The Outer Rim, Councilor Atton Rand, 3 Jedi Consulars, 5 Jedi Sentinels, 2 Jedi Guardians, 6 Padawans)
-Councilor Atton Rand-
In this world, all things have a predator. But in turn, all things can be prey. So, if you were something that was hunted by Force Sensitives hunted, how would you hide from them? Simple. You would try and stick yourself in the middle of as many, relatively friendly, Force Sensitives as you possibly could, to hide yourself. And then you'd try and make them act relatively normal. I knocked out Zez-- Sorry Bao-Dur-- and communicated with him through the Force, managed to locate the creature's...nerve center, I suppose you might call it. And then I convinced it to leave the planet, mostly by threatening to submerge every Jedi and Drakion alike within a hundred miles, leaving it exposed to whatever predator it was trying to run from.
On a different note, the thing wasn't just hording people that were strong in the Force. There was a Holocron too, as well as plenty of other lesser notes.
(+25 Knowledge, Gain Holocron of Kavar)
Mission 1 (The Core, Councilor Mira, 2 Jedi Consulars, 2 Jedi Sentinel, 1 Jedi Guardian, 6 Padawans)
-Councilor Mira-
It's been a while since I had to have a shootout with building security, but I pulled it off though I'm sure the Senate will be very pleased to hear about it. Well if they're not happy about that, they can be very happy that I've managed to destroy a seam of old Dark Side knowledge without letting anyone else get too close to it. Every vile ritual he ever performed to always gather more and more money, even after he could have bought his own planet he still insisted on more. He had a connection to the cosmic wellspring, oneness, the galaxy itself whispering, singing to him-- and he wasted it on money and the pursuit of power.
(+10 PP)