There is no emotion... (A Jedi Order Quest)

[] Plan: To Protect and Serve
-[] Recolonize Jedha (40 PP)
-[] Recolonize Taris Jedi Alcove (40 PP)
-[] Send a Jedi with a Republic archeological expedition(15 PP)
-[] Establish a Patrol Route in the Deep Core (Located near the Yuuzhan Vong Republic, this is the area where the borders touch. Keeping it safe and contained is a necessity.) (+10 PP)
-[] Build academy on Socorro (45 PP)
-[] As the Republic's borders have expanded, it has found itself contacting new worlds, new life and new civilizations. To help keep the Republic free from more war, they have requested help training their ambassadors. While your consulars are decidedly more mystic than diplomat, they are still somewhat helpful in the matter. But if they do this, they cannot patrol. A balancing act, then? (+20 PP, at least 3 Consulars must be deployed training Republic Ambassadors through the year.)
-[] Help the Republic with the new Infrastructure Droids (-20 PP at least, Bao-Dur cannot tell what will happen but it certainly can't be worse than if you do nothing and the Droids lose it)
-[] Get an invitation to the Special Senatorial Session, where you can make your case on the growing conflict in Hutt Space (30 PP)
-[] Back the Better Border Act, a bill proposed by a coalition including but not limited to the Neo-Liberals that would like to expand the border with the Yuuzhan Vong more properly to help facilitate trade though various defense experts (and "defense" "experts") are somewhat leery about establishing a longer front in case of a potential war. Likely to pass with your support. (+15 PP if pass, -15 if fail))
-[] Back the Search For Life Amendment, which will fund the establishment of centers throughout the Republic to look for transmissions from yet unknown species and civilizations. In the wake of the disastrous first contact with the Sith it's a bill that's less popular than it likely "should" be, though in turn if you back it it is likely to pass. (+20 if Pass, -20 PP if fail)
Ok, so this plan is a very ambitious one but we can afford it even if both bills fail.
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Hope things are improving for you, @Voikirium. What are Very Normal Ones?

@Ternasta - Want to run us through your reasoning? What do we get from each of the three new locations if we take them? What sort of a case do we want to make on the Hutt issue?
Hope things are improving for you, @Voikirium. What are Very Normal Ones?

@Ternasta - Want to run us through your reasoning? What do we get from each of the three new locations if we take them? What sort of a case do we want to make on the Hutt issue?
Freaking the fuck out and deciding that the best way to rebuild the Republic in the Outer Rim is by taking over the Exchange so you can bully Hutts, for instance.
@Ternasta - Want to run us through your reasoning? What do we get from each of the three new locations if we take them? What sort of a case do we want to make on the Hutt issue?
Well, the reasoning for Jedha is that we are likely to gain Knowledge from it and the symbology of reclaiming it will help the Order. Taris is because of the Nekghouls primarily. The academy on Socorro will give us better ability to go after pirates. Also, the sooner we get started on building our facilities, the sooner they can be completed, so I tried to find a way to start as many as possible now. The patrol route should be self-explanatory, of course.
I was tempted to go for the Trax Mandate facility rather than Jedha, but that seemed like something less immediate. If I could be sure that the two bills would go well, I'd have added the Valley of Healing and the Trax Mandate to the plan(using a total of 205 PP in all), so we can get started on those, but I didn't want to risk going into the negatives with a bad roll.
As to the Hutt issue, I'm still working on that since it's been a while, but if we don't make a case then we will be stuck with whatever the Republic decides rather than having a say in the matter. I'd rather we were able to help choose the Republic's path.
Well, the reasoning for Jedha is that we are likely to gain Knowledge from it and the symbology of reclaiming it will help the Order. Taris is because of the Nekghouls primarily. The academy on Socorro will give us better ability to go after pirates. Also, the sooner we get started on building our facilities, the sooner they can be completed, so I tried to find a way to start as many as possible now. The patrol route should be self-explanatory, of course.
I was tempted to go for the Trax Mandate facility rather than Jedha, but that seemed like something less immediate. If I could be sure that the two bills would go well, I'd have added the Valley of Healing and the Trax Mandate to the plan(using a total of 205 PP in all), so we can get started on those, but I didn't want to risk going into the negatives with a bad roll.
As to the Hutt issue, I'm still working on that since it's been a while, but if we don't make a case then we will be stuck with whatever the Republic decides rather than having a say in the matter. I'd rather we were able to help choose the Republic's path.
I'm a little worried about spreading out so much so quickly unless there's a powerful incentive to grab somewhere in particular. We're a very small Order, we don't have the numbers or the political influence to defend so many locations.
I'm a little worried about spreading out so much so quickly unless there's a powerful incentive to grab somewhere in particular. We're a very small Order, we don't have the numbers or the political influence to defend so many locations.
Well yes, we are small. That's why I want to get our buildings and facilities up and running before the Order gets too big for their current accommodations. Also, resettling Jedha will likely increase our recruits due to the importance it holds, and Taris will likely increase our numbers from the Nekghouls being recruited.
Basically, it's better to have the space than to need the space, that's what I'm thinking.
Well yes, we are small. That's why I want to get our buildings and facilities up and running before the Order gets too big for their current accommodations. Also, resettling Jedha will likely increase our recruits due to the importance it holds, and Taris will likely increase our numbers from the Nekghouls being recruited.
Basically, it's better to have the space than to need the space, that's what I'm thinking.
We currently have 1,729 empty population slots for Jedi that we're not using. Running out of space, at least, is not an issue for a very long time.
We currently have 1,729 empty population slots for Jedi that we're not using. Running out of space, at least, is not an issue for a very long time.
True, but we lose nothing by preparing for that time. Also, of course, the facilities will give us Knowledge, as well as help us against pirate activity in the case of Socorro.
True, but we lose nothing by preparing for that time. Also, of course, the facilities will give us Knowledge, as well as help us against pirate activity in the case of Socorro.
All valid points, except for the spread out thing. I'm really worried that each new facility is a new target. We haven't even fortified most of the facilities we've got.
All valid points, except for the spread out thing. I'm really worried that each new facility is a new target. We haven't even fortified most of the facilities we've got.
Well, the QM hasn't said anything about that that I know of. I've always assumed that having more facilities would help the Patrol Routes be more effective by giving us more bases and refueling spots for our Jedi.
Well, the QM hasn't said anything about that that I know of. I've always assumed that having more facilities would help the Patrol Routes be more effective by giving us more bases and refueling spots for our Jedi.
Gotta read between the lines. We've had multiple options to fortify planets, now. I doubt that's the QM trying to make us waste points. When - and it's only a matter of time - some hostile force targets the Order, facilities that are poorly defended with no military presence and few Jedi will be easy targets.

Getting greedy and overexpanding is a classic strategic blunder. Taking more than what you can protect is always a risk.

On a different topic, I am toying with the idea of the two very expensive options. Especially the industrial one. I'm thinking there might be real potential there for growth in ways we couldn't see any other way. We might benefit from something like our own small shipyard, or factory that produces high quality custom equipment, that sort of thing. And it could potentially scale up from there.
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That is a lot of options we have. Hmm, we shouldn't pick a anew route to patrol yet, we're still too small. We just spent previous turn expanding and fortifying our current holdings, so we might want to either colonize Jedha or build a temple, but not more than one.

What we should do is help Republic Ambassadors with training, help with the new infrastructure droids, partake in the Special Senatorial Session regarding Hutts. Dispensation of Industry is intresting, but I'm not sure if we should take it now, with Republic not being eager about it. We also probably should partake in both Better Border Act and Search For Life Amendment.
If we're going to claim or recolonize any worlds, I wouldn't suggest doing more than one. I would also suggest that if we do, it should be Jedha, for a few reasons:
- Resources - Jedha is another natural source for Kyber crystals, so an alternate/backup for Ilum. Jedha also might be a good repository of knowledge, being the nerve centre for so many other religious groups and other Force traditions.
- Personnel - following from the above, we might actually get a boost to recruitment.
- Training - Jedha is a spiritual centre for a reason. I suspect that an outpost/temple on Jedha would end up focused on training Consulars, and they're currently our rarest specialization.
I say we build the vote around dismantling the Hutts. Time to put the Kadijics in the ground.
[X] Plan: To Protect and Serve
-[X] Recolonize Jedha (40 PP)
-[X] Recolonize Taris Jedi Alcove (40 PP)
-[X] Send a Jedi with a Republic archeological expedition(15 PP)
-[X] Establish a Patrol Route in the Deep Core (Located near the Yuuzhan Vong Republic, this is the area where the borders touch. Keeping it safe and contained is a necessity.) (+10 PP)
-[X] Build academy on Socorro (45 PP)
-[X] As the Republic's borders have expanded, it has found itself contacting new worlds, new life and new civilizations. To help keep the Republic free from more war, they have requested help training their ambassadors. While your consulars are decidedly more mystic than diplomat, they are still somewhat helpful in the matter. But if they do this, they cannot patrol. A balancing act, then? (+20 PP, at least 3 Consulars must be deployed training Republic Ambassadors through the year.)
-[X] Help the Republic with the new Infrastructure Droids (-20 PP at least, Bao-Dur cannot tell what will happen but it certainly can't be worse than if you do nothing and the Droids lose it)
-[X] Get an invitation to the Special Senatorial Session, where you can make your case on the growing conflict in Hutt Space (30 PP)
-[X] Back the Better Border Act, a bill proposed by a coalition including but not limited to the Neo-Liberals that would like to expand the border with the Yuuzhan Vong more properly to help facilitate trade though various defense experts (and "defense" "experts") are somewhat leery about establishing a longer front in case of a potential war. Likely to pass with your support. (+15 PP if pass, -15 if fail))
-[X] Back the Search For Life Amendment, which will fund the establishment of centers throughout the Republic to look for transmissions from yet unknown species and civilizations. In the wake of the disastrous first contact with the Sith it's a bill that's less popular than it likely "should" be, though in turn if you back it it is likely to pass. (+20 if Pass, -20 PP if fail)
[x] Plan: To Protect and Serve
- [x] Recolonize Jedha (40 PP)
- [x] Recolonize Taris Jedi Alcove (40 PP)
- [x] Send a Jedi with a Republic archeological expedition(15 PP)
- [x] Establish a Patrol Route in the Deep Core (Located near the Yuuzhan Vong Republic, this is the area where the borders touch. Keeping it safe and contained is a necessity.) (+10 PP)
- [x] Build academy on Socorro (45 PP)
- [x] As the Republic's borders have expanded, it has found itself contacting new worlds, new life and new civilizations. To help keep the Republic free from more war, they have requested help training their ambassadors. While your consulars are decidedly more mystic than diplomat, they are still somewhat helpful in the matter. But if they do this, they cannot patrol. A balancing act, then? (+20 PP, at least 3 Consulars must be deployed training Republic Ambassadors through the year.)
- [x] Help the Republic with the new Infrastructure Droids (-20 PP at least, Bao-Dur cannot tell what will happen but it certainly can't be worse than if you do nothing and the Droids lose it)
- [x] Get an invitation to the Special Senatorial Session, where you can make your case on the growing conflict in Hutt Space (30 PP)
- [x] Back the Better Border Act, a bill proposed by a coalition including but not limited to the Neo-Liberals that would like to expand the border with the Yuuzhan Vong more properly to help facilitate trade though various defense experts (and "defense" "experts") are somewhat leery about establishing a longer front in case of a potential war. Likely to pass with your support. (+15 PP if pass, -15 if fail))
- [x] Back the Search For Life Amendment, which will fund the establishment of centers throughout the Republic to look for transmissions from yet unknown species and civilizations. In the wake of the disastrous first contact with the Sith it's a bill that's less popular than it likely "should" be, though in turn if you back it it is likely to pass. (+20 if Pass, -20 PP if fail)
Here's an alternative plan that defends everything we claim properly, for the thread's consideration. It leaves 42 PP remaining, +/- 35 PP.

[X] Plan Cover Our Bases First
-[X] Recolonize Jedha (40 PP)
-[X] Request Republic Aid Fortifying Jedha (25 PP)
-[X] Request Republic Aid Fortifying Telos (25 PP)
-[X] Request Republic Aid Fortifying Ossus (25 PP)
-[X] Request Republic Aid Fortifying Ilum (25 PP)
-[X] Request Republic Aid Fortifying Tojora (25 PP)
-[X] Send a Jedi with a Republic archeological expedition(15 PP)
-[X] Establish a Patrol Route in the Deep Core (Located near the Yuuzhan Vong Republic, this is the area where the borders touch. Keeping it safe and contained is a necessity.) (+10 PP)
-[X] As the Republic's borders have expanded, it has found itself contacting new worlds, new life and new civilizations. To help keep the Republic free from more war, they have requested help training their ambassadors. While your consulars are decidedly more mystic than diplomat, they are still somewhat helpful in the matter. But if they do this, they cannot patrol. A balancing act, then? (+20 PP, at least 3 Consulars must be deployed training Republic Ambassadors through the year.)
-[X] Get an invitation to the Special Senatorial Session, where you can make your case on the growing conflict in Hutt Space (30 PP)
-[X] Back the Better Border Act, a bill proposed by a coalition including but not limited to the Neo-Liberals that would like to expand the border with the Yuuzhan Vong more properly to help facilitate trade though various defense experts (and "defense" "experts") are somewhat leery about establishing a longer front in case of a potential war. Likely to pass with your support. (+15 PP if pass, -15 if fail))
-[X] Back the Search For Life Amendment, which will fund the establishment of centers throughout the Republic to look for transmissions from yet unknown species and civilizations. In the wake of the disastrous first contact with the Sith it's a bill that's less popular than it likely "should" be, though in turn if you back it it is likely to pass. (+20 if Pass, -20 PP if fail)

By the way, @Voikirium, could you tell us more about the dispensation of industry and the resources it opens up?
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