Mission Reports 3941 BBY Q1
Mission 1 (The Core, 4 Padawans, 2 Jedi Sentinels, 1 Jedi Guardian, 1 Jedi Consular)
-Jedi Knight Breda Sunguard-
The Hutts are trying to slaughter a free and independent people. But rather than put me, a soldier, with a soldier's strength, to the cause of burning them out and helping an innocent people, they have decided it is my duty to keep watch on the Core and ensure nothing unfortunate happens. Rather than letting me turn my saber arm to burning out that poison, they have kept me here, on the homefront; and for that matter, have not taken up this cause, the cause, of freedom to instead...what, slowly ramp up? Ulgh. Do not, I plead, take this out of context: I am loyal, and do trust the Council. It is for that cause, that here, in private communications, that I am willing to speak my mind, which is certainly a greater liberty than I ever had when I served the Sith.
At least I can do something somewhat productive: the daughter of a high ranking Shaper has, apparently, run away from home; she is not half so young as that cause implies. she is not, according to her mother, in her right mind, and I have volunteered us to look.
Mission 2 (The Inner Rim, 8 Padawans, 6 Jedi Sentinels, 6 Jedi Guardians, 4 Jedi Consulars, Councilor Brianna)
-Councilor Brianna-
Jedi archives speak of a world located precipitously in this place, of Jedi.
Unfortunately, its precise location was lost to time when Nomi Sunrider was slain by Darth Nihilus, as were most of anybody else who could possibly know of it. Deeply bitter, as it was where Master Thon did much training of her and himself, as far as we can know (Remind me to keep very explicit records of the journey of the Exile and of the Lost Jedi because I am getting very tired of conjecture, well considered or otherwise). However, the Force has seen fit to grant us a gift, in that the Kiffu Guardians of the Kiffu Sector captured a Sith. And not a mere foot soldier, either: one of the assassins the Triumvirate trained to hunt what remained of the Jedi Order. He knows of its location, for the Sith used it during their Great War, long, long before Master Thon arrived.
She will tell me everything, this I swear.
Mission 3 (The Mid-Rim, 1 Padawan, 3 Jedi Sentinels, 5 Jedi Guardians, 1 Jedi Consular, Councilor Visas Marr)
-Consular Zez Kyrido-
Thank the Force, the Council didn't drag us into all out war with the Hutts; and for that matter, that the Republic has kept itself to simple materiel support rather than boots on the ground. The Galaxy, the Republic, needs time to recover. The wounds of the Mandalorian Wars, the Dark Wars, they still bleed, ragged flesh has not even begun to knit, and core industry still lies wounded. And all the pirates trying to feast on the dead flesh, nibbling away at what healing can take place, certainly aren't helping. Speaking of pirates, a considerable group, headquartered on an old Sith capital ship, are trying to establish themselves as penny ante warlords, and extort supplies from several planets, among them several Ords. While they might have been established for awful reasons, they have their part to play.
Besides, the people there can hardly be blamed for the sins of their forefathers.
So we have set out to offer what aid we can, on the Andrados freighters. We just need to come up with something before we get there...
Mission 4 (The Outer Rim, 3 Padawans, 3 Jedi Sentinels, 1 Jedi Guardian, 3 Jedi Consulars, Councilor Bastila Shan)
-Councilor Bastila Shan-
Something is wrong. Native Ysanna, and a handful of other native species in nearby systems, are disappearing, faint but there, if you have the eyes to see and the will to notice. We are also, unfortunately, near Hutt Space.
It may not be them.
Nevertheless, I will be checking.
Mission 5 (The Colonies 1 Padawan, 5 Jedi Sentinels, 2 Jedi Guardians, 1 Jedi Consular, Councilor Atton Rand)
-Councilor Atton Rand-
I have, following the will of the Council, departed the Drakion, leaving a number of Padawans and Knights in my absence that Bastila can call upon if she needs. For my part I have become interested in rumors of a strange sector, far from here, where ghost ships pop into and out of reality. Supposedly they follow none of the rules of design that regular ships do, looking, for lack of a better word, fragile. Supposedly drawn to study strange lifeforms, that themselves pop into and out of reality.
What can I say? I'm curious, and there doesn't seem anything better to do.
Mission 6 (The Expansion Region: 4 Padawans, 4 Jedi Sentinels, 4 Jedi Guardians, 1 Jedi Consular, Councilor Juhani)
-Response Failed, -25 PP-
Mission 1 (The Core, 4 Padawans, 2 Jedi Sentinels, 1 Jedi Guardian, 1 Jedi Consular)
-Jedi Knight Breda Sunguard-
[Audio recording between Knight Breda and Shaper Mezrana]
[Breda] She's surprisingly prescient, considering he's running on a world he doesn't know and hasn't even seen before.
[Mezrana] She's always been perceptive. Of the layout of cities, and places, and far-off things; she once managed to describe an entire city she had never been to to level I hadn't thought possible. Not great with people-- uh, that is, Vong proper. Surprisingly popular with the member races, however.
[Breda] ...Hm. Tell me more...
Mission 2 (The Inner Rim, 8 Padawans, 6 Jedi Sentinels, 6 Jedi Guardians, 4 Jedi Consulars, Councilor Brianna)
-Councilor Brianna-
She senses the touch of Arren Kae upon me; the echoes of Kreia. She believes that I aim to become the heir of Traya, and I have not dissuaded her of this notion for the time being. Cold, perhaps; but then, we need to know, and she has the blood of the innocent on her hands. I have convinced her that I aim to reclaim an ancient Jedi Secret to turn it against you, my fellow Councilors.
I do not.
But, I will use this to convince her to guide me where I need to go.
Mission 3 (The Mid-Rim, 1 Padawan, 3 Jedi Sentinels, 5 Jedi Guardians, 1 Jedi Consular, Councilor Visas Marr)
-Consular Zez Kyrido-
There are things in the galaxy we will never understand. Creatures beyond our, or I think perhaps any, comprehension. Things living in the stars that feed on pure energy, rather than falling for the pyramid scheme of food; such as the Mynocks, though I seek something much, much larger for my task. And what has more power in a more convenient package than a starship? All we'll need to do is find such an entity; and I can feel one, pulling at me. At my mind and my soul. All for the better then, that we have nine ships to use.
Mission 4 (The Outer Rim, 3 Padawans, 3 Jedi Sentinels, 1 Jedi Guardian, 3 Jedi Consulars, Councilor Bastila Shan)
-Councilor Bastila Shan-
It was the Hutts; and it wasn't. Zygerrian mercenaries operating on a stealth base, a hollowed out asteroid in the infinite void, have been raiding nearby worlds to sell tham on the slave markets, yes of the Cartels but also outlying worlds. The Hutts pay them and look the other way.
I will not.
Mission 5 (The Colonies 1 Padawan, 5 Jedi Sentinels, 2 Jedi Guardians, 1 Jedi Consular, Councilor Atton Rand)
-Councilor Atton Rand-
Well, if the spooky ghost ships, energy eaters, and random stellar events out here don't make you want to turn away, then the flying will. The gravity here has crushed something into a thin paste, not particularly damaging to ships as long as shields stay up but the second something happens, oh boy will that suck grav. And even with them up it's like we're going through jello. I've got Akila running modifications and checks on the shield and the hyperdrive, the other Sentinels keeping the navcomputer up to date, and the Consular blasting any debris-- and there is a lot of it-- that gets too close, but things are a little...
What is that?
Mission 1 (The Core, 4 Padawans, 2 Jedi Sentinels, 1 Jedi Guardian, 1 Jedi Consular)
-Jedi Knight Breda Sunguard-
The girl's not mad, she's Force Sensitive.
That should not be a thing, since the Yuuzhan Vong are cut off from the Force and all; but there she sits. How is a matter I could not begin to describe: perhaps like Master Surik, forming a Force Bond with a sensitive and so given some power? Perhaps a hybrid, crossed with some creature that can still feel the true wonder of the universe? A joke from the Force, played to remind us that we do not understand it half so well as we thought we did?
Whatever the case, I have promised to see her given training.
(+5 PP)
Mission 2 (The Inner Rim, 8 Padawans, 6 Jedi Sentinels, 6 Jedi Guardians, 4 Jedi Consulars, Councilor Brianna)
-Councilor Brianna-
We have found it, and marked Ambria in our navcharts. For the moment I have settled into Master Thon's former settlement. This world, it is a desert, harsh perhaps; but the Force is strong here, and there is little distraction, and many echoes. I hardily recommend we reestablish the Enclave here, as soon as possible.
I have not had the heart to crush the Sith Assassin's hopes, yet; but rest assured, she will be remanded to Republic custody.
[Discover Ambria, possible Enclave site]
Mission 3 (The Mid-Rim, 1 Padawan, 3 Jedi Sentinels, 5 Jedi Guardians, 1 Jedi Consular, Councilor Visas Marr)
-Consular Zez Kyrido-
A powered capital ship could have swatted aside our impromptu squadron with ease. Instead I lured a mature sun eater to the vessel's coordinates; and seeing a source of energy close enough to a star it started, well, eating. Soon enough the thing was left adrift, and so we entered the vessel; and the pirates surrendered.
(+25 PP)
Mission 4 (The Outer Rim, 3 Padawans, 3 Jedi Sentinels, 1 Jedi Guardian, 3 Jedi Consulars, Councilor Bastila Shan)
-Councilor Bastila Shan-
The fighting was fierce at first; but the Zygerrians gave up well enough when they realized who was carving their way through the station. They're here for profit, not to die, and so the moment they realized who we were they started a well-disciplined retreat. I would have preferred to capture them, rather than to see them driven off to greener pastures where they can spread more suffering, and more pain; but I am, disinclined, to complain about what victory I do have. And if the Republic wants to complain about bringing the war to their borders, let them.
(+5 PP)
Mission 5 (The Colonies 1 Padawan, 5 Jedi Sentinels, 2 Jedi Guardians, 1 Jedi Consular, Councilor Atton Rand)
-Councilor Atton Rand-
Well, mark me down for horrified. We saw one of the ghost ships alright, like nothing I'd ever seen before, flicker into our reality for a second. The better part of a kilometer, perhaps point seven, sleek and not overly friendly, though not Sithish either, business like more than anything. Three engines, at least I think they were engines, moved it for the few seconds we saw it in our reality; though two of them had such weird gravity effects that I wouldn't doubt they were tractor beam emitters, either. I didn't see anything that looked like weapons as we know them, but from the way the Force was screaming at me there was something threatening aboard that vessel, if not directly than for what it would mean for us. I think they scanned us, and I know we scanned them, for the few seconds we shared a reality. I bet we'll get to make plenty of transfers for the scans I did get while they were here, though only so much-- I'd say we had less than a minute.
(+10 Knowledge)