I am dissapoint, son
- Pronouns
- He/Him
Having read those interludes recently, I'm not sure how they help. They just demonstrate how even the rank and file Shiplords seem to just...not reflect on the morality of their actions, ever. It's all about the strategic picture, the potential threats to their galactic dominance, and the potential for the potential of Secrets abuse at some point down the line because they don't have a total penetration of a given race's networks and/or plenty of time to shape a race's culture through brutal tyranny and trauma.And I think I'm fixing on the the fundamental disconnect here, and it's one that I've messed up on my side some too. I'm not trying to make you sympathetic towards the Shiplord society as it exists today. That's not the point. I admit that I quite simply cannot understand the intent of parties to say they're exactly the same as the Gysians at all, but that's not really here nor there.
I will, however, look to remind you of the relatively few Shiplord PoV sections I've written. The Beacon's Light interlude was written at the very end of Practice War, as a follow-up to Define Overdue. And then we have the more recent Unexpected Communiques interlude in the Sidestory tab. If you want some of a Shiplord PoV to work with, that's where I'd start.
Re-reading these interludes could actually be rather helpful given all the current discussion, as it gives a far more on-the-ground Shiplord perspective which some people might find useful. As I hope the next update will be, once I'm able to get it to you all.
Sure, it's not exactly actively malicious. But that doesn't make them sympathetic in the slightest. Hell, they hardly express any negative feelings about what they're doing or the obvious implications of what they're saying/thinking. The guy at the relay station saw humanity managing to defend itself stunningly well after getting utterly savaged on its First Contact fifty years prior, and then he sees a Regular Fleet get sent in not to check to make sure humanity wasn't doing Secrets abuse via diplomacy/negotiation/testing their warfighting capability for said Secrets abuse but to beat humanity back into submission. When said Regular Fleet gets routed but no evidence of any Secrets abuse is reported, he knows that there's a War Fleet rapidly on the way with a star-killer accompanying it. And once again, he knows that their purpose is nothing short of xenocide. And while he doesn't like it, he doesn't seem particularly bothered by it.
And then he knows it's time for full-scale war, but he still has yet to see any signs of Secrets abuse, meaning that full-scale war is happening not because humanity was threatening the galaxy/universe with Secrets abuse, but because humanity had the temerity to not get utterly brutalized by the Shiplords a second time and then defend themselves against a completely unjustifiable and unprovoked attempt at xenocide. The Shiplords won't make any effort whatsoever at dialog, diplomacy, or anything along those lines. But xenocide? They're totally down for that at any time.
And in the strategic analysis interlude, I noticed the very distinct lack of any notion of measures or possibilities for anything other than war and tyranny. I also could not help but notice that the fears expressed in that analysis had literally nothing to do with Secrets abuse or existential threats to the galaxy, and everything to do with a potential challenge to the Shiplords' galactic dominance.
Every other interaciton with the Shiplords has been an exercise in frustration and bafflement at the sheer double-think they have going on or their tried and true "don't actually answer the fundamental questions, just make some vague non-answer and maybe point them somewhere else to look for the explanation". Even from the Hearthguard, knowing full well who we are and why we want to know, do this. So...yeah, I'm nearly at the point of apathy for their bullshit. The final refuge for an excuse is in Origin, but that fact alone is damning enough. Their entire society, culture, history, and government revolves around commiting to a cycle of mind-boggling atrocity while both insisting about its necessity and lamenting at how badly they wish there was a better way. There should be signs, hints, and people ready to at least allude to their reasoning, especially at their most sacred memorials dedicated to some of their most critical moments in history. And yet...literally nothing. They refuse to talk about it when asked.
How do you even attempt to reach a peaceful solution with a society like that when they seem to adamantly refuse to explain or even hint at why they always choose war, mass murder, tyranny, atrocity, and xenocide? How do you even attempt to reach a peaceful solution with a society that claims that its purpose is to safeguard the galaxy and universe from Secrets abuse when their knee-jerk response to their galactic dominance being challenged by literally everyone else (without any Secrets abuse) is mobilizing for full-scale war that they know will devastate the very thing they claim to be protecting?
If the Sorrows are supposed to mark the milestones of the Shiplords' fall from moral grace, the total lack of anything explaining the Tribute Cycle (or the start of the Tribute Cycle being a Sorrow of its own) is incomprehensible to me.