I am dissapoint, son
- Pronouns
- He/Him
I keep coming back to this and wondering how in the hell the Shiplords reconcile their decision to wage full-scale galactic war with an alliance of seven races that will see destruction at least on par with the War of the Sphere with their whole driving motivation being the protection of the galaxy and the universe from Secrets abuse...given that they have literally no indication whatsoever that any of those races have even hinted at any intention of any Secrets abuse.There are extremely valid reasons for why humanity jumped at the chance offered by Tahkel's interaction with Amanda. Not wanting to set the entire galaxy on fire to the tune of anywhere from a third to half its habitable worlds and systems reduced to ash is kinda the biggest one.
The Shiplords didn't send the War Fleet + Lumens to Sol to stop some galactic calamity, they sent it to snuff any potential future threat to their galactic dominance out at the first sign of its existence. Said War Fleet did not even attempt diplomacy, negotiation, or dialog before trying to xenocide humanity, either.
The Shiplords have decided to fight an entire galactic war purely to preserve their galactic dominance for its own sake, no matter the cost. I feel like this needs to be reiterated because of how baffling it is that the Shiplords would have a democratic government where the military does not rule supreme yet they also sign off on total war against seven species that have literally done none of the things that the Shiplords constantly claim to do everything they do to prevent.
Everything the Shiplords insist that they must do to prevent far worse things is contradicted by all of the things they routinely do that very obviously and cruelly has little to nothing to do with the far worse things they want to prevent. The most blatant example being the extermination of a young species upon First Contact simply because they don't manage to put up quite enough of a good fight through literally bad luck--literally no justification for that whatsoever even according to every possible argument the Shiplords have presented thus far, and it wasn't a unique event. In fact, it was so mundane that even the Hearthguard don't even mention or think about the one such event we know about--it's just another Tuesday for them. If we're going to talk about horrific abuse of the Secrets, it's rather hard not to look at the demonic elephant in the room that is the Shiplords abusing the fuck out of the Secrets to xenocide species left and right, commit mass murder and destruction on a staggering scale regularly, subverting and enslaving innocent people to force them to betray their own people and friends/family, and pushing species that survive all of this into committing collective suicide through endless despair, terror, trauma, and learned helplessness. Yes, "there have been rare occasions of things that were or would have become even worse eventually" and all that, but...the Shiplords are ageless beings with over three million years of history and experience. And the very last refuge for any kind of excuse they might have is also one they are so secretive about that it honestly seems like only a tiny fraction of the Shiplords themselves even know about it, yet it somehow justifies their own blatant hypocrisy, atrocity, and cruelty even as they lament how they have done those things (and continue to do them).