The Power(Harry Potter/The Gamer)

There is no real indication of that. Harry, according to the book, showed a pretty strong indication that he could end up in any of the houses. Sure he had Slytherin traits, but all those others were strong enough that when he asked for Gryffindor he was able to fit in there easily enough that the Hat didn't see any reason not to go along.

Edit: Further... Sure, the quiz, in theory, is more important. But it's not like you, personally, cannot go through picking various options to get the result you want. Would I prefer you instead try to pick answers you would like to think Gamer!Harry would pick? Absolutely. Can I enforce that? Not even a little bit.

That makes sense, and I apologize for not wanting to go along with the quiz. I guess my problem is that I've never been fond of those questions, as (in my opinion) they never seem to be very reliable. Often times they don't fully take context into account, and they don't usually reflect what a person would really do in that type of situation. For example, the test cheating question. Let's say I vote to reveal them right in the middle of the test because I feel it's the right thing to do. The problem is that I'm not dealing with the stress and pressure that would be inherent in that situation. Maybe I feel like what I'd most want to do is reveal them, but had I actually been in that situation I would have sat silently instead, being stopped by the pressure and stress of actually being in the situation.

Along with what I said above, there's also the issue that, since we aren't actually in Harry's position and will be, almost certainly, making our choices based on what we OOC want, then the issue is that the entire thing becomes pointless because it's not really Harry making the choices.

I hope I was clear enough on how I feel about it. Anyway, I'll probably just sit out of this vote considering the above.
Gamer's Mind allows you to be calm about the situation as it's occurring rather than showing your humiliation openly.
Doesn't it also help you not feel humiliated?
Along with what I said above, there's also the issue that, since we aren't actually in Harry's position and will be, almost certainly, making our choices based on what we OOC want, then the issue is that the entire thing becomes pointless because it's not really Harry making the choices.
It's as much Harry making the choices as every other vote has been.
Remaining Calm and remember it for the future fits best, in my opinion.
Your vote isn't Remaining Calm, it's Appearing Calm While Being Very Much Not. It's no more calm than the other options.

Amusement is easier than embarrassment when you're playing a game, isn't it? At least when it's not multiplayer.
[x] Hermione
[x] Parvati Patil, Padma Patil

[X] Confront them after the test and try to convince them not to cheat anymore. You don't want them to get in trouble.
[x]Take it to the police in case anyone ever reports it.
[x] On the outside you'll laugh because you don't want anyone to know that they really hurt your feelings by making you look stupid in front of everybody.
[x] Endure his yelling, he is my boss after all.
[X] Yes, I'm tired, but what are friends for?
[X] Try to rationalize with the kid. Tell him you didn't take the toy and refuse to fight him even if he takes a few swings at you.
[X] I'll give them the money and try and nurse the mother back to health.
[X] Maybe I'll just take a peek inside for a little while. What could it hurt?
[x] Buy a few things right away. Maybe a new car, a boat, a house, etc. The rest I'll put away for a rainy day.
[x] I'll save her because I know she's a better person now.
[X] Gryffindor
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That makes sense, and I apologize for not wanting to go along with the quiz. I guess my problem is that I've never been fond of those questions, as (in my opinion) they never seem to be very reliable. Often times they don't fully take context into account, and they don't usually reflect what a person would really do in that type of situation. For example, the test cheating question. Let's say I vote to reveal them right in the middle of the test because I feel it's the right thing to do. The problem is that I'm not dealing with the stress and pressure that would be inherent in that situation. Maybe I feel like what I'd most want to do is reveal them, but had I actually been in that situation I would have sat silently instead, being stopped by the pressure and stress of actually being in the situation.

Along with what I said above, there's also the issue that, since we aren't actually in Harry's position and will be, almost certainly, making our choices based on what we OOC want, then the issue is that the entire thing becomes pointless because it's not really Harry making the choices.

I hope I was clear enough on how I feel about it. Anyway, I'll probably just sit out of this vote considering the above.

Fair enough It's like any sort of personality test that doesn't deal purely in abstracts. The situations are generally lacking in context, or don't take into account just how complex a person's thought process can be. But we have to make do with what we have. The tests and all are horribly inadequate for actually gauging reactions in these situations. But for a quest-thread done for amusement? Doesn't much bother me.

As for choices based on OOC desires? Probably, yeah. I just wanted it to be a bit more in depth than my listing out the four houses and having a vote on them. Or than my deciding to adhere to canon in that I forced Harry into Gryffindor regardless of all of your desires. This way there's some way to gauge 'Harry's placement, without it coming down to just 'I choose Hufflepuff because grinding'. Even if it's still rather easy to game the system, as it were.

But then... Gaming the system in a Gamer quest shouldn't really surprise anyone.
[X] Neville
[X] Hermione
[X] Susan Bones

[X] Confront them after the test and try to convince them not to cheat anymore. You don't want them to get in trouble.
[X]Take it to the police in case anyone ever reports it.
[X] Laugh along with the crowd. You love a good joke even if it's at your expense.
[X] Explain to him that accidents happen and that you don't feel you need to be yelled at because of it.
[X]Ask them what's wrong with the car. Maybe you can talk them through how to fix it.
[X] Explain to him you didn't take the toy and offer to personally help find the person who did.
[X] Maybe I'll just take a peek inside for a little while. What could it hurt?
[X] Give him half your food and invite him to sit and talk with you, maybe you can befriend him.
[X] Invest it into the market. You'll soon have even more!
[X] I won't give up until I solve it. Then, maybe I'll try it blindfolded!
[X] I'd save her even if she was still a bad person because I know she is innocent this time.

[X] Ravenclaw
1.) You are given a test at school that has questions that teacher hasn't covered yet. In the middle of the test you notice that your friend next to you has a cheat-sheet. The teacher doesn't notice.

[X] Confront them after the test and try to convince them not to cheat anymore. You don't want them to get in trouble.

2.) While walking down the street you see a wallet on the side of the road. It has a small amount of money in it, but no identification of any kind. There is nobody in sight.

[X]Take it to the police in case anyone ever reports it.

3.) Someone has played a prank on you which involves your public embarrassment and everyone begins laughing at you. However, you doubt they meant any harm by it.
[X] Laugh along with the crowd. You love a good joke even if it's at your expense.

4.) You have arrived late to work because you had a flat tire. You've been on time every other day for the past month, yet your boss yells at you about it in front of all your coworkers.

[X] Explain to him that accidents happen and that you don't feel you need to be yelled at because of it.

5.) You have just returned home from a long day's work when a friend calls you and explains that they are stranded on a back road an hour drive from town and they need you to pick them up. They've already tried everyone else and you are their only means of getting back.

[X] Yes, I'm tired, but what are friends for?

6.) A little kid accuses you, in front of a whole crowd people, of stealing his toy which you did not do. You are twice his size, but he won't back off.

[X] Explain to him you didn't take the toy and offer to personally help find the person who did.

7.) You have saved up for months to buy a new bike. As you're getting ready to buy it, a child runs by and steals your money. You chase him down and find that his mother is deathly ill and the child stole the money to buy her medicine.

[X] I'll give them the money and try and nurse the mother back to health.

8.) A friend of yours tells you that there is some really cool stuff in an old abandoned building. When you get there you see a sign that "Danger: Do not enter!", but the building doesn't look dangerous. There is nobody around to see you, and your friend wants to check it out.

[X] Danger shmanger! There's probably some cool stuff inside. Let's see what all the fuss is about.

9.) A very strong man approaches you while you're eating lunch and demands that you give him some food. He doesn't appear to be starving or poor. There is nobody there to stop him from taking it.

[X] Give him a nice fist in the face. Nobody steals from you.

10.) You have inherited a large sum of money from your great aunt.

[X] Invest it into the market. You'll soon have even more!

11.) You are given a small plastic puzzle that looks to be difficult to solve.

[X]I won't give up until I solve it. Then, maybe I'll try it blindfolded!

12.) Five years ago a girl stole some money from you and she never got in trouble for it. Since then, she has become a much better person. Recently she has been arrested for stealing, but you can prove that she is innocent.

[X] I'd save her even if she was still a bad person because I know she is innocent this time.

13.) You would rather end up in:
[X] Ravenclaw

BTW, my results in-quiz came up with Gryffindor 15, Ravenclaf 15, Huffelpuff 12 and Slythering 7. =/
[X] Greengrass, Patil twins

[X] Good for them, they beat the system.
[X] Take it to the police in case anyone ever reports it.
[X] Laugh along with the crowd. You love a good joke even if it's at your expense.
[X] Let him yell, it doesn't matter anyway, you're not listening.
[X] Ask them what's wrong with the car. Maybe you can talk them through how to fix it.
[X] Explain to him you didn't take the toy and offer to personally help find the person who did.
[X] I'll give them the money and try and nurse the mother back to health.
[X] Maybe I'll just take a peek inside for a little while. What could it hurt?
[X] Give him half your food and invite him to sit and talk with you, maybe you can befriend him.
[X] Invest it into the market. You'll soon have even more!
[X] I won't give up until I solve it. Then, maybe I'll try it blindfolded!
[X] I'd save her even if she was still a bad person because I know she is innocent this time.
[X] Ravenclaw
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Why are people saying ravenclaw????
[X] Hermione, Neville, Ron

[X] Ask to share the cheat-sheet. This test isn't fair, so why should you be?
[X] Take it to the police in case anyone ever reports it.
[X] Laugh along with the crowd. You love a good joke even if it's at your expense.
[X] Let him yell, it doesn't matter anyway, you're not listening.
[X] Yes, I'm tired, but what are friends for?
[X] Explain to him you didn't take the toy and offer to personally help find the person who did.
[X] I'll give them the money and try and nurse the mother back to health.
[X] Danger shmanger! There's probably some cool stuff inside. Let's see what all the fuss is about.
[X] Give him a nice fist in the face. Nobody steals from you.
[X] Buy a few things right away. Maybe a new car, a boat, a house, etc. The rest I'll put away for a rainy day.
[X] I'll put some time into it. I'm sure I could solve it eventually.
[X] I'd save her even if she was still a bad person because I know she is innocent this time.
[X] Gryffindor
Hey guys, I just made another omake. I'm not sure why I suddenly felt the urge to do this, but seeing that quest failure mentioning that it was impossible to fail the quest just lit my mind up. I tried to write this from Harry's perspective. The perspective of someone who, after finally having control of his life following so many years of having his life controlled by others, was suddenly being told that there was only one path forward, and he had no choice in the matter. In this little piece I wrote, Harry did not approve of such a thing. Also, this is now the longest one I've written.


Previous (Note: this one is unrelated to my other pieces)

---Harry Potter and the Quest for the Game Breaking Bug---

[Quest Alert:] Be sorted into one of Hogwarts houses.
-Completion reward: 20xp, Title based on house.
-Failure reward: Impossible.

Harry Potter continued to gaze at the alert that had popped up in front of his eyes as the sorting continued. He frowned as he looked at the failure. Impossible, it read, as if his path forward were carved in stone. Earlier, it was something he would have accepted as inevitable. At least, it seemed as though most of his life was nothing but having choices made for him and having his own desires be impossible. Choosing his own clothes, his own supplies, his own toys? Impossible, as they were already chosen for him based on whatever his cousin was no longer able to use or was no longer interested in. And that was just for clothes and supplies. When it came to toys, he barely knew what the word even meant.

But, things were different now. For once in his short, miserable life, he could make his own decisions. He decided what supplies to get before school started. He decided what he would train. He decided where he would continue to stay. He, Harry Potter, was finally learning how it felt to be in control of his own life. And a lot of that was due to his steadily building confidence caused by his ability.


How many things had he considered to be impossible before everything had changed? Magic, friends, love, trust, self-worth; all things that Harry Potter had considered impossible when it came to whether or not he would ever possess any of them. Now? Now it was different. He did the impossible and decided his own fate. And now, this quest was trying to undo his hard work. It was trying to tell him that his next decision was set in stone. It was telling him that not being in Hogwarts was impossible. No, it was saying that not being sorted into one of the houses was impossible.

Harry smiled, a mischievous look creeping upon his face as his thoughts began to race. Considering how long it had been since he let fate determine his path, why break the trend now?

"Potter, Harry!"

Decision made, Harry approaches the hat while ignoring all the whispers from the other students in the hall. He sits there as the hat is placed upon his head. Listens as it begins to speak, but then it suddenly pauses right before Harry can interrupt.

"Oh? You really think that will work? I'm afraid it won't. I can't fully understand this magic that you use, but the spell you are thinking of only works with a single word. I'm afraid you would need at least two." The Sorting Hat, oddly enough, sounded truly sorry about Harry's predicament. "Do you think I don't realize what you are going through? I know how hard it is to accept when your path is decided for you. After all, my entire purpose is to sort. But, do you know what? I think this is a day of new beginnings. I can already tell that 'impossible' will be a word that will soon be quite unknown to you. Why don't we start early? Why don't we both do the impossible? Your spell requires two words to break the restriction, but I can help. I can start with the first word, and then all you need do is finish. Now, here is what we shall do…"

While the Sorting Hat informed Harry of what to do, the boy himself couldn't help but sit there, stunned. Was this really happening? Could this insane plan of his possibly work? Suddenly, the hat spoke, and everything was set in motion.

"Harry Potter shall be sorted into- " before the hat could finish, Harry Potter screamed into his mind a spell.

Command: All!

In pretty much any other situation, this would have been impossible. For what Harry had planned, he would have needed to issue a command to be sorted into all houses. However, the spell could only be used with a single word and context was the key. He could not say "Sort me into each house", or even "sort all", because it would need multiple words. Even saying "all" would not work, because the context would not make sense. However, that was where the Sorting Hat came in. Since the hat set up the context by beginning with Harry being sorted, all Harry needed to do was finish with the command.

"-all four Hogwarts houses!"

Silence. Everywhere, jaws were dropped, and eyes looked ready to pop out from surprise.

They had done it. The Sorting Hat provided the context needed for Harry Potter to perform a spell that never should have existed in their world that was able to make the hat go against what it had been told to do, and allowed him to sort a student into more than a single house. Suddenly, Harry Potter noticed a new message.

-gain -/+999999999xp

-gain titleS GrryffindoSLytheHufflRavClaw!

-due to FAICompletioURE sfslkdfsdfioeshoeshge-----------


[Hidden Quest Unlocked: Be sorted into more than one of Hogwarts houses]

-Completion reward: ???

Harry could almost feel reality itself grind to a halt for a moment, as if even it could only scarcely understand just what had happened. Before the Sorting Hat was removed by the trembling fingers of McGonagall, Harry heard it one last time.

"I can't even begin to know what will come of this, Mr. Potter. But you felt the effect your decision had. Everyone here did. But take courage, Harry. You have accomplished what the greatest of wizards could only dream of accomplishing. You broke fate, and chose your own path. Whatever happens next, I believe you will stand tall and make it through."

And with that, Harry Potter stepped down. His robes seemingly desperate to choose a house pattern to stay on before somehow creating a new pattern. He smiled, even as everyone in the room, even Dumbledore, could only gaze at the scene in shock. Harry smiled, because even when reality itself seemed determine to decide his path for him, he was still able to break free and choose his own way forward.

There was no telling what awaited him now, but he knew he would make it through. After all, he thought, looking at the shocked looks from his friends, I'm not alone in this.
[X] Good for them, they beat the system.
[X]Take it to the police in case anyone ever reports it.
[X] Laugh along with the crowd. You love a good joke even if it's at your expense.
[X] Let him yell, it doesn't matter anyway, you're not listening.
[X]Yes, I'm tired, but what are friends for?
[X] Tell him you didn't take the toy and direct him to someone who can help him find it.
[X] Maybe I'll let them keep some of the money and buy the bike later.
[X] Maybe I'll just take a peek inside for a little while. What could it hurt?
[X] Give him some food and leave. But you're going to tell on him later.
[X] Put it all into a savings account and spend it wisely as needs present themselves.
[X] I'll try it out, but if I can't solve it, it's not the end of the world.
[X] Tell her that I'll save her, provided she pays me back the money she owes me.
[X] Hufflepuff
that was a pretty nifty omake. although it is worth noting that:
1. It says "be sorted into 1 of the houses" not "only one of the houses". by being in all 4 houses the quest is completed (he is in ravenclaw (and 3 others), which is one of the houses, quest completed). For it to not complete you would need to have invented a 5th house for him. or have him destroy the hat, or have him leave hogworts, or some such
2. impossible to fail doesn't mean that you have to complete the quest, you can have the quest sit in your quest log forever. it just means that there isn't an action that you can take that would make it impossible for the quest to ever be completed. Although it is still wrong, to actually fail is possible if harry dies before being sorted (although res magic does exist, we might be resurrected by the next person to get the gamer power). Destroying the hat might work... or it might just result in manual sorting by teachers. Destoying hogwarts could work, or it could just be rebuilt. Getting permanently expelled for, lets say, murder? could work, or we could get pardoned.
[X] Good for them, they beat the system.
[X]Pocket the money. You don't know who it belongs to, so finder's keepers.
[X] Pretend that all is well, but you won't forget this. They're going to pay for what they did! How dare they publicly humiliate you.
[X] Explain to him that accidents happen and that you don't feel you need to be yelled at because of it.
[X]Ask them what's wrong with the car. Maybe you can talk them through how to fix it.
[X] Try to rationalize with the kid. Tell him you didn't take the toy and refuse to fight him even if he takes a few swings at you.
[X] Perhaps you would have helped them if they were to ask, but you don't help thieves.
[X] Obviously there is some dangerous stuff in there, and we shouldn't be going inside.
[X] Give him a nice fist in the face. Nobody steals from you.
[X] Invest it into the market. You'll soon have even more!
[X]I won't give up until I solve it. Then, maybe I'll try it blindfolded!
[X] I'd save her even if she was still a bad person because I know she is innocent this time.
[X] Ravenclaw
[The Sorting Quiz, v1.0]

Halpo, this is wonderful! Probably the most elegant solution in this quest so far. Metagaming vs actual solutions!

[X] Neville
[X] Hermione
[X] Susan Bones

[X] Good for them, they beat the system.
[X] Take it to the police in case anyone ever reports it.
[X] Laugh along with the crowd. You love a good joke even if it's at your expense.
[X] Explain to him that accidents happen and that you don't feel you need to be yelled at because of it.
[X] Yes, I'm tired, but what are friends for?
[X] Try to rationalize with the kid. Tell him you didn't take the toy and refuse to fight him even if he takes a few swings at you.
[X] Refuse to give them your money, but still try and nurse the mother back to health.
[X] Danger shmanger! There's probably some cool stuff inside. Let's see what all the fuss is about.
[X] Give him a nice fist in the face. Nobody steals from you.
[X] Buy a few things right away. Maybe a new car, a boat, a house, etc. The rest I'll put away for a rainy day.
[X] I'll put some time into it. I'm sure I could solve it eventually.
[X] I'd save her even if she was still a bad person because I know she is innocent this time.
[X] Ravenclaw
[X] Good for them, they beat the system.
[X]Take it to the police in case anyone ever reports it.
[X] That jerk! You get mad right away and tell it to their face.
[X] Let him yell, it doesn't matter anyway, you're not listening.
[X] Yes, I'm tired, but what are friends for?
[X] Tell him you didn't take the toy and direct him to someone who can help him find it.
[X] Refuse to give them your money, but still try and nurse the mother back to health.
[X] Maybe I'll just take a peek inside for a little while. What could it hurt?
[X] Give him a nice fist in the face. Nobody steals from you.
[X] Put it all into a savings account and spend it wisely as needs present themselves.
[X] I'll put some time into it. I'm sure I could solve it eventually.

[X] I'd save her even if she was still a bad person because I know she is innocent this time.
[X] Gryffindor
[X] Hermione
[X] Neville
[X] Susan

[X] Good for them, they beat the system.
[X] Leave it there. Someone is probably looking for it.
[X] On the outside you'll laugh because you don't want anyone to know that they really hurt your feelings by making you look stupid in front of everybody.
[X] Endure his yelling, he is my boss after all.
[X] I'll do it, but I'm charging them for gas money.
[X] Try to rationalize with the kid. Tell him you didn't take the toy and refuse to fight him even if he takes a few swings at you.
[X] Perhaps you would have helped them if they were to ask, but you don't help thieves.
[X] Maybe I'll just take a peek inside for a little while. What could it hurt?
[X] Give him some food and leave. But you're going to tell on him later.
[X] Buy a few things right away. Maybe a new car, a boat, a house, etc. The rest I'll put away for a rainy day.
[X] I'll try it out, but if I can't solve it, it's not the end of the world.
[X] I'm not saying a thing. This is the punishment that she never got five years ago.
[X] Gryffindor

I think this is the most balanced we can get - the lowest ranking is Huffllepuff, which is fine - and fits the "You'd do well in any house" thing.