The Power(Harry Potter/The Gamer)

Yeah, I did Mystara - wasn't particularly interested in Blackmoor though I probably have the boxes somewhere around here somewhere. I bought them when someone was selling their collection for something like a dollar a box.

But yeah, setting boxes are cool.
Blackmoor is like the prototype of other settings, and the past of Mystara in the newer rules. (But the Fanatasy/Sci-fi combination is interesting.)
Blackmoor is like the prototype of other settings, and the past of Mystara in the newer rules. (But the Fanatasy/Sci-fi combination is interesting.)
Honestly, it was before my time; I was born in 85 and 2e was already out before I started playing D&D, but I did go back and buy and introduce lots of people to games with Mystara and other Basic set stuff...

Alphatia was one of my favorite areas in any setting for a good while also; air ships and awesome mages all over the place. The Hollow World was lots of fun too... Then again, I think I enjoyed converting the stuff to boot. :)
. . . And the OP lost his PC or internet... again. Why does this happen to him on the weekends?

(EDIT) Even with his job, he's demonstrated the ability to post by this time during the weekdays. So, unless he was held up by this, that, or the other; then this would make the third week in a row that he's had computer issues over the weekend.

Alright, enough's enough. Are you going to constantly be complaining every single time Halpo takes more than a day to reply or be online? Doesn't that seem incredibly rude and selfish?

In fact, let's say his computer isn't giving him issues again, or that something else hasn't happened requiring his attention (because people do have other things to do that don't involve this website). Have you considered that maybe he just isn't in the right mood to write? Would you rather him uncaringly put something together and toss that out at the risk of it not being the same good quality of his usual updates?

I really do not mean to be so harsh (and I apologize if this post offends you), but you need to stop posting stuff like that. I don't know about Halpo, but if I started up a quest only to have one person start complaining whenever it was taking me longer than usual to update, I'd feel pretty discouraged about wanting to write anything.
Honestly, it was before my time; I was born in 85 and 2e was already out before I started playing D&D, but I did go back and buy and introduce lots of people to games with Mystara and other Basic set stuff...

Alphatia was one of my favorite areas in any setting for a good while also; air ships and awesome mages all over the place. The Hollow World was lots of fun too... Then again, I think I enjoyed converting the stuff to boot. :)
I never managed to play D&D. it never catched on here where I live. :(

The lore is cool, Mystara is an interesting setting, Forgotten realms is my favorite setting.
Violation of III.15.2
Alright, enough's enough. Are you going to constantly be complaining every single time Halpo takes more than a day to reply or be online? Doesn't that seem incredibly rude and selfish?

In fact, let's say his computer isn't giving him issues again, or that something else hasn't happened requiring his attention (because people do have other things to do that don't involve this website). Have you considered that maybe he just isn't in the right mood to write? Would you rather him uncaringly put something together and toss that out at the risk of it not being the same good quality of his usual updates?

I really do not mean to be so harsh (and I apologize if this post offends you), but you need to stop posting stuff like that. I don't know about Halpo, but if I started up a quest only to have one person start complaining whenever it was taking me longer than usual to update, I'd feel pretty discouraged about wanting to write anything.
. . . I believe I managed to wait 2 and a half days the first time... and managed to successfully ignore the issue for 3 the second time... And both of those times it was merely to ask where was the OP. This time... however, he had indicated that he would be back on today, so when he didn't appear, yeah it was rude of me to point out that he didn't come back, and I was trying to joke about how it seemed to happen to him only on the weekends, as this is the third weekend in a row that he has not signed in on. The edit was just that, to defend why I made the comment in the first place, putting point to the fact that he indeed was likely experiencing computer problems again seeing as he'd at least respond to people by that point in time during the days he could log in.

I wasn't complaining that he hadn't updated... if it was a complaint; as I, personally, feel I was just joking around that he was having computer problems again, for the third weekend in a row. But if my presence bothers you, I suppose I can just delete my account, because obviously you're an authority member that can dictate to others your point of view as law and rightousness... you know instead of actually seeing what the problem is... oh wait... good thing you're not a mod, or we'd have a lot of members banned, now wouldn't we, Easy? Check yourself, before you try to check others.
Violation of III.15.5
. . . I believe I managed to wait 2 and a half days the first time... and managed to successfully ignore the issue for 3 the second time... And both of those times it was merely to ask where was the OP. This time... however, he had indicated that he would be back on today, so when he didn't appear, yeah it was rude of me to point out that he didn't come back, and I was trying to joke about how it seemed to happen to him only on the weekends, as this is the third weekend in a row that he has not signed in on. The edit was just that, to defend why I made the comment in the first place, putting point to the fact that he indeed was likely experiencing computer problems again seeing as he'd at least respond to people by that point in time during the days he could log in.

I wasn't complaining that he hadn't updated... if it was a complaint; as I, personally, feel I was just joking around that he was having computer problems again, for the third weekend in a row. But if my presence bothers you, I suppose I can just delete my account, because obviously you're an authority member that can dictate to others your point of view as law and rightousness... you know instead of actually seeing what the problem is... oh wait... good thing you're not a mod, or we'd have a lot of members banned, now wouldn't we, Easy? Check yourself, before you try to check others.

Delete your account please and go away.

Wow, I don't even know how to reply to this overly harsh reply. Even after I already apologized.

The only thing I'll say to this is that there's a difference between joking about something, and consistently harassing a thread creator for not being online when you want them to be. There are countless reasons he might have not been able to log on despite saying so otherwise. Please at least take that into consideration.
Wow, I don't even know how to reply to this overly harsh reply. Even after I already apologized.

The only thing I'll say to this is that there's a difference between joking about something, and consistently harassing a thread creator for not being online when you want them to be. There are countless reasons he might have not been able to log on despite saying so otherwise. Please at least take that into consideration.
I really don't constantly harass the OP, the two other times that Halpo was offline, it was a goodly length of time before I even commented that he was missing, the first was to ask where he went, and the other was point out that he hadn't signed back in to back and forth general discuss'ers. Again, the first was at least 2 and 1/2 days and the second was at least 3 before I mentioned both. And I already agreed that my already bringing up the issue with his computer trouble happening again for the third weekend in a row was rude. Even if it was a crass joke, that I probably should have false tagged as joking.

As for my rebuttal, my apologies... was still trying to calm down from not speaking my mind in another quest and the voters, once more going for the shinies... I inappropriately vented my remaining frustrations out on you... I'm still trying to decide whether I should report Corvo for cyber bullying though. Thoughts?
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Just a few thoughts on how things went...

1. Draco doesn't really seems to like us, but it's not at the level of the canon rivalry. Understandable given the "you're a bit evil" thing, but the whole situation with Peter brought him out of his rant and he hasn't had time to process everything. Overall it looks like he's still trying to impress us so he can be our friend, though he almost took exception to being asked to do something, yet his apparently growing rivalry with Ron got him to comply. I'm fine with him being rivals with Ron, as I don't really intend for Ron to be part of our core group of friends. We'll also have to see whether Draco acknowledges the whole evil thing or if he just decides to ignore it, but if he does it could have interesting consequences on his character if he does acknowledge it.

2. I meant to point this out last time, but Susan apparently has an investigative bent to her. That's a valuable skill, and it would complement Hermione's skills for looking up information in the library as well. I'm sold on making her part of our core group of friends we'll eventually tell about the Gamer power.

3. Yes, Madam Bones, Dumbledore's predictions about us spouting off about constant vigilance are all too accurate. Though honestly, why this would upset you I do not know. The man is responsible for putting half the people in Azkaban there - you'd think she'd want another super Auror.

1. Why not? the Weasly family is a Huge help!!! Fred and George are bullshit levels of awesome. Mr wesaly is the only wizard who practices Magi science. Mrs weasly is a badass. one of the older weasly kids TAMES F%^&G DRAGONS. and Ron is a total bro
2. Deal
3. Because the CONSTAINT VIGALENCE wears on you when they check EVERYONE Reapedidly over and over and over.
1. Why not? the Weasly family is a Huge help!!! Fred and George are bullshit levels of awesome. Mr wesaly is the only wizard who practices Magi science. Mrs weasly is a badass. one of the older weasly kids TAMES F%^&G DRAGONS. and Ron is a total bro

"Why not" was gone over not too long ago. And look at your argument here - the only point in Ron's individual favor you bring up is that he's a "total bro", with the rest of it being reliant on other people related to him. Ron is lazy, has insecurity issues, and can be rather insensitive. I don't dislike him enough that Harry shouldn't be friendly towards him, I just don't want him in our inner circle. As far as Fred and George goes, nothing stops us from being their friends too just because we're not super close with Ron.
As for my rebuttal, my apologies... was still trying to calm down from not speaking my mind in another quest and the voters, once more going for the shinies... I inappropriately vented my remaining frustrations out on you... I'm still trying to decide whether I should report Corvo for cyber bullying though. Thoughts?

It's fine, apology accepted, and appreciated. I definitely understand how stress can lead to posts that are more harsh than intended. As for your question, I wouldn't worry about it. I'll agree with Enjoy and say that we drop it now that we've apologized and had some time to cool down. :)

1. Why not? the Weasly family is a Huge help!!! Fred and George are bullshit levels of awesome. Mr wesaly is the only wizard who practices Magi science. Mrs weasly is a badass. one of the older weasly kids TAMES F%^&G DRAGONS. and Ron is a total bro
2. Deal
3. Because the CONSTAINT VIGALENCE wears on you when they check EVERYONE Reapedidly over and over and over.

I kind of agree with Enjou (I don't know what it is, but my finger always hits 'Y' instead of 'U' when typing that name) about the first point. I didn't mind Ron in canon, but there were times he could get quite bad.

As for the third point, I agree. I find it annoying how Moody has been turned into what amounts to a joke. Anytime he gets mentioned or someone wants to interact with him it always involves CONSTANT ALL CAPS! Actually, how many times did he actually say that?
"Why not" was gone over not too long ago. And look at your argument here - the only point in Ron's individual favor you bring up is that he's a "total bro", with the rest of it being reliant on other people related to him. Ron is lazy, has insecurity issues, and can be rather insensitive. I don't dislike him enough that Harry shouldn't be friendly towards him, I just don't want him in our inner circle. As far as Fred and George goes, nothing stops us from being their friends too just because we're not super close with Ron.

Okay then
  1. dude gets himself nearly killed for harry in a chess match with Giant golems, nearly strangled to death, not to mention risking expallsion to help hagrid. IN THE FIRST YEAR. Saying he has a " lack of loyality" is ... not really true when he risks his life for harry repeatedly over and over and over again. Puting up with 6 years of Chosen one crap from harry elevates him to Bro status
  2. Like Harry did not go crazy on that trip as well:rolleyes: I mean puting up with half of what is going on in that book reuires the patience of a goddamn saint.
  3. You do realize Ron thought his family was targeted/dead everything he had know was threatened. and they spent MONTHS going around with no information on the wrold at large chasing down a lead with no progress, and the fact that his best friend is close to the Girl he is crushing on, and the fact that he wore a fragment of Voldemrts soul while this is happening? a normal person would have said F%^k this Im out before they even started. the fact he came back after all of that risked his life AGAIN and stabbed the god damn locket, that show just how Loyal and Brave Ron Wesaly is.
  4. he is not a Chosen one, he is not a Genius,he is not connected to the upper halls of power. He is damn Brave person willing to put himself in danger for his frinds again and again and again and again and again and again ( seriously Dark souls level of repatation here)
Ron will make a Great addtion to our crew and I dont see a reason not to include him. Seriously his character has been hated on by people in the fandom for ONE mistake that really any normal person would have made MONTHS ago.

and before you say Hermione stayed
  1. the Locket was playing on his fears ( which was the two of them levaing him behind)
  2. she already made her family safe ron's is still in mortal danger
  3. there are advantages to being muggle born/raised the bull shit insainity surrounding Harry is eaiser to swallow for someone who just found out magic is real
Okay then
  1. dude gets himself nearly killed for harry in a chess match with Giant golems, nearly strangled to death, not to mention risking expallsion to help hagrid. IN THE FIRST YEAR. Saying he has a " lack of loyality" is ... not really true when he risks his life for harry repeatedly over and over and over again. Puting up with 6 years of Chosen one crap from harry elevates him to Bro status

I stopped reading at the underlined and bolded part. Nowhere in what I said was "lack of loyalty" an issue, so your argument here is straw-manning.
I stopped reading at the underlined and bolded part. Nowhere in what I said was "lack of loyalty" an issue, so your argument here is straw-manning.
you wanted reasons
"Why not" was gone over not too long ago. And look at your argument here - the only point in Ron's individual favor you bring up is that he's a "total bro", with the rest of it being reliant on other people related to him. Ron is lazy, has insecurity issues, and can be rather insensitive. I don't dislike him enough that Harry shouldn't be friendly towards him, I just don't want him in our inner circle. As far as Fred and George goes, nothing stops us from being their friends too just because we're not super close with Ron.

I Gave you reasons
you wanted reasons

I Gave you reasons

Then I suggest not using straw man arguments when giving said reasons.

Anyways, keep in mind that I'm not pointing out one mistake he's made as my reasons I don't want him in our inner circle, I'm pointing out his general flaws. His laziness in particular is bothersome to me, as that tells me he's liable to not want to put in the work to grind up his stats, abilities, and level. Skill books will only take him so far. Canonically his laziness even went into adulthood, when he cheated on a muggle driver's license test by using a charm on the instructor.

Pretty much everything Ron brings to the table can be attained through other means, or at least other viable and interesting alternatives are available.
1. As I said, Fred and George can be befriended independently.
2. If we need a "bro" then Neville can be that as I suspect his loyalty will be through the roof if we manage to heal his parents, and we can expect him to really grow well now that he has a wand that is suited to him, and fighting zombies and monsters will make him quite confident in himself.
3. We don't need anyone to carry Horcruxes for us. They won't affect us psychologically. Just shove them into our own personal hammerspace until we can get the Exorcise spell and deal with them then.
4. We can deal with the chess board ourself by learning how to play chess - just eat a bunch of chess strategy books, get videos of chess masters playing one another, etc. If we need to sacrifice ourself, then it's not going to kill us or knock us out - we'll just lose some HP and then drink some HP potions.
you wanted reasons

I Gave you reasons
Then I suggest not using straw man arguments when giving said reasons.

Anyways, keep in mind that I'm not pointing out one mistake he's made as my reasons I don't want him in our inner circle, I'm pointing out his general flaws. His laziness in particular is bothersome to me, as that tells me he's liable to not want to put in the work to grind up his stats, abilities, and level. Skill books will only take him so far. Canonically his laziness even went into adulthood, when he cheated on a muggle driver's license test by using a charm on the instructor.

Pretty much everything Ron brings to the table can be attained through other means, or at least other viable and interesting alternatives are available.
1. As I said, Fred and George can be befriended independently.
2. If we need a "bro" then Neville can be that as I suspect his loyalty will be through the roof if we manage to heal his parents, and we can expect him to really grow well now that he has a wand that is suited to him, and fighting zombies and monsters will make him quite confident in himself.
3. We don't need anyone to carry Horcruxes for us. They won't affect us psychologically. Just shove them into our own personal hammerspace until we can get the Exorcise spell and deal with them then.
4. We can deal with the chess board ourself by learning how to play chess - just eat a bunch of chess strategy books, get videos of chess masters playing one another, etc. If we need to sacrifice ourself, then it's not going to kill us or knock us out - we'll just lose some HP and then drink some HP potions.


Then I suggest not using straw man arguments when giving said reasons.

Anyways, keep in mind that I'm not pointing out one mistake he's made as my reasons I don't want him in our inner circle, I'm pointing out his general flaws. His laziness in particular is bothersome to me, as that tells me he's liable to not want to put in the work to grind up his stats, abilities, and level. Skill books will only take him so far. Canonically his laziness even went into adulthood, when he cheated on a muggle driver's license test by using a charm on the instructor.

Pretty much everything Ron brings to the table can be attained through other means, or at least other viable and interesting alternatives are available.
1. As I said, Fred and George can be befriended independently.
2. If we need a "bro" then Neville can be that as I suspect his loyalty will be through the roof if we manage to heal his parents, and we can expect him to really grow well now that he has a wand that is suited to him, and fighting zombies and monsters will make him quite confident in himself.
3. We don't need anyone to carry Horcruxes for us. They won't affect us psychologically. Just shove them into our own personal hammerspace until we can get the Exorcise spell and deal with them then.
4. We can deal with the chess board ourself by learning how to play chess - just eat a bunch of chess strategy books, get videos of chess masters playing one another, etc. If we need to sacrifice ourself, then it's not going to kill us or knock us out - we'll just lose some HP and then drink some HP potions.

  1. It's a side benefit of becoming friends with Ron ( family friend status)
  2. If we manage to cure insanity the rest of the wizard world has given up on and has festered for years :rolleyes: cause that's easy
  3. ...What? I used that as an example of Ron's stregth of spirit why would we be carrying around a horucrux?
  4. :facepalm: Im not saying we NEED him for that. I was using that as an example to show how useful he is.
We don't NEED Ron hell we don't NEED anyone. we could tell everyone to shove it and we would still be Broken as hell and runing the place in a year or two . However Im juat saying someone who is
  1. Brave
  2. loyal
  3. Good in a fight
  4. willing to put up with crazy stuff
would be a benefit for us .

I really dont see why you are against us picking up a good and useful to have around companion . there is literally no down side to being friends with Ron

Edit: i apologize some how i missed your intail opening
  1. Gamer's ability lends it's self to grinding. when ou can see yourself geting stronger all the time it encourages you to level
  2. he is actally quite profecient it's just he is being compared to a chosen one and a genus. compared to nevel and normal people Ron is actaly quite good at fighting
  3. Ummm Wizard why would you not use a skill you are good at to cover a skill you are bad at?
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  1. It's a side benefit of becoming friends with Ron ( family friend status)
  2. If we manage to cure insanity the rest of the wizard world has given up on and has festered for years :rolleyes: cause that's easy
  3. ...What? I used that as an example of Ron's stregth of spirit why would we be carrying around a horucrux?
  4. :facepalm: Im not saying we NEED him for that. I was using that as an example to show how useful he is.

1. Is not worth dealing with Ron's drawbacks, IMO. Just go talk to them directly. I'm sure they'll be more than happy to talk with Harry Potter.
2. D&D has spells that remove insanity. Heal, Restoration, and Wish are all possibles. Other fictional magics may also allow it. This has been a subject of repeated discussion.
3. We would carry around many of the Horcruxes because the are in valuable magical items that we'd rather not destroy outright. Salazar Slytherin's Locket and Helga Hufflepuff's Cup are both noted to have magical powers and Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem is noted to increase the wearer's wisdom. Why destroy irreplaceable artifacts like that when we could just used D&D Exorcise to kick the pieces of Voldemort's soul out of the objects and keep them?
4. And I'm saying that it's an incident of him being useful where we have viable alternatives available that don't involve us having to deal with Ron's drawbacks.

We don't NEED Ron hell we don't NEED anyone. we could tell everyone to shove it and we would still be Broken as hell and runing the place in a year or two . However Im juat saying someone who is
  1. Brave
  2. loyal
  3. Good in a fight
  4. willing to put up with crazy stuff
would be a benefit for us .

All things we can get from other people who don't have his drawbacks. I'm not denying any of the above, but it's not enough for me to want to invest time in Ron. There are far more interesting characters I'd prefer to invest our efforts into.

I really dont see why you are against us picking up a good and useful to have around companion . there is literally no down side to being friends with Ron

You mean other than dealing with his laziness, insecurity, immaturity, insensitivity, and all that entails? You may think his problems are worth dealing with for the benefits he gives, but I don't.

Wait, seriously? That seems rather out of character for him.

Yup -

In August of 2017, Ron, having settled into a rotund middle age, obtained a Muggle driving licence.[27] He also admitted putting a Confundus Charm on the Muggle driving inspector because he had forgotten to use his wing mirror properly, excusing this mistake because casting a Supersensory Charm would be more effective.
Ron was also a person who liked to do things the easy way, as he did not like to work hard. This quality was reflected in his first year when he just picked up books from the Hogwarts Library shelves randomly when finding out about Nicolas Flamel. He also had a tendency to make up predictions for his Divination homework, and frequently copied most of his homework from Hermione Granger. However, he could afford to let go of this tendency of his during tougher times, like when he researched information to help Hagrid in letting off Buckbeak in his third year. His peculiar trait did not seem to vanish, even after he grew up, as he confunded his driving examiner and shrugged off his guilt by saying "I could always use a Supersensory Charm for that".

He's not lazy 100% of the time, but most of the time he'll do things the easy way. Do you think he's going to be willing to put on weights, do pushups for hours, and practice his Occlumency so that Snape doesn't read his mind? I don't.
1. Is not worth dealing with Ron's drawbacks, IMO. Just go talk to them directly. I'm sure they'll be more than happy to talk with Harry Potter.
2. D&D has spells that remove insanity. Heal, Restoration, and Wish are all possibles. Other fictional magics may also allow it. This has been a subject of repeated discussion.
3. We would carry around many of the Horcruxes because the are in valuable magical items that we'd rather not destroy outright. Salazar Slytherin's Locket and Helga Hufflepuff's Cup are both noted to have magical powers and Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem is noted to increase the wearer's wisdom. Why destroy irreplaceable artifacts like that when we could just used D&D Exorcise to kick the pieces of Voldemort's soul out of the objects and keep them?
4. And I'm saying that it's an incident of him being useful where we have viable alternatives available that don't involve us having to deal with Ron's drawbacks.

All things we can get from other people who don't have his drawbacks. I'm not denying any of the above, but it's not enough for me to want to invest time in Ron. There are far more interesting characters I'd prefer to invest our efforts into.

You mean other than dealing with his laziness, insecurity, immaturity, insensitivity, and all that entails? You may think his problems are worth dealing with for the benefits he gives, but I don't.

Yup -

He's not lazy 100% of the time, but most of the time he'll do things the easy way. Do you think he's going to be willing to put on weights, do pushups for hours, and practice his Occlumency so that Snape doesn't read his mind? I don't.

  1. And we cant add another brother to that why?
  2. IIRC the lowest one that might work is a 5th level spell? it will take us some time to reach that level ( hence why the quest rewards are so damn high) so rellying on that to build our realtion ship is not practical
  3. Because having the soul of a powerful darkwizard inside of those objects for years tends to leave a mark? I certainly would not trust those artifacts after use and besides whatever they can do we can do far better with far less effort and notice.
  4. Umm so we would not need Hermonie for years ( if ever) Nevel for years ( if ever) or susan (never) by that same logic

Like who? I would like to point out nevel was useless for years until he came up with Gilweed it took harry training him in the DA for some time for him to be anywhere near usefull. he suffered from cripleing shyness in his first year and past out from the look of the mandrake root. we would have to put a Hell of a lot more work into him than Ron.

Like Harry dosent suffer from any those... or Hermione... Or especially nevell. no one is perfect in case you forgot.Herminone for example starts as ( and continues for some time to be ) an insufferable knowitall with no friends ( until the troll incident) controlling and a perfectionist on top of being so blinded with what she thinks is " right" she ignores what people think ( house elves)

Harry has his chosen one Angest and a hell of a temper at times, Oh and he copies Hermione's homework as well ( does that mean he is lazy or he knows that's she is a genius?)

he is not perfect but ron is useful loyal and a good friend and frankly Harry could use every friend he can get. I dont see why we should cut him out for no reason.
he is not perfect but ron is useful loyal and a good friend and frankly Harry could use every friend he can get. I dont see why we should cut him out for no reason.
Kay. You seem to not be reading what Enjou is saying, so I'll try it.

Having Ron as a friend is fine. Enjou is not against having Ron as a friend. There are degrees of friendship. We can be SUPER CLOSE with someone, CLOSE, FRIENDLY, ACQUAINTANCES, and 'nod to your neighbor when you happen to see each other taking out the garbage at the same time'.

Look for me ron was rather forgettable in most of the books and often times had no significant role in most of the story that could not be replaced by someone else. I would rather have someone else, like susan , for the number three spot simply because it rather tiresome to find good stories (aka non-bash, non-harem fics) that explores other characters in-depth. Also we can have more than three people in our inner circle of friends who we can do gamer stuff with but character overload is a thing. So instead of going in circles about ron virtues or the lack thereof we should be asking what characters do we want to see more of.
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