The Power(Harry Potter/The Gamer)

[X] Tell them everything except the gamer power, making up lies or claiming secrets for relevant parts.
-[X] Also thank Moody for teaching us the value of CONSTANT VIGILANCE! You never know when a death eater rat animagus is in the room, so showing CONSTANT VIGILANCE is obviously fully justified!

I want to play this as secret or you-wouldn't-believe-me-if-I-told-you as much as possible. Lie detectors are pretty easy for these guys and we have secrets and ywbmiity in spades.

Dumbles: "I must ask, how did you learn that spell?"
Harry: "I read about it in a book and it had a description of the wand movements. Seemed easy enough and the description fit the situation."
Bones: "I'm not sure I believe that."
Moody: "I do."
Bones: *glare*
Harry: "Did I do something wrong?" *totally innocent because we have no Idea how fast wizards actually develop*
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No one likes a suck up.

There's a huge difference between needlessly sucking up to someone, and thanking that person for teaching you skills that could have very well saved your life.

Seriously, are people going to say "Suck up!" anytime a vote contains a part where we thank someone?


Oh, I hope Harry knows what he's doing! He certainly sounded like he did. But this is big... Beyond what we should be doing. But then, he is Harry Potter. This is probably just another Sunday for him.

You know, what amuses me is that this isn't entirely wrong. :p
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[X] Tell them everything except the gamerpower, making up lies or claiming secrets for relevant parts.
-[X] Also thank Moody for teaching us the value of CONSTANT VIGILANCE! You never know when a death eater rat animagus is in the room, so showing CONSTANT VIGILANCE isobviously fully justified!
[X] Tell them everything except the gamer power, making up lies or claiming secrets for relevant parts.
-[X] Also thank Moody for teaching us the value of CONSTANT VIGILANCE! You never know when a death eater rat animagus is in the room, so showing CONSTANT VIGILANCE is obviously fully justified!
There's a huge difference between needlessly sucking up to someone, and thanking that person for teaching you skills that could have very well saved your life.

Seriously, are people going to say "Suck up!" anytime a vote contains a part where we thank someone?

Pretty much what I felt when I added that. Remember that Moody came out of retirement for Harrys sake, spent lots of time teaching him, kept Harrys Gamer secret even from Dumbledore and generally has done a LOT to help Harry.

Saying thank you after that training has helped Harry capture a death eater does not seem too overblown.

I also tried to phrase it in a sort of humorous way. People like Dumbledore and Bones seem to find Moody a bit silly due to his CONSTANT VIGILANCE thing. Well, we can point to Pettigrew (and all the other craziness we are going to encounter such as Quirrell, Diary, etc) and make it clear that yeah. Moody is actually on to something here!
Just a few thoughts on how things went...

1. Draco doesn't really seems to like us, but it's not at the level of the canon rivalry. Understandable given the "you're a bit evil" thing, but the whole situation with Peter brought him out of his rant and he hasn't had time to process everything. Overall it looks like he's still trying to impress us so he can be our friend, though he almost took exception to being asked to do something, yet his apparently growing rivalry with Ron got him to comply. I'm fine with him being rivals with Ron, as I don't really intend for Ron to be part of our core group of friends. We'll also have to see whether Draco acknowledges the whole evil thing or if he just decides to ignore it, but if he does it could have interesting consequences on his character if he does acknowledge it.

2. I meant to point this out last time, but Susan apparently has an investigative bent to her. That's a valuable skill, and it would complement Hermione's skills for looking up information in the library as well. I'm sold on making her part of our core group of friends we'll eventually tell about the Gamer power.

3. Yes, Madam Bones, Dumbledore's predictions about us spouting off about constant vigilance are all too accurate. Though honestly, why this would upset you I do not know. The man is responsible for putting half the people in Azkaban there - you'd think she'd want another super Auror.
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[X] Tell them everything except the gamer power, making up lies or claiming secrets for relevant parts.
-[X] Also thank Moody for teaching us the value of CONSTANT VIGILANCE! You never know when a death eater rat animagus is in the room, so showing CONSTANT VIGILANCE is obviously fully justified!
[X] Tell them everything except the gamer power, making up lies or claiming secrets for relevant parts.
-[X] Also thank Moody for teaching us the value of CONSTANT VIGILANCE! You never know when a death eater rat animagus is in the room, so showing CONSTANT VIGILANCE is obviously fully justified!
Current tally.

Vote Tally : The Power(Harry Potter/The Gamer) | Page 205 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.1.15

[X] Tell them everything except the gamer power, making up lies or claiming secrets for relevant parts.
No. of Votes: 34

[X] Tell them everything except the gamer power, making up lies or claiming secrets for relevant parts.
-[X] Also thank Moody for teaching us the value of CONSTANT VIGILANCE! You never know when a death eater rat animagus is in the room, so showing CONSTANT VIGILANCE is obviously fully justified!
No. of Votes: 11

[x] Tell them everything except the gamer power. Where THAT is concerned, you don't lie, just claim it's a secret and let Moody back you on the secret. Or tell them if he thinks them trustworthy enough, on the basis that anyone Moody thinks is trustworthy enough is basically unimpeachable.
No. of Votes: 3

[X] Tell them everything except the gamer power, claiming secrets for relevant parts.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Tell them everything except the gamer power, making up lies or claiming secrets for relevant parts.
-[X] Also thank Moody for teaching us the value of CONSTANT VIGILANCE! You never know when a death eater rat animagus is in the room, so showing CONSTANT VIGILANCE is obviously fully justified!
--[X] And whats that about the rat being a hero ? ask them how that came to be; and verify later with Moody, including that Sirius Black reference
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 50
We'll also have to see whether Draco acknowledges the whole evil thing or if he just decides to ignore it, but if he does it could have interesting consequences on his character if he does acknowledge it.

Yeah. That could actually have an impact. I mean Harry casting a spell to detect evil and going "you are a bit evil" can be easily dismissed as Harry trolling him.

Harry casting a spell to detect evil, telling him he is a bit evil, and then somehow (seemingly with the same spell) detecting the evil of a rat animagus that has hidden perfectly until now. That might make him think.

2. I meant to point this out last time, but Susan apparently has an investigative bint to her. That's a valuable skill, and it would complement Hermione's skills for looking up information in the library as well. I'm sold on making her part of our core group of friends we'll eventually tell about the Gamer power.

No problem with that.

3. Yes, Madam Bones, Dumbledore's predictions about us spouting off about constant vigilance are all too accurate. Though honestly, why this would upset you I do not know. The man is responsible for putting half the people in Azkaban there - you'd think she'd want another super Auror.

Eh, I don't think she was actually all that upset. I got the feeling of a amused exasperation more than anything else personally.
[X] Tell them everything except the gamer power, making up lies or claiming secrets for relevant parts.
-[X] Also thank Moody for teaching us the value of CONSTANT VIGILANCE! You never know when a death eater rat animagus is in the room, so showing CONSTANT VIGILANCE is obviously fully justified!
How about instead of that nauseatingly long thank you that sounds like ass kissing, we just thank him for training us? Sure we already did that, but if we do it here, it can help explain how we did what we did.

[X] Tell them everything except the gamer power, making up lies or claiming secrets for relevant parts.
-[X] Also thank Moody for 'training us'.
How about instead of that nauseatingly long thank you that sounds like ass kissing, we just thank him for training us? Sure we already did that, but if we do it here, it can help explain how we did what we did.

Its a freaking vote. The GM is the one who actually writes Harry thanking Moody, and I trust him to write it so that it makes sense.
[X] Tell them everything except the gamer power, making up lies or claiming secrets for relevant parts.
-[X] Also thank Moody for teaching us the value of CONSTANT VIGILANCE! You never know when a death eater rat animagus is in the room, so showing CONSTANT VIGILANCE is obviously fully justified!
[x] Tell them everything except the gamer power. Where THAT is concerned, you don't lie, just claim it's a secret and let Moody back you on the secret. Or tell them if he thinks them trustworthy enough, on the basis that anyone Moody thinks is trustworthy enough is basically unimpeachable.
As far as I'm concerned, the GM has no obligation to interpret the vote to your liking. If he wanted to thank Moody in the exact manner you guys are describing, he's perfectly in his right. And it would sound like a bratty little kid trying to show off.
[X] Tell them everything except the gamer power, making up lies or claiming secrets for relevant parts.
Its a freaking vote. The GM is the one who actually writes Harry thanking Moody, and I trust him to write it so that it makes sense.
Or you could make a vote that makes sense. Relying on the GM to make a vote not sound stupid is unwise.
[X] Tell them everything except the gamer power, making up lies or claiming secrets for relevant parts.
-[X] Also thank Moody for teaching us the value of CONSTANT VIGILANCE! You never know when a death eater rat animagus is in the room, so showing CONSTANT VIGILANCE is obviously fully justified!
As far as I'm concerned, the GM has no obligation to interpret the vote to your liking. If he wanted to thank Moody in the exact manner you guys are describing, he's perfectly in his right. And it would sound like a bratty little kid trying to show off.

First, the vote is a descriptor of what Harry does, so the GM basically has to interpret since it can't just be copypasted.

Second, frankly I dont even see whats there to interpret beyond the obvious.

The reference to Harry being a mini-Moody was already brought up by the GM, so I don't see whats wrong in trying to add a bit of humour to the whole thing by having Harry go CONSTANT VIGILANCE and also trolling Dumbledore&Bones a bit.

Anyway this is the vote dissected:

1. Moody helped us and told us to always be vigilant.

2. Were were vigilant (the reason we cast the Detect Evil spell int he first place), and due to that captured Pettigrew.

3. We thank Moody for this important life lesson that allowed us to achieve victory.

(4). We slightly troll Dumbledore and Bones, who find Moodys attitude amusing, by forcing them to confront that yeah, CONSTANT VIGILANCE seems to work.

Where are we sucking up here exactly? Moody taught us something valuable. We thank Moody for it. The end.

Explain brattiness. Explain sucking up. Because to be blunt, I don't get it or see it.

Why don't you illuminate me, so that I can do better next time?
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