Just some thoughts on training actions, which will likely now be by the month rather than the week...
- Classes will be mandatory, and paying attention in most is advisable even if we know the material. There might be some things the skill books didn't cover, and the professors won't look kindly on us trying to do other stuff. These will grind the relevant skills a bit anyways. We should probably be able to get away with some kind of mental skill grinding in History of Magic, as the ghost professor doesn't actually pay attention to the students. Hell, we might even be able to train Occlumency while taking notes.
- ID training
-- Zombies, Karate, Smiting and Prayer to raise Faith, etc. and just general grinding for XP and loot.
-- One run through the Flobberworm dungeon to see if we can make a Flobberworm Legion appear, and kill it with D&D spells to get our Mage level up.
- More Occlumency training with push-ups and meditation. While I'm certain that we can beat Snape's passive Leglimency at our current level, we need to ensure we can beat out any future attempts to mess with our mind. CONSTANT VIGILANCE!
- Grind ID Create? We're level 10/100, but still no time dilation. We'll really need that.
- Try to get mental commands of our menus and skills. While grinding Mage Sight, of course.
- Get to the library, test our copying skills and see if we can get skill books that way. If not, we should go around the library using Mage Sight and get a list of skill books within so that we can either order by owl or read through them manually if they're interesting enough.
- Social actions.
@Halpo133 - I've got a question on the skill books we've devoured. If we were asked a question about them, for instance Snape asking us about something in the school textbooks or
Potion Ingredients and Their Reactions, how much would we be able to answer? Just the factual things, or everything in the book?