Like we won't get that anyways. It cannonically came from the Hat, and even if we don't get it via that, we can grab it ourselves from Dumbledore.
Now that is just wrong. All the houses is about what matters most to the student. Bravery, Knowledge, Power, or in the Hufflepuff's case, Loyalty. And they aren't even lack-luster in the various magic things. Cedric is among the best students in Hogwarts, and he's a Hufflepuff
"Good Hufflepuff she'll take the rest and teach them all she knew"
Loyalty and hard work are how they cope with being quintessentially mediocre except for once in a century miracles like Cedric.
1) Plot will go NOTHING like it did cannonically. Ignoring that we will probably be so OP that even if we let them do whatever they wanted to our sleeping body, they would be unable to put a scratch on us (we might even kick all their butts while we are still sleeping), they wouldn't even have any reason to hate us. We are working for them and with them.
2) They'd probably rather like us even early on. I mean, it would be a HUGE shocker that we joined, and a month or two they might be suspicious, but as we played their games, interacted with them like a nice person, and got them tons of house points, they wouldn't be able to help but like us. Again, we are working with them, not against them. And if Draco is on our side, all the better with how much pull he has in the house.
3)The rest of the school would be shocked, but not overly suspicious. For A) it's mostly just Gryffindor that has a hate-on for Slytherin, and B) the hate-on isn't even THAT big, it's more like how dedicated sports-fans can get to their team and collage, and hate their rivals.
For heaven's sake Slytherin in Harry's year is lousy with the children of magical terrorists who are future magical terrorists themselves because that is the way they have ben and will be brought up. Just being friends with Hermione will guarantee we can't make friends there and will make enemies.
I'm just going to stop here because this sort of observing Slytherin and particularly the likes of Malfoy through rose-tinted lenses is giving me a headache
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