What IC reason do we have to do that? Harry isn't nearly as big on CONSTANT VIGILANCE as Moody.
The only problem is, we WANT to interact with him. Just not right now, in a situation we can't control.
Plus, don't be certain we are going to Gryffindor. Going off what happened the Wand Selection, we get a choice of what house we want. I'm personally in favor of Ravenclaw. Don't know what everyone else wants.
I've been with Ravenclaw since I joined here, 2 nd Hufflepuff, 3rd Slytherin cause fuck canon and prejudice, also sounds like it would make things interesting.
But still Ravenclaw is going to be my 1st choice cause book knowledge and in order to avoid the stigma hate going on Gryffindor and Slytherin.
Huh, this is something I've been wondering
@Halpo133 depending what house we join will we get special, stats, traits,title? I believe a title is more likely, but depending on the house we get what bonuses would the title offer us.
Hufflepuff I believe would probably offer us an increase in social cause how they value friendship and loyalty, as well as stamina, Vit stats maybe an increase xp increase since they are known as hardworking.
Slytherin, I'm no sure what they would give us, they are ambitious and the house is considered to bring out very powerful and successful students so maybe an overall exp and a skill ranking bonus in everything we do and or an increase in most of our stats.
Gryffindor, I'm not sure what they would offer us, being courageous and brave sound like they would offer us bonus to our health and physical stats and skills, maybe luck as well.
Ravenclaw sounds like it would boost our Mana, Int and Wis maybe a bonus when it comes to reading books. Maybe since our magic is heavily focused on Int and Ravenclaw is so focused on knowledge it offer us a discount on using spells.