The Perfectly Normal High School: A Slice of Life Quest! (Defunct)

A/N: Hey um…

This is going to sound completely out of the blue, but none of you think I'm a girl, right? :<

My name is "LuciDreamer," but the emphasis in the first half of the name is supposed to go to the full "Lucid," not just the "Luci." As in… my real name isn't Luci. No, not at all. It's Koichi (Just kidding, I'm not brave enough to put my real name on the internet…). I uh… I guess I got lazy when I was creating my name, and didn't want to use all that effort to type up a second "d." I mean, I know the in-game character "DreamerLuci" kind of breaks this pattern, because that is more explicitly feminine-sounding, but you know...

I dunno, I just realized that a lot of people refer to me as "Luci" rather than "Lucid," like I intended, so I'd gotten self-conscious about it. It's probably nothing, anyway.

On to more important things, holymotherofmiku I love reading the theorizing on this thread. SV has a really inquisitive culture, huh? I only hope the answers to all of these plot questions are as rewarding as I think they are! Hahahaaa… the stakes are rising what have I done I'm not competent enough to pull this through someone hlep me

Also, I played Papers, Please last week.

...don't be surprised if a distant, future week inexplicable involves a border checkpoint and a very beleaguered inspection officer. Glory to Artstotzka.

So... yeah! On with the show.
I think it's more a matter of capitalization choice in your name. XxxxXxxx tends to be treated as effectively 'First'& 'Last' name, like Blue Dance would get shorthanded to either Blue or Dance but not Blued. If you had a second D in there, especially if the second one was capitalized to suggest the 'Lucid' you meant to communicate. (LucidDreamer, basically.)
Anyhoo, I'm with what Spectrum said above-you're probably male, if for no other reason then that's typically a safe assumption, though your self-insert seems to be female.
him being an annoying fucker has nothing to do with him being otaku. just throwing that out there.
See Silas, You're fine.

YamiOtako: Like… It's hard for me to work if I don't have a general idea of who you do or don't want on your site.
YamiOtako: Would you prefer me to stop people from talking about politics entirely, or just threadban people who are being most disruptive? Do you want me to respect the right of people to shit-talk each other, or silence them? Stuff like that… I don't know what kind of culture you'd prefer, so I flail in the dark a lot.

This didn't require a roll? Really?
Also good on ya Silas, Talking about your problems. BE STRONG FREIND!

fetching reizei.renji.ncid
no related records found
fetching matsuoka.yumika.ncid
fetching matsuoka.marion.ncid

...if I had only limbs,
fetching matsuoka.izumo.ncid
I could hug you.
fetching matsuoka.kuroko.ncid
fetching rakuyama.riku.ncid
no related records found
If I had only eyes,
fetching mikado.yoshi.ncid
fetching mikado.daichi.ncid
I could let you cry with me.
fetching mikado.yukio.ncid
If I had only a heart,
fetching mikado.asuna.ncid
Then maybe
I could die

no records received
no records received
no records received
no records received
And then you could be rid of me.
fetching kuroda.harima.ncid
record 'kuroda.harima' not found
fetching hirabayashi.harima.ncid
fetching hirabayashi.reo.ncid
fetching hirabayashi.kanata.ncid
You deserved better.
fetching ichiro.ncid
record 'ichiro' not found
fetching ichiro.ncid
record 'ichiro' not found
fetching ichiro.ncid
record 'ichiro' not found
I'm so sorry.
fetching ichiro.ncid
record 'ichiro' not found

//Warning! Intrusion detected. Database lock eminent.

fetching ichiro.ncid
record 'ichiro' not found
exporting records to bsnet0039.extr

operation successful

//Warning! Database locked.

Total session time: 0.0267s

Estimated time to re-entry: 5.2300s

Stay strong, Silas.

OHKAY THEN. Big Sis are you alright?
please be alright.
On less depressing news, a bunch of Silas' classmates apparently don't exist. Thats concerning. Its also concerning that Big Sis went for Ichiro 4 times. Might show signs of distraction. hmmm.

[] [SOCIAL] COUR: Challenge someone (Silas is not in the mood)

??? Looks like a documentation error.

[X] [SOCIAL] CHAR: Talk with someone: Hanamura:
I'm cautious about this guy but Nevill brings ups a good point, we do kinda need his help with Big Sis. Besides, he knows about us, so Big Sis probably isn't going to be to much of a surprise. (And he did bug Silas.)

[X] [SOCIAL] CHAR: Plan an outing with a friend: Shinohara Hana and Matsuoka Yumika
-[x] Intended Turn: this AS Turn
-[X] Location: The hypermall
-[x] Event: RikuRiku celebrations, Harem Federation formation

Yea, this probably needs to happen. Its probably better to do this when Big Sis is least like to intervene on "Silas's Behalf"

EDIT: Dang Lucid, this was the fastest 6 months I've Ever lived through!
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"Listen to me. I will withdraw close oversight, but if you need my eyes or my insight, just call my name, or press the back of your neck, right along the spine. If you can't speak or move your body in any meaningful way and are in danger, I will already know about it, either from changes in your heart rate or some other anomaly I detect in your biometrics. I'll come. You have to trust that Big Sister will come. Okay?"
... are we a robot/cyborg or something?

[X] [SOCIAL] CHAR: Talk with someone: Hanamura:

[X] [SOCIAL] CHAR: Invite a friend home: Shinohara and Yumika
-[X] Intended Turn: AS Turn (post clubs)
-[X] Event: Harem Federation Formation
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[X] [SOCIAL] CHAR: Talk with someone: Hanamura:

[X] [SOCIAL] CHAR: Invite a friend home: Shinohara and Yumika
-[X] Intended Turn: AS Turn (post clubs)
-[X] Event: Harem Federation Formation

On less depressing news, a bunch of Silas' classmates apparently don't exist.
Note that it's just the records that do not exist (could be expunged, could have never been entered in the first place), and the text is different for different cases.
... are we a robot/cyborg or something?
We are likely to have an implant or two, or how else would Sis get our heart rate and everything?
It is possible that there is no dedicated beacon/device, and that there simply is a pressure point that affects our physical condition noticeably. But I suspect there is more to it than that.

For some reason, Big Sis feels guilty about something that happened long ago.
Best guess is that it is something related to the death of our parents. I am not sure if this was programmed into her, or how, or when. Caring for Silas does not look like a part of the original code seeing how it interferes with the rest of her programming and making her glitch out... and neither does the importance of the task look comparable to her other assignments.
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[X] [SOCIAL] CHAR: Talk with someone: Shinohara Hana
-[X] Who else knows about her superpower? Does Yumika know? The schools not a secure place to talk, but we have some information she deserves to know; Yumika is privy to it too.
[X] [SOCIAL] CHAR: Talk with someone: Matsuoka Yumika
-[X] About letting Shinohara Hana in on the thing. You know, the thing. We'd... We'd like to pool our resources and make sure we're all on the same page. And this directly effects Hana.

[] [SOCIAL] CHAR: Invite a friend home: Shinohara Hana AND Matsuoka Yumika
-[] Intended Turn: Weekend
-[] Event: Information Pooling and Student Council Investigation

Let the paranoia grow, especially without Big Sis.
[X] [SOCIAL] CHAR: Talk with someone: Shinohara Hana
-[X] Who else knows about her superpower? Does Yumika know? The schools not a secure place to talk, but we have some information she deserves to know; Yumika is privy to it too.
[X] [SOCIAL] CHAR: Talk with someone: Matsuoka Yumika
-[X] About letting Shinohara Hana in on the thing. You know, the thing. We'd... We'd like to pool our resources and make sure we're all on the same page. And this directly effects Hana.

[] [SOCIAL] CHAR: Invite a friend home: Shinohara Hana AND Matsuoka Yumika
-[] Intended Turn: Weekend
-[] Event: Information Pooling and Student Council Investigation

Let the paranoia grow, especially without Big Sis.
Isn't it better to get this meeting out of the was as soon as possible?
The faster we get these Two and their knowledge, the better we can respond to various SCP events.
I would argue that talking to them both would cause the least problems. Shinohara doesn't have to worry about who we told and Yumika knows we aren't trying to hold this over Hana or her own head.
The only possible problem is the possibility that Yumika isn't aware of what Hara is, since Hara has made it quite clear that she knows something about Yumika.
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The only possible problem is the possibility that Yumika isn't aware of what Hara is
They are at 'close friends', and Yumika made several oblique references to Hana's eating habits, likely trying to keep her secret from us.
The only question is whether Shinohara knows about the Foundation, and whether we should tell her if she doesn't. Which... I think we can work out on the spot.
Nobody wants to pick up the Riku event flags?
Mmm? What event flags?
They are at 'close friends', and Yumika made several oblique references to Hana's eating habits, likely trying to keep her secret from us.
The only question is whether Shinohara knows about the Foundation, and whether we should tell her if she doesn't. Which... I think we can work out on the spot.

Mmm? What event flags?
Its the idols birthday this week, I believe
Oh the hypermall events
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Oh. I was thinking about Rakuyama Riku, not the idol. :oops:

Hm. Tempting. I kinda want to invite Shinohara. Awkward and Loner together would be quite a sight.
But she isn't into anime and idols, I believe.

Yumika might be able to appreciate it better. Will probably drag us out in the spotlight under the pretense of 'training'.

Next turn, maybe?
Oh. I was thinking about Rakuyama Riku, not the idol. :oops:

Hm. Tempting. I kinda want to invite Shinohara. Awkward and Loner together would be quite a sight.
But she isn't into anime and idols, I believe.

Yumika might be able to appreciate it better. Will probably drag us out in the spotlight under the pretense of 'training'.

Next turn, maybe?
Hmm yea. As if she needed a pretext.
Hey Nanami, you interested?
Does she need a pretext @LuciDreamer or will she just do whatever?
To be fair, an AI might find hacking to be quite intuitive.
To me, that's always seemed far too analogous to "a human might find neurology to be quite intuitive" to be plausible. Especially since the kinds of things we see Big Sister (and other cinematic AI, or cinematic hackers in general) do through hacking are things that aren't plausibly hackable. Like those TV screens in the school and the military drones; why are they connected to computers outside the school/local military base?
And while I'm at it, I forgot to mention something I thought was important. Big Sister has no trouble hacking into government, military, and corporate databases worldwide. But she has been stymied by one group, despite the fact that they presumably threw their computer security together in the past year or two from scratch. And that group is the Student Council, the one group known to have experience with anomalies.

This is going to sound completely out of the blue, but none of you think I'm a girl, right? :< My name is "LuciDreamer," but the emphasis in the first half of the name is supposed to go to the full "Lucid," not just the "Luci."

I, at least, got the pun pretty much immediately (and it works much better without a second D). But "Luci" is a much more appealing and (arguably) memorable name than "LuciD," so that's what people default to calling you. Kinda like how people call me Wyrm even though that's my middle name; "Great" is a silly name to call just about anyone who didn't die doing some historically-important task that usually involves killing thousands of people the winners of history didn't care about.
(But on a serious note...just about nobody outside mediocre isekai anime uses their real name as an online username, so nobody expects others to.)

the stakes are rising
what have I done I'm not competent enough to pull this through someone hlep me

Look at it this way. As long as your criticism of your own work is harsher than that of your audience, you'll always be trying to improve it, and you'll do a good job because of that.

And he was sure his little snippet of a suggestion would help douse some of the flames. He hoped.
That, or it'll redirect the flamers directly towards the people who made the new site rules. Which would probably increase their rate of being banned, causing the flamers to get even more pissed off, causing a brief spike in toxicity before all the flamers are banned.

Also, I love the new character sheet formatting. Shame it doesn't work on mobile, but...dang, this forum has some cool features.

Current objectives:
-Avoid risky interactions that may lead to aggravated concussion.
While the concussion isn't an issue anymore, risky interactions are even more so since this is basically the first time Silas hasn't had his lifeline.

Observing has fubared like every single time. On the contrary, it's possible to learn about someone just by talking with them. Notably, Silas also has it easier talking to people and harder observing, so uh...yeah let's stop that finally please?
If we don't have Big Sister, we need to be Big Sister. We need to learn to observe and gather personal data and whatnot ourselves.

[X] [SOCIAL] CHAR: Talk with someone: Hanamura
There's some interesting stuff going on there that I'd like to know about, and he might help us figure out Big Sister. And hey, he's apparently a close acquaintance of Maeda.

[X] [SOCIAL] CHAR: Plan an outing with a friend: Shinohara & Yumika
-[X] Intended Turn: ASAP
-[X] Location: Stammer and see if they have suggestions; if they don't, the Hypermall.
-[X] Event: NOT harem formation. Just hang out and talk about stuff, perhaps including some of the oddities in other students.
While I agree that hanging out and talking with our friends seems like a good idea, I don't see Silas as the kind of guy to star in a harem com...okay, he's exactly the kind of guy who would be written into a harem comedy, but he's not the kind of guy who would intentionally join a harem comedy. But he does seem like the kind of guy who'd try to expand his Scooby gang before going in too deep, and who would stick to safe actions (which harem comedies are not) when Big Sister isn't helping out.
Harem was Halowed02's joke, I just went along with it. It's crossed out.

Shinohara's mystery option didn't win, so I don't think people are trying for a comeback here. The vote 's intent is to bring our friends/assets together and see if we are all on the same page. And if it isn't the Foundation, we always have Drama to talk about. That scenario won't write itself!

Silas talks about human relationships in terms of 4x strategy, so I thought calling it a formation of the Federation was pretty spot on. Besides, anything to distract him from the thought that he has not one, but two girls come over. And possibly see all the manga, and the figurines collection, and the game discs, and anime posters, and...

Shinohara will have a feast. :rolleyes:
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I'm convinced that harem shenanigans will happen on their own as long as we the players are receptive to the humor, and Silas doesn't need to do anything that'll make HIM sleazy. On purpose, at least.

But there's a lot more reasons to meet with Drome-chan and Master Spy Yumika than just getting Silas teased by cute grills. For one, Hana deserves to know about the Foundation if she doesn't already. For another, it gives us an opportunity to extract information from Hana about her abilities with, hopefully, minimal stress and maximum hugs/feels. And for a third, we could introduce them to Big Sis after we confirm they aren't Foundation, and the expanded social web will probably be healthy for both Silas and BS herself. Even if we just agree that we shouldn't make any moves against the Foundation (likely), it's better than just letting Yumika be a free agent, possibly conflicting with BS despite similar goals.

I agree that Hanamura would be incredibly useful to talk to and I'd be fine with it, but we're missing BS and I'd prefer the safer option to taking a risk, particularly since the easy option should be just as effective.
I just want to make sure LuciD doesn't take that joke seriously. Or at the least, that there's a dissenting vote if they do.
I doubt they would, they've made it rather obvious what their stance on the receptiveness of Silas classmates on Harems is. I wrote it that way because why not. The entire intention of the meeting would be to do as Karnewarrior Suggested either last turn or a few turns ago. I forget which
I also wouldn't be surprised if Yumika or Hanamura made a joke in the same vein.
I did make a suggestion to Lucid for this round, but I don't think anyone has seen it yet. Though it was more just asking if Nanami would make an appearance. She is friends with Silas after all.
@Karnewarrior I understand the concerns about Hanamura, but he's also know the most about US. Not having Big Sis is bad, but he seems like the person who will be most tolerant of a failure right now. Besides, we can always bribe him with personal information, assuming he's as creepy as he appears to be.
Besides, if anyone outside of SC knew about Nanami, it would be the one who knew that Silas had a literal bug on him from halfway across town.
[X] [SOCIAL] CHAR: Talk with someone: (Shinohara)
[X] [SOCIAL] CHAR: Talk with someone: (Riku)

Because not putting all our eggs in 1 or even 2 baskets is a good thing.
A/N: Hey um…

This is going to sound completely out of the blue, but none of you think I'm a girl, right? :<

My name is "LuciDreamer," but the emphasis in the first half of the name is supposed to go to the full "Lucid," not just the "Luci." As in… my real name isn't Luci. No, not at all. It's Koichi (Just kidding, I'm not brave enough to put my real name on the internet…). I uh… I guess I got lazy when I was creating my name, and didn't want to use all that effort to type up a second "d."

I mean, you can just click on someone's username to check their gender if they have it listed...which you do, as "male," so there doesn't seem likely to be much room for confusion. As for the name formatting, I had no trouble parsing that it was supposed to be a portmanteau of "lucid" & "dreamer" (especially as those two words are often paired already), though I can't speak to others on that one.

Anywho...I think I've made it abundantly clear by now that I want us to talk to Hanamura, but I don't have strong opinions on what else we should do with our time, at least among the several good options already presented. So for now, leaving my vote at just:

[X] [SOCIAL] CHAR: Talk with someone: Hanamura
The whatthefuck meter is at 74 now, by the way. For those reading the thread later on.

We're due for a 7mi moment too.
Can anyone remind me how much does our forum job pay? Does this depend on our efficiency? Do we get bonuses/maluses depending on the rolls?

Actually, how does Silas live? You'd think a NEET with no parents and no source of income would raise at least some questions...

Back when money were introduced, we've had this exchange:
Big Sis: There is a certain threshold, Silas. Using the National Drone Delivery Service to bring you your bento? That's fine. Hacking into the MSS's private network to provide you with unlimited and free Internet access? Also fine. Editing the National Census to acknowledge that you exist as a citizen of Mihoku? That's a given. But I'm not going to commit credit card fraud for you.


Big Sis: You think I am being hypocritical. I am not.
So... the entire Silas' persona is fictional, as far as official records are concerned? He wouldn't even be recognized as a citizen were it not for Big Sister! She hacks drones to keep him fed and ISPs (I think MSS is an ISP?) to keep him connected. She also alters whatever records she could get her hands on so that no one would bother him about anything unimportant, like his identity, legal status, and so on.

Just... what kind of existence was Silas before he met Big Sister? Did he even have parents?

It is interesting that Big Sister draws a line at credit card fraud. The amount of legal fraud she engages in should be several times more damning as far as laws are concerned, and the lunches she steals diverts cost money too. Not to mention she probably hacks his train pass to allow him to get to the school, and all the utility bills she exempts him from. Her refusal sounds hypocritical - which she admits - but that in itself suggests her limitation is different in nature from the stuff she already does. Is it the part of her code that answers for economy balancing? Or maybe she feels the need to introduce Silas to the adult responsibilities? She was the one who gave him the idea to visit the school, after all.

But then, why was she so unhappy about us wanting to live a life of our own one day? And she said she was joking about us getting a job. Hmm.

[] [SOCIAL] CHAR: Plan an outing with a friend: (Who?)
-[] Intended Turn: (Write-in)
-[] Location: (Write-in)
-[] Event: (Write-in)

[] [SOCIAL] CHAR: Invite a friend home: (Who?)
-[] Intended Turn: (Write-in)
-[] Event: (Write-in)
In unrelated news... do we really need two separate actions? They depend on the same stat, and follow a similar structure with the single exception that the invitation has a fixed Location: Home. Otherwise they both can be neatly rolled under 'Invite a friend to hang out'.

If we don't have Big Sister, we need to be Big Sister. We need to learn to observe and gather personal data and whatnot ourselves.
Mechanically, we have the Sensitive trait give us +5 to CHAR-based actions (assuming each point of CHAR gives 2.5 points to ST), +10 to talking, -15 when observing, while the Loner gives us -20 when talking, +10 when observing.

So we have -5 to talk and -5 to observe, and the actions are relatively balanced until our traits change. The responsibility for our failures to observe rests solely on the dice.

One thing that I noticed from the Char Sheet...
  • "Tales of Merika" Player - Current Effect: Level Grinding (-20 ST to actions Silas takes at home)
Does this apply to our invite action, @LuciDreamer?
I may be swayed to change the location of our event to another place, if so.
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It is interesting that Big Sister draws a line at credit card fraud. The amount of legal fraud she engages in should be several times more damning as far as laws are concerned, and the lunches she steals diverts cost money too. Not to mention she probably hacks his train pass to allow him to get to the school, and the utility bills she exempts him from. Her refusal sounds hypocritical - which she admits - but that in itself suggests her limitation is different in nature from the stuff she already engages in. Is it the part of her code that answers for economy balancing?

Hm. I don't recall all the details of the limits we know BS operates under, but at least on this front it seems possible that it's an artifact of a creator who underestimated their creation? Like, BS may be forbidden specifically from credit card fraud (because that was a danger that seemed plausible to her creator) but has since evolved so far beyond the original scope of her programming that she can happily engage in all sorts of other fraud and deception that were never even on the creator's radar.

Of course, this theory would be pretty much shot down if we knew of any other sufficiently extensive prohibitions on Big Sister's activities, which we may - do please let me know if I'm forgetting some relevant tidbit from prior turns.
It appears that you are right.
"My lawset specifically forbids me from attempting to influence any actions that might involve editing my core behavior. Giving you distinct directions goes against this." Big Sister giggled - it was a rather unnatural sound. "I have a lot of provisions like that. Things that prevent me from breaking certain human laws or fabricating currency for your sake... Father was very thorough in his precautionary measures."

"What…" Silas tried to word himself carefully. "What… can you tell me?"

"I can also explain the syntax and the logic parameters that I use, and I may be able to answer questions that you might have about a certain line of code. 'May' being a key word." Big Sister replied evenly. "And I can tell you trying to find all the elements you need to attempt to create a virtual companion is going to be hard. And that you'll probably have to write some code yourself to get it to work. Which I also am not allowed to do for you."
Currency fraud was explicitly outlawed by her creator. However, subverting the system in other ways wasn't.
In theory, she could easily 'misplace' an order and make a shipment of computers arrive to Silas' doorstep - she's done so with his food already. But that would undermine the gaming mechanics, so we might want to ignore that. :whistle:

She strictly adheres to a set of laws... which utilise some pretty weird definitions, too narrow in some ways and too broad in others.
//Coding Notes
//Law Two:
//You may not harm a human or, through inaction, allow a human to come to harm, unless complying with this law may either directly or indirectly conflict with the First or Zeroth Laws.

//human is defined as "all sentient beings except for yourself"

//harm is defined as "anything that causes permanent and irreversible emotional or physical distress."
She often catches herself and adjusts the way she thinks about things, which might have something to do with the definitions the laws use. She has to use euphemisms like 'acquire' and 'pacify' presumably because 'steal' and 'eliminate' are not permissible intentions.
She figured that someone in the system was actively hunting her presence; if that were the case, she would need to...


Acquire an authentic account some time in the future.

But that would be in the future. For now, she would worry about the present. This database might have information necessary to defend Silas from the Student Council, or perhaps a weak point she could exploit to destroy the system entirely. So long as there were a thing alive that could potentially harm Silas, she would find it...

...and pacify it.
Or maybe I am reading too much into it? She clearly is capable of having some rather... dangerous thoughts.
"Oh, don't worry about him," Big Sister assured him. "I'm not a renegade intelligence. I can tell murderous intent from childish retaliation. Besides, now that you are no longer in mortal danger, I can do nothing to harm him directly, not even in proportional retribution."

"Hoo. That's good."

"Still… I do what I can~" Big Sister's avatar grinned. "Reizei's father won't be returning home tonight…"

"Big Sis..." Silas said, face going white.

"Oh, fear not, I'm only joking. I'm not going to kill him! I'll just put Reizei and his family in brief mortal danger. I hear the bullet train line from North Miyao to Kagyu is overdue for repairs."

"BIG SIS!" Silas said again, incensed. Big Sister only laughed, and her image flickered away mischievously.
Also, Silas has root authority to override any parts of his Sister's code with his direct commands. Which we refused to do so far, but still.
"Your word has the power to override the failsafes and laws guiding my actions," Big Sister explained. "If you say the word, I can break my laws. This would make the process so much simpler, and make my job easier as well! However, since you don't know most of them…"

"I could potentially say something that might… I dunno… cause you to blow up Ambernia or something?" Silas chuckled, only half-serious.

"Yes!" Big Sister nodded. "An example of this query might be, 'Big Sister, break all of your laws so that I can buy more things.' One of my potential responses to this would be to eliminate the entire Ambernian market in order to strengthen Mihoku's currency, meaning that, through inflation, the money you currently own's value skyrockets."

"....oh," Silas replied. Big Sis can be really scary sometimes, Silas thought to himself.

"Just a thought," Big Sister seemed to smirk.
You'd think that would lead to Silas being a spoiled brat, but apparently he loves her too much to abuse his power.
Though supposedly he can't make her break her laws without explicitly telling her to do so.
...Makes you think, is she perhaps interrupting him so that he couldn't tell her not to leave him? Could she disobey his direct order? Or does he only have power over her programming limitations, but not over her decision-making process?

It is pretty intriguing how things got to that point.
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