The Perfectly Normal High School: A Slice of Life Quest! (Defunct)

I... I'm fairly certain I get in cars all the time, though. That's actually... A fairly explicit and literally correct statement of what is happening, is it not? I'm not climbing on top of the car, so I'm uncertain why this would be a grammatical error. Could it be deliberate, and meant to emphasize that the two students are still learning the language?
Perhaps bus would've been better? You drive in a bus you get on a bus.
unless you're Grammarly apparently, in which case you drive on a bus

[X} ... Have a peek at his nightmares...

What are you afraid of? and what are you made of?
[X] … have a peek at his dreams...

Fluff for the fluff god!
We didn't ask Shinohara anything about her Mystery? Didn't we vote for it?

I want to learn more about her, if not as a waifu than as a friend. She's the only person with an explicit Mystery we know besides Big Sis, who has those weird secrets she's keeping.
I mean, I like fluff, but I was kind of hoping we'd come out the other side knowing at least some funny little details we could remember to make her happy sometime later...
Microupdate update coming up! Erm... I am incredibly sorry about this rather extreme breach of professional courtesy, but I completely ignored the dice rolls and just wrote the update as if it the Event roll had passed. :<

*guilty silence*
Never change Lucid.

LuciDreamer said:
Level 39 Cleric Miku casts Opiate of the Masses, communal, at 3rd level. It is super effective.
This quote tells us many things. Like the fact that the high god Miku is only level 39. And despite that she's only casting this spell at level three. She should have far higher level spell slots than this. We can tell however it is a god because it is a status spell that is "super effective" and as we all know, this is only applied to moves that can damage. And since this move is called "Opiate of the Masses" we can conclude that Karl Marx is real. With this information, nothing changes and we have Lucid back and everything's going to be fine. Yay!

[X] … have a peek at his nightmares...
[] … have a peek at his dreams...

Now Dreams are volatile things. They may change in a moment. They may pretend to be something that they are not right before they collapse in a panic. Hana is not a dream eater. Her precise abilities in the realm of dreams is unknown. Lets not let her feel bad if a dream she enters turns into a nightmare.
We didn't ask Shinohara anything about her Mystery? Didn't we vote for it?
I believe that vote failed. See here:

In terms of learning more about Hana, though, the next update will be almost entirely from her point of view. The purpose of the coming update is to not only pad time for me to finalize the mechanics changes but also to give Hana some much-needed characterization. The way she reacts to what she finds poking around in Silas's head might give some useful insight as to her personality. Also, I just thought it would be a cool thing to write. *sheepish grin*

Acourse, before we get to that, I need to reveal the new mechanics package... just as soon as Nevill reads through it and tells me what horrible things I got wrong.
(come on, Time, can't you move faster, but specifically only in the time zone that Nevill lives in but no where else?)
I... I'm fairly certain I get in cars all the time, though. That's actually... A fairly explicit and literally correct statement of what is happening, is it not? I'm not climbing on top of the car, so I'm uncertain why this would be a grammatical error. Could it be deliberate, and meant to emphasize that the two students are still learning the language?
I've only ever gotten in cars. Except the times I jumped on top, but those don't count because of being stationary. :p

In terms of learning more about Hana, though, the next update will be almost entirely from her point of view. The purpose of the coming update is to not only pad time for me to finalize the mechanics changes but also to give Hana some much-needed characterization. The way she reacts to what she finds poking around in Silas's head might give some useful insight as to her personality. Also, I just thought it would be a cool thing to write. *sheepish grin*
I think it sounds like a fun idea!

[X] … have a peek at his nightmares...

Let's learn more about his homeland! What else would he have truly horrific nightmares about?
[x] … have a peek at his nightmares...

in order to see what a character is made of you must break them
Hi-ho, Hi-ho, it's Friday somewheeeere...

PNHS Overhaul Patchnotes

What do you think so far? I need every bit of insight I can get, Nevill and I are still ironing out minutiae (especiall DC math), but this is the framework I hope to keep.
Currently, it seems as if at the bottom the challenge level 2 is easier to pass than challenge level 1. You get 2 rolls, and only one needs to pass, vs challenge level 1 where you only get one roll and it needs to pass.

Just a suggestion, but you could try basing things off of DnD 5e. In there, you get one d20 roll, and harder actions represented by higher challenge levels. Like the system you're making now you have to roll more than that number (after adding any bonuses) in order to succeed on an action. Having something that makes things easier (like if someone is helping you) gives you advantage, where you roll twice and take the higher number. Something that makes things more difficult (like if you have a concussion or something) gives you disadvantage, where you roll twice and take the lower number. If you want more kinds of bonuses and stuff you could just give +1 or +2 to a given roll for each bonus we have that applies to that roll (or -1/-2 for a malus), instead of imposing advantage or disadvantage.

The benefit of this system is that it's very simple and easy to learn, although it is a bit swingy. Furthermore, advantage and disadvantage can only be applied once each (no matter how many advantages you have) and cancel out with each other, so no matter what you only have to roll one or two dice for a given challenge.
Speaking of which, Shinohara-san was courteous enough to reserve one of our study rooms for you two ahead of time through the phone. The wonders of modern technology, yes?" She nodded to herself.
Ah, yes, phone calls. The bleeding edge of technological progress.
I have to reevaluate the age of the library, and of the librarian.

Although modern life can be extremely fast, technology-wise. I remember living in an apartment which didn't have a landline phone yet, and now I live in one that doesn't have it anymore.
Silas took the keys and turned them over with his fingers. He waved them around a bit, hearing the metal jingle and clash, making a soft ringing noise.

"Quaint…" he muttered to himself.
Indeed, Silas. The wonders of ancient technology, now lost to time. The mechanical keys.
This is kinda fun to watch. Like an eclipse; two separate worlds coming together for a short moment.
She must have had a 360-degree field of view, because slowly, the yellowing automaton craned her head to face him, tilting her neck slightly to the side, as if asking him an unspoken question.
Myuuto-chan... Mute-chan? Is she to robotics what a silent film is to modern cinema?
This isn't a library, this is a museum!
He heard a soft, muffled snicker from the other side of the glass wall.
"You have my full, undivided attention and unflappable trust." Silas heard the satisfying, crunching sound of a piece of lumpia being consumed.
Your suffering pleases the queen.
Only Hana can encourage people in a way that would make them squirm. However, Silas seems to be building an immunity. Good for him!
Silas snickered. "Level 39 Cleric Miku casts Opiate of the Masses, communal, at 3rd level. It is super effective."

That settles it, we should introduce her to board games.
All my attempts at group studying at a library ended in one. It's a law of nature.
"Don't murder me in my sleep."
The best goodnight wishes one can get.
No, but if you had to choose one, what would you rather have, "sweet dreams" or "I won't murder you in your sleep"? See? :V
A short pause. "You are too mean, ojou-sama…" And then the tinny, feminine voice flitted away.

The lights dimmed. Hana swallowed. Her hands made their way to the bedsheets and, subconsciously, she found herself gripping onto the soft fabric. She never knew when and if the nightmares would come. It was times like these, right before letting sleep take her over, that the dread started to creep in. It was a dull, stale kind of dread, one deadened by familiarity. But it was dread nonetheless. It kept her awake.
"Aria-san"? Does everyone have robot butlers these days? I thought we and Big Sister had something special! :cry::whistle:

It is curious that a nightmare-eating "monster" herseft suffers from the nightmares. Is it "you are what you eat" in action, or is there something else at play?

I am not sure how we'd be taking a peek inside Silas' head since I thought Hana has to be in the vicinity of her victim to influence them. But maybe it's some hidden perk; she is a Dream Bakemono after all.

It would probably do both of them some good if she could see his better dreams... which lately involve scenes with Reina and Nanami, so there are certain other incentives to go for it. However, I've been long intrigued by (the lack of) Silas' tragic backstory, and his (non-)involvement with the military. Even now he is all but trying to duck for cover when he hears fireworks.

Let's see if we can get another glimpse of a life-that-never-was.

[x] … have a peek at his nightmares...
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Are we still using roll under or roll over?
I think you need to make that explicit at the top of doc so people actually understands what modifiers to stats and modifiers to DCs mean
Oh, roll over. Thanks for reminding me to specify that! I'll write that in.
"Instead of rolling d100's, we will now roll d20's. Furthermore, we now have a "roll over" system. In order to pass an action, you must roll over the action's Difficulty Class. Actions have been heavily changed and are more specific. See below."

Fuck yes, welcome to DND. Silas is like a level 1 Bard yes?

"PHYS 2"
Ah, the -5 Mods. So rare. So wonderful. Its our fault too, but at least its not a -6

"Genki - The Difficulty Class for all social actions is reduced by 10. All TALK actions autosucceed. The Difficulty Class for all intrigue actions is increased by 5."
Counter argument: Elusive shadow increases Diplomacy by 2. and Gray Eminance increases Intruige by two. Because knowing where to be and knowing people is part of diplomacy and intrigue.
Small edit because I thought of this now, Being socially removed means that people are far more likely to notice when you are around. With Kuudere coming with "Everybody hates you" they're going to be slightly more aware of you when you're nearby. This would make getting anything out of someone, harder, not easier.

"-4 to saving throws against fear when within 20 ft of an insectoid creature. Disadvantage on attack rolls against insectoids."
Might want to make that only "against" or lice are going to ruin all interactions with anyone.

"hot weather aint gonna stop me from wearing my suspicious hoody, thankyouverymuch"
As someone suffering from a lack of AC rn, you can f-off

"Casual Fuzzy Slippers - A pair of black-and-white fuzzy slippers in the shape of the mythical pandabear, manufactured in Manipinoy. For indoor use. Comfy. (Can only be equipped at home.)" -50 AC against stubbed toes.

-Traditional Uwabaki - A pair of ornate wooden slippers specifically to wear inside one's home, so that dust and sand from outdoor shoes doesn't get inside. These have been sadly underused. (Can only be equipped at home. Makes you feel prideful in Mihoku's superior culture and unique sense of etiquette. Expensive.)-
THIS REMINDS ME. He's not MIhoken, right? So does he View himself as Mihoken or what? We (i) demand answers @LuciDreamer

"So long as the number of dice rolls that pass the DC is greater than or equal to half of the total number of dice rolled, the event will pass." I'm trying to determine if this is disadvantage or advantage. Its probably going to turn out to be Advantage for positive attributes and disadvantage for negs.
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THIS REMINDS ME. He's not MIhoken, right?
He's a hāfu.
"Okay… h-hello! Good morning! My name is Yamigawa Silas. I am seventeen years old. I am a junior at Yamaha High School. I am half Mihokujin and half Ozzetche. I live alone. My birthday is November 7th. I… um… I like anime and tacos. Nice to meet you all!" Silas bowed, his face practically burning. This isn't how this is supposed to happen!
Admittedly, it raises more questions than it answers.
"So long as the number of dice rolls that pass the DC is greater than or equal to half of the total number of dice rolled, the event will pass." I'm trying to determine if this is disadvantage or advantage. Its probably going to turn out to be Advantage for positive attributes and disadvantage for negs.
Challenge Level 1: neither advantage nor disadvantage. You roll once.
Challenge Level 2: advantage. Roll twice, only need one roll to succeed.
Challenge Level 3 and 4: some unholy amalgamation of both advantage and disadvantage. I tried to calculate the probability of success for one of these, but failed miserably.
I tried to calculate the probability of success for one of these, but failed miserably.
It depends on the DC after mods.

For a certain DC, the 2d20/4d20/6d20/8d20 combination will have the following chances to beat it with half of the dice (measured against flat 1d20 chance):
DC16: 36/18/10/6 | 20
DC14: 51/35/26/19 | 30
DC12: 64/52/45/41 | 40
DC10: 75/69/66/64 | 50
DC8: 84/82/82/82 | 60
DC6: 91/92/93/94 | 70

So gain enough advantages, and the chances can improve drastically for harder events (i.e. last column), and somewhere around DC8-10 the logic breaks and the number of dice stops influencing the result.

I am not entirely convinced of the benefits of the system compared to measuring the diffuculty with a flat DC...
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It depends on the DC after mods.

For a certain DC, the 2d20/4d20/6d20/8d20 combination will have the following chances to beat it with half of the dice (measured against flat 1d20 chance):
DC16: 36/18/10/6 | 20
DC14: 51/35/26/19 | 30
DC12: 64/52/45/41 | 40
DC10: 75/69/66/64 | 50
DC8: 84/82/82/82 | 60
DC6: 91/92/93/94 | 70

So gain enough advantages, and the chances can improve drastically for harder events (i.e. last digits), and somewhere around DC8-10 the logic breaks and the number of dice stops influencing the result.

I am not entirely convinced of the benefits of the system compared to measuring the diffuculty with a flat DC...
I assume that it's a bit less swingy, but I like the simplicity of rolling a single die better, I think.