The Perfectly Normal High School: A Slice of Life Quest! (Defunct)

Murakami Library & Riding on the MR Line
Oh! I almost forgot, how foolish of me! I may have been off in the Philippines for two weeks, but that didn't mean I couldn't get nothing done! Here! Have these.

I'm still trying to figure out basic things, like how to draw in a straight line, how to do colors, and HOW TO DRAW HANDS AGGHHHHHHGHG

Also, things like shadows and glow from light fixtures is giving me a headache. The fireworks in particular were hard to conceptualize, and I was not happy with them. Plus, I'm not particularly good at set design design, yet... I had no idea how to color the walls, or what to put on the table. Hopefully when I get into my non-Major art class next semester, I'll see some real improvement in form and professionalism. Ah well.
Oh! I almost forgot, how foolish of me! I may have been off in the Philippines for two weeks, but that didn't mean I couldn't get nothing done! Here! Have these.

I'm still trying to figure out basic things, like how to draw in a straight line, how to do colors, and HOW TO DRAW HANDS AGGHHHHHHGHG

Also, things like shadows and glow from light fixtures is giving me a headache. The fireworks in particular were hard to conceptualize, and I was not happy with them. Plus, I'm not particularly good at set design design, yet... I had no idea how to color the walls, or what to put on the table. Hopefully when I get into my non-Major art class next semester, I'll see some real improvement in form and professionalism. Ah well.
:rofl: at the second one. "Refereeeeence"
Also, things like shadows and glow from light fixtures is giving me a headache. The fireworks in particular were hard to conceptualize, and I was not happy with them. Plus, I'm not particularly good at set design design, yet... I had no idea how to color the walls, or what to put on the table. Hopefully when I get into my non-Major art class next semester, I'll see some real improvement in form and professionalism. Ah well.

What are you using to draw this? Most artistic programs have some kind of built in ruler for drawing in perspective.

Honestly, the little details that you seem concerned about aren't really a big deal, as long as they fit with the scene. Walls can be drywall white-ish, blue, green, psychedelic wallpaper, whatever. If you want to make it look passable, look up basic perspective and get some kind of anatomy reference pulled up. Draw the characters out before putting them in the scene in order to flesh out their exact design. When drawing people, focus more on keeping the internal shapes consistent rather than outlines, draft scenes before you start filling things out etc...

Art is hard.
As far as set design goes? Just look around, take note of details, like posters and whatnot. Then use details and little things like that to build your sets going foward. Might help?
I've actually been getting kind of into doing scenes in Koikatsu. It may have been meant for lewd things but it actually works really well for SFW stuff too.

I've actually been wanting to make a Hana card for a while now, but I'm not sure how it'll be received given the intended nature of the game...

Edit: For example...

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I'm still trying to figure out basic things, like how to draw in a straight line, how to do colors, and HOW TO DRAW HANDS AGGHHHHHHGHG

Also, things like shadows and glow from light fixtures is giving me a headache. The fireworks in particular were hard to conceptualize, and I was not happy with them. Plus, I'm not particularly good at set design design, yet... I had no idea how to color the walls, or what to put on the table. Hopefully when I get into my non-Major art class next semester, I'll see some real improvement in form and professionalism. Ah well.
Good luck with uni! also is that Sayori?
as Silas stretched out his arms, he saw Big Sister's avatar slowly replace Minami's face on the screen. She smirked.

"Good morning, Silas," Big Sister said.
...I am starting to feel like we are maining a Malkavian char. Voices in the head, talks to the TV, nightmares all day every day...
Silas meets a cranky old man, but that's about it. The option to attempt to meet neighbors remains available.
Dammit, no sign of a girl next door, huh? I was kinda hoping for it.
(SITE ADMIN) PrincessMio: And don't think you're free from guilt either, YamiOtako. You participated in this mess, and never stopped to question to yourself, "Hey, wait a minute. Does this sound like something that people could potentially get into a lawsuit over?" I do understand that you were ignorant of the scope of the problems, but the least you could have done was at least try to contact the site staff, the real site staff, and not these two (and pardon my harsh words) bozos when things started to get iffy.
Oi, Princess, don't sell us short! We absolutely did stop and think about it, then went "naaah" and proceeded to do it anyway. Don't you downplay our skills as a budding criminal mastermind! Or at least a half-competent accomplice!

Also, did you really expect a kid who moderates without knowing the first thing about ToS to know the site has any kind of real staff other than the one paying him?
YamiOtako: ...sorry. I have a very low tolerance for that kind of person. I might have let my rage blind my judgement...
...I would like to see what Silas' rage is like, if only out of curiosity. I don't think we've seen anyone more mild-mannered and apologetic for any controversial opinion he might hold.

Well, it looks like we are out of a job. Probably a good thing, too, considering how ridiculously miniscule the amount of money was for a job that we supposedly got on a crit. Getting busted and subsequently fired is probably one of the better outcomes, because since the staff was bent on handling situation through the lawful channels we got a hefty severance package out of it.

For people claiming an unusual focus on the economy I found it strange that no one mentioned how we got a month' worth of salary from it; tax-exempt even! It's twice what Dreamer promised to pay us for an illegal hack of a job we did, and a dozen times more what she was paying us for a single forum session. We can finally afford a phone now!

The downside is that we need to man a McDonald's cash register search for a new one, and it probably won't be as lenient with our personal time as a cushy job we could do out of the house.

Anyway, Kimodameshi! I don't have much of an opinion on the issue, except that I would hardly treat Yuuko with suspicion even if she deserved it, so...

[x] There's something fishy going on, no matter how affable Yuuko might be. Before the Test of Courage starts, Silas will try to find out what, exactly, Yuuko is going to subject him to. (Silas rolls for INT, DC 16. On a failure, no effect. On a success, ???)

I am curious why the option to go without a plan is present if the option to find out presumably has the same effect. Is it success that we should be cautious of?

[x] Why not? (Big Sister will be present during the Test of Courage.)

I don't think I would have abandoned her oversight when it comes to interacting with Maeda even if we didn't just get a trait that penalizes our separation harshly.

:rofl: at the second one. "Refereeeeence"
Mmm? Is there something that the drawing is referencing?
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[X] There's something fishy going on, no matter how affable Yuuko might be. Before the Test of Courage starts, Silas will try to find out what, exactly, Yuuko is going to subject him to. (Silas rolls for INT, DC 16. On a failure, no effect. On a success, ???)
The contrived coincidences, Yuuko's outright admittance that they have an interest? There's not way there isn't something going on behind the scenes.
[X] ...Silas can do this himself. Right? (Big Sister will not be present during the Test of Courage.)
I've actually been getting kind of into doing scenes in Koikatsu. It may have been meant for lewd things but it actually works really well for SFW stuff too.

I've actually been wanting to make a Hana card for a while now, but I'm not sure how it'll be received given the intended nature of the game...

Edit: For example...

... Why does yang have maracas?
... Why does yang have maracas?
Part of the scene presets. I didn't bother removing them since... Well, Yang does seem the type to fool around like that.
I mostly work by using straight out or slightly modifying the pre-made scenes in the editor. That way I don't have to deal with stuff like posing or lighting as much.
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Huh. I've never felt so excited to actually be rolling dice! Let's get this ball rolling!

[X] ...Silas can do this himself. Right? (Big Sister will not be present during the Test of Courage.)
[X] Silas sees no reason to go into this all cloak-and-daggery. He will attend the event as if it were a social gathering, and try to get closer to Maeda and her clique. (Silas rolls for three Talk social actions, one each for Maeda Kirino, Yuuko Takahashi, and Kei Tachibana. Standard DC.)

Let's roll!


Talk to Maeda Kirino
(DC 9) - Rolling for Intelligence (Social)
1d20 + 1
-2 (Loner)
-2 (Big Sister Complex)
-1 (Self Deprecating)
+1 (Sensitive)
+2 (Student Otako)

-1 (???)
-1 (???)

= 3
Result: Great Failure!

Talk to Yuuko Takahashi (DC 9) - Rolling for Charisma (Social)
; rolling twice, taking the larger number.
1d20 + 0
-2 (Loner)
-2 (Big Sister Complex)
-1 (Self Deprecating)
+1 (Sensitive)
+2 (Student Otako)

+2 (???)
+3 (Still grateful that Silas "helped" save Maeda)

= 21
Result: Great Success!

Talk to Kei Tachibana (DC 9) - Rolling for Charisma (Social)
1d20 + 0
-2 (Loner)
-2 (Big Sister Complex)
-1 (Self Deprecating)
+1 (Sensitive)
+2 (Student Otako)

-1 (???)
+3 (Still grateful that Silas "helped" save Maeda)

= 17
Result: Success!

Rolling four dice now...
LuciDreamer threw 4 20-faced dice. Total: 56
6 6 18 18 15 15 17 17
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Cool! Oh, and one more.
EDIT: *evil laughter* I forgot to add in some negative modifiers. Not that that... helps you in any way. But still! Mechanical consistency is always important!

WAIT WAIT WHAT THE FU (DC 14) - Rolling for Courage
; rolling twice, taking the lower number

1d20 - 3
-2 (Big Sister Complex)
-1 (Self-Deprecating)

= 6
LuciDreamer threw 2 20-faced dice. Total: 32
20 20 12 12
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I'm really hesitant to say anything specific, but...

That last roll was kind of very, very, extremely important. Taking the option to roll for INT would have at least removed the disadvantage, and taking the intrigue options would have given Silas a +2 modifier to the final roll for each success.

Of course, I'm very happy that it failed! It makes for good narrative! Buuuuuut I'm not sure about everyone else... eheheh. :rofl:
I'm really hesitant to say anything specific, but...

That last roll was kind of very, very, extremely important. Taking the option to roll for INT would have at least removed the disadvantage, and taking the intrigue options would have given Silas a +2 modifier to the final roll for each success.

Of course, I'm very happy that it failed! It makes for good narrative! Buuuuuut I'm not sure about everyone else... eheheh. :rofl:
Oh, oh no.
Damn, with all the modifiers on that final roll, we actually would have needed two natrual 20s to beat the DC.
I don't feel quite as bad about it now, but we're still screwed, aren't we?
Yeah, that last one was basically dead on arrival, so *shrug*

Here's hoping we have a way to go forward, I suppose.
I'm really hesitant to say anything specific, but...

That last roll was kind of very, very, extremely important. Taking the option to roll for INT would have at least removed the disadvantage, and taking the intrigue options would have given Silas a +2 modifier to the final roll for each success.

Of course, I'm very happy that it failed! It makes for good narrative! Buuuuuut I'm not sure about everyone else... eheheh. :rofl:
...I don't liek your good narratives
They're mean
No way we'd make that roll anyway. A disadvantage basically adds +5 to the DC on average. With the modifiers applied it got higher than 20. Not even Big Sister and subterfuge would be of much help. Only the INT option could have bailed us out there, but it was hidden behind a high DC all on its own.
(Running the math, the highest we could get was 20% if we took Big Sis, went with Intrigue and all interactions would have succeeded, although a chance of that would probably be less than 50% too. The INT option would have given us about 4% of success)

So we should relax and enjoy. At least Yuyuko had great fun talking to her senpai! That counts for something, right?

By the way, what is the current gradation between tiers of success and failure? Does it still depend on passing DC by a margin? How much?

Basically, why is failing Maeda's socialization roll by 6 a "Great Failure", but passing Kei's by 8 is a regular Success?
I think gradations of 5 would make sense, but then would there be tiers beyond that where a roll passes or fails by 10? Generally it would be a rare enough occurence to qualify for an artificial critical, or a tier just under that.

Terminus is a grand strategy thriller about a diamond in a rough civilization, a single, lush garden world in a metaphorical ocean of dead space rocks and ruins of civilizations, struggling desperately to survive against a homogenizing swarm while at the same time managing their diplomatic relationships with the decadent Citadel that left them behind (well not really but I like that narrative so I'm sticking to it) and the upstart Alliance that's doomed to splinter apart the second the Out of Context threat is defeated [...]
So basically, they are the same thing.
Somehow, there was something immensely satisfying in the fact that the mere act of sitting near Matsuoka didn't trigger an international crisis in his head anymore. It made him feel good inside. They'd signed the non-aggression pact and joined the League, but this wouldn't be the end, oh no! For there were plans in the making - plans for a grand intergalactic Federation, the likes of which would span the cosmos and stand in the way of all who opposed -

"...Silas? You're… uh… you're speaking out loud."
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