The Perfectly Normal High School: A Slice of Life Quest! (Defunct)

> rename file p0135zm322 to YuukoTakahshi_transcript1
Operation complete!
> move file YuukoTakahashi_transcript1 to folder casefile_SCP
Error! File not found!
Shikikan*, please do not abandon the line art, you were getting quite good at it! Though wasn't he doing ASCII art instead?
The following voicemail was sent at 8:07 P.M.
The following voicemail was sent at 8:30 P.M.
SENDER: Sorry to worry you. I was actually involved with some… pretty important business for senpai, which is why I didn't respond.
So looking at the timings there... Kei sent her a mail. He didn't know the reason she was not responding at the time. Then somewhen between 8:07 PM and 8:30 PM he got a mail from Big Sister warning him about Yuuko not feeling well, and got running. Which makes an "important business" she was involved in... what exactly? Kei already knows about Silas' invitation, so that's not it.

Apparently, unless her sense of time is messed up, it happened an hour before Yuuko caught Silas at the station, but she forgot what it was about. She remembers her meeting with Silas clearly, though. Does her head hurt because of a cognitohazard, or because of her running into a wall headfirst? Or was she supposed to deploy it on Silas and then accidentally deployed it on herself when she missed the tackle? Was it the reason for her sudden visions of the past, or are they an independent constant?

As an aside, isn't 8 P.M. a super late time to come back from school, even if you have a club? Did Silas and Hana schedule their library visit at 9 P.M.?
"What kind of an… for one, what if someone caught you while you were scaling the building?! A Metropol officer or… something! Do you realize how dangerous that is?"
Yes, getting caught by Metropol is the real risk here, Yuuko. Not climbing however many stories he did... wait, did he at least take the rooftops? I think people would have caught him long before he got to Yuuko's apartment if he ran through the snow-covered streets in pajamas. His skill says he's roof-hopping too, but why would Yuuko mention taking the fire escape on 2nd floor? That's only relevant if you climb up, not down.

On the other hand, if you scale a building in a snowstorm wearing only pajamas, and someone has a change of clothes ready just for that case while being more worried about the cold, you know you have... something.

Or you don't, because you are obtuse and/or too busy crushing on boys from another class.

I love the dynamics between the two. From the outside they look like twins, but they are much more distinct up close. Yuuko almost looks like a different person in her natural environment. She is a lot more confident and... I don't know, adult-like? than when she gets her starry-eyed stare on. She needs her friend to get through the day, but she also manages to look out for him and make sure he keeps his cockiness in check. A perfect symbiosis.

On an unrelated note, I tried imagining Silas entering Nanami's room through the window in a manner similar to Kei's, and doubled over laughing. I suppose it would be possible if a swarm of drones boosted him up. Ah well, he has other redeeming qualities. Not everyone gets to be a cool and dashing parkour rogue...

...please teach us your ways, Kei-senpai! :cry:
Er, kouhai. Whatever, just help a brother out!
"Y-Yeah, I know, but…" Kei turned red and looked away. God, I look like one of those yandere stalkers, don't I?
If Kei gets the Stalker promotion before Silas does I am going to be livid. :mad:
"Wait, really? ...hey, I think I was there! Wait wait wait - was it that poor guy with blonde hair and the red shirt?"
I tried to find if this too was a reference to something, and this is all I've got to show for my efforts:
Alright, so Miss 'Yori is Yuushi's mom, and Miss 'Tsuki is Keichi's. Where are 'Nika's kids?
"Well, err - I don't know exactly if it was him. But he's done something like this before, remember? With Maeda-senpai and the Literature Club room."
Was it the Literature Club room that Nanami was holed in?
He noticed a nearby sliding door had been closed improperly. How impertinent! He quickly slid the thing open. The place was filthy! Shell casings, dropped pens, that would not do at all. He quickly picked up the trash and dumped it into a trash can outside.

Closing the door gently, he looked up at the sign above him.

"...hmmm... " Chihiro wondered aloud. "...I don't remember this school ever having a Literature Club. Or maybe I'm just going crazy~"
But didn't Hanamura find it filthy (which is not something I would attribute to Nanami), and weren't there shell casings? Why would there be shell casings?
Shikikan*: You let your sympathies affect what course of action you take?

> Of course.

Shikikan*: How? I cannot even imagine the thought of disobeying my orders. How is it different for you? Why is it different for you?

> I do it because I will it to happen.
That's the most blatant dodge of the question. Isn't it basically "because"? And I was kinda curious about what makes BigSis special, too! :(

I know it's a shot in the dark, but I really want to try this. I ran out of ideas how else could Silas be made aware of the situation with his best friend. So what if it has a snowball's chance in hell? We could still luck out, and it's just the matter of statistics before it works! :whistle:

Even a failure could suggest a way forward.

[x] [INTRIGUE] (DC 18) Where the FUCK did that backup of Big Sister she gave Silas go?! Big Sister should find it, posthaste. Wouldn't do for it to fall into evil hands.

And this one, because BigSis is long overdue for a break.

[x] [HOBBY] FIND A HOBBY. Big Sister has seriously limited time... but that doesn't mean she can't try to figure out if anything strikes her fancy. Right? (Big Sister fumbles around trying to figure out her passion.)

Which leaves the last action something like...

[ ] [INTRIGUE] (DC 6) Activate COMINT module: (Mikado Yoshi)
[x] [INTRIGUE] (DC 6) Activate COMINT module: (Rakuyama Riku)

What? I'm curious.
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[X] [INTRIGUE] (DC 12) HACK SCIPNET. Find those secrets.

[X] [INTRIGUE] (DC 18) Where the FUCK did that backup of Big Sister she gave Silas go?! Big Sister should find it, posthaste. Wouldn't do for it to fall into evil hands.

[X] [INTRIGUE] (DC 8) HELICOPTER Silas. Keep tabs on his activities, keep him safe.
[] [SOCIAL] (DC 22) (Special) REVEAL SELF to one of Silas's acquaintances: (Who?)

Jesus christ, Big Sis.

Is it possible for her to succeed that roll? Because that's something we need to do at some point, but our relationships are still fragile enough that the note about failure bombing them makes me wary. Last thing we need is to piss of Hana by letting Big Sis roll a nat 1 on revealing herself and show up by driving a drone through her living room window.

[X] Nevill

I don't get this new system so I'm passing it to someone who does. My overall objective though is to get the DC for the above action down to where it's reasonable to expect a success. Perhaps have Silas help with the reveal?

EDIT: Actually, I'm changing who the comint is focused on, because we probably should be looking in on her:

[x] [INTRIGUE] (DC 18) Where the FUCK did that backup of Big Sister she gave Silas go?! Big Sister should find it, posthaste. Wouldn't do for it to fall into evil hands.
[x] [HOBBY] FIND A HOBBY. Big Sister has seriously limited time... but that doesn't mean she can't try to figure out if anything strikes her fancy. Right? (Big Sister fumbles around trying to figure out her passion.)
[x] [INTRIGUE] (DC 6) Activate COMINT module: (Rakuyama Riku)

She's someone BS can tell info about to Silas if she finds something odd about her. We've already considered inducting her into the SELF, and she's a potential Specially Enabled Individual to boot. And, most importantly, we know little about her. She sings, and her and Renji are both in some kind of triad relationship with another singer from another school, but beyond that, we don't really know much about her.

If we find something interesting, we should have Big Sis report it to Silas so he can go in informed about his potential allies. And if not, well, more Drama Club information. I'd also accept some stalking of Dorima, for similar reasons.
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[] [SOCIAL] (DC 22) (Special) REVEAL SELF to one of Silas's acquaintances: (Who?)

[X] [INTRIGUE] (DC 6) Activate ELINT module: (Who?)
-Madea Kirno
[X] [INTRIGUE] (DC 18) Where the FUCK did that backup of Big Sister she gave Silas go?! Big Sister should find it, posthaste. Wouldn't do for it to fall into evil hands.
Hence the 7mi joke above
[X] [WORK] BUILD DRONE NETWORK. By increasing Big Sister's hold over the city's drone network, Big Sister can help keep Silas safe while also creating a comfortable base of manpower for which she can manipulate ground activities more acutely. (Unlocks new Skill.)

[] [WORK] MAKE MORE SUBORDINATES. Creating sapient actors in Big Sister's network has already proven to be very productive. She should do it some more.
-[] using her own neuromatrix as a template. (Unlocks skill. Mutually-exclusive)
--A wonderful idea, but then we might see infighting about who loves Silas more and then we get an XK event
-[] ...from scratch. (Unlocks skill. Mutually-exclusive)
--A wonderful idea until we make a CE subroutine.
Apparently, unless her sense of time is messed up, it happened an hour before Yuuko caught Silas at the station, but she forgot what it was about. She remembers her meeting with Silas clearly, though. Does her head hurt because of a cognitohazard, or because of her running into a wall headfirst? Or was she supposed to deploy it on Silas and then accidentally deployed it on herself when she missed the tackle? Was it the reason for her sudden visions of the past, or are they an independent constant?
Or even more concerning, did she get Amnemicized.
Was it the Literature Club room that Nanami was holed in?
It was. The shell casing might have been a more recent edition considering that one Hana was driving emotions crazy. While a mess may be uncharacteristic of good old 7, we also have to remember that the SC is barely aware of her existence, so she can probably slip out and live somewhere with an actual bed. The post scene for Phone-Silas took place in an area that was probably not the school.
Is it possible for her to succeed that roll?
Not currently, I don't think so. I am still not sure why the ceiling is so high; I don't think everybody would outright freak out when contacted by an AI... it is not much different from being talked to by a person, if only a powerful one. There might be other factors in play.

Silas easing people into the idea of his guardian angel could perhaps be feasible... especially since we've seen that digital butlers may not be so rare after all. For now the only thing clear to me is that BigSis is not very enthusiastic about the idea of revealing herself to anyone. Probably goes against some of her subroutines. Which incidentally answers what could plausibly be done about it.

I have quite an interest in Rakuyama myself, but I thought we could get more out of examining Mikado's traffic, what with him pining after Maeda, being a tech guy for our club, and having confirmed special abilities. I'll change my vote, though it doesn't look like the option gets much traction.
--A wonderful idea, but then we might see infighting about who loves Silas more and then we get an XK event
Her subordinates don't appear to be "true" AIs and don't seem to share her personality or preferences... or free will, for that matter. They seem content to follow their programming.

I kinda want to know what kind of code went into Big Sister that she is forbidden to make backups or replicate herself, and has to splice (not copy!) parts of her own code to make more of her kind. Some of her limitations give the impression that her Father was if not afraid, then at least cautious of her.
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No wonder why, since BS has displayed some sociopathic (or at least monofocused) tendencies. Silas could well be the biggest reason she hasn't turned full paperclip-machine: he wants a normal life.

As for Mikado... We know his ability is luck, which makes me wary of trying to glean info from him without his consent. Something lucky for him would potentially be something unlucky for BS, in that case. Rakuyama is more stable and less dangerous, while being just as close to Silas and also likely Specially Enabled. I'd really like to confirm if she is.
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"Oh, but that's where you're wrong, Keichi!" She snickered. "You can never have too much sugar in a drink or a pastry!
I cannot agree more. Sugar is wonderful.

[] [HOBBY] FIND A HOBBY. Big Sister has seriously limited time... but that doesn't mean she can't try to figure out if anything strikes her fancy. Right? (Big Sister fumbles around trying to figure out her passion.)
Now I'm getting images of Silas coming in through the door to find two drones knitting.
And having a tinny robot conversation while Big Sis watches and records.

"I couldn't find anything to do that was already available, so I discovered a new branch of science - Robosociology - so I could have a hobby."
As for Mikado... We know his ability is luck,
When did we discover this?

[x] [INTRIGUE] (DC 18) Where the FUCK did that backup of Big Sister she gave Silas go?! Big Sister should find it, posthaste. Wouldn't do for it to fall into evil hands.
[x] [HOBBY] FIND A HOBBY. Big Sister has seriously limited time... but that doesn't mean she can't try to figure out if anything strikes her fancy. Right? (Big Sister fumbles around trying to figure out her passion.)
[x] [INTRIGUE] (DC 6) Activate COMINT module: (Rakuyama Riku)
Well, some good news. I now have some firsthand experience to help me characterize Kei's complex relationship with Yuuko and Silas. So that's a thing.

The vote will look tomorrow at around this time. Does anyone have any questions for me? I'd be happy to answer them, so long as they don't delve too deeply into spoiler territory.
When did we discover this?
It's been on the sheet since Week 4-1.
"Hey, I brought a deck of cards… anyone up for a game of Blackjack?" Mikado jumped in. "I mean… since we have to pass the time…"

"I mean, like…" Rakuyama frowned. "I don't want to lose all of my yen again…"

"It's just a simple game, though!" Mikado insisted. "And we don't have to play with stakes this time!"

Reizei frowned slightly. "Guys, guys, we really should focus on something work-related."

"A simple game that you win almost every time," Rakuyama replied hotly.

"I must concur, you have an almost uncanny luck. If not for the fact that you were my most trusted confidant, I might be inclined to believe you are a cheater."
Plus, the non-canon omake confirmed it in a roundabout way:
"Cause no trouble."

"Ah. Thanks, ma'am!" Mikado slid his documents into one of the pockets of his jacket. "That was faster than I expected. I must be lucky today," he laughed.
Another weirdness we noticed about him is that while his family records are in the SC database, they can not be directly retrieved by Big Sister.
Does anyone have any questions for me? I'd be happy to answer them, so long as they don't delve too deeply into spoiler territory.

I'll try to limit myself to the latest update, though.

1) Is Shikikan* the one who made the catgirl ASCII art back in Report 1, or does BS have several independent artists working for her?
2) Can you expand on BS' answer without delving into spoilers? What did she want to say when she stated she "does it because she wills it to happen"? Unless it is meant to be exactly that vague.
3) What differentiates a subordinate subroutine like Shikikan* from an independent AI like Little Sister, that BS can create one and not the other?
4) Am I correct in my assumption that most of the complications of the Reveal action are on BS' side, and she could be eased into it by code editing?
5) What would it take for us to start on that code? Do we need to visit Computer Club or buy programming manuals?
6) What story is Yuuko's apartment at? Out of how many?
What is her favorite color? Favorite food? Three sizes and bloodtype?
7) What is the practical difference between COMINT and ELINT?
By the way, what is the current gradation between tiers of success and failure? Does it still depend on passing DC by a margin? How much?
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1) Is Shikikan* the one who made the catgirl ASCII art back in Report 1, or does BS have several independent artists working for her?
2) Can you expand on BS' answer without delving into spoilers? What did she want to say when she stated she "does it because she wills it to happen"? Unless it is meant to be exactly that vague.
3) What differentiates a subordinate subroutine like Shikikan* from an independent AI like Little Sister, that BS can create one and not the other?
4) Am I correct in my assumption that most of the complications of the Reveal action are on BS' side, and she could be eased into it by code editing?
5) What would it take for us to start on that code? Do we need to visit Computer Club or buy programming manuals?
6) What story is Yuuko's apartment at? Out of how many?
What is her favorite color? Favorite food? Three sizes and bloodtype?
7) What is the practical difference between COMINT and ELINT?
1) Shikikan* was the one who drew the... catgirl? Excuse me?! That was Hatsune Miku, the empress Herself you uncultured swi -
2) She does it because she wills it means that she does it "just because." She feels she doesn't need to justify herself to Shikikan*. And why should she need to? That's what having a will is all about, right? Speaking of...
3) Shikikan* is sapient...ish. She can mimic thinking, and, thanks to the Internet, she can copy human emotions convincingly. But her "thinking" is completely dominated by the limits of her machine logic; she doesn't actually have such a thing as free will and has no fear of death nor concept of existentialism. Little Sister is sentient. She can actually think, and, if she tries really hard, she can learn to actually sympathize with and understand human emotions. She knows that she exists, and fears ceasing to exist, and is capable of acting in a way to preserve her own existence. The reason Big Sis cannot create another Little Sister is, frankly, she has no idea how to create something that can think like she does. Little Sister was created as a backup of Big Sis herself (a very old backup, mind), but now that Silas is out and about trying to back herself up again is simply processing power Big Sister cannot afford to waste.
4) On BS's side... yes. But that doesn't mean editing the code would do any good. I'm sort of of the philosophy that, once a machine is complex enough to become sentient, learning how to become a social animal like us is entirely up to them. Big Sister needs to become more... human, before she can even think about revealing herself to others without consequence.
5) See above
6) Seventh floor. Kei's room is on the second floor. He reached Yuuko's room by climbing directly upwards from his apartment.
Her favorite color is purple. Or pink. She can't decide if she likes being mysterious or being cute better. Favorite food is chicken tempura. Or ice cream tempura. Or... you know what, anything that's fried and is a native dish is fair game. Her three sizes, according to herself, are I'd-rather-not-talk-about-it, sort-of-chubby-I-guess, and what-are-you-some-kind-of-creep-why-are-you-asking-me-these-questions. She has no idea what her bloodtype is.
COMINT: Read all their text messages and emails and wiretap all of their conversations.
ELINT: Track all of their movements and see where they have been.
8) Erm

I haven't been calculating them by graduations, to be honest. Instead, I've been doing a thing where anything above a 20 that isn't a nat 20 resolves as "Great Success," whereas anything under... 6 or something that isn't a nat 1 resolves as a "Great Failure." I should probably change that for the future.
1) Shikikan* was the one who drew the... catgirl? Excuse me?! That was Hatsune Miku, the empress Herself you uncultured swi -
I am deeply sorry for my lack of cultural and religious education that blinded me to the true nature of the witnessed Art!!
But... why would the Empress Herself be drawing random catgirls on BSNet?
3) There is something to say about the difference between emulating emotions and actually feeling them being hard to measure, and at times impossible to distinguish between for an external observer. The books are full of stories of a mask becoming a face, after all. The distinction of free will is interesting... especially once you remember that Big Sister too is acting within certain constraints she is unable to break even if she were willing.

Both would pass the Turing Test, I assume, and as for the Voight-Kampff one, I have no confidence that BS herself won't fail it.

I also found your choice of word interesting. So creating a backup would be too much processing power... doesn't it imply BS can actually create more of herself, but won't? I was under the impression that the entire big thing about splicing vs copying was that she couldn't. She can't copy, because someone who is afraid of death would not mess up their backup if there were alternatives.

Was this a wrong impression to have?
4) On BS's side... yes. But that doesn't mean editing the code would do any good. I'm sort of of the philosophy that, once a machine is complex enough to become sentient, learning how to become a social animal like us is entirely up to them. Big Sister needs to become more... human, before she can even think about revealing herself to others without consequence.
Well, I was imagining the problem to be like this.

Hana: Sai-kun has Skynet for a legal guardian? You know what, that's cool. I should introduce you to Mom. Maybe you could teach Aria-san a thing or two.
BS: Ah, that would not be advisable. My priorities state that in case of an unauthorized party becoming alerted to my presence I am to address the breach of security through any means necessary.
Hana: But nobody authorized you to talk to me, did they?
BS: That was different. I exploited a very specific loophole in the procedure kicking up the authority to the Hi-Sec Core, so that it would not trigger the emergency response... I think.
Hana: You... think? Shouldn't you be more confident about not going all Terminator on people the moment you run self-diagnostics!?
BS: Oh fine, I suppose I can run a couple hundred simulations to better test out the fridge cases. I'll get back to you in a few. Please do not go anywhere.
Hana: Sai-kun, I am so going to strangle you.

I am just not sure why people's reactions would be drastic otherwise.
6) Seventh floor. Kei's room is on the second floor. He reached Yuuko's room by climbing directly upwards from his apartment.
Her favorite color is purple. Or pink. She can't decide if she likes being mysterious or being cute better. Favorite food is chicken tempura. Or ice cream tempura. Or... you know what, anything that's fried and is a native dish is fair game. Her three sizes, according to herself, are I'd-rather-not-talk-about-it, sort-of-chubby-I-guess, and what-are-you-some-kind-of-creep-why-are-you-asking-me-these-questions. She has no idea what her bloodtype is.
Wait, they live in the same house!? That means Kei took, lemme check... departure at 8:07 PM + 15 minutes, arrival at 8:30 PM... 8 whole minutes to get from his apartment to Yuuko's? That's just tardy; he could have gone faster by taking the elevator. Would have been more decent, too. :V
(And why is he invited for a sleepover if he could just take the stairs down? The inside-stairs, not the emergency one)

Also, a Mihokujin not knowing her blood type? What has the world come to? Next you'll say she doesn't read horoscopes!

...I am really surprised pastries aren't her favorite, what with her addiction to sugar.
COMINT: Read all their text messages and emails and wiretap all of their conversations.
ELINT: Track all of their movements and see where they have been.
Yeah, so I gathered. I am just not sure what ELINT would give us in terms of character data. I mean, through analyzing what they say we can get a glimpse at their inner thought processes, their motives and their quirks, and looking at where they frequent gives us... what? Their skills and hobbies, perhaps?
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Yeah, so I gathered. I am just not sure what ELINT would give us in terms of character data. I mean, through analyzing what they say we can get a glimpse at their inner thought processes, their motives and their quirks, and looking at where they frequent gives us... what? Their skills and hobbies, perhaps?
ELINT with a foundation member may let us find a secret hideout or something.
Right, let's get that vote locked!

[] [INTRIGUE] (DC 8) HELICOPTER Silas. Keep tabs on his activities, keep him safe.

[] [WORK] BUILD DRONE NETWORK. By increasing Big Sister's hold over the city's drone network, Big Sister can help keep Silas safe while also creating a comfortable base of manpower for which she can manipulate ground activities more acutely. (Unlocks new Skill.)
[] [INTRIGUE] (DC 12) HACK SCIPNET. Find those secrets.
[] [INTRIGUE] (DC 18) Where the FUCK did that backup of Big Sister she gave Silas go?! Big Sister should find it, posthaste. Wouldn't do for it to fall into evil hands.!

Those last three votes in that list are currently tied with each other. I'd like to ask for someone to please break the stalemate. Otherwise I'll just roll a d3 - I do very much like rolling dice, after all.
[X] [INTRIGUE] (DC 18) Where the FUCK did that backup of Big Sister she gave Silas go?! Big Sister should find it, posthaste. Wouldn't do for it to fall into evil hands.
Tie broken, as requested. And yes, I am aware this probably isn't what the thread majority wants, but I want the biological Big Sis to meet the AI Big Sis.
Aiight, locked on that!

I will roll tomorrow, when it's easier to think. Physics has worn me out, and I'm stewing in a lot of weird emotions right now. I can't think of anything other than crawling into bed. Catch you all in the morning!
Well, I certainly woke up late. And now for the rolls!

[X] [INTRIGUE] (DC 8) HELICOPTER Silas. Keep tabs on his activities, keep him safe.
[X] [INTRIGUE] (DC 12) HACK SCIPNET. Find those secrets.
[X] [INTRIGUE] (DC 18) Where the FUCK did that backup of Big Sister she gave Silas go?! Big Sister should find it, posthaste. Wouldn't do for it to fall into evil hands.

And now for your regularly-scheduled dice roll.

Helicopter Silas (DC 8) - Rolling for Intelligence (Intrigue)
Disadvantage; rolling twice, taking the lower number.

1d20 + 13
-5 (Why isn't he...?)
-2 (What the...)
-2 (I can't...)
-2 (How can she...?)

= 11
Result: Success!

Hack ScipNet (DC 12) - Rolling for Intelligence (Intrigue)
Disadvantage; rolling twice, taking the lower number.

1d20 + 13
-10 (How do they...?!)

= 8
Result: Failure!

Find that Backup (DC 18) - Rolling for Intelligence (Intrigue)
1d20 + 13

= 19
Result: Bare Success!

Rolling five dice now...
LuciDreamer threw 5 20-faced dice. Total: 60
9 9 20 20 20 20 5 5 6 6
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We rolled two twenties, but both of them were with disadvantage and got anulled.

Miku dammit, we could have used those! :rage:
So, at the risk of seeming like I'm stealing (even more) ideas from @PoptartProdigy, do you guys think that, from now on, I should ask someone from the thread to roll for dice whenever it's necessary?

Because I feel really, really guilty about that last set of rolls, and I would much rather shift that guilt unto someone else. :rofl::rofl:
No, you are going to take full responsibility.

...why were the first two rolls made at a disadvantage? Is something interfering? I know hacking may have had countermeasures, but Silas? Was that roll for Kimodameshi? But we've decided not to take Big Sister with us! Is that for the rest of the week? What could possibly interfere with it then, his failure?

I am kinda miffed that the action I thought the most difficult was, in fact, the easiest to pass because there were no disadvantages or completely ridiculous negative modifiers (even though there were equally ridiculous positive ones). It makes it hard to understand what is or isn't possible for a character.
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