Flagship Name

  • Spirit of Fire

    Votes: 21 47.7%
  • Vigilance

    Votes: 23 52.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Yeah, I love An Extra Primarch, but some of the math can get so complicated.

That and there's too much action bloat. It's why it's so slow to update.

Anywho, vote is still near unanimous. Closing any time soon? I'm eager to punch face and see if we get some quality loot.
Adhoc vote count started by Enjou on Apr 17, 2019 at 7:44 PM, finished with 2075 posts and 14 votes.
That and there's too much action bloat. It's why it's so slow to update.

Anywho, vote is still near unanimous. Closing any time soon? I'm eager to punch face and see if we get some quality loot.
action bloat was only because we figured out the best way to teach Serras how to learn, basically we taught her mastery of mastering stuff which gave us exponential growth.
action bloat was only because we figured out the best way to teach Serras how to learn, basically we taught her mastery of mastering stuff which gave us exponential growth.

Action bloat like that is a symptom of a system where the QM lets the players get more and more actions, rather than increasing the scope and efficacy of those actions. It's a flaw in the system that the QM is using, IMO, which he'd be better off correcting so he can have his quest make actual progress instead of taking months to update.
Action bloat like that is a symptom of a system where the QM lets the players get more and more actions, rather than increasing the scope and efficacy of those actions. It's a flaw in the system that the QM is using, IMO, which he'd be better off correcting so he can have his quest make actual progress instead of taking months to update.

I really wish it updated more often, but then again, I really love the updates themselves. Then again, the update he is working on is longer than this entire quest.
[X] Lead the charge slow and steady securing a bulkhead and slowly advancing to not risk as many lives
-[X] Employ technomancy
Action bloat like that is a symptom of a system where the QM lets the players get more and more actions, rather than increasing the scope and efficacy of those actions. It's a flaw in the system that the QM is using, IMO, which he'd be better off correcting so he can have his quest make actual progress instead of taking months to update.
Still better than Basque
Damn it avalanche :cry:

Anyway thoughts on tech trees anyone?
The Emperor of Mankind and the Golden Path
Emperor of Mankind and Golden Path
Religion was always a difficult subject for Emperor of Mankind, He himself was responsible for many ancient religions in Terra. As he roamed the Ancient Terra he saw how Chaos twist and turn even the most benevolent religion. He concluded that Mankind would never be free to progress and advance to its destined position as the pre-eminent intelligent species in the Milky Way Galaxy until "the last stone from the last church was cast down onto the last priest."

The Imperial Truth was pioneered by the Emperor on Terra even before the Great Crusade began. It was an ideology defined by the core values of reason, science, and secular progress. It was intended to replace the older traditions of religion, superstition, and faith that had long defined many of the worlds that had fallen into darkness during the Age of Strife after the fall of humanity's first interstellar civilization.

Of course, there was a degree to which the Imperium and the Emperor touched upon the irrational and ethereal. The new Imperium had grown from the past, and secular though it might be, much of its power and nature expressed itself in ways that had echoes of the spiritual. In practices such as the taking of Oaths of Moment, the names of the divisions of Imperial power, and the symbols of that power, the Imperium wrapped itself in the clothes of authority woven from dreams that were as old as the gods they denied. And Mankind continued to have faith, faith in the omniscience and benevolence of the Emperor and His designs, faith through reason, in the Imperial Truth. Perhaps this was an intended spiritual crutch; that the Emperor in His wisdom saw the failings in the primitive hindbrain of every man and woman in His service and recognized that He could only cast down the demagogue and the Pontifex in this way. He could only destroy the spiritual by using the language of religion, by preaching the faith of the empirical and the rational.

This only reason why he tolerated Golden Path, as it focused More on Uplifting Humanity rather than worship him as some sort of Deity. Emperor believed he can use Imperial Truth to subvert it and remove all its religious trappings in the future as he intended to do with Adeptus Mechanicus. In the first phase, Golden Path Worshippers thankfully they only identified him as Boddhisattva and Chakravarti King without any sort of Deification, which quite possibly only reason they were shielded from any sort of prosecution. At that point of Time Golden Path was Vaguely resembled Historic Buddhism which extra emphasis on Hatred towards Daemons and those who revere them. Concept of Buddha or Boddhisattvahood were shrouded in metaphors without any clear idea of what they are and how one can achieve that. That changed when they discovered some of the key texts of Mahayana Buddhism like Mahaparinirvana Sutra, Lotus Sutra, and Aṣṭasāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā in Nalanda Library. Those texts allowed them to understand Buddhist philosophy and Logic which they seamlessly integrated with their understanding of realspace and warp.

Origin of Nalanda Library is shrouded in the Mist, but what one can figure out from the decaying records preserved in the Library is that it was constructed by a Mysterious Order Called Sigillites. It is one of the repositories they have constructed to preserve Human History and Knowledge during the twilight years of Men of Iron Wars. From the days of its foundation, this Library contained the culmination of hundreds of generations of knowledge and wisdom. Sigillites scoured the galaxy for all attainable knowledge on human history and achievements, eventually cataloging what was said to be data on all sentient works and history from dawn age till the Iron Men War. It Contains rare scrolls and hand-written books, many librarians and archivists recorded these text in more secure datacrons and holodiscs in order to ensure their preservation and integrity.

According to Golden Path Shakyamuni Buddha and Emperor are similar, but not one and same. Both of them are Just Incarnations of Original Buddha. Original Buddha is beyond any classification or understating. He/She/It is the Ideal Archetype, when a person becomes truly illuminated he or she can become one with him, free from the corrupted cycle that chaos imposed upon realspace. This is the core concept of the Trikaya Theory.

The doctrine says that Eternal Buddha has three kāyas or bodies:
  • The Dharmakāya, Buddha nature, law, and order, or Truth body which embodies the very principle of enlightenment and knows no limits or boundaries; It is what guide Humans towards enlightenment. It will exist as long humanity exist; it will fade away if humans become extinct. It acts as the Human Afterlife and shepherds unilluminated human souls so that they can become illuminated. One can classify it as Oversoul of Humanity.
  • The Saṃbhogakāya, Buddha fields or body of mutual enjoyment which is a body of bliss or clear light manifestation. Oversoul of Humanity cannot fully manifest within realworld even if humanity threatened, so it Incarnates by clothing itself with flesh and blood. Like Emperor Incarnated to safeguard Humanity due to the Age of Strife.
  • The Nirmāṇakāya, Buddha incarnation, Emanation, or created body which manifests in time and space. Primarchs are the best example of this type of incarnation because they embody different aspects of Saṃbhogakāya and act as his/her helpers.
This Theory is the most recent addition of Golden Path Doctrine, Currently, Emperor remained silent about his views. Quite Possibly he is far too busy with Crusade to deal with such minor issue, but this can always change in the future.
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The options for your rewards:

[] Bonus to the Emperor's Initial Reaction Roll
[] Extra Religion Roll Year 6
[] You find something
[] ???
what sort of benefits will we get if it develops?

It's likely going to be a narrative thing, although Lorgar would either love it or despise it. Actual tangible bonuses are unlikely unless it spreads out in which case it may give bonuses against cults and negatives to chaos actions because of the way faith works in Warhammer. If the religion stays on Valhalla, it will have no effect, it will likely take decades for it to actually make a difference however.
It's likely going to be a narrative thing, although Lorgar would either love it or despise it. Actual tangible bonuses are unlikely unless it spreads out in which case it may give bonuses against cults and negatives to chaos actions because of the way faith works in Warhammer. If the religion stays on Valhalla, it will have no effect, it will likely take decades for it to actually make a difference however.
what 3 and 4 option means?
what 3 and 4 option means?

Those are mystery box options. They are secrets, can be great or meh.

Meanwhile, I'm closing the vote looks a slow advance with Kesar leading and Technmancy wins. Can I get 4 sets of 4d100s? Rolz link is here, so please roll in it

Adhoc vote count started by Daemon Hunter on Apr 17, 2019 at 8:20 PM, finished with 100 posts and 15 votes.
Here are the rolls. Looks like Technomancy went well (actually forgot to add it in at first). Then you charged in and smashed the front lines before slogging through the foundry but managing to destroy it at cost before stomping the boss. Foundry and middle levels are trashed, but lower levels are pristine, and some stuff from the upper levels remain. Here are the rolls:

Thousand Sons Technomancy: 46 + 20 (Astartes) + 20 (Primarch Presence) + 20 (Thousand Sons) + 20 (Bonus) + 2 (Banish Runes) + 5 (???) = 133
Khornate MoI Psychic Defense: 31 + 50 (DAOT) – 20 (Insanity) + 40 (Khornate) = 101
Initial Bulkhead: 64 + 20 (Astartes) + 10 (For the Lost) + 40 (Primarch) + 10 (Remembrance Armor) + 10 (Sword of the Lost) + 2 (Banish Runes) = 156
Foundry Defenses: 8 + 50 (DAOT) – 20 (Insanity) + 40 (Foundry) – 20 (Technomancy) = 58
Securing the Foundry: 35 45 + 20 (Astartes) + 10 (For the Lost) + 40 (Primarch) + 10 (Remembrance Armor) + 10 (Sword of the Lost) + 2 (Banish Runes) = 137
Foundry Men of Iron: 81 + 50 (DAOT) – 20 (Insanity) + 40 (Foundry) – 20 (Technomancy) = 131
Kesar Combat: 90 + 20 (Astartes) + 10 (For the Lost) + 40 (Primarch) + 10 (Remembrance Armor) + 10 (Sword of the Lost) + 2 (Banish Runes) = 182
Possessed Robot: 37 + 50 (DAOT) – 20 (Insanity) + 40 (Daemon Engine) – 20 (Technomancy) +50 (Overdrive) = 137
Kesar Combat Round 2: 37 + 20 (Astartes) + 10 (For the Lost) + 40 (Primarch) + 10 (Remembrance Armor) + 10 (Sword of the Lost) + 2 (Banish Runes) = 129
Possessed Robot Round 2: 46 + 50 (DAOT) – 20 (Insanity) + 40 (Daemon Engine) – 20 (Technomancy) + 50 (Overdrive) – 30 (Damage) = 116
Rerolls: 45,41,27
Upper Level Intactness: 68 - 5 (Large Scale Combat) = 63
Upper Level Loot Roll: 69 - 5 (Large Scale Combat) = 64
Middle Level Intactness: 52 - 20 (Significant Combat) = 32
Middle Level Loot Roll: 33 - 20 (Significant Combat) = 13
Lower Level Intactness: 91 + 10 (Little Combat) = 101
Lower Level Loot Roll: 97 + 10 (Little Combat) = 107
Foundry Intactness: 43 - 40 (Massive Battle) = 3
Foundry Loot Roll: 81 - 40 (Massive Battle) = 41