Ruminations on Geller Fields Mechanics
Kesar sat in his private quarters, taking notes in his datapad regarding some stray thoughts for the mechanics of how the Geller Field works. It required a closed system to operate on. No openings into the ship proper could exist, else the field would fail to keep the Warp out. For even the smallest warp capable ships of a kilometer long and a quarter that wide with a similar height. It's still a volume of roughly 42,087,385 cubic meters. All of it had to be filled by the unique particles that kept the rules of reality acting properly within the confines of the ship. He had initially thought that they simply created a bubble around the ship keeping it safe, requiring an area of roughly 883,573 square meters worth of these particles. However with the requirement for there to be no openings, that idea no longer made sense.
The energy requirements for creating all these particles and flooding the ship with them seemed incredible to him. Looking at the conversion between matter and energy unless these particles had virtually no mass at all, even by the standard of regular particles the energy requirements were far outside the range of even the strongest plasma reactors. Though, perhaps the distance each individual particle could cover was significantly higher than he had initially assumed. If for instance, each particle of the field, increased the strength of the effect each of the particles generated, starting at a planck length in all directions and doubling from there... it would take hmm, only 135-136 particles to cover the whole area. Though, that's probably not how they operate, as the energy draw from the Geller Field Generator was far too high for that. Hmm, instead...
Perhaps creating something akin to an inverse electric charge, that pushed against the warps own charge even though they are opposite? Hmm, if it was like that, wouldn't the particles all collapse on each other? Hmm, maybe it was something closer to an inverse of gravity, in which instead of always pulling together, it pushed apart? That would explain why a ship's field had to be filled, and the amount of it needed, though what would be the mechanism for the warp entering if a hull-breach occurred? Was it a matter of pressure? Perhaps while contained within the ship, the particles strained against each-other and when an opening in the ship occurred, those particles pushed out of the ship, leaving empty space that gets filled with warp energies, allowing Daemons to form?
Hmm, maybe? That would explain why such a thing could cause a cascade of failures... As they pushed ever further into the ship, until pushed back. But what could be the mechanism by which it worked?
Could the effect be weaponized against daemons? A kind of Geller gun perhaps?
No, no, best to focus on the task at hand. The energy levels required for different sized ships is proportional to its size. Though not always directly proportional. The shape of the ship seems to have an effect as well, its design seems to have an impact on the functioning of the Geller Field, possible a result of geometric effects changing the shaped fields? Or perhaps a matter of resonance with the collective consciousness of the crew of the ship, and their belief in the ships effectiveness in design? Something to look into further.
Even without a fuller understanding of the mechanics, it seems that to a degree overcharging a Geller Field Generator can further increase its effectiveness in keeping the Warp away from a ship, at least according to Psykers on board said ships. Not the most reliable measuring tool, but until I can figure out how to create a reliable measuring device for such, probably the best I can get for data regarding it.
As they continue to travel through the warp, Kesar continues working on these models, and potential tests of different ways to effect the Geller Field safely, looking for ways to understand them, as but a first step in improving them.