Basically a tech in the warp genetics tree was on fixing mutations. That is now free once you get to it. Also got the initial tech in that tree researched.
Basically a tech in the warp genetics tree was on fixing mutations. That is now free once you get to it. Also got the initial tech in that tree researched.
Currently, I have a vague idea about two omake, first relation with the golden path and Emperor and second a sword brotherhood made by blanks. What sorts of rewards I can expect?
Currently, I have a vague idea about two omake, first relation with the golden path and Emperor and second a sword brotherhood made by blanks. What sorts of rewards I can expect?
if you make one about emp and golden path...that makes me think your going over emps reaction to the golden path?
depending on what you do, maybe you can push emp to being more friendly towards golden path? that is, at least willing to be reasonable in how he goes about stomping it out if/when he decides it needs dealing with....or maybe he decides its not a religon (and hence not against what he wants for humanity) and more of a way of life (which he has to be ok right? humans are human because we choose how to live our lives right)?
if you make one about emp and golden path...that makes me think your going over emps reaction to the golden path?
depending on what you do, maybe you can push emp to being more friendly towards golden path? that is, at least willing to be reasonable in how he goes about stomping it out if/when he decides it needs dealing with....or maybe he decides its not a religon (and hence not against what he wants for humanity) and more of a way of life (which he has to be ok right? humans are human because we choose how to live our lives right)?
Pretty much this, Emps absolutely hates religion so it would be a small step towards him accepting it as being allowed. Possible bonuses to Malcador's opinion of you. It depends.
For the blanks, likely bonuses to combating cults, possible bonus against psykers. I would need to see the omake to tell.
hm....I would go for the sword-bonus since thats more immediate as the emp-opinon can wait quite a while before it does anything. (he won't even notice till the psudo-religon gets more then a 100 or so planets I imagine....he really does not seem to pay much attention to happenstance outside his projects it seems or at least doenst do anything about things coming up till it hits critical stages
hm....I would go for the sword-bonus since thats more immediate as the emp-opinon can wait quite a while before it does anything. (he won't even notice till the psudo-religon gets more then a 100 or so planets I imagine....he really does not seem to pay much attention to happenstance outside his projects it seems or at least doenst do anything about things coming up till it hits critical stages
Pretty much, he took ages to deal with Lorgar after all. He really only interferes if he thinks it is necessary. As long as your compliance rate doesn't suffer because of it, it should be fine.
very well, just woke up. let me have some food first then i will start on sword brotherhood, in it, i will also explain existing sword styles in the planet.
Pretty much, he took ages to deal with Lorgar after all. He really only interferes if he thinks it is necessary. As long as your compliance rate doesn't suffer because of it, it should be fine.
something I also note is that the golden path is not pushed by us...yes it seems to follow us since its followers probly like us and some of our solders follow it (maybe?)....but we ourselves are not really tied to it directly....that WILL come up even if emps decided to do something about it....that is, he will stomp on the Gpath and not us (at least not overtly).
something I also note is that the golden path is not pushed by us...yes it seems to follow us since its followers probly like us and some of our solders follow it (maybe?)....but we ourselves are not really tied to it directly....that WILL come up even if emps decided to do something about it....that is, he will stomp on the Gpath and not us (at least not overtly).
Pretty much, Kesar isn't involved in it at all. So far, Valhalla is still developing it. As such, if it does spread, then emps will not blame you unless you really flub the roll.
Alright, I'm going to sleep now. I'll update in about 5 hours.
something I also note is that the golden path is not pushed by us...yes it seems to follow us since its followers probly like us and some of our solders follow it (maybe?)....but we ourselves are not really tied to it directly....that WILL come up even if emps decided to do something about it....that is, he will stomp on the Gpath and not us (at least not overtly).
its more like "Don't ask, don't tell", Emperor got a vague idea about them, but he is willing to tolerate them as long they hate Xenos and hate daemons. I mean getting a population aware of Chaos and hostile towards it is not something he will wipeout with any thoughts. The path was ok with it they are more focused on uplifting humanity than focusing on Emperor. Fun thing Started when a person discovers a certain book on Nalanda, an autobiography made by sigilite order about a person named Ancient one who seems to guide humanity throughout ages and it also mentioned him as Shakyamuni budda. Heads of the Path Religion aware that this person is Emperor lay people not so much.
its more like "Don't ask, don't tell", Emperor got a vague idea about them, but he is willing to tolerate them as long they hate Xenos and hate daemons. I mean getting a population aware of Chaos and hostile towards it is not something he will wipeout with any thoughts. The path was ok with it they are more focused on uplifting humanity than focusing on Emperor. Fun thing Started when a person discovers a certain book on Nalanda, an autobiography made by sigilite order about a person named Ancient one who seems to guide humanity throughout ages and it also mentioned him as Shakyamuni budda. Heads of the Path Religion aware that this person is Emperor lay people not so much.
there were several sentences that I am just not following...maybe when I reread in the morning I will be able to follow what your saying, but in the mean time I will request that you rephrase that...
I love how I'm rolling dice to see what happens, and everyone failed their rolls to not cry. Then they nailed their roll to avoid negative traits.
3,9 then 91 for Oriacarius
8, 10, 13 for other captains then a 91 for them.
I also think I should not use rolz since I can't seem to roll well at all.
After reviewing the situation, Kesar came to a decision. While it would hurt his Legion, were they not the ones who were best at slaying the daemons of the warp? Was this station not an example of the pinnacle of human achievement? Taking this station was more than just a reward, it was a symbol simple, and the Wardens would emerge victorious. Now, however, Kesar began to plan, and then he spoke, "Wardens, we will take this thrice-damned station and purge the daemons. For the Sovereign." With that, he began to organize the initial landing. While his sons were saddened to hear that he would not join them, they understood that Kesar must be able to coordinate them on a strategic level in addition to the tactical one. While more of them would die, they considered their gene-father's attention to be worth the price.
The initial boarding plan was rather simple. The fleet would deploy Stormbirds en masse, and these vessels would charge into the hanger bay that Oriacarius was holding. Meanwhile, they would receive cover fire from the point defenses of the Vigilance if it was necessary. With that, the fleet burned towards the station and launched all of their fighters and Stormbirds to get on the station. Then, the abominable intelligence made its move. With machines at its disposal that did not require air, it had positioned thousands of chaff robots amongst the outer hull. These daemonic machines screamed in silence as they demanded the Warden's blood be spilled and their skulls turned into trophies. When the Stormbirds neared, they leaped onto the proud vessels and began to tear into them. With cover fire and expert flying, nearly all of the ships avoided the machines or destroyed them utterly. Sadly, however, some Stormbirds were simply unlucky as the machines landed in position to rip into the maneuvering gear and smashed the ships into the hull. In this manner, 2000 Wardens died before even boarding the station.
Once they landed, Oriacarius was beyond relieved to see his brothers. When he heard that his Primarch was commanding from the rear, he seemed angry before calming down. Thanks to the maps created previously, the Wardens were easily able to secure the hanger deck before they attempted to do the same with the rest of the docking bays. This was much more difficult since the machines swarmed across the surface of the station. The crawled through maintenance shafts, through hanger doors, through water pipes, and even broke through walls. This led to a constant rearguard being necessary, but even then, not every angle could be covered. Nevertheless, the Wardens took the docking bays with just 1000 deaths.
Following this, the Wardens worked to ensure the upper levels of the station were secured. Here, the station was open and inviting. It seemed to be where the station residents resided with small parks in disarray and housing units long since degraded. Here, the abominable intelligence deployed its elite robots in numbers. They hid amongst corridors that the Wardens had no chance of finding. They hid in what used to be bushes. A thousand robots hid and attacked when least expected. Thankfully, the Wardens usually managed to react in time and dodge, but still, sometimes a machine attacked when no one could warn their brothers. Still, the Wardens meticulously swept the area, and eventually managed to secure the residential areas after losing 2000 more brothers.
When the Wardens breached the entrance to the mid-levels of the station, they discovered horrific traps laid by the machines. Gravity suddenly increased a hundred-fold, nightmarish gasses were released, corridors exploded, and more killed Warden after Warden. Nevertheless, this could only kill the first 1000 Wardens, who pushed past in order to capture the rest of the station.
The mid-levels were where thousands of offices lay. This was where people worked on the station before the MoI decided to kill off the inhabitants. Now, what were once places of work, were completely deserted. The Wardens were surprised and wary to see no resistance in this part of the station, but they took advantage. While they did so, Oriacarius insisted on a contingency plan in case they missed some machines. As such, a portion of the Legion laid explosives in this area. Then the Wardens arrived at the entrance to the lower levels when the machines struck.
Utilizing a hidden passage, the abominable intelligence managed to place its elite machines in a position to perfectly flank the Wardens. Then, it surged from the lower levels in uncountable numbers as the elites moved to attack the exposed rear of the Wardens. It was here that Oriacarius' caution proved useful as the charges detonated. With that, the elites died in the thousands as their positions were vaporized. Still, the sheer number of machines that surged from the lower levels meant that for every single one that died, two more took its place. The Wardens simply could not reload their weapons fast enough, and eventually, even chain swords will break. This led to the deaths of 8000 Wardens as they were drowned by sheer numbers. Finally, after a frantic conflict, the tide stemmed, and the flood turned into a trickle. Without the unending reinforcements, the machines were chaff, and the Wardens managed to breach the lower levels.
Now, with so many dead robots, the Wardens charged forward and seized the lower levels. In this part of the station, so much equipment remained. This was the industrial and research area, but now, it was just a warzone. Thankfully, the machines had been forced to frantically rebuild their forces after being slaughtered at the entrance to the lower levels. After securing the research labs and industrial machinery, the Wardens arrived at the entrance of the foundry. Here, thousands of machines were being built, and the Wardens charged. The machines screamed as they had before, but now, they screamed in terror as the abominable intelligence realized it was about to be purged. Desperately, it sent forces towards the Wardens. The Astartes pushed forward and broke into the foundry, battling the automated defenses as they did. Here, the entry price was 1000 Wardens to the powerful Dark Age weapons.
Finally, the Wardens were in the foundry where hundreds of machines were made with each passing second. Some machines emerged with their metallic parts still glowing red hot as the metal was freshly smelted. Now, the Wardens surged forward into hell. Every time a machine died, another was built. This continued, and a charge turned into a desperate battle. The Astartes had to devote every action to stay alive. They simply could not turn any attention towards destroying the production lines. And still, the unending tide of daemonic machines charged into death screeching for blood the entire time.
Here and there, a Warden made a small mistake during the desperate conflict. Most of the time, they recovered, but some were simply unlucky. Slowly, Warden after Warden died, despite many attempting Oriacarius' various contingency plans. Before long, the floor grew slick as the corrupted hydraulic fluid of the machines coated the floor as did the blood of thousands of Wardens. In this conflict, 12000 Wardens died before Kesar ordered a withdrawal. Now, the Wardens needed a plan of what to do. They withdrew to defensive positions and continued to cull the machines that emerged as Kesar met with his senior officers to discuss the next step.
When Kesar entered the room and saw Oriacarius, he expected something different than what occurred. Instead, Oriacarius stood up and spoke, "Lord Primarch, I request to be relieved of my position." Kesar was surprised at this and the other captains were as well.
"Oriacarius, explain your reasoning. Despite the losses, you have done everything you could have." At this Oriacarius, looked won, saddened and ashamed. 40,000 Wardens had died during his first command since his gene-father was discovered. A third of the Legion dead for no gain.
"Lord Primarch … I … I killed a third of my Brothers. I, I'm not fit to be first captain." Oriacarius looked broken at what happened, and Kesar was greatly saddened. Maybe, maybe if he had been here, things may have been different. Walking over, he embraced his son before speaking.
"Oriacarius, I miss them as well, but we must continue. Your actions have saved thousands. If it was not for you, the initial force would have died. You saved 5000 of your Brothers. Then, your cation saved at least 12,000 more when the corrupted Men of Iron encircled the Legion. None of your Brothers think you failed. They think of you as the reason 17,000 of their Brothers still live." During the short speech, Oriacarius seemed to reflect on himself, and the sad expression shifted from grief to something more placid. Maticus, Scafrir, and the other captains felt relieved that Oriacarius was no longer demanding to be removed from his position, but then the first captain spoke.
"Where were you then Lord Primarch?" Kesar reeled back as if struck, but Oriacarius continued. "You would have saved them. Yet you traveled to Peregrine. Then when you arrive, you stood in the back, and ordered us forward into this damned station." Throughout the response, Oriacarius' voice grew louder in volume as he accused Kesar. The other captains' relief faded into anger at Oriacarius' words and their worry returned.
"First captain, you are angry, calm yourself and think," Scafrir spoke in his usual caring tone, as he raised his hands to placate Oriacarius. "Look at our Primarch." Oriacarius glared at Kesar before he immediately softened his gaze. Kesar was visibly grieving. In fact, a single tear trailed from his eye as the Primarch spoke.
"I miss them as well. All of them. Half of my sons are dead. 85,000 in five years … More will die. It is certain. Yet, all we can do is remember." With that, Kesar drew his sword and read out name after name. With each name, he told a story of sorrow and loss. Of triumph and glory. Of growth and brotherhood. Of heroes and saviors. Then at the end of each story, came an ending. An ending none of them deserved. Death by a tank shell. Death by a daemon. Death by abominable intelligence. Death by a torpedo strike. Death from a Xeno. After ten minutes, just ten names had passed. Oriacarius was openly weeping as the other captains joined in, although not to the same level of grief as the first captain. Kesar meanwhile continued to speak in a calm voice. Yet, the Wardens could see the grief on his face as his eyes moistened.
"… I … I apologize Lord Primarch Dorlin. I was angry … I know you are not to blame. I … I just. I miss them." The first captain stood and saluted, his anger and guilt replaced by something much more beautiful but equally as sad. Grief and sadness coated the first captain, but he would fight on for his brothers that still lived.
"I know Oriacarius." Kesar spoke as his voice trailed off into a whisper that was both quiet and loud enough simultaneously, "I miss them as well."
"Yes, Lord Primarch. We all do."
"For those we cherish…"
"Indeed. Indeed."
With the grieving complete, Kesar and the captains looked over the tactical situation. There were a few options available to them. The first option involved simply trying to break into the foundry until they succeeded. This, however, would be horrifically difficult due to the insane production rate of the corrupted Men of Iron. Kesar estimated that 20,000 Wardens would die if this was attempted, but there would be no risk to himself and would preserve most of the station.
The second option was essentially the first, but it also involved Kesar leading from the front. He was a Primarch after all, and he would likely be able to easily deal with the daemons.
Thirdly, he could employ the Thousand Sons. The Man of Iron was without a doubt insane. It was possible that they could use technomancy in conjunction with another plan to cripple the machine. The issue was that according to the notes Magnus had sent him, the creatures that scream about blood and skulls tend to be resistant to psychic powers, so this would be an issue. Nevertheless, it would certainly be possible, but it would risk the Thousand Sons.
Fourthly, he could simply bombard that section of the station. With control over the rest of the station, the Wardens could dislodge the lower levels of the station and destroy the foundry. The issue is that this would destroy the Golden Age technology that the MoI used against them. However, there would be little risk to the Wardens.
In the end, Kesar decided to
[] Order them forward and lead from behind
[] Lead the charge
[] Employ technomancy
[] Dislodge and destroy
[] Write-in
Like, rushing in, to fight the one damn enemy we purposefully voted to avoid the last time is rather stupefying. Should've just went in flat out the last time if you lot want to actually fight it.
What was the bloody point of staying out, to avoid such a confrontation, if the Primarch goes in now?
Kesar was guaranteed to not have anything negative gained from an omake reward. With that, we can get in the fray without suffering potential maladies.
Kesar was guaranteed to not have anything negative gained from an omake reward. With that, we can get in the fray without suffering potential maladies.
I hadn't decided yet. It was probably going to be something like guilt where you take penalties from not leading from the front. I was going to wait till jjffjhjf had decided before thinking up an appropriate negative trait.
Edit: The penalty would have been from having half your Legion die while you were not there.