So... I've been doing some math regarding how our PP is figured out. And... I'm a tad bit concerned regarding how this works. Specifically the use of that incredibly powerful square root. So, if every single one of our current worlds were to be upgraded to Tier 16, and High Imperial. As well as every industrial upgrade with a 10% cap is bought, and 711 of the uncapped industrial upgrades (one per planet), we'd have a grand total of 251,577.6254 PP. Which... seems kind of small? At least for having that many incredibly high end and productive planets. Though, that does NOT include the new space mining stuff we've unlocked. With 711 of each of those, we'd be up to 309,144.889. Thing is though. If we double the number of planets involved. 572,171.57990, with all the normal stuff but none of the new space stuff. With the new space stuff we get 862,614.56993 PP. Most of those increases comes from all the different production bonuses though. Not from the planets themselves. With JUST the planets we get, 158,984.433 for 711 planets and for double that, we get, 317,968.866. Now, I'm not sure how long it'll take to get all of our planets upgraded to this point, but I'm pretty sure its going to take quite a long time. Upgrading planets from infrastructure tier 8 to 16 takes 1250 PP. Takes another 400PP or so to upgrade from iron age (our current minimum tech level for new planets) to High Imperial (we don't have any numbers for upgrading to advanced). With all the PP needed to get various planetary upgrades coming out to 442 PP per planet (not including that stuff we only get a benefit for the first 100 worlds on), and another 900 PP for the stuff that costs less than 1k PP. That would give a total cost of 1250+400+442+900=2,972 PP per world to be fully upgraded. Meaning it takes 237,760 PP in order to upgrade every world we get, every turn. Not including any upgrades that take 1000 pp or more per planet (infrastructure upgrading not included). So... yeah, the numbers are going to go up fast to start out with, and then slow way down for awhile...