Flagship Name

  • Spirit of Fire

    Votes: 21 47.7%
  • Vigilance

    Votes: 23 52.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Legion Stats
Legion Size: 100,000 Astartes
Compliance Rate: ~1 sector/ year

Legion Heroes
Maticus Ventamedes : Reroll failed will tests (+103 to duels)
  1. The Eleventh Hour - Autosucceeds Interrupt Checks at lowest threshold.
  2. Slayer of Psykers - +10 vs psykers; Applies to army combat against psykers
  3. Sword of the Lost - +10 to combat
  4. Scafrir's Armor - Double Wound Total
  5. The Black Swordsman - +10 to combat
  6. 3rd Company Captain - +10 to combat. +5 to subordinate's combat.
  7. Legend of Eternity - The banishment of Scabeiathrax was a feat only Kesar was thought capable of. But Maticus is someone that can manage the impossible. He's the Champion of the Legion, and now, he's the legend of it. *+10 to duels. No Exhaustion Penalty for himself and those that fight alongside him in a duel. Double wound thresholds for himself.*
  8. Modified SDS System - Increase first wound threshold by 10. Only applies to the first wound he takes.
  9. Kingslayer - Over the course of a duel, the two Captains did what none within the Wardens thought possible. They won against Kesar. It is a moment that the Legion will treasure for all time, and one they will remember as long as they live. +10 to Maticus and Oriacarius' combined roll if they fight against a Primarch (the Primarch malus remains).
  10. The Black Prince - It takes true strength to wield the Sword of the Lost as an Astartes. It takes more strength to do the work of a billion soldiers at once. Maticus did that. When the defensive lines broke and guardsmen retreated, Maticus surged forward. The route turned to a waver then to a hold. And he finished the day coated in daemonic blood. Then he did it again the next day. *+10 to duels. +10 to Legion Combat when Maticus is near.*
  11. Baptized in Hellfire - Only falls to Chaos if they willingly do so
  12. Daemonsbane Tier 1 - Daemons get a -10 to rolls when Maticus is around
  13. Daemonsbane Tier 2 - Double true death chance
  14. Harlequin Mask - Reduces psychic presence by 4 tiers (For Maticus, from Heroic Astartes to normal human, for Kesar, Primarch to gamma psyker)
  15. Rune of Daemonsbane (Maticus) - +8 to duels (Increases by 2 for each unique heroic daemon they kill)
  16. Daemonsbane Tier 3 - Can scale duel rounds by a factor of two
  17. Survivor of the Eye - +5 to duels
Oriacarius Gielux: Reroll critical fails
  1. Long Nights - Sometimes, your head is aloft with the mysteries of the universe. Sometimes you dwell an unhealthy amount on the deaths you've caused over the years. But most of the time, your mind races to make up for mistakes of the past. How to save a life, how to react in such a scenario, how to tell if someone is corrupted. Every night, you torture yourself with the past...and every day you come out stronger for it. Gain 3 Combat Rerolls.
  2. In His Element - After viewing army combat rolls, can choose to modify his stance and objectives to gain bonuses and penalties. Works for ground combat and void warfare.
  3. Armor of Remembrance - +10 to combat.
  4. Unwavering - Negates penalty when facing Primarchs.
  5. I've Already Planned For This - No Debuffs for Unexpected Situations and no Surprise Penalty on a Strategic, Tactical, and Personal Level.
  6. Kingslayer - Over the course of a duel, the two Captains did what none within the Wardens thought possible. They won against Kesar. It is a moment that the Legion will treasure for all time, and one they will remember as long as they live. +10 to Maticus and Oriacarius' combined roll if they fight against a Primarch.
  7. Duel Priorities - Can apply his command bonus even if forced into a duel
  8. On My Terms - Oriacarius is a master of being prepared. Having plans for every such situation. Often, any battle evolves into one that he dictates, where the First Captain of the Wardens determines everything that shall occur. *Can increase or decrease army and naval combat round length by a factor of 2*
  9. Ever Prepared, Ever Watchful - There's a trick to assassinations that's deeply ingrained to the art. Take the target off guard. Oriacarius is the worst person to assassinate for this reason. He's never off guard. The First Captain rarely is without a plan, and in those rare times he is without one it's a trap or part of a deeper plan. And so, assassins are better off not bothering. *-10 to all rolls related to assassinating Oriacarius*
  10. Baptized in Hellfire - Only falls to Chaos if they willingly do so
  11. Daemonsbane Tier 1 - Daemons get a -10 to rolls when Oriacarius is around
  12. On the Level of Masters – Negates malus when fighting Primarchs
  13. The Warden's Hand - A cybernetic hand heavily modified by the First Captain, it holds hundreds of features ensuring Oriacarius is never unprepared *Reroll first roll that would kill Oriacarius*
Doom Slayer: +10 to Legion Combat
  1. Do Not Go Gently - Rerolls both his and the opponents roll if he would die.
  2. Flood of Pain - Negates enemy bonus for being outnumbered. Gains half of said bonus himself.
  3. Ferrus Customized Armor - +5 to combat.
  4. Tranquil Fury - Double Fluff kills during Legion combat.
  5. Until it is Done - Across the course of a duel that lasted nearly a day, Slayer did not rest, nor did he pause. Even at the end, he was still fighting at full intensity. His body has learned to obey him, and his mind will remain as sharp as ever. No penalty from exhaustion. +5 to combat
  6. Rip and Tear - Over the years, Slayer has honed his style again and again. His style is filled with aggression where he attacks and attacks and attacks. Eviscerator rips and tears their enemies to shreds and he has perfected a thousand different cuts. +10 to duels.
  7. Slaughter and Carnage - The Doom Slayer is rage and hate incarnate. The distillation of the hate the Wardens hold for the creatures of the warp, the distillation of their rage and defiance against the neverborn. He is slaughter incarnate. He is carnage incarnate. He is a dervish bringing death and the killer of armies. He is death. *+15 to duels. Multiply nonhero kills by 10. Stacks with Tranquil Fury.*
  8. Baptized in Hellfire - Only falls to Chaos if they willingly do so
  9. Daemonsbane Tier 1 - Daemons get a -10 to rolls when Doom Slayer is around
  10. Daemonsbane Tier 2 - Can choose to autoroll 80s versus non-Greater Daemon daemons
  11. Daemonsbane Tier 3 - Chooses which enemies take wounds in a duel.
  12. Tactical Insight - -20 to attempts to keep Doom Slayer from enemy sanctums
  13. Eviscerator - An upgraded Chainsword that rips and tears with abandon, only Doom Slayer can sate its bloodlust that rivals Humility. *+5 to duels*
Cetenus Solarus: +25 to explosive checks
  1. They Call Me Mad - Explodes on death.
  2. Precise Targeting - Reroll friendly casualties and choose the lowest.
  3. Ferrus Customized Armor - +5 to combat.
  4. The Night Haunter's Lessons - Immune to Fear, +20 to Fear Checks, +20 Fluff to Warden Fear Checks when Solarus blows things up.
  5. Unending Destruction - Solarus spent every free hour he had building weapons of mass destruction. New bombs, more bombs, cheaper bombs, just bombs, bombs, bombs. Day in day out was spent in a factory churning them out and at all times there was a perpetual shortage of bombs. And so he made them cheaper and faster to build. *Halve cost and time to make bombs.*
  6. Baptized in Hellfire - Only falls to Chaos if they willingly do so
  7. Daemonsbane Tier 1 - Daemons get a -10 to rolls when Solarus is around
  8. Tomorrow Will Never Come - Gains escalating bonuses if the enemy has lower tech. These bonuses increase infrastructure preservation drastically and increase civilian casualties drastically
  9. Purity of Flame - +10 anti-daemon. +10% true death chance
  10. Unorthodox Ideas - +5 to Command
Crescum Auro:
  1. Mind Of Order: Reduce psyker malus to CR by 40, lowered DC for background actions that aren't related to the warp.
  2. Patterns of Logic - Through the analysis of the complex, the understanding of the unknown, and the constant battles with a friend. Auro has learned to find patterns in logic within a sea of noise. *+10 to research rolls*
  3. Again and Again - Over the course of years, Auro fought the same daemons again and again. Again and again they were banished, each time slightly faster and slightly more efficiently. The more Auro fights a daemon, the better he can make sense of the unreal, and more the unreal is commanded by the real. *+5% true kill chance and +2 against that daemon every time they banish said daemon.*
  4. Plasteel 293 - A simple material with a surprisingly useful application, Gannon found several paths opening to him, and from there he made his masterpiece. A barrel that can fire superheated and supercooled objects one after the other, whose maintenance involves just replacing the barrel. And so, Frozen Fire was made. *Bolter which fires superheated then supercooled rounds at the user's will. +2 to combat for its weilder. Currently Auro.*
  5. Mythril Blade: +15 to duels, 1/2 psyker tier to chronology, death happens at -4 wounds, held by Auro
  6. Laws of the Warp - Capable of designing any ritual provided he spends an appropriate amount of time and meets the realm of possibility
  7. Daemonsbane Tier 1 - Daemons get a -10 to rolls when Auro is around
  8. Grandmaster Rune of Psyker - Halve psyker CR malus (now -0)
  9. Baptized in Hellfire - Only falls to Chaos if they willingly do so
  10. Anti-Psyker Rituals - +5 against psykers
  11. Daemonsbane Tier 2 - Reduce time for anti-chaos rituals by 25%
  12. Large Scale Rituals - +5 to army rolls when Auro is present
Durante and Vergil:
  1. Daemonsbane Tier 1 - Daemons get a -10 to all rolls while Durante and Vergil are around.
  2. Daemonsbane Tier 2 and 3 - Removes Warp maluses
  3. Daemonsbane Tier 4 - Always succeeds on disengage checks against lesser daemons
  4. Hellwalkers - Cannot be harmed by environmental effects not created by heroes
  5. Through the Fire and the Flames - Half the effect of heroic environmental effects on them
  6. We Carry On - +30 to disengaging
  7. Within the Dark - +30 to stealth
  8. Unending Nightmare - Narrative CR
  9. Daemonsbane Tier 5 - Movement can only be interrupted by heroes and specialized proto-heroes
  10. Cloak of Emptiness - +2 to stealth
Baldur Voluspa
  1. A Generous Offer - Baldur's diplomatic strategy is simple. Offer the carrot, then show the stick, then stab them in the kidney in that order. Oftentimes, the first is all that is needed. Provide a generous offer, and they shall fall in line. He's had practice with it for decades now, and with each negotiation, his skill in delivery gets better and better. Now all that's needed is a few words, and he can describe a mountain of riches. Baldur's diplomacy now gives a +20 always, previously it was a +20 which couldn't change a failure into a success
  2. Little Tells - A twitch of the lips, a tightening of the eyes, these are just two of the many little tells that Baldur can deploy to let the opposing negotiator think in the direction he wants them to. +10 to diplomacy rolls.
  3. Diplomacy is Brutal and Kind - Can conduct diplomacy and intrigue simultaneously in order to get worlds to join
  4. Slayer's Teachings - Having been tutored by Doom Slayer himself on five occasions, Captain Baldur was already one of the Legion's better combatants. However, he didn't prove that to Doom Slayer himself until the Warden Tournament where he was able to hold off the Slayer for four consecutive hours of high-intensity dueling. +5 to duels.
  5. Informational Breakdown - Improves information gained substantially.
  6. Sigillite's Shadow - +5 to actions taken for or against Malcador
  7. An Old Dataslate - A dataslate with an unknown age used by Baldur, the Astartes has been using it for decades since he began to work with Malcador. *+5 to Intrigue*
Orion Jesk
  1. Knight Among Many - +10 when outnumbering enemies in a duel
  2. Relentless Pursuit - +15 against opponents that are trying to retreat. +10% true kill chance
  3. The Knight Warden - +5 to duels
  4. Code of Conduct - +10 against those with a bonus higher than his (if this would make his bonus higher than his enemy's, it doesn't apply)
  5. Code of Humility - Increased trait gain for nonheroes he works with
  6. The Angel of Humility - Multiply wounds inflicted by 2. Can take 1 wound a round in exchange for multiplying wounds by 4 in total. +15% true kill chance. Negate numbers bonus for enemies in duels. Those who use Humility that are not Orion multiply wounds taken by 4.
  7. Daemonsbane Tier 1 - Daemons get a -10 to rolls when Orion is around
  8. Daemonsbane Tier 2 - Scaling bonus up to +20 for hero and trait rolls for those he trains
Sylfenan Timedancer
  1. +40 to duels (net bonus)
  2. Reroll army rolls during battle. Bonus is lost after the first loss.
  3. Negate Crit Fails
Scafrir (Deceased, killed by Kairos Fateweaver after he killed 2 Lords of Change)
Sergeant Orean (Deceased, killed by an ambush by Lord General Alden in which the Pathfinders and White Scars suffered 92% losses)
Otto Fritzkin (Deceased, killed by a Chaos task force within the Maelstrom)
Chief Librarian Raziel (Deceased, killed by a Favored Unclean One within the Maelstrom)
Captain Inzhun (Deceased, killed by daemonic swarms after he was unable to escape a daemonworld within the Maelstrom)
Captain Thule (Deceased, overrun by daemons within the Maelstrom)
Amun Akil (Deceased, killed by Tsaw-Raah Exalted of Nurgle during the Maelstrom War)
Dreadnought Hektor (Deceased, killed by abhuman Tzeentchian Cultists in the Maelstrom)
Legio Deicio
The Titan Legion of the Wardens has grown in skill over the years. Having to duel corrupted God Machines on Cadia, and then wounding the Changeling itself, their skill against the daemon has improved drastically. While difficult to maintain, even for Titans, their quality considered worth the effort.
Night Watch - 25 thousand strong special forces unit with 10 thousand Asura
  • +120 special forces bonus
  • Low Information Coordination Protocols - +1 degree of success for special forces rolls
Men of Clay - 10 million strong abhuman regiment with exceptional loyalty
  • +10 combat bonus
600 Zeta
300 Epsilon
90 Delta
10 Gamma
Legion Practices
Compliance Style: Diplomacy - -20% compliance rate, -50% revolt risk

Combat Doctrine: Blitzkrieg (Astartes speed in and occupy critical locations drawing enemies nearby while the guard advances)
+10% compliance rate
+20% casualties
Reroll Infrastructure Damage

Post Compliance: Basic uplift
-20% compliance rate Negated by Mechanicum
-25% revolt risk
+5 to Tech Levels below 41
Infrastructure floor for planets is Tier 4

Mechanicum Favor
Up to 200 planets will be upgraded to infrastructure Tier 8 or up to 100 planets will have their tech level upgraded by a level per turn.

Stormbird - Cuts travel times by a round. Reroll when shot down.
Sword of the Lost - +10 to duels. Held by Maticus
Armor of Remembrance - +10 to duels. Held by Oriacarius.
Armor of Defiance - Double wound total, cannot be used by Kesar. Held by Maticus.
Vulkan's Super Weapon - +100 to fleet combat. One time use
DAOT Void Shield - Negate Damage to the Vigilance for One Round. Recharges every 5 years.
Doom by Chocolate - Hyper rich chocolate. Lethal to Astartes.
Mythril Blade: +15 to duels, 1/2 psyker tier to chronology, death happens at -4 wounds, held by Auro Plasteel 293: +2 to duel bolter, held by Auro
Enbarr - Reduces travel time on planets by a slight amount
The Vigilance's Upgrades - Additional +10 to rolls by this Gloriana
Ambrosia Orb (Unused) - Boosts intelligence of an individual and their offspring
Throne of Archon Karqel - +10 to diplomacy with Dark Eldar
Antimemetic Vault - +10/20/40 to counter security against non-heroes/proto-heroes/heroes for conversations that occur in the vault.
+1 to everything (Rune of Bone)
+5 to Diplomacy (Advanced De-escalation Procedures)
+5 to counterboarding
+5 to first round of combat
+5 to using warptech
+5 when defending
+1 bonus to attacking defenses
+30 vs psykers (+25 Sisters of Silence, +5 Anti-Psyker Astartes Training on Aegis)
+101 against daemons (+2 Banish Runes, +10 For the Lost, +25 Sisters of Silence, +8 For Those Denied Salvation - Omake Reward, +20 Purity Rune, +15 Daemonic Lore, +10 Emperor's Training, +1 Cultist Ritual Countermeasures, +10 Rune of Daemonsbane)
+40 to stealth (Realm of Nothingness - Omake reward, +10 Advanced Reflex Shields, +10 Frequency Analysis, +10 Rune of Subtlety)
+215 Corruption Resistance (+60 Till Death do us Apart, +10 A Warden's Rage - Omake Reward, +20 New Orders, New Routine - Omake Reward, +50 Scafrir's Legacy, +15 Purity Rune, +5 Chants of the Wardens - Omake Reward, +2 PURGING WITH MY KIN! - Omake Reward, +3 You're Being Watched - Omake Reward, +5 Surivors of Dralik, +10 Come on In, I have an Extra Cup of Coco now - Omake Reward, +8 Zeta Level Chaplains, +10 Opportunity, +2 Gene Seed Partial Mutation Prevention, +1 Rune of Bone, +10 Rune of Daemonsbane, +4 Rune of Will)
+120 to combat rolls (+5 Superior Equipment, +5 Mark IIB Power Armor - Omake Reward, +15 Cadian Crucible, +5 Advanced Materials, +15 Battle of the Three Stars, +5 Integrated Storm Seers, +5 Improved Vehicles, +5 CQC, +5 Runes [Reinforcement, Fire, Ice, Fire*Ice], +10 Improved Weapons, +2 Storm Seer Training, +2 Bonds Across Space - Omake Reward, +3 Perturabo's Lessons, +10 Annals of Battle, +1 The Ancient Ones, +2 Magnus and Sanguinius Librarian Lessons, +3 AI Experiences, +1 Rune of Bone, +1 Rune of Ice*Plasma, +20 Anti-Daemon Crossover)
+51 to detecting corruption within the Wardens (+25 A Precipice - Omake Reward, +25 Your Watch is Eternal - Omake Reward, +1 Rune of Bone)
*Wardens never suffer morale penalties (Fire, Steel, and Fury - Omake Reward)
+41 to noticing cultists/daemons (+10 Ever Vigilant, Ever Watchful - Omake Reward, +10 Detection Rune, +20 Soul Makeup, +1 Rune of Bone)
Enemy Champions Receive a -25% malus to their bonuses
1% chance of true deathing daemons
+46 to void combat (+39 (GM isn't sure where this comes from), +6 AI Experiences, +1 Rune of Bone)
+51 Cybersecurity (+20 Improved Cogitators, +20 AI Experiences, +10 Rune of Purge, +1 Rune of Bone)
+20 to closing warp rifts and countering rituals
+5 to Hero Units during duels
+31 to detecting Infiltrators (+10 Alpha Legion Lessons, +20 Countersecurity Teams, +1 Rune of Bone)
Ability to teleport 100 Wardens to 100 Locations. 25% chance for each to be stuck in the warp
+20 to Compliance Rate (Horus' Lessons)
+20 to Orbital Landings (The Iron Landers)
+2 corruption resistance, +1 anti-daemon to IA on the same battlefield as the Wardens. (Rune of Silver)
Can conduct teleportation without losses in most situations
10% Faster Ships
25% Faster Gloriana
+5 to sealing warp rifts (Vortex Mathematics)
Void Shields Recharge In One Turn for Glorianas instead of Two
Void Shields Recharge in Two Turns for Imperator Titans instead of Three
+5 to rolls when on the offensive (Forward Unto Dawn)
+85 to Last Stands (+25 For those we cherish - Omake rewards, +50 We Die in Glory - Omake Reward, +10 Rage Against the Dying of the Light)
+10 to stealth vs daemons (Realm of Nothingness - Omake reward)
+5 when outnumbered (Daemonic Horde - Omake reward, labeled as Anti-Horde)
Penalty to Plans During Total Strategic Surprise Negated - (Simulated Battles - Omake Reward)
No Morale Penalty Against Corrupted Astartes (A Final Mercy - Omake Reward)
Wardens less likely to become overconfident (Don't Underestimate the Old Man - Omake Reward)
+5 after suffering losses (On the Blood of our Brothers - Omake Rewards)
If Kesar dies, Wardens gain +150 to combat against his killers
+10 to Oceanic Combat (Oceanic Warfare - Omake Rewards)
+10 vs Word Bearers
+25 Poison Resist
+25 Interrogation Resist
+10 to tunnel warfare
*Do not suffer non warp terrain penalties (Battle of the Three Stars)
+20 to Escaping Warp Storms
+20 against asymmetrical warfare
Masters of the Otherworld - Reduce Warp Terrain Maluses by 75%
+30 to combat on Daemonworlds (Vortex Safety Procedures)
+80 to combat in exchange for creating a daemonworld (Vortex Safety Procedures)
+2 corruption resistance, +1 anti-daemon to IA on the same battlefield as the Wardens
-10% losses during emergency warp outs
+5 when defending innocents (Nothing Will Change What Happened)
Hybrid Astartes-Guardsmen Squads (Improves proto-hero survivability, somewhat merges Imperial Army and Eternal Warden morale)
+5 when fighting alongside the Iron Hands
Luna Wolves Liaisons - +10 when fighting alongside the Luna Wolves
Blood Angels Liaisons - +5 when fighting alongside the Blood Angels
Salamanders Liaisons - +5 when fighting alongside the Salamanders
Ruoult declare a crusade in allegiance to mankind
House Vyronii Knight House) - +20 to Legion Combat where present
Battlefield Pathfinders (Scouting information on enemy troops and plans)
Titan Legion Aid
+20 to scouting rolls (Thousand Sons Telepaths)
32% of casualties recoverable (10% Combat Medics - Omake reward, 2.5% Rune of Restoration, 12.5% Triage Protocols, 5% AI Experiences, 2% Angititans)
+10 to Technomancy (Thousand Sons Technomancers)
Valhallan Imperial Army Units, +10 Against Daemons (Omake Reward)
Roll twice pick the best for the first round of combat (Diviner - Omake Reward)
+30 to detecting infiltrators (+20 Counter Security Teams, +10 AI Experiences)
Shield Warriors - Some Wardens now use shields
+10 to Explosive Rolls (Explosives Brigade)
+10 to Mechanicum rolls in Kesar's Domain (Guilliman's interstellar trade guide) Obsolete
+10 to Mechanicum rolls in Kesar's Domain (Dark Age Architecture - Omake Reward) Obsolete
No nonchaos revolts (From informant networks)
If a planet falls, they have a chance to get a warning out early (A Watchful Eye - Omake Reward)
Hades Contingency provides a roll that when above a 90, always allows a resistance
Valhallan Artists (Omake Reward)
+5 to art rolls (Xeno artwork - Omake Reward)
+5 Ruoult Integration (Holy Code of Honor - Omake Reward) Obsolete
-10 to chaos rolls (Witch Hunter Approved - Omake Reward)
+10 to Mechanicum rolls in Kesar's Domain (Measure Theory) Obsolete
+10 to Mechanicum rolls in Kesar's Domain (Statistics) Obsolete
+10 to Mechanicum rolls in Kesar's Domain (Purity Rune) Obsolete
+2 to Mechanicum rolls in Kesar's Domain (Plasma Rune) Obsolete
DC halved for Warp Genetics Research (Biologis Connections – Omake reward)
DC halved for Gellar Field Research (Gellar Expert - Omake reward)
DCs for void shield research halved (Magos Averenth - Omake Reward)
DCs for math and physics research halved (Kelbor-Hal assistance - Omake Reward)
+15 to reverse engineering
No chance of tension between Kesar and Oriacarius (A First Captain's Respect - Omake Reward)
Oriacarius does not fall to chaos if Kesar does (A First Captain's Independence - Omake Reward)
If Kesar falls, the Godslayer Contingency Activates (Godslayer - Omake Reward)
If Oriacarius falls, the Achilles Contingency Activates (Achilles - Omake Reward)
Oriacarius' critical failure reroll will never be lost (Lessons From Oriacarius - Omake Reward)
No chance of tension between loyal Wardens
Tensions with other Legions are never incited by loyal Wardens
No penalty for fighting alongside side unusual support units
????????? (Stirrings of Something More, A Second Stirring - Omake Reward, A Third Stirring - Omake Reward)
Exalted of the Omnissiah - ???
Mystery Box - ???
Bader - ???
Machine Spirit Research - After having numerous machine spirits of the Eternal Wardens grow more responsive, the Mechanicum now wonders if there are other ways to please the machine spirit. This has opened up a new field of research that is slightly more accepted than other forms of innovation. *The Mechanicum grow slightly less conservative*
Alpha Legion Ragnarok Contingency - After hearing of the events on Gehenna and the Warden's reaction, Alpharius/Omegon have created a series of contingencies in case a Primarch falls. In this event, the Alpha Legion will cripple other Legions and buy time while warnings are sent out to loyalist Legions, and suspected traitors will be purged.
The Song of Sons and Daughters - Valhalla is a world united by a single factor. Their once eternal war against the forces of the warp. They spent millennia fighting the creatures of the warp and those that had fallen with only one true weapon. Unity. The people of Valhalla are united and will stand together against any foe. *Valhallan soldiers reroll morale checks*
Emergency Channels - After reviewing the possibilities of their fall, considering the dangers they faced, the twin Hydras prepared a set of contingencies for if communication was desperately needed. *Gain reroll for communication in case of warp storms*
Rune of Banishment - +10 against daemons (Master Rune)
Advanced Rune of Detection - +10 to detecting warp entities
Advanced Rune of Reinforcement - +2 to Legion Combat
Rune of Maintenance - Out of supply malus halved (Master Rune)
Rune of Purity - +20 against daemons, +15 corruption resistance (Grandmaster Rune)
Rune of Immunity - +20 disease resistance (Master Rune)
Advanced Rune of Plasma - +2 to Mechanicum rolls
Rune of Fire - +1 to combat (Basic Rune)
Rune of Ice - +1 to combat (Basic Rune)
Rune of Restoration - +2.5% recoverable casualties (Master Rune)
Rune of Silver - Unknown effects when used with sorcery/rituals. +2 corruption resistance, +1 anti-daemon to IA on the same battlefield as the Wardens. (Basic Rune)
Rune of the Anathema - Provides the location of daemons within a planet-sized area, skilled daemons can obscure their presence. Provides the plans of daemons upon the world. Forces daemonic champions to fight Kesar before they can fight anyone else. Only Kesar can use this rune. (Primal Rune)
Purge Rune - Halve times to cleanse artifacts. Very light taint can be cleared. +10 to Cybersecurity (Master)
Rune of Subtlety - +10 to Stealth
Crossed Rune of Ice*Fire - +1 Legion Combat
Grandmaster Rune of Psyker - Halves CR loss for gamma psykers and below, provides a flat +10 CR for Beta and above psykers
Advanced Rune of Bone - +1 to everything
Basic Rune of Water - Slightly improves logistics in high warp areas
Crossed Rune of Ice*Plasma - +1 to Legion Combat
Rune of Chaos - Provides narrative insight into Chaos for heroes with narrative CR
Rune of Daemonsbane - +10 CR, +10 anti-daemon, minor narrative effects for Daemonsbanes
Rune of Daemonsbane (Maticus) - +8 to duels (Increases by 2 for each unique heroic daemon they kill)
Rune of Will - Reduces negative combat effects of morale, exacerbates negative strategic effects of morale, +20 CR for Guardsmen (+4 for Wardens), Other narrative effects.
Rune of Nechronal - +5% True Death Rate, Situational bonus to certain researches

Air Filter STC: Allows construction of bases on unliveable planets, reduces maintenance for spaceships.
Water Filter STC
Warhound Titan STC
Reaver Titan STC
Warlord Titan STC
Imperator Titan STC
Storm Bolter STC
Improved Mechadendrite STC
Miscellaneous Production STCs
Miscellaneous Handheld Weapon and Army Parts STCs
Miscellaneous Ship Module STCs

Combat Description: The XI Legion tends to favor rapid deployments using drop pods and Stormbird. In combat arenas with hostile airspace, they will practice stealth infiltrations and rapid vehicular deployment. Once they reach military bases, supply depots, and chokepoints, they will seize the area and hold it. This forces hostile forces to push out the legion, which allows the Imperial Guard to rapidly move in. As a result, the fighting tends to be more isolated resulting in less damage. It is also rather quick due to the forced combat. Unfortunately, the legion tends to suffer due to the intense combat while surrounded. While on the defensive, the XI Legion prefers to constantly shift their fortifications. One moment they will be holding, the next they will have seized control over an anti-air nest and will defend from there.

Color Scheme: For the Eternal Wardens, the primary color scheme of the marines is black with white decals for aesthetics. This stems from the contrast that Valhalla has about morality. Any action is acceptable as long as it hurts daemons more than humans. This belief was taken by the artisans that crafted armor for the Eternal Wardens, and two contrasting colors were used to symbolize the black and white morality. Of course, much of the decisions that the Eternal Wardens make are not so easily defined.

Gene-seed: The gene-seed of the Eternal Wardens is remarkably pure. Basically, no mutations of note have occurred, and the few that have are largely cosmetic. These few minor mutations, however, are extensively guarded against on the order of Oriacarius. The first captain firmly believes that while these mutations are harmless now, they may become a larger issue in the future. Whether this is a result of his usual cautious nature or a likely danger is yet to be seen.

Selection Process: The selection of candidates for the gene-seed of the Eternal Wardens is more comprehensive than many other legions. Since Kesar's gene-seed is rather temperamental, with fewer possible aspirants than other gene-seed, recruitment of aspirants is slower. This is further exasperated by Oriacarius' nature that has only ideal candidates be allowed to undergo the procedure to turn them into space marines. This, however, is both good and bad. While the number of aspirants is lessened, the Legion has a higher survival rate than many others. However, this still results in fewer neophytes than other Legions.

The first phase of initiation for Astartes entails a conditioning regime based on the Imperial Army. Increased in difficulty, the main purpose of this is to help get the new Astartes used to their physiology, as this is a recurring issue early on, and one the Wardens choose to rectify as soon as possible.

The second phase of training is a weapons and vehicles course. Unlike the other Legions, the Eternal Wardens only begin live-fire drills after a series of months, with the initiates first being acquainted with the maintenance of their weapons, armor, equipment, and vehicles, as well as their intended use. Once they demonstrated proficiency with this, they are allowed to conduct supervised live-fire training. A similar process occurs with vehicles, with neophytes having to be authorized for vehicle use, the process of which requires a number of simulated tests. While the exchange legions have commented that it seems overcautious, the Wardens claim the lowest accidental fatality rate of all Legions, and so the system has remained.

The third phase of training consists of a series of memorization and knowledge tests. During this period, the neophytes learn about a variety of topics that seem random. However, this creation of Oriacarius is not intended for learning. Rather it is meant to give each Astartes a set of knowledge they should know. In the event of suspected chaos corruption or a suspected infiltrator, the knowledge learned by the Astartes will provide a key advantage in understanding the truth. Additionally, Oriacarius uses the tests as an opportunity to construct psychological profiles on the Wardens which are secured aboard the Vigilance in a vault only Kesar has access to. While there have been a number of complaints from neophytes and scouts for this seemingly useless phase, the veterans of the Legion have sided with the First Captain.

The fourth stage occurs when the Wardens reach the rank of a Scout. Here, they are thought a variety of subjects such as stealth, sniping, mental resistance, and the usage of specialized equipment. A great deal of focus has been put upon mental resistance, with many hours spent daily on the topic. Moreover, as the years have passed, the Scouts have also incorporated anti-daemonic tactics into their training. The combination of which gives them a broad knowledge base, as well as a specialty that is apparent even early on in their careers. Following the death of Scafrir, the Master of Recruits, there was a spike in Scout casualties. Known to assist neophytes and Scouts, his assistance is sorely missed. However, his open-door policy has become an official policy by all Warden officers, allowing any Astartes to discuss matters with their commanding officer in confidence. As time has progressed, the rate of Scout deaths has fallen, in part due to Captain Bader taking up some of Scafrir's prior duties.

The fifth stage is a recent introduction by 3rd Captain Maticus, and is based on the training he put the third company through prior to the Maelstrom Crusade. It comprises a series of duels conducted by the Scouts. There are a number of types, but the most prominent are group duels of several scouts against an Astartes Sergeant. This serves as both a training tool and a way to ensure that the Scouts do not get overconfident. As of now, it is too early to determine what effects, if any, it might have. But reports indicated a slight increase in weapon and ballistic skills of the Legion.
Last edited:
The Crusade Begins Year 1
[X] Maticus recommends rapid strikes using drop pods and thunderhawks. Essentially Astartes blitz important locations and draw attention while the guard moves in. This would be quick and save infrastructure but would result in larger attrition rates for Astartes.
[x] Diplomacy is preferred and will be the primary tool. Will leave planets grateful and with infrastructure and technology intact, but would be slower and allow some worlds to drag their feet and mobilize.
[X] After bringing worlds into the Imperium, begin to uplift the world immediately. Improve technology and build infrastructure if needed. Effectively add 5 to the tech level if under 41. Also, increase infrastructure to Tier 4. This would, however, take a fair bit of time.

With the numerous possibilities open to Kesar, he deemed it necessary to organize a meeting of his captains where the merits of each possible decision were debated. The first issue that was settled was the policy for first contact. While a few recommended immediate invasion, it was dismissed in order to preserve imperium lives and ensure the productivity of the populace. Next, the post uplift policy was decided. The Legion would organize the first parts of the uplift and ensure every world provides at least something to the Imperium. The final issue to be decided was the combat doctrine. Maticus and Oriacarius both had well-formed strategies that could work. Where Maticus was aggressive, Oriacarius was cautious, and the Legion was torn between the two. Eventually, a vote was held where Maticus' doctrine barely won out.

The last issue was the Legion's name. While they could simply refer to themselves as the XI Legion, that seemed wrong. Kesar narrowed the choices down to two names, but in the end, he chose to name the Legion:

[] Doom Slayers
[] Eternal Wardens

After this decision, the Legion was ready to truly contribute to the Great Crusade. During the course of their first year of service, it was estimated that Kesar would bring in about 70 planets, a respectable amount. While Kesar was slower than most of the Primarchs, he was not the slowest. That dubious honor belonged to Lorgar, who slowly ensured that each of the worlds he brought into compliance were significantly built up. For the year, of the planets brought in, there were 4 feral worlds, 23 feudal worlds, 1 forge world, 1 hive world, 29 agri worlds, and 12 civilized worlds. These worlds largely acquiesced to the Imperium rule, with around twenty requiring a military action by Imperium forces.

While these worlds were largely not dangerous, casualties did mount. As a result, 5 companies of Astartes forces died in addition to millions of Imperial Guard soldiers.

Unfortunately, there were some worlds that would require Kesar's intervention.

The first was Bara I, which was not a good place to place a colony. From what information remains, it was inferred that stray weapons fire from a Dark Age battleship cracked the planet's crust and cause much of the surface to sink into the mantle. Needless to say, this killed a large part of the population. The rest managed to construct a shelter just above the lava by using the few craters without lava as supports. As such, a massive surface tunnel was constructed. At first, the world desperately wanted to join the Imperium, but then the Adeptus Mechanicus found out how the world had survived.

It seems that the few Mechanicus on the planet disassembled Golden Age technology to keep the life support system working. When they were branded tech hereteks, Bara refused to give them up and closed off communication. When Imperial Guard members attempted to invade, they found a formidable array of defenses stood in their way. The members that managed to get through the low tech defenses entered hell. Bara was not good for life and the defenders used that.

Tunnels that were overrun were destroyed. Constant air leaks from bullets necessitated melee combat in close quarters, and the few areas that were overrun from this were destroyed by the defenders using their firearms. The corrosive atmosphere, intense heat, and lava necessitated Astartes, but even then, it would be difficult.

The second planet was known as Hinge IV. This world was less hostile environmentally with only around half of the surface having an atmosphere that was both poisonous and acidic. The rest was breathable. Unfortunately, the inhabitants were not good people. After the Long Night, the few high-level psykers on the planet took power. The low technology level allowed them to easily crush dissidents, and horrendous states were created.

Each kingdom was ruled by a gamma or beta psyker, who was worshipped as a god. Those that did not completely believe that their ruler was a god were found by telepaths and executed. The end result was a populace that firmly believed in their rulers and attacked what they viewed were heathens. While the populace was easily dispatched, the Imperial Guard struggled to fight the powerful psykers here and has requested Astartes support.

The last world of relevance was part of an Ork empire led by Metalhead. Approximately ten worlds were held by this Xeno, and Lave V had massive amounts of Ork vessels. Hundreds of Orkish vessels were in the system, constantly being produced by the planet's excuse for shipyards. The sheer amount of production in the system would already describe its danger, but the reality was far worse.

This empire used decent tactics and standardized design. Orks are not smart creatures, but Metalhead had disturbingly competent subordinates. Even Kesar was daunted when coming up with a solution for this, as the combination of a massive force, well-designed defenses, decent tactics, and likely Gargents meant that any attack would suffer horrendous casualties.

In the end, Kesar chose to have his Legion's fist major combat be on:

[] Bara I
[] Hinge IV
[] Lave V

Miscellaneous Casualties: 33
Arrival at Bara I
AN: Suddenly, a wild update appears.

[X] Eternal Wardens
[X] Bara I

The Barran system was a rather sparse system. Only two planets were here, one of which was a small chunk of rock, and the other was a volcanic hellhole. Normally, this system would be ignored, but orbital stations were detected around the volcanic world known as Bara I. This meant that Imperium forces were sent to bring the world into compliance. At first, talks seemed to go well. The Barrans were more than happy to have help surviving on their world in exchange for copies of their single remaining STC for an air filter. However, it was revealed that to survive, the Mechanicus faction on Bara had cannibalized technology from the Golden Age.

This caused the Adeptus Mechanicus to demand these members be executed, but Bara refused to do so. This did not end the discussion completely, as the liaison from Kesar's Legion desperately tried to find a compromise. Unfortunately, this was basically impossible due to the demands of both sides. Throughout the entire conference, all that occurred was the Barrans using the opportunity to build large amounts of orbital missiles and an anti-air defense grid.

When war finally broke out, the Imperial Army descended into hell. The defenses were largely brushed past, but once on the ground, the hostile atmosphere, high temperatures, and terrain that the defenders had complete control over led to the attacking force being massacred. As such, the Imperial Army was simply blockading the system. However, the mood was far from dreary as they received some excellent news. The Eternal Wardens had arrived, and they brought their Primarch as well.

Bara I was a planet that essentially had its crust overturned. Lava was the planet's most prominent feature, and the population was forced to leave in what were basically metal tubes. As such, the 56 million humans were protected from the environment but had rather low standards of living due to the relatively low technological levels. The only reason the populace was still alive was the cannibalization of Golden Age parts as well as retaining the ability to launch spaceflights to grow food and gather materials.

As the atmosphere is poisonous, and hazy, growing food on the planet is difficult. Therefore, many orbitals have been built for the express purpose of growing food. On the ground, energy is easily available from the many, many lava flows. The lava also has the benefit of being extremely rich in metals such as iron and nickel, which allows for large scale production of lower tech items. The main issue the populace faces is water. Very little water is mined on the planet, so it is extremely rationed. They do have water filters, which allows them to survive, but damage to these systems would be horrendous.

In terms of defenses, there are two main lines that will have to be faced when inserting troops. The first is the orbital stations. While they are unarmed, after the peace talks fell through, large quantities of missiles were manufactured and placed in orbit. Thankfully, these missiles are rather dated, so are unlikely to be a threat to anything besides thunderhawks, and even then only in large numbers. The second line of defense is a large assortment of anti-air weaponry. While also rather dated, the sheer amount of guns will present a danger to aircraft in the atmosphere.

Lastly, there is the living system itself. As it is essentially a tunnel system over the ground, it is very defensible. The main dangers on the ground are the extremely high temperatures from the lava, the corrosive atmosphere, and the complex itself. As the complex is rather low tech, ranged weapons will cause leaks if they miss. As such, melee weaponry is recommended. The main issue in these tunnels is the complete control the Barrans have. Sections can be isolated at a moment's notice and can also be ejected. This spelled disaster for the Imperial Army which lacked the physical strength to break through doors. However, Astartes forces are likely to have greater success from their enhanced physiology and environmental systems in their power amour.

In an assault, there are a few targets of importance: food production, life support nodes, water filtration systems, lava mines, and living areas. If these areas can be seized, the Barrans will be forced to engage since they cannot risk destroying these essential facilities. While they may destroy the lava mines and living areas, they are extremely unlikely to destroy their life support or food production.

Kesar took in the report he had received and quickly designed a few options for assault. The first was targeted orbital bombardment. This was very easy and would entail using capital ship weaponry to destroy essential targets. This would be quick and easy but would devastate infrastructure and likely destroy the STC.

The second option was to seize important locations. This played into the current combat doctrine, so the Eternal Wardens would have much more success. The issue, however, was that these locations were currently unknown. While Kesar knew the smart locations to put these facilities, he did not know if the design of the living complex was based on desperation or planned. As such, there were two possible designs he could think of, and he would have to base the plan around one. If the wrong option was chosen, this would result in the Astartes being isolated in locations the Barrans would have no issues with destroying.

The third option was to simply board the facility using Astartes. This would be a meatgrinder due to the hostile environment, but it would ensure that the Astartes would use their physical advantage to the fullest. The cramped corridors and melee would make any combat trivial, but the Barrans would likely destroy areas after they were overrun. While this would likely work, the casualties would be massive.

The last option was perhaps the most controversial. Kesar could pardon them. This would likely drive the Adeptus Mechanicus furious, as he would be protected what were already branded as hereteks. This would make his planets massively unproductive as the mechanicus would likely protest his actions by refusing to work for him. However, it could lead to forced reform, and it would also mean that the Barrans would likely join the Imperium easily. This would, however, come with a steep cost to his relationship with the cult of the machine god.

There were also other options available to Kesar, but in the end, he chose:

[] Orbital bombardment
[] Seize Important Locations
-[] Design was based on desperation
-[] Design was based on logical plans
[] Direct Boarding
[] Forgive them
[] Write-in

AN: I would recommend write-ins for this since each of the options I came up with has a pretty significant downside. There are ways around these, but let's see if they can be found.

Lastly, before Kesar could begin attacking this world, there were two factors he should take care of. Hinge IV and Lave V. These two worlds also necessitated Astartes forces, but the Eternal Wardens had already committed to Bara I. Thankfully, the Night Lords were free and likely could take care of Hinge IV. However, Hinge IV was not a threat in the long term. The world was still stuck in the iron age, so it was only horrible for people living there. The issue was, at some point, it would need to be taken care of, and Kesar was unsure if he would be able to commit forces anytime soon. However, the Night Lords currently had no pressing concerns, so they could easily be called in. In the end, Kesar decided to

[] Leave Hinge IV for later
[] Ask the Night Lords to take care of it

Lave V was more of an issue. The Night Lords refused to deal with this world instead of Hinge IV because Orks were not conducive to their preferred tactics. Moreover, other Legions were not free. While the World Bearers of Lorgar could likely be convinced to assist, Kesar would need to provide assistance in some form. From what he could tell, Kesar could likely commit a large portion of the Eternal Wardens to garrison duty to ease the need of the World Bearers to garrison their worlds. However, this would lower his compliance rate to about 50 worlds a year. He could also try offering assistance in the future, but he was unsure if Lorgar would agree to this. He could also leave the Orks alone, but they were currently a pressing concern. In the end, Kesar decided to

[] Leave Lave V for later
[] Take over garrison duty for Lorgar (compliance rate reduced to 50 worlds for next 2 turns)
[] Offer Lorgar assistance in future campaigns (chance of success ???)
A Quick Solution
[x] Plan steal STC not make war
-[x] Negotiate with Bara I:
-[x]Mechanicus: ArchMagos offer STC's for allowing the pardon of Bara I. Attacking the planet would damage the STC and risk losing the technology they have. Forever losing technology would be a Heresy. Also negotiation would help save lives and resources. Also let the ArchMagos know that the local guy wanted to fight a war that would have damaged the STC.
-[x]Ask the Night Lords to take care of it
-[x] Offer local assistance in future campaigns

The situation at Bara I was off. The local representative was clearly making a mistake, as the Barrans were willing to part with the air filter STC as long as they received resources and their tech priests weren't killed. As such, Kesar favored letting them go, but this would result in the Mechanicus' ire due to the hoarding of an STC. However, the local representative was rather unreasonable, so Kesar decided to call a nearby Archmagos.

Archmagos Plutonius Arx was as many members of the Mechanicus heavily cyberized. When he first arrived, he bowed to Kesar before speaking, "Lord Primarch, I must admit that this call was rather unexpected. I had heard the Barrans were likely going to join. What has changed?"

Kesar was slightly perturbed that the Archmagos was ill-informed, but he hid the feeling completely. After a pause of a few microseconds, Kesar reordered his thoughts and replied, "I'm afraid that the local Mechanicus was forced to cannibalized technology from the Dark Age to survive. Consequentially, representative of the Imperium's Mechanicus has demanded their execution. Needless to say, the Barrans disagree."

While Kesar was not the most insightful Primarch, that honor likely belonging to Lorgar or Sanguinus, he could easily tell that the Archmagos was disturbed by this. "I …," the Archmagos paused to compose himself, "I'm horrified Lord Primarch, this is completely against Mechanicus doctrine. That STC is holy, and to endanger it to enforce a rule that likely applied to their forefathers in desperate situations is not becoming of the Omnissiah's beliefs."

Kesar was rather pleased with this turn of events. It made his job far easier if the Adeptus Mechanicus as a whole was in favor of a peaceful resolution. At the same time, it was disturbing that a Magos could violate those tenets without their knowledge. "My thanks Archmagos, this greatly simplifies matters. Although, I am concerned with how this situation has developed."

"Of course, I share your concerns, and I will temporarily halt my explorator fleet for this. I will get to the bottom of this Lord Primarch. While you may help if you desire, I do feel that such things are above you Lord Primarch."

Kesar briefly pondered this, while he could assist, it would likely just be a time-consuming matter, with this in mind, he decided to:

[] Let the Archmagos investigate
[] Take over the investigation (consumes next year's personal actions)

With the situation taken care of, it was rather simple to convince the Barrans to part with the air filter STC in exchange for providing basic resources and not executing their tech priests. Kesar was pleasantly surprised as to how easy this was. However, with their first STC, Kesar knew that he had to decide what to do with it. He could share it with the rest of his brothers and Mars, but that would not do much for him. He could also keep it to himself so only his worlds could build it. This would boost his production levels by giving him a monopoly, but it would also mean that his brothers would not be able to get much out of it. In the end, Kesar decided to

[] Give away copies of the air filter STC
[] Keep a monopoly on the STC (+10% production from planets per STC)

While his chapter had seen very little combat this year, the Night Lords and World Bearers faced much steeper resistance. When Konrad Curze descended with the Night Lords on Hinge IV, they faced a populace that was solely loyal to their psyker overlords they worshipped. Millennia of conditioning had resulted in fanatical loyalty, so it appeared that nearly everyone on the planet would need to be killed. However, Curze managed to circumvent this. He falsified the deaths of these overlords and terrified the population with fake bodies. At the apparent death of these overlords, the populace was largely compliant.

Sadly, the real psykers were far more dangerous. These beta and gamma level psykers slaughtered large numbers of Night Lords before being put down. The sheer power that they brought cause massive issues. If not for their Primarch, it is likely that the Night Lords would have been unable to take the planet within the year. As it was, Curze could not be in all the kingdoms at once, so 10,000 Night Lords died during the fierce fighting with these overlords. However, with Curze, the populace was brought into compliance, even if much of the populace was only compliant in fear of the Primarch that killed their gods.

The situation on Lave V was also far worse than initially expected. Initial scouting fleets were absolutely mauled to such a degree, that Lorgar deemed his presence a necessity. This was extremely fortunate. The Orks here were extremely dangerous, to the point that the planet was still under Ork control. Lorgar was cautious and spent the year pushing past Ork fleets that patrolled the outer system. Through the use of hundreds of ambushes, the World Bearers slowly thinned the Ork ships for relatively little losses. In the end, the outer system belonged to Imperial control, and the World Bearers had pushed to the inner system with only 2000 Astartes dead. However, the local warboss was cunning, and Lorgar was hesitant to deal with the extensive defenses the Orks had in the system. In fact, he admitted that he was surprised that more of sons had not died.

Kesar meanwhile was rather happy with how this year had turned out. He had managed to retrieve an STC, bring Bara I into compliance without war or angering the Mechanicus, and his Legion had expanded by 45 companies. Of course, this situation would likely change as evidenced by the Night Lords losing 10,000 of the number. He was sure that Konrad Curze would demand payment, but the Primarch never contacted him. In the meantime, he had some free time before the year ended, so he decided to meet with:

AN: For this, write in what you want to do with them. Say if you are just saying hi or if you want to discuss a topic with them.
[] Leman Russ
[] Malcador the Sigilite
[] Ferrus Mannus
[] Guillaman
[] Magnus
[] Sanguinus
[] Lion
[] Corax

Archmagos Temperment: 94 + 20 (???) = 114
???? ??????????: 82 + ?? = ???
????????? ?????????????: 18 + ?? = ??
Night Lords: 18 + 40 (Primarch) + 20 (Astartes) + 10 (Primitive Opponents) = 88
Hinge IV Psykers: 19 + 30 (Beta levels) + 20 (fanatics) – 20 (fear) = 49
World Bearers Preperation: 54 + 20 (Astartes) = 74
Orks: 42 + 30 (ludicrous numbers) + 10 (Martial) + 20 (WAAGH!) + 10 (defenses) = 112
World Bearers Assault: 91 + 40 (Primarch) + 20 (Astartes) = 151
Meeting the Sigillite
[X] Let the Archmagos investigate

[X] Give away copies of the air filter STC

[X] Malcador
-[X] discuss antiwarp tech and collection of psyker bringing up the primarch's own battles and worries.
-[X] discuss talking with the assassin guide to better coordinate.

Following the rather successful operation on Bara I, Kesar returned to Terra for the end of the year. It was odd that such a tradition was followed, but Kesar admitted that there was something nostalgic about returning here. Sometimes, he even felt that Terra was more of his home than Valhalla, but that may have just been something installed by his father.

Kesar was rather happy since giving away copies of the air filter STC. While he had not expected much, he was surprised to receive gifts from some of his brothers. While only three had done so, it was more than he had expected. From Magnus the Red, he had received a tome on the various daemons of the immaterium. It was rather helpful, as while Kesar was thinking of compiling a similar tome, the gift meant that he had no need to do so anymore. As a result, he had a basic guide to daemonic categorization completed.

The second gift was from Roboute Guilliman. This gift was of a more practical sort, specifically on enforcing interstellar commerce. While it was rather broad, a necessity due to the sheer variety of trade between star systems, it was still useful, and its implementation did create a small but measurable increase in productivity.

The last was unexpected since it can from Perturabo. It was rather simple, a basic guide to sieges, but it was written by a Primarch. As a result, the advice on logistical supply lines during sieges and isolation of vulnerable points would undoubtedly make a small but measurable impact on the Eternal Warden's siege ability as well as fortifications.

*Daemonic categorization completed*
*+0.1% production points*
*+1 to assaulting and defending fortified locations*

While Kesar would enjoy meeting his brothers, he had heard that Malcador the Sigillite was relatively free. Kesar was curious about his father's counterpart, so he decided to meet him. Of course, Kesar did not come without a purpose. Malcador was an incredibly busy man creating organizations, integrating planetary organizations, and doubtless much more. As such, Kesar came with the intent to discuss three things: anti warptech, the collection of psykers, and coordinating with the assassins guild that was undoubtedly an organization even though he had not heard of such a thing.

Malcador was not an imposing man. He was old and thin, and yet his eyes were filled with experience and intelligence that likely dwarfed Kesar's. Nevertheless, Kesar politely knocked, "Malcador the Sigillite, I am Kesar Dorlin the XIth Primarch and I was hoping to discuss some matters with you."

Malcador looked up from his stack of paperwork and grabbed a few forms. He then got up and handed these papers to Kesar. "Do this while we talk, might as well get some use from your visit."

Kesar was caught slightly off guard at the Sigillite's behavior, but he managed to avoid showing any hint of such. Although, judging by Malcador's amused expression, he had not succeeded. "I admit that I was not expecting to review paperwork on … the use of echolocation as a sensor in space?"

"Yes, yes," Malcador shrugged dismissively with a wave of his hand, "Unlike you Primarchs I actually need to read the documents before burning them and firing the fool that allowed this to cross my desk. Now I believe you wanted to discuss something."

"Yes, as you likely know, my homeworld makes extensive use of psykers, and I was hoping to help improve the coordination between Imperium and local organizations when it comes to psyker collection. Personally, I believe that by …"

Malcador raised his hand momentarily, "let me stop you there. I had a similar discussion with Magnus the Red, who I feel is more qualified than you on this topic. I rejected him as well because, quite frankly, I am more experienced with such matters than both of you combined. As such, I am afraid that while I will look at your ideas, direct collaboration between us is impossible until you obtain further experience."

Kesar paused while speaking, and while he was annoyed at the dismissal, he understood. After all, the Sigillite was his father's direct confidant and far older than Kesar himself, therefore, he should have faith in the Sigillite's wisdom. "I understand Lord Sigillite, perhaps we can discuss the creation of anti psyker countermeasures using technological means. I have a few ideas about pentagrammic wards that I believe could be used against daemons."

Malcador grimaced at this and began ", while I am sure you have the best of intentions, you are underestimating the dangers of this task. Studying the warp is one of the most dangerous tasks imaginable. I would highly recommend you drop this subject. If you do not, however, make sure that you conduct the research on Terra or within a Gellar field. Now if there is anything else on psykers or the warp, assume that I have rejected that for now."

Kesar once again reordered his thoughts. "Of course, Lord Sigillite, now the last topic I had was on the assassination department."

"Oh," the Sigillite raised an eyebrow, "I don't believe that such an organization exists."

Kesar and the Sigillite simultaneously smirked at this. "Lord Sigillite, while I do not know precisely how such a hypothetical organization functions, I could most definitely provide my Legion's expertise."

"While I would greatly appreciate assistance child, I will warn you that there are aspects of such a hypothetical organization that will remain secret."

Kesar nodded, he completely understood that having a cell structure within such an organization was a necessity. While he personally believed that he himself was unlikely to ever reveal such information, it was not impossible. As such, Kesar began bringing up ideas for the Officio Assassinorum. One of the simpler ideas was to simply have Eternal Wardens as a backup force in case an assassination goes wrong. There would be occasions where an assassination fails, or the assassin is discovered and needs extraction. In these scenarios, while the assassins are extremely skilled, a squad of transhuman soldiers crashing in from a drop pod or thunderhawk will undoubtedly make extraction easier. Of course, this is unlikely to work for more subtle assassins on long term missions and it is not as close of a collaboration as Kesar would like. However, it is a starting point.

Another option was to create a new assassin temple that would be embedded within existing Astartes forces. While Space Marines are capable of subterfuge, that is not where their talents lie. Astartes excel in direct combat, so they tend to neglect the subtler arts. By integrating a group of specialized assassins, it would likely make combat easier due to the targeting of enemy leaders. This would significantly help in combat but would require significant investment by Kesar. Moreover, Malcador did point out that it would take time for a good system to be put in place. While there would be results immediately, it would take time for the assassins themselves to develop a system of best practices.

Thirdly, Kesar could create informant webs on the planet's he brought into compliance. While this would likely cut his compliance rate down to 50, by giving the Officio Assassinorum access to these networks, it would essentially eliminate the possibility of rebellion when combined with the existing policies Kesar had. Sadly, this would do little to stem daemonic cultists, but even they would suffer from these networks.

Of course, there were other options open to Kesar, but in the end, he chose

[] Provide extraction forces
-Commit 10 companies every year to the Officio Assassinorum providing a small bonus to them
[] Integrate assassins into the Eternal Wardens
-Assassins essentially provide an assassination roll that is in increments of 20 when rolled above 40. For each tier, it gives the enemy a -5 malus on their rolls. At first, the assassination roll is at a -10 for inexperience. This malus will decrease over time and can/will become positive. For example, if it rolls a 76 – 10 = 66, then the enemy will receive a malus of -10.
[] Create informant webs on worlds brought in by the Eternal Wardens
-Reduce compliance rate to 50, eliminates non-chaos revolts. Chaos revolts are reduced in severity by a significant amount.
[] Write-in

Psyker collection and anti-warptech: 8
Assassins: 39
Year 2 Start
[X] Create informant webs on worlds brought in by the Eternal Wardens

While attaching assassins to the Eternal Wardens was tempting, the benefits of the informant networks were quite attractive. With the ability to nip possible rebellions in the bud, fewer resources would need to be diverted to deal with rebellions. While initially, there were some unneeded deaths due to false information, the network managed to adapt and began to filter information more effectively. Hopefully, this network could grow and be used for other purposes, since right now, it was just enough to do its job properly.

As the new year, dawned, Kesar found he had some free time to follow one of his interests. Firstly, he could perform research, but this was unlikely to help for years. However, the Library of Nalanda which was discovered previously had information on two main topics which were of great interest. The first was on runes, which would be extremely interesting and could lead to anti daemon weapons. The second topic was on architecture with unique warp reflections. While this would be extremely useful, Kesar would first need to learn how objects affect the warp to utilize it. The second option besides research was to spend time with one of his brothers, he had yet to do so, so he was curious as to what they were like. Lastly, he could visit Valhalla and attempt to stabilize its issues once more. In the end, he chose:

AN: If you choose to spend time with someone, write in what you will be doing with them. Also, apparently a lot of people are available this turn.
[] Research
-[] Void Shields Basic Design– Basic
-[] Gellar Field Basic Design – Basic
-[] Warp Engine Basic Design – Basic
-[] Teleportation fundamentals – Basic
-[] Ways objects affect the warp – Basic
-[] Imprint of the warp on genetics – Basic
-[] Basic Rune Design – Basic
[] Spend time with
-[] Leman Russ
-[] Ferrus Manus
-[] Fulgrim
-[] Rogal Dorn
-[] Roboute Guilliman
-[] Sanguinus
-[] Mortarion
-[] Lorgar
-[] Jaghatai Khan
-[] Konrad Curze
-[] Angron
-[] The Emperor
[] Assist Valhalla
-[] Infrastructure Improvements
-[] Technological Uplifting
-[] Cultist Hunting

With the year effectively over, Kesar and the rest of his brothers resumed the Great Crusade. While most of his brothers continued at their usual speeds, a few faced unexpected challenges. Rogal Dorn faced a rather stubborn human enclave that was dragging their feet in diplomatic talks. As they were in the way of the Iron Fists, he was slowed greatly by this. Thankfully, he received some unexpected assistance from the XVIII Legion. They successfully negotiated for military access which allowed Dorn to continue his rapid compliance rate.

Rouboute Guilliman also faced challenges from a hostile race of Xenos who while easy to deal with, were extremely numerous and hard to find. Consequentially, he had adapted a slow advance across their worlds, resulting in a massive slowdown of his part of the Crusade. Thankfully, Mortarion was nearby, and through the largescale application of phospex, was able to deal with the Xenos quickly.

Lastly, Konrad Curze and the Night Lords were engaged by another Ork empire. Since their primary tactic involved large scale psychological warfare, they struggled against he Orks. However, Angron was nearby, and the World Eaters visited and slaughtered the Orks allowing the Night Lords to clean up.

One piece of importance for Kesar was on Lave V, where Lorgar had continued the assault against the Orks. Due to the large scale Ork defenses, which were actually well placed, far more ships and World Bearers were lost. When the last of the defensive guns were finally destroyed, a total of 10,000 World Bearers were dead from the conflict, and dozens of ships their ships were destroyed.

Meanwhile, Kesar needed to decide where he would be travelling with his Legion. During the course of the year, the Eternal Wardens had much slimmer pickings than normal. Nearly half the planets required uplifting due to having no government whatsoever. Thankfully, the current system was able to take care of it, but in the end, the Eternal Wardens had added 24 Feudal Worlds, 1 Death World, 11 Agri Worlds, and 14 Civilized Worlds to their tally.

For this year, there were 4 worlds that could justify his presence. The first was a request for assistance from his brother Corvus Corax. It appears that Corax had found the homeworld of a hostile Xeno race called the Hitchlock who had been preying on human colonies for millennia. After months of fighting, Corax was forced to exterminatus the Hitchlock homeworld due to no other option being possible due to heavy resistance. Sadly, the Hitchlock maintained a massive series of habitats in their asteroid belt, which the Raven Guard believed would cause massive casualties no matter what. As a result, they were requesting another Legion to help them.

The second world was Terminus IV-A, a desert moon of a large gas giant. This world was home to about 440,000 people and hundreds of hostile automata. In order to get use from this world, it would need to be cleared, but because of the worlds lack of importance, it was put off. Now, the Imperial Army is moving in, and will almost certainly be able to deal with the occupants. However, they would appreciate the help all the same.

Sakini I was a major priority however. It appears that the world has been engulfed in a massive war between the inhabitants alongside the Mechanicus against cultists. On some parts of the planet, warp rifts are abundant, and in a few areas, daemons are free to enter the materium without sacrifices. There are billions of people on this planet, and if it were not for the Mechanicus forces on the world, it would have been lost millennia ago. As it is currently, they are desperately calling for support since the cultists received multiple greater daemons. A total of seven disease ridden daemons have devastated defensive lines, and they are supported by millions of their lesser brethren. The forces on the planet are barely holding, and it is unlikely they will hold without Astartes support.

Garissa II was a feudal world with a surprisingly large population of 200 million. The main issue with this planet was the hundreds of different nations with different languages. It was simply taking years for progress to be made. This is not helped by the frequent raids on the world by various Xeno races, although Corvus Corax had taken care of the largest offender. As a result, they had requested assistance with bringing the world into compliance. However, it is unlikely that Kesar's presence is justified due to the urgent needs of other parts of his domain.

In the end, Kesar chose to travel to

[] Hitchlock System
[] Terminus IV-A
[] Sakini I
[] Garissa II

Revolts: 23 (None)
Horus: 62 (continues as normal)
Leman: 50 (continues as normal)
Ferrus Manus: 50 (continues as normal)
Fulgrim: 45 (continues as normal)
Vulkan: 89 (Assists Dorn)
Rogal Dorn: 20 (slowed, negated by Vulkan)
Rouboute Guilliman: 25 (slowed, negated by Mortarion)
Magnus the Red: 76 (continues as normal)
Sanguinus: 71 (continues as normal)
Lion El'Jonson: 58 (continues as normal)
Perturabo: 33 (continues as normal)
Mortarion: 86 (assists Guilliman)
Jaghatai Khan: 72 (continues as normal)
Konrad Curze: 20 (slowed, negated by Angron)
Angron: 88 (assists Curze)
Corvus Corax: 3 (someone help please)
????????? ??????: 13 (???)
Lorgar Aurelion: 52 + 40 (Primarch) + 20 (Astartes) = 112
Orks: 3 + 10 (Martial) + 20 (large numbers) + 30 (Defenses) + 20 (WAAGH!) = 83
Meeting the Raven
[X] Plan Corvus Calls For Aid
-[X] Research Basic rune design
[X] Hithlock System

At the beginning of the year, Kesar received updates as to the cult situation on his homeworld Valhalla. It was both good and bad. Good because it weakened the cults, bad because of how bad the situation was previously. It turns out that the cults had distributed various daemonic artifacts throughout cities, which had corrupted thousands. When they were found, the objects were immediately thrown into the sun. This was a major investment by the cults, and with its destruction, future operations against them should be far easier.

Meanwhile, Kesar began looking into the information from the Library of Nalanda, specifically the section on runes. While much of the information had degraded with time, Kesar was still able to piece together how the basic parts of a rune, such as its shape, cause certain effects. This opened a realm of possibilities, such as creating runes to banish daemons. Moreover, Kesar was certain that if he was able to further understand more details of how runes function, such as how the writing instrument used affects the effect, then he could begin creating his own runes not specifically keyed towards banishing daemons. However, there would certainly be drawbacks to any runes that Kesar had yet to determine.

With his affairs squared away, Kesar decided to assist his Corvus Corax with the Hitchlock. While the situation on Sakini I was desperate, it was stable. Meanwhile, his brother would only ask for help if the situation was truly dire. As such, Kesar elected to travel to the Hitchlock system.

When Kesar arrived in system, he was immediately called on board by his brother. It was the first time Kesar had met one of his siblings. While he did not avoid them, he had actions that simply required his presence at the time. As such, he was looking forward to seeing his brother.

When Kesar and his honor guard arrived, they were brought to the bridge where Corvus Corax stood. "Hello, brother. I appreciate your aid in this matter."

Kesar smiled to see the warmth in that statement. While he could tell that much of it was for the sake of politeness, there was clearly some appreciation for the assistance of the Eternal Wardens. "Think nothing of it brother, you called for aid and I answered. It is what siblings do."

"Nevertheless, I know that you are busy with your own compliances. It is still the early days of the crusade, so your compliance rate is understandable. If you require my advice, I am happy to give it after this damn system is dealt with."

Kesar was not annoyed at the acknowledgment of his low compliance rate. While he was in the bottom five in terms of compliance rates, it was a strategy that worked for them. Moreover, Corax was not giving an insult, merely stating a fact. "I appreciate the offer. Judging from your tone I take it casualties have been heavy."

"Sadly, many members of the Imperial Army perished. The Hitchlock appear to turn their captives into grotesque biomechanical monstrosities. In the open, these creatures are easily dealt with, but the Hitchlock are an insectoid race and much of the fighting occurred in tunnels. As such, I ordered exterminatus to be enacted to preserve further lives."

"An unfortunate necessity. Would targeted bioweapons work?"

Corax shook his head slightly, "No, their tunnels were sealed by miles of dirt. While my sons killed millions of the Xenos, the populace numbered in the billions. Also, the situation in the asteroid belt is even worse."

"I would assume so. With their bases spread out by large distances, our forces will have trouble dealing with them. Especially if they have long range weaponry."

Corax fully grimaced at this, "That they do. The asteroid belt is littered with defenses. Point defense weapons, long-range capital ship killers, mobile fortresses, and once we land we will face forces specialized in tunnel warfare alongside a large populace."

Kesar paused considering the situation. It would be difficult to find a solution, but there were a few ideas he had. "There are some options, we could bombard the asteroid from range, their orbits should be relatively predictable. We could also deploy large amounts of thunderhawks and go from one habitat to another, overwhelming each with massive numbers of Astartes. We could also attempt large scale infiltration and sabotage of the defensive measures."

"While those ideas have merit, one issue is many of the bases defensive firing fields overlap with other bases. This creates a truly ridiculous number of kill zones. I recommend combining our Legion specialties. While the Eternal Wardens specialize in blitzing and securing locations, my Legion would excel in crippling attacks against your sons."

Kesar nodded. He could see the merits of such a plan, but there were dangers. "That sounds like it could work, but the main issue is that it places my sons in a much greater position of danger. If the Raven Guard falter, it could spell the death of many in my Legion."

Corax nodded reluctantly. "That is a danger, and I regret that I feel it is the best option. If you have a better idea, I would be glad to hear it."

Kesar pondered his options. There were plans he had created, such as destroying supply infrastructure. After all, growing food in asteroids is difficult. If these facilities were destroyed, then over time the bases would starve to death. In the end, he chose to:

[] Go with Corax's plan
[] Write-in your own plan

AN: Keep in mind that Corax will likely modify your plan if he spots any major issues or if it endangers the Raven Guard by a large amount.

Valhallan Cults: 20
Valhallan Witch Hunters: 52 + 20 = 72
Research: 52
Sakini I: 34
Fall of the Hitchlock
[X] Go with Corax's plan

AN: So, I started writing, and I just had so much fun that I couldn't find a place to stop. As a result, it's a fair bit longer than other updates. The price of great rolls.

After a few hours of discussion, Kesar eventually agreed to Corax's plan. While massed fire could cause a catastrophic change in orbits resulting in massed devastation, this was not as useful as it sounded. While some bases would be destroyed, space is large. The distance between asteroids would make it far less effective than expected. Additionally, the added randomness in the orbits would result in major issues with coordinating ship movements. Therefore, Kesar decided that Corax had a good plan, but it would necessitate some further refinement.

The plan was as such. There would be three waves, each with a different goal. The first would secure landing zones on the asteroid bases and eliminate the main defensive systems. The second wave would go after major hardpoints, and the last wave would clear the leftover military holdouts. During the ground assault, the Eternal Wardens would conduct deep strikes and capture key areas. Then, when they were attacked, the Raven Guard would cripple the resulting counterattacks and then crush the remnants with a hammer and anvil strategy.

Of course, this would be aided with a good approach strategy. To this end, Corax had several stealth vessels capable of transporting the Astartes forces. They would make time the orbital patterns and transition during this phase, with the engines on standby to prevent emissions and ensure that maneuvering was possible in an emergency. With this, the three waves were loaded with 70,000 Astartes on each, with a slight majority being Eternal Wardens. Then, the pacification of the Hitchlock began.

Kesar and Corax stood on the Shadow of the Emperor. While they would like to be in the first wave, they understood that they would be better off attached to the third wave where they could coordinate their forces throughout the battle. Currently, they were tracking the fleet of stealth vessels as they drifted towards their intended destination. During this, Corax spoke, "projected velocities look good. The first wave is maintaining cohesion and they are projected to arrive within 5000km before burning."

"We have blind spots around asteroid 589 and 352. No detectable sensor grid elsewhere."

The holographic interface displaying the movements of the fleet and asteroids lay in the center of the bridge, with the two Primarchs looking over different sections. As the first wave passed between asteroid 589 and 352, dozens of mobile platforms swarmed from the blindspots into the fleet's rear.

Corax grabbed the vox and spoke, "4 dozen mobile platforms. 6 O'clock, same plane. You're blown! Go loud! Go loud!"

As Corax warned the first wave, Kesar was already drawing up orders to the first wave to minimize damage, but even a Primarch is limited. Even the best plan cannot succeed if you had received it.

The Primarchs watched as the mobile defenses of the Hitchlock fired in unison. The drifting vessels of the first wave were easy targets and their engines were crippled. The Hitchlock were quick to seize advantage of the Ravens and Wardens plight. The platforms activated their engines and strafed the crippled fleet. In a dizzying pattern, the Hitchlock zigzagged through the fleet inflicting massive casualties. In the span of minutes, 14000 Astartes had died, the remaining 56000 in the first wave were stuck in crippled ships, surrounded by hostile enemies with the initiative.

Then, it got worse. With the fleet finally able to react, the few remaining Astartes ships with functioning engines burned to interpose themselves between their crippled brethren and the hostile forces. With the aid of Kesar's and Corax's attention, surely, they could prevail. Perhaps the Hitchlock knew this, as what they did next would destroy the first wave. They deployed vox broadcasters en masse, and the resulting interference cut contact with the two Primarchs.

"Second-wave move in! New mission parameters rescue the first-wave! Secondary objective destroy Hitchlock fleet elements! Tertiary objective seize landing zones! All ships activate sublight engines!" Kesar thundered into the vox as Corax prepared firing vectors for the second and third waves. A sense of dread hung in the bridge. Kesar's and Corax's sons were isolated, crippled, and surrounded. Already, they could see the few remaining functioning ships were being destroyed by the Hitchlock fleet. Still, they were 2 hours out from the battle. Both Primarchs desperately hoped that their children would survive because in the few minutes since losing contact, another 14,000 Astartes had died.

Solaro An was not having a good day. In the span of 20 minutes, 14000 of his brothers in the Raven Guard and 14000 of his cousins in the Eternal Wardens had died. Their fleet was crippled, they were surrounded, they were stuck in a kill zone, and reinforcements were 2 hours out. However, the Hitchlock forgot something. Just because their engines were nonfunctional, doesn't mean they were toothless. "Marines! To the Thunderhawks! Gunners! Target those ships. Doesn't matter if you hit, just keep them off us." Instantly, the Ravens acted to follow his orders with the Wardens only a moment behind them. An frowned at this. This was the Warden's first major engagement, he would have to amend his plans to ensure their inexperience wouldn't impact the Ravens.

Surrounded on all sides, the first wave conducted a heroic operation. Boarding the Hitchlock ships en masse. The Ravens and Wardens waited for the opportune moment. While the Hitchlock movement patterns were complicated, they could be predicted. Now, they struck. Every thunderhawk and boarding torpedo and remaining weapon fired as one. Forced to dodge the fury of the Imperial vessels, the Hitchlock were unable to deal with Astartes boarders. Here, the Ravens showed how dangerous they could be.

Wardens rapidly fortified key positions on the Hitchlock vessels. As the Ravens set up ambushes, the Wardens prepared to meet the enemy. They did not disappoint. When the Hitchlock attacked, they did not do so with soldiers. Instead, they did so with the remains of those they had enslaved. What were once human were now far less so. Their bodies were replaced with metallic legs ideal for tunnel movement, their minds shackled to complete obedience to their Xeno masters, they were repugnant and lesser men would have vomited. Not Astartes.

While the Wardens struggled in their first major engagement, the Ravens were there to assist. Whenever a Warden was in danger, a Raven was there. Whenever a defensive measure was about to fall, a Raven was there. When the Wardens were about to be flanked, the Ravens were there.

Still, this was simply a delaying tactic. Forced to decide between risking their fleet or letting the first wave go, the Hitchlock withdrew and prepared for the second wave.

Without the assistance of their gene-fathers, the second wave made do under the command of Maticus. With the first wave out of danger, Maticus was free to concentrate his efforts on destroying the Hitchlock. "Ravens, disrupt their formation. I want their fleets distracted. Warden vessels prepare a salve along these vectors."

With their orders, the Ravens swiftly dispersed into small wolf packs. Each one vectored in on a different approach. Once in position, they opened fire. As a distraction, it would have done its job and more easily. However, there was one complication. The Hitchlock had an ace that they deployed. Their singular battleship dawned on the field. What was believed to be a cluster of cruisers was in actuality, a battleship bristling with guns. It lined up a targeting solution on multiple Raven vessels and prepared to fire.

At which point, half of the Warden vessels fired at the Xeno vessel, and the remaining forced the other Xeno vessels to break off their attack runs on the Ravens. Eager to repay their cousins for their protection in the first wave, the Wardens fired in volleys. With each volley, a Hitchlock vessel died and the Wardens advanced. While the Ravens darted in on distracted vessels, the Wardens advanced. Ship by ship, the Hitchlock were destroyed, before finally, they arrived at the asteroid bases.

Thunderhawks deployed Astartes onto the Xeno bases and landing sites were quickly secured. Throughout it all, Astartes casualties were minimized, with just 2000 dying during the rest of the advance. Now, the third wave had arrived, and the Hitchlock's days were numbered.

In the confines of the asteroids, the Hitchlock eagerly awaited the arrival of the Imperials. This, this was their home turf. In the tunnels of their asteroids, they would tear the humans limb from limb. There were just a few major issues with this. Two of which were the Primarchs themselves. Now, they were onboard, and they had tactical command.

Now, Corax's plan was finally put in action. Under the expert guidance from the Ravens, the Wardens traveled to key areas. The life support, hydroponics bays, weapons control, void shields, power sources, each of these locations was found before a devastating assault was launched. Kesar and Corax traded positions repeatedly. One would coordinate forces, while the other devastated Hitchlock positions. The Xeno never stood a chance. Under the watchful eyes of the Ravens, the Wardens captured the positions that were identified and prepared to meet the Hitchlock. Millions of the foul Xenos rose up to attack. And millions died. In the closed confines of the asteroid tunnels, the Ravens had free reign to tear apart Hitchlock forces.

Thousands of ambushes occurred on the Hitchlock bases. Throughout it all, the Ravens decimated Hitchlock forces even before they attacked the Wardens. In desperation, they did so in the hopes the Wardens would make an easier foe. They were wrong. With a fortified position, the beleaguered Hitchlock had no hope of taking the Wardens positions. With overlapping fields of fire, heavy weapons emplacements, and positions of cover, the Wardens slaughtered the Xeno. When the Xenos finally retreated, the Ravens made sure that not one survived.

Yet still, the Ravens continued their duty. Fall back positions were set up with Wardens securing the sites. Any defensive measures the Hitchlock had were destroyed. And throughout it all, not one Astartes had died. There were wounds, some of them would take years to heal. Some brothers would be interred in dreadnoughts, but they were alive.

With the Hitchlock broken, all that remained was the mop up, a boring but necessary process. While the Hitchlock military had been destroyed, stragglers had remained. So far, not a single Hitchlock had surrendered or broken, which confused the Primarchs. There were a few options for this process.

The first was a slow methodical breach and clear of every room. This would be exceptionally thorough, but it would be slow, meaning that the Hitchlock would likely deny many assets. However, the Ravens had confirmed that there were no self-destruct mechanisms, so safety was mostly assured.

The second was possible because the Wardens had retained control of the life support systems. Corax did have a bioweapon that targeted the Hitchlock, and it could be distributed throughout the various asteroid bases. This would be extremely easy to do and minimize loss of life. However, it would cede the initiative to the Hitchlock in case they had an ace in the hole to deploy.

Lastly, they could simply leave and destroy the bases. This would have no danger at all but would mean the asteroid bases would be of no use to the Imperium. Corax was against this plan because while he hated having to use Xenotech, it would save Imperium engineers centuries to make use of the existing infrastructure.

In the end, the two Primarchs chose to

[] Sweep and clear
[] Deploy bioweapons
[] Withdraw and bombard
[] Write-in

Afterwards, the two Primarchs had some free time. To this end, Kesar decided to approach Corax to

[] Write-in
-Basically, just say what you want to do with Corax.

Battle Report:
-15000 Raven Guard
-15000 Eternal Wardens

Initial Approach: 1 + 40 (Primarchs) + 20 (Stealth Ships) = 61
Counter Ambush: 11 + 20 (Asartes) + 40 (Primarch) – 20 (Surrounded) = 51
Raven Guard First Wave Survival: 96 + 20 (Astartes) – 20 (Surrounded) – 20 (Crippled Ships) + 10 (Sabotage) = 86
Hitchlock: 37 + 20 (Prepared killzone) = 57
Eternal Wardens Survival: 62 + 20 (Astartes) – 20 (Surrounded) – 20 (Crippled Ships) + 5 (Defending) – 5 (inexperience) = 42
Second Wave Ravens: 53 + 20 (Astartes) + 5 (Experience) = 78
Hitchlock Killzone: 33 + 20 (Prepared killzone) + 20 (Anti-capital defenses) = 73
Eternal Wardens Second Wave: 96 + 20 (Astartes) – 5 (inexperience) = 121
Assault Force Ravens: 100 + 20 (Astartes) + 40 (Primarch) + 10 (Breach and Clear) = 170
Hitchlock Ground Forces: 17 + 10 (Homeground) + 20 (tunnels) + 20 (Biomechanical creatures) + 20 (numbers) = 87
Eternal Wardens Assault Force: 77 + 20 (Astartes) + 40 (Primarch) – 5 (inexperience) + 5 (Blitz) = 137
Reflecting on the Battle
[X] Deploy bioweapons
[X] Talk about battle (mistakes , things that could have been improved , etc)

After the battle had ended, the Primarchs decided to deploy the Raven Guard bioweapons to preserve Astartes life. With the order given, canisters of gas were fed into the station's life support system before a faint mist began to build in the various compounds. When the Astartes saw the remaining Hitchlock desperately claw at the doors, they thought the battle was over.

Of course, the Primarchs both retired as well with what they saw as the completion of the battle. Now, they just needed to wait for the gas to do their work. Kesar meanwhile, was thinking of what to do with this base. Legally speaking, it was a Raven Guard base, since they spent blood clearing the homeworld of these Xenos. However, the Eternal Wardens had spilled blood alongside the Ravens to capture these bases nearly intact. To this end, Kesar had a few options.

He could let Corax take the base, which would garner goodwill but give him nothing. He could ask to share the base with the Raven Guard as a show of unity. Depending on Corax's demeanor, this may or not work. However, he could sweeten the option to the Raven Guard by providing some form of compensation. Finally, it might be possible to convince Corax to turn over the base to the Mechanicus, but this option was complicated. While some aspects of the Mechanicus studied Xenotech, they were a minority at this point. Moreover, the Raven Guard would not benefit from this, although that might not deter Corax. With these options, Kesar decided to

[] Leave the base to the Ravens
[] Ask to split the base with the Ravens
-[] Provide some compensation (write-in what)
[] Attempt to give to the Mechanicus
[] Write-in

As the Primarchs relaxed, a complication was forming on one of the many asteroid bases. Here, the Astartes forces had decided to cut corners on their patrol routes. During this, a small room was missed. Normally this would not matter since the majority held dead Xeno corpses or nothing at all. This room, however, was an emergency void suit storage, and some Hitchlock had managed to enter as the bioweapon was deployed.

With the speed of desperate men, the Hitchlock sprinted for the hanger. They had one chance for survival, and that was to get a shuttle out of the asteroid belt. The last of their weapons were used to momentarily suppress the Ravens and Wardens here. The remaining managed to run into the hanger bay and lock it. The ones who had attempted to hold off the Astartes died in moments to the superior numbers and skill of the two Legions.

Now in the hanger, the Xeno desperately prayed to their false gods that the hanger doors would hold while their vessel started up. How funny that they thought a door would hold of the sons of Primarchs. The Raven Guard deployed a breaching charge and ran into the room. The Wardens immediately followed up, firing upon the Xenos in the hanger, slaughtering them easily. With this distraction, the Ravens climbed into the vessel and killed the few remaining creatures. Now the Hitchlock were truly pacified, and at least they knew how to seal off any future attempts by these Xenos.

After the brief escape attempt by the Xenos, Kesar requested that Corax accompany him for a debriefing between the two of them. The Raven-Lord seemed interested and together, they traveled to the bridge. Once there, Corax activating his security measures for eavesdroppers and the discussion began.

"Well brother," Kesar began, "what do you think of our first joint campaign."

"It started disastrously. We made many mistakes during the initial stages."

"Yes," Kesar responded, "My first captain has been rather passive aggressive about the need for contingencies during that initial stage. Perhaps we should have at least had the various vessels in the fleet utilize their maneuvering thrusters. Do we have any idea how they detected your vessels brother?"

Corax nodded solemnly, "We do, on four of their bases we found sophisticated visual telescopes. It appears they were tracking our fleet visually and saw the stealth ships with the Mark I eyeball. I will need to have a way to deal with this, likely with a set of complex maneuvers in the future."

"Regrettable, but sadly it might have been avoidable. We should have had some more scouting before deploying the attack."

"Yes, in addition, we should have taken some of their outlying bases. At least then, we would be able to understand their design principles and the defensive measures on their bases, although this wouldn't have mattered much with the success we had on the ground."

Kesar smiled at this, "At least that went masterfully. Your Ravens are extremely adept in tunnel warfare. Your ground strategy worked to perfection."

"Your Legions combat doctrine complimented my own. While not needed, the interplay between our two Legions was impressive. We should have more joint operations in the future. However, your Legion is inexperienced. Several times during the operation they responded without the haste needed. It should disappear with one or two more large scale engagements but keep an eye on it."

"Thanks for the informing me brother." While Kesar was irritated at Corax for stating this so bluntly, he knew that it was true. This operation was after all the Eternal Wardens first major engagement. In time, his Legion could only improve. "Now, there are two more matters of import. The first being the near escape of Hitchlock on Asteroid 476."

"That was a major lapse of focus on both of our parts. I will need to address this amongst my sons. They should know better by now. Thankfully, they at least cleaned up their mess."

"I am thankful for that. Their escape may have been inconsequential, but it would have created long-term problems."

"For this, I would recommend rotating tacticians and Astartes more. Now, I presume the final matter is of the fleet's actions after we lost contact?"

"Yes, while they managed to salvage the situation, our voices would have almost certainly assisted their endeavor. Perhaps we could have contingency plans in case contact is cut again?"

"That is an option, but it might create a form of dependency on our orders. Rendering them unable to perform independent action."

"In total, despite the losses, I would say this was a success. Capturing these asteroids will certainly help the Imperium. Plus, the losses were within projected limits for an assault."

"That it was brother. Shall we return to Tera together?"

"I believe we shall brother."

During the trip back to Tera, Kesar and Corax discussed further refinements to their actions during the battle and came up with various ideas to implement. The first was the addition of a dedicated scout corps, that would convey information about the terrain. This would likely ensure that more information is provided for the Primarchs to base their tactical decisions on.

The second was to add something to deal with operational fatigue. While Astartes were tireless, during battle mistakes would be made tactically after a period of hours. To this end, having a rotation of commanding officer within chapters would likely help reduce the effects of operational fatigue.

Thirdly, Kesar could add contingencies to his Legion in the event they lose contact with him, but this ran the risk of the Eternal Wardens becoming dependent on him for support.

Lastly, Kesar could start an exchange program between the Wardens and Ravens. This was complicated since it would only work well when the two Legions were together. However, the benefits would be useful. In the end, Kesar decided to implement

[] Dedicated Scouts – increases tactical information available
[] Rotating Officers – halves penalties from fatigue (Fatigue only appears after combat periods at least 5 hours)
[] Contingencies for contact loss (retain half the bonus from Primarch if contact is cut, -5 to Legion rolls when running independent operations of the Primarch)
[] Implement an Exchange program (+5 to rolls when fighting alongside the Raven Guard)
[] Write-in

When Kesar got to Tera, he decided to meet with:

Edit: For this part, write in what you want to do with them.

[] Horus
[] Leman Russ
[] Malcador the Sigillite
[] Ferrus Manus
[] Sanguinius
[] Perturabo
[] Mortarion
[] Lorgar
[] Jaghatai Khan
[] Corvus Corax
[] Someone decides to pay you a visit

Station Intactness: 62 + 30 (Natural 100)
Mopping up: 2 + 20 (Astartes) + 40 (Primarchs) + 10 (Bioweapons) = 72
Last Stand: 56 + 10 (Homeground) + 20 (Desperation) – 10 (No experience) = 76
Preventing the Flight: 23 + 20 (Astartes) + 40 (Primarchs) + 5 (Blitz) = 98
Flight of the Insects: 20 + 20 (Desperation) = 40

AN: Also, I posted a poll for the name of the flagship of the fleet. It should be at the top of the page.
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Meeting the Hydra
[X] Leave the base to the Ravens
[X] Dedicated Scouts – increases tactical information available
[X] Someone decides to pay you a visit

After considering what to do with the base, Kesar decided to just leave it to Corax. By all laws, it was his by conquest. After all, his Legion took the Hitchlock home world. Besides, the chance that it would have useful information on warptech was slim to none. The Xeno seemed to specialize in cybernetics, so it would be largely useless to the Eternal Wardens. Moreover, it would likely cement the Wardens reputation as a helping hand. It might not be glorious, but support was a valuable role.

Meanwhile, Kesar decided to implement dedicated scouting teams into his Legion. While it was tempting to have an exchange program with the Raven Guard, scouts would be a more versatile upgrade to his Legion. Furthermore, the largest issue with the Hitchlock was the lack of proper scouting. Hopefully, these Pathfinder Marines would prevent such an ambush from occurring again.

When Kesar returned to Tera alongside Corax, he decided to review his notes on runic design. While much of it would take time to decipher, be believed that it could be useful. After doing so, he decided to sleep. As a Primarch, he could get by with just two hours of sleep a day, even if he could stay awake for weeks on end without consequences. So, Kesar closed his eyes and slept.

"Hello brother."

Kesar bolted awake and jumped into a combat stance. In his room was a man as tall as he was, clad in armor. The only reason Kesar hadn't yelled for the alarm was the raised hands of the intruder. "I must admit, that was a good reaction. Now brother, it's a pleasure to meet you. I am Alpharius, the XX Primarch."

Kesar blinked, he wasn't used to being so caught off guard. Then again, he did not expect his transhuman brother who had yet to hear about to enter his room while he slept. Relaxing, Kesar finally spoke, "Brother, such an entrance was unneeded. If I had known you wished to see me, I would have made time for it."

"Perhaps," Alpharius smirked, "but then others would know about me. I prefer deception and misinformation."

Kesar frowned as a thought came to him, "I heard rumors of a Primarch being found, but I thought they were false. It appears I was incorrect. Now then, could you tell me why you broke into my room?"

"I have a proposition for you." At Kesar's wave of his hand, Alpharius continued. "I've heard you have been developing your Legion's intelligence abilities with your informant networks and scouts. I am better at this than you are. I believe that I can eliminate the time it takes to build your informant networks and regrow your compliance rate to 70 worlds annually. In return, I want cooperation with you, and I get half the industrial output of half the worlds you gain from this, so 10 annually."

"That depends," Kesar commented, churning through the proposal with his superhuman intellect, "on what precisely you mean by cooperation."

"Intelligence work," Alpharius waved his hand in emphasis. "I did not come empty handed however. The Archmagos you met over Bara I, Plutonius Arx, disappeared. He is likely dead by this point."

"While disturbing, that did not answer my question."

Alpharius shrugged at this. "I can tell you won't just drop it, so I'll tell you." At Kesar's surprised look, Alpharius chuckled, "I aim to confuse. Now, I specialize in intelligence. Useful strategically, not useful when attempting to invade planets. This gives me a compliance tactic that does not force my Legion into a tactic they such at."

Kesar frowned. "I don't believe you." While he wasn't sure what exactly his brother wanted, everything about him screamed there was deception involved.

"Well, by building informant networks on your planets, this benefits me. I'll be inserting my spies into your territory with your permission."

Kesar was flabbergasted at this bluntness, "you admit that you will use this to spy on me?"

"It's not spying if you know about it. In all honesty, yes, I am capable of it, this is necessary. Intelligence sharing is ridiculously complicated, and I will keep secrets from you. It's no different than the current networks you have. Do you get all the information from them?"

Kesar had to admit that this was true. So far, all the information went to Malcador's assassins, but Kesar could likely request said information. Then again, increasing his compliance rate would likely be worth it.

"So, what do you say?"

Wait a second. "Hold on, repeat what you said about Arx."

Even in that damn helmet of his, Kesar could tell his brother was grinning, "Why I don't believe you ever asked."

"This is rather important, I would appreciate it if you dropped the act," while Kesar was trying to be polite, the fact he could not understand his brother was fraying his nerves.

"Very well. Approximately four months after you left Bara I, Archmagos Arx began investigating the Mechanicus fleet tasked with bringing the planet to compliance. His investigation found no anomalies, and follow ups by other members of the MEchanicus found no oddities and the matter was closed. Arx kept digging, before one day, all recorded mentions of him cease."

"That's it, an Archmagos suddenly drops off the face of the galaxy? Do you have any other information?"

"Sadly no, I am looking into it. I was looking to leverage this into compensation from you, but even my Legion did not find any clues."

Kesar jaw clenched at this, "Damn."

"I understand your frustration, now what do you say to my proposal?"

[] Write-in

Kesar Vigilance: 41 + 40 (Primarch) = 81
Alpharius Entrance: 29 + 40 (Primarch) + 40 (Hydra dominatus) = 109
Alpharius Disposition: 88