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A Glimpse of Future: Central Continent Part Three
A Glimpse of Future: Central Continent Part Three
Miracles of industrial artifice are commonplace for the Shambhala's citizens, from the Gates of Auspicious Passage that link distant cities to the comforting silo-spires of the Immaculate Leylines, forward bases of its Defence Line. Untold sums of resources are consumed in the twin endeavors of maintaining the Shambhala's defenses and completing the transformation of Valhalla. The Wealthy Valhallans foregone the opulence of their personal luxury products and palaces in order to sustain the infrastructure of the Valhalla. Even the most privileged Person of the Valhalla understand the paramount importance of holding off the Daemons, the ethos of total war that is at the heart of the Valhalla.

Primarch and Legion command the Valhalla, but it would not stand without the ceaseless labor of its mortal citizens. Every citizen is expected to work for the benefit of the Valhalla, whether on the assembly lines or the line of battle. Workers manufacture gunships in munitions factories and excavate veins of materials from other planets. Soldiers drawn from the Population serve under the Primarch in the ranks of the Valhallan Army, risking their lives to protect the Valhalla and Imperium. Administrators act as bureaucrats and local planners, answering to each nation-district's governor and implementing laws, regulations, and schedules passed down from the Central Administration. The Golden Path sees to matters of morale, history, and dogma, devoting as much time to the maintenance of state-sanctioned cults. The Traders and scientists compete with one another for the choicest of resources, but the Valhalla's constant war footing leaves no room for jealous hoarding. Their technical know-how keeps lights lit and engines humming, allowing all of Shambhala's citizens a degree of safety and comfort in Valhalla. Hard work has its rewards; dutiful laborers of even the lowest social caste can expect enough living space to comfortably house them and their families, ample allocations of food, access to essential technological amenities, medical treatment, public entertainment, and more.

Most mortals live in relative safety. Medical technology provides remedies and cures for almost any plague or poison, while the policing of the Regulators keeps crime to a bare minimum. Advances in infrastructure and technology have diminished the risk of industrial hazards in the workplace. But while the Primarch has solved many of the problems, new perils have appeared in their absence. Massive geomantic grids can provide power to entire cities, but system failure results in nation-wide blackouts that can last for days. Advanced industrial machinery and labor automatons have removed much of the risk to human life from mining and manufacturing, but reliance upon these technologies makes their breakdowns all the more disastrous. Even when they work in the shadow of the great Solar-engines, mortals must still contend with mechanical failures, industrial dangers, and grinding hours of labor.

Eight Nation-Districts:


The Outer portion of Shambhala divided into eight administrative nation-districts. One of them is Magadha, the elder city of orichalcum that sits atop the Land like a shining crown. Amid the sprawling factory-complexes and Geller-engines of the city's municipal infrastructure is the thousand-mile-high dome of orichalcum and black basalt where the Central Government convenes to rule. The Central Government's control radiates out from the dome through World-spanning technology. Hologlyphic projection relays transmit the oratories and proclamations of senators to crystalline display screens in every city of the Valhalla, while the Continent-moving machinery of the theotechtonic navigation grid sets the drift of Valhalla's continent-organs. Artificial dragon lines channel Essence from the Core of Valhalla to empower the Realm Defense Grid built by the 11th Primarch, and the Keystones for Anti-Daemonic and Anti-Divination Wards sits at the pinnacle of Magadha.


The district named Kosala serves as the crucible for the Valhallan's Army, and a forge for crafting the implements of revenge against Xenos, Daemons, and Cultists. Here, the great sums of materials produced by Avanti and Kamboja are put to use. In the arms factories of Kuru, laborers work to assemble Gunships, Tanks, and the titanic siege weaponry of the Realm Defense Grid. Warpsmiths oversee the construction of these artifact weapons with their technical expertise, with Legion artificers providing the finishing touches. In the metropolis of Panchala, newly recruited go through five years of flight school in the Steel Crucible of Dragons Academy, undergoing a hyper-accelerated regimen of intense training to prepare them for service in the Valhallan Navy. On the rain-slick plains below, the mortal soldiers of the Valhallan Army train for war.


In nation-district of Anga, Vast archologies float within its Landscape, buoyed by Anti-Gravity Technology. Crystalline panels reveal vine-draped trellises, trees heavy with fruit, and nutrient-baths thick with seedlings. Agricultural laborers work in specialized farm-decks, raising pigs, chickens, and yeddim engineered by Genetic sciences. Far below, Anga's tidal regions drain into paddies of artificial soil, where workers sow and harvest rice. High above, the city of Asmaka casts life-giving light upon all below, a reflection of the Primarch's promise to the people of Valhalla.

Genetic laboratories and bioenhancement facilities flourish throughout Anga, drawing specimens and raw materials from its archologies. Geneticists raise specialized breeds of animal and hybrid plant life, while Genesis savants working in the Arsenal of Experimental Life-Forms create artificial behemoths and engineered super-soldiers, living weapons against the forces of the Chaos. Normal hospitals provide state-of-the-art health care to the injured, while the Psykers find comprehensive supernatural care in the Garden of Holistic Rejuvenation, along with an extensive suite of biological enhancements and modifications. The wide open-air spaces of Anga also make it an ideal testing site for aircraft, making it home to the Valhallan Defense Line's Illustrious Institute of Naval Research.


Magadha is where the bureaucrats and Marines work, but Gandhara is where they come to rest. The nation-district caters to the Marines like no other: within its technicolor cities, the Marine feast on fine cuisine, enjoy the song and Dance and cheer for competitors in the arenas of the combat. While the Marines and their mortal followers occupy two very separate social strata, Gandhara is a mixing pot, where an off-duty Marine can play sports with his Mortal troops and an overworked bureaucrat can enjoy a good conversation and a cup of kaff. Sometimes this causes conflict, as tensions accumulated over decades boil out without duty to keep them contained. Sometimes, new bonds of friendship, and loyalty form. Inevitably, both sides must return to their duties—but often they return with a renewed sense of respect, and the knowledge of what they're fighting for.
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A Glimpse of Future: Central Continent Part Four
A Glimpse of Future: Central Continent Part Four

Vajji is nestled in one of the Valhalla's mighty Geomantic nodes, a confluence of faith and genius. Centuries of work by technical savants have shaped it into a land of towering peaks and narrow, winding tunnels; prayer-flags flapping in wind, and electrical arcs trace out entire sutras in their deadly currents. Thousands of savants, technicians, and scholars make their home in the district, bustling from project to project and providing brain-power for the largest think tank humanity has ever seen. Led by Space Marine savants, they plumb the reaches of possibility, devising new and awe-inspiring tools for the Legion's endless struggle.

The Metropolis of Surasena forms the nation-district's core; the Synaptic Junction Dynamo runs down the city's spine, drawing energies from the Valhalla's Leylines into massive rods and channeling it into the power grid. Even the residue of that is enough to power Surasena ten times over—which leaves more than enough for the Primarch's experiments. Early in the Valhalla's history, a researcher perfected a method for containing Warp Vortex and transporting them safely within the Valhalla. This raw warp-stuff has served as fodder for countless theories, experiments, and weapons—the first vortex Bombs were birthed within the labs of Vajji, and its labs churn out refinements on the basic design to this day. In the nearby reaches, Psykers weave sanctified Wards within specially-shielded chambers, warping the laws of nature to better study them. These two disciplines have borne terrifying fruit in the form of the Titanomach, a device the size of a man's hand. When detonated, the Titanomach affirms the reality of Realspace upon a localized area, obliterating all Warp within it. It's hoped that weapons like these will prove a crucial asset in the ongoing war with Daemons, but there are those who wonder, in moments of silence, if such a thing is worth the price.


The air in Kashi is thick with hymns. Cathedral-complexes hold hourly masses, empowering the Geomantic Nodes with mortal worship in accordance with the Catechisms of the Golden Path. While the temples of the Golden Path are found in every city of the Valhalla, the nation-district of Kashi has been designed purely as an optimized power-source. Kashi's Soldiers are put through training regimens to make them the finest of any in the Realm, maximizing the consumption of the nutrition drugs that every morsel of food is laced with. Music halls and grand poetry salons draw thousands of mortals to listen to talented lectors and performers, promoting Government-approved doctrine with every show. Nowhere else does mortal culture flourish as it does in Kashi. So great is the nation's overpopulation that entire sectors of its geomantic grid are dedicated to powering the spatial-folding technology built into its dormitories, compacting the living space of thousands of citizens into a building no larger than a single apartment.


The district of Amravati floats on a massive Anti-Gravity Platform. The Twin-Metropolis of Malla and Malaya hold each other in an eternal embrace, forming a single gleaming city of moonsilver and orichalcum. At its center stands the Radiant Obelisk—a shining prismatic spire housing thousands of worshipers. They raise their voices in song; the Obelisk trembles, awed by the force of their faith. From this awe comes enough energy to run Malla and Malaya three times over. Often, this spare power is channeled outward, to power vehicles, equipment, and even smaller mobile settlements; when Amravati is in motion, it is channeled inward. The Obelisk itself recites the Heart Sutra, praising Humanity and it's Potential. While mortals offer up their faith to Geomantic System, strange engines of the Demomorphic Recombination Array and the Transdivine Parallax Enclave which are housed within the golden span of its capital metropolis, use those energies to Shield the souls of the Valhalla on a Massive scale.


Avanti's citizens oversee the largest mining operations in all the Valhalla, directing swarms of arachnid harvester-automatons or operating excavation machinery. Hover-Trains and hydraulic trams transport materials by the ton to the other nations, feeding the coffers of the Valhalla and the Valhallan Defense Line. Even after the steep taxes imposed by the Central Government, there is plenty left over for the Avanti, supporting such luxuries as the nation's Defence grid and Mechanical servitors. Innovation is encouraged and rewarded, with stipends of materials and exotic reagents paid out to those whose designs and inventions hold promise for the Valhalla's future. It is said that even the humblest mortal savants may live in the same splendor and opulence as their Primarch ruler if they have the talent and genius to earn it. The Central Government has commissioned a disproportionate number of Defense Line bases in Avanti to safeguard their greatest source of materials, and the clarions of the Army have become a familiar sound to the nation's citizens.


Kamboja's metropolis lies above an ocean of molten metal that flows through the veins of the Valhalla, a sea of Lava that rise up through the titanic shafts that pierce the nation's landscape. Under Primarch's reign, this industrial pyroclasm has become a source of untold wealth and resources. Huge tubes of Promethium and adamant extend from Kamboja's cities down into the shafts, pumping the molten materials into the distillation factories. Citizens work in the siphon-factories as technicians and engineers, performing routine maintenance on factories and refining the harvested materials through complex processes. The actual physical labor of extracting the minerals has been replaced by automated machinery, obsoleting the dangerous mining-skiffs once used to gather precious minerals. However, this is not without its own perils. When lava surges or solid mineral deposits obstruct the siphon-tubes, crews of laborers must descend through access tunnels to clear the blockage, braving the heat and poisoned air to do so.

While the siphon-tubes are Kamboja's most obvious form of industry, most of its populace is employed in the nation's other greater enterprise—the Akashic Archives. Soulsteel chambers deep beneath the Necropolis of Gaya house the Soul Imprints, gestalt material intelligence synthesized from the personalities and knowledge of the Valhalla's Honoured dead. Specially trained Luminors oversee the transfer of psyche-imprints from soulgems into the material intelligence, while curators assist visitors in navigating the vast stores of data held in the collective minds of the Soul Imprints. Within the halls of the Archives, savants debate the finer points of metaphysics with ancient scholars and philosophers, while young Soldiers are schooled in Daemonic battle strategy by ancestors who fought the Them first-hand. The topmost layer of the Archives houses the Sagacious Council of Fallen Stars, a revered council of Sages composed from the memories of Most Celebrated Heroes. It is considered traditional for the newly appointed Leaders to meet with the Soul Imprints of their processors, standing as equals before the flickering screens.
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Arrival at Abom VI
[x] Chaos everywhere
-[x] Power Source
-[x] Abom VI – This world is currently controlled by a set of tech hereteks who worship daemons. They have been creating many daemon engines for centuries and now the world is a hell hole filled with monsters. Astartes support is requested. 60,000 Kesar Here
-[x] Kova II – Requests for exterminatus have been requested by the population's inhabitants. All ships that tried to approach were shot down from the orbital defenses. 30,000 Oriacarius here
-[x] Eae II – A hive world with a large population that has been stalling for months about joining the Imperium. It seems clear that the governor refuses to join, but the diplomatic proceedings have been stalled for a long time. 5,000 Scafrir here
-[x] Aam III – A hive world currently split into eight groups that constantly war with each other, daemonic creatures have been sighted slaughtering groups before being slaughtered in turn. When Imperium vessels arrived however, the groups united against mankind. Astartes support is requested. 21,500 Maticus here

With the sheer number of potential problems to deal with, Kesar was unable to spend any time studying the power source for the void shield generators. It was odd how the void shields have their own separate power source, but that could just have been for design reasons since distributed power makes sabotage less damaging. Still, Kesar was disappointed that he was unable to spend time this year studying the power source. Hopefully, he would have time next year.

Now, however, the Crusade continued, and the drums of war marched on. Kesar was pleased to see that his Legion had grown over the years he had spent on Velnias, but this was a certainty. Still, the time was good for the Wardens as their numbers had replenished. As such, Kesar was able to split his forces. Half the Legion would travel with him to Abom VI to deal with the hereteks since it seemed like a world the Sovereign would like to be purged. He then sent a quarter of the Legion with Oriacarius to deal with the mysterious request for exterminatus from Kova II. Truthfully, the world worried him, but he simply had to trust in Oriacarius' abilities. While the first captain was certainly nervous considering what had occurred the last time he had led a part of the Legion independently, Kesar had confidence in him. With this confirmed, Maticus was ordered to take 21,500 Wardens to Aam III and deal with the situation as he saw fit. Hopefully, Maticus would do well in his first independent command. Lastly, the remaining Wardens were sent alongside Scafrir to conduct diplomacy and hopefully induct Eae II into the Imperium.

As Kesar traveled to Abom VI, he began to receive reports on the activities of his Legion. The first report was from Oriacarius who reported that Kova II was subject to exterminatus. It seems that when the first captain arrived, he maintained the fleet's distance before sending a single scout party. When the group landed, they managed to scan the area and came to a horrifying realization. The planetary inhabitants were victims of a horrific wasting disease, which was nightmarishly contagious. Thankfully, the locals had enacted a forced quarantine upon themselves and would prevent anyone that attempted to leave the world. However, the major piece of information was that this plague was created by a cultist that happened to be an Alpha class psyker. Additionally, the plague was made with the assistance of plague daemons and incorporated Dark Age bioweapons. What was even worse, however, was the fact that the disease could teleport off world. Thankfully the range was limited for now, but it was horrifically contagious and virulent.

In response to this, the scout team requested that Oriacarius declare exterminatus on this world because of the danger it presented to the Imperium. Meanwhile, the scouts attempted to slay the psyker responsible for this in order to die in a blaze of glory. Sadly, it was not to be as radio recordings indicated that the scout team was unable to breech the outer defenses and ended up dying to the plague before they could push past the outer walls. As the reports continued, Oriacarius instituted a quarantine upon the Wardens present, despite being hours away from the world. He then ordered continuous bombardment using macrocannons and torpedos, since the planet was a stationary target with no defenses. Even with the distance, the disease managed to teleport from shell to shell and infected several Wardens ships. For these Astartes, nothing could be done. They slowly wasted away from the disease which killed 99% of those it came into contact with, but only after days of deterioration. Thankfully, the quarantine managed to contain it when combined with the Librarians working tirelessly to stave off the disease. In the end, however, 5000 Wardens died before the planet was destroyed and the disease eradicated, although Oriacarius is insisting on continuing to observe the Wardens present at this location as well as the husk of Kova II.

After reviewing the report on Kova II, Kesar was accepting of how events had played out. While he mourned the loss of more of his sons, he understood that it was necessary for the good of mankind. After retiring to his workshop to carve their names and stories, he spent hours updating his armor. Sadly, Vulkan had been unable to meet with him to finalize the armor since he had to finish dealing with the Orks troubling the White Scars. Nevertheless, Kesar still took the time to record the names of the fallen and how they progressed through life. It wouldn't do to have one of them be forgotten. When Kesar was finished, he received a report from Scafrir which was unpleasant.

The nobles in charge of Eae II had attempted to take him hostage in order to leverage concessions. During negotiations, they asked that the Wardens give up their weapons as a show of trust. Scafrir complied as until that point the talks had been going well. However, once this was done, a large group of soldiers entered the room and ordered Scafrir to surrender. Needless to say, this went poorly for the soldiers of Eae. Even without their weapons and armor, the Wardens easily managed to deal with the soldiers due to the closed quarters and rapid reinforcements. After dealing with the kidnapping attempt and recovering their weapons, Scafrir withdrew from the world due to lacking the numbers to take it, but not before he managed to kill the major nobles present during the deception. Sadly, he was unable to capture them as he placed a higher emphasis on ensuring the Wardens were uninjured during the rapid assault and withdrawal. Nevertheless, the system will need to be pacified after the government betrayed the trust of the Imperium.

After reviewing the reports that Scafrir had sent, Kesar settled in for the trip to Abom VI. Truthfully, warp travel was always boring, even with the knowledge of the dangers inherent. While he was continuously attentive thanks to his transhuman physiology, he still felt the boredom. As Kesar focused on planning logistics for the upcoming campaign, he never noticed a slight fluctuation in the Gellar field. The rest of the crew did not either, as the Gellar field clearly continued to function properly as no daemons had boarded the ship.
" A҈̧͡r҈̧̕e̸̕͢ y҈̧̕o̶͢͠u̸̧͞ s҉҇͜u҈̨͠r̷͢͝e̵͜͡ a̷̢̛b̴̢̛o҉̨͝u҈҇͢t҈̡͞ t̷̛͢h̴̨̛a̸̡͝t̷҇͢?̶͢͠"
When the ship arrived at Abom VI, he was unsure how to react to the report Maticus had sent. It seems that his initial scouting attempts were rather lackluster and resulted in basically no information. In response, he split the Legion assets present into 4 groups before conducting a 4 pronged invasion. Initially, the strike went excellently, with the Wardens' skill at slaying cultists and daemons being evident. However, as the Wardens continued to kill, a Greater Daemon known as a Bloodthirster appeared. These creatures were far stronger than other Greater Daemons, which resulted in a stalemate as Maticus slowly pulled the Wardens back. During the withdrawal, several groups were cut off and destroyed as the Greater Daemon proved a terrifyingly opponent in melee. Finally, the Wardens were able to create a landing zone and fortify it. So far, they have been under constant siege, and their numbers have been heavily attritioned. While the Wardens had managed to gain a foothold, they found that more and more daemons were appearing as the conflict progressed, almost as if they were being empowered by it. So far, 10,000 Wardens have perished on Aam, and Maticus has sent his apologies for the deaths incurred during his first command.

No, however, Kesar had to focus on the information the Pathfinders had gathered on Abom VI. Abom was a decently sized world with a small population. However, the population was majorly supplemented by daemon engines which were constructed by Lost Mechanicus. The actual Mechanicus was rather incensed with the desecration of the machine spirits and were very happy that Kesar was taking the time to deal with this insult to the Omnissiah. From what the Scouts had gathered, there were four major locations on Abom: the manufacturing centers for daemon engines, the lands where the daemon engines gathered, the location where nightmarish research took place, and the holding pens for test subjects.

For the manufacturing center, the Pathfinders provided a description of a series of monstrous factories where humans were 'adjusted' and used as materials in the construction of machines. These would then be constructed before daemons were summoned and bond to them. What was particularly disturbing was how rapidly these could be constructed. It was estimated that a tank could be produced every 15 seconds, which would be extremely dangerous to the Wardens. Thankfully, the Pathfinders understood this and set about sabotaging the area. While it was difficult work, the sheer ease at which the area was infiltrated was extremely useful for the Wardens. They managed to set up covert explosives at key areas that would disable the production of these monstrosities when the invasion began. Sadly, the Pathfinders were occupied with this task and were unable to properly scout out the surrounding area for stealth assaults.

The second area of importance were the staging grounds, where the daemonic machines gathered under the eye of the tech hereteks. Here, the machines were chained to the will of the hereteks, unable to satiate their desire for violence. When the Pathfinders arrived here, they decided that this would not do. They spent the time working to map out the location, and they did a marvelous job. They have even managed to secretly construct a defensive position for the Wardens that will greatly assist. Moreover, they also found a way to ensure that the daemon engines would attack. This method involved repeatedly calling out for the Sovereign, which would drive the corrupted machines into an intense rage that would cause them to charge the Wardens no matter what. Of course, the machines this was tested on were destroyed by the Wardens, but the Pathfinder's suggestions were interesting. Currently, the fortifications here could hold 10,000 Wardens, which would be useful.

For the third location, the Pathfinders had a very difficult time infiltrating. It seems that the location was covered by a massive sensor grid with only a few vulnerabilities. Thankfully, these were found, but the Pathfinders estimate that they will only be able to smuggle in 1000 Astartes. However, they have noted that there are not many defenses present, although they are extremely worried that some of the more experimental subjects may be released by the insane hereteks. So far, the Pathfinders have been unable to determine how dangerous the creatures are since they have avoided entering the complex because they do not know the sensor capabilities of these daemonic constructs.

Lastly was the holding facility for test subjects. Here, humans were subject to horrific tortures and experimentation in order to create ever more monstrous machines. The Pathfinders did not enter the facilities since the first time they attempted to do so, the prisoners spotted them and began pleading for help. This drew the attention of the hereteks, but the Pathfinders were able to leave without issue. However, the increase in security has resulted in the Pathfinders only being able to learn that there are 500,000 prisoners in the complex.

After reviewing the situation, Kesar came up with a few ideas on how to handle the situation. Since many of these corrupted machines could still be affected by technomancy, that could prove useful. However, the Thousand Sons have said that while it should be easy to do, they may be underestimating the difficulty. Additionally, they have said that if they slipped up, the results would be catastrophic. In short, this plan relies on having the Thousand Sons disorient the daemonic machines while the Wardens assault en masse.

Another idea involves simply destroying the world. Unlike Velnias, the only non-corrupted humans seem to be the prisoners after the only resistance was destroyed centuries ago. Now, the world would require extensive purges and would likely be a drain on the Imperium for centuries. Nevertheless, exterminatus is meant to be a last resort or used only if the world is a danger to the Imperium.

The third idea involved mass orbital fire, but there were issues with this. Firstly, it would destroy the planet's infrastructure by a ridiculous amount. Additionally, unlike most worlds, this world possessed anti-orbital ground defenses, which meant that this would be an issue. Sadly, it seems that the defenses were spread out across the four major locations, which meant that space superiority would only be absolute over an area that was already taken.

In the end, Kesar contemplated his choices before creating a battle plan for success.

[] Write-in

Power Source: 2 + 40 (Kesar) + 40 (Warptech) + 20 (Research) = 102

Abom VI Sites
Construction Area: 55 + 20 (Astartes) + 20 (Alpha Legion trained) + 20 (Telepaths) + 5 (Detection Runes) + 20 (Kesar Presence) + 10 (Realm of Nothingness) = 150
Construction Security: 26 + 50 (???) = 76
Staging Grounds: 91 + 20 (Astartes) + 20 (Alpha Legion trained) + 20 (Telepaths) + 5 (Detection Runes) + 20 (Kesar Presence) + 10 (Realm of Nothingness) = 186
Staging Security: 23 + 50 (???) = 73
Research Area: 38 + 20 (Astartes) + 20 (Alpha Legion trained) + 20 (Telepaths) + 5 (Detection Runes) + 20 (Kesar Presence) + 10 (Realm of Nothingness) = 133
Research Security: 43 + 50 (???) = 93
Holding Pens: 41 + 20 (Astartes) + 20 (Alpha Legion trained) + 20 (Telepaths) + 5 (Detection Runes) + 20 (Kesar Presence) + 10 (Realm of Nothingness) = 136
Prisoner Security: 77 + 50 (???) = 127

Kova II
Oriacarius Decision Making: 94
What he does: 29 84 87 + ??? = ???
What resists: 72 + ??? = ???

Eae II
Take a Hostage: 31 + 20 (Numbers) + 30 (Surprise) = 81
Scafrir Response: 92 + 20 (Astartes) + 20 (Telepaths) + 20 (Pathfinders) = 152
Eae Secondary Plan: 30 + 20 (Numbers) = 50
Scafrir Decapitation Strike: 35 + 20 (Astartes) + 5 (Blitz) + 10 (Superior Equipment, Mark IIB) – 20 (Strategic Surprise) = 70

Aam II
Maticus Scouts: 2 + 20 (Astartes) + 20 (Alpha Legion trained) + 20 (Telepaths) + 5 (Detection Runes) + 10 (Realm of Nothingness) = 77
Information Security: 62 + ??? = ???
Daemon Massacre on Abom VI
[X] Simultaneous Strikes
-[X] Split the Legion into a group of 1000, another group of 10,000 then split the rest into two groups
-[X] Titans attack the production line (Kesar here)
-[X] Group of 1000 stealthily destroys the sensor area
-[X] Group of 10,000 takes the staging grounds

After examining the situation, Kesar came to a conclusion. The production lines needed to be destroyed. The time on Station Gehenna had been extremely difficult due to the insane production levels. As a result, clearly, this was a primary target. As such, he would direct a group of about 25,000 Wardens along with the Titan Legion to destroy the production lines. Simultaneously, a group of 10,000 would take up the defenses in the staging grounds and a stealth force would destroy the sensor grids. The remaining Wardens would remain in reserve in case of disaster.

As the Eternal Wardens entered the drop pods and Stormbirds, Kesar waited to launch. In truth, he was not particularly worried about the situation. The hereteks were rather isolated and lacked major staying power. Additionally, he would be striking their production areas with overwhelming force. Hopefully, the hereteks lacked any surprises.

On Abom VI, the worshippers of thirsting gods continued their nightmarish work. Monstrosity after monstrosity was churned out, turning humans into ingredients. Today, however, today was different. In the skies, a fleet skimmed the atmosphere. Battle barges and strike cruisers launched drop pods and Stormravens in droves while they burned their engines to increase their speed and avoid the defenses. This was easily done due to the rapid maneuver and mass deployment. Then, the hereteks knew true fear when several of the drop pods grew larger and larger. From this, exited the God Machines attached to the Eternal Wardens, and they walked for the first time.

Surprisingly, the Titans were not the most destructive force. That would be the Primarch and the Wardens. Like the Sovereign himself, the Wardens tore through the daemon engines. What would have made any other Legion pause was but chaff to the Wardens. The most destructive, however, was Kesar Dorlin, who tore apart any semblance of organization. Formations, command vehicles, champions, and so many more blasphemous creations found themselves subject to the Sword of the Lost. Meanwhile, the Wardens killed with Volkite and chain, not even pausing once. And all the while, the God Machines marched unopposed, occasionally firing their weapons at defensive hardpoints or vehicle formations. Within minutes, the hereteks saw the destruction and fled, but this only hastened their demise.

While the cultists desperately hoped that their losses could be replenished by emergency production orders, they had not received reinforcements. When they checked, they found key parts of the facility destroyed. Power supplies were cut, the human prisoners were freed if pure and mercy killed if corrupted. The damage itself was minor and could have been repaired if given time. However, the hereteks did not even have ten minutes. Without a semblance of organization, the Primarch of the Eternal Wardens led his sons into the facility.

There, they destroyed the monstrous devices and moved forward, executing any hereteks they found, and most of the corrupted prisoners inside. While several of the Wardens were saddened by the necessity, they hardened their souls and performed their duty. After searching through the various facilities, Kesar concluded his part had been completed and reviewed reports from the two other strikes.

Meanwhile, the Wardens at the staging grounds for the daemon engines were not idle. Here, 10,000 Wardens took up defensive positions, as they waited for the daemonic engines to charge them en masse. Here, an Astartes named Bader stepped up and gave a short speech. While it was not anything special, it did buoy the Warden's spirits. However, he ended the speech early when the first daemon engines arrived.

Drawn in by the Pathfinders, the daemon engines had no semblance of organization, so they relied on numbers. Numbers were not nearly enough. As the Sisters of Silence negated warp powers, the Eternal Wardens fired rocket and volkite into the encroaching mass of vehicles. It was terrifyingly effective.

The daemon engines spread out and charged without thinking. Isolated from their monstrous brethren, they proved that the only thing they were to the Wardens, was targeting practice. They died in the thousands, as the Wardens easily held their defensive position. As time progressed, and it became clear how one-sided this battle was, the Wardens sallied out to ensure the daemonic creatures were wiped out.

As they did so, the hereteks were desperately trying to regain control of their monsters. Perhaps, they believed, if they could create an organized defense they might be able to escape with their lives. However, it was useless. The Pathfinders had done their jobs well and had managed to enrage the daemon engines to the point that the monstrosities refused to listen to their heretical masters. With a few hours, the hereteks may have been able to regain control, but with the Wardens charging forward, that was a doomed effort.

Eager to kill, the daemon engines charged the Wardens that had left their defensive structures, only to find that the situation was just as bad for them. The creatures desperately tried to kill, but they were rebuffed at every turn. When screaming tanks drove forwards at fool speed, the Wardens responded with rockets aimed at thin armor. When a spider-like creation bristling with weapons walked out from behind a hill, it was targeted by no less than 50 plasma weapons. When a praying mantis shaped daemon engine with a massive gun attached to its back tried to brace itself to fire, a group of assault marines jumped around it and struck its vulnerable sides. After hours of conflict, the Wardens emerged the victors, but that was never in doubt.

Meanwhile, a much smaller group of 1000 Astartes was attempting to sneak in and destroy the sensor grid. It had been going poorly thus far. While the Pathfinders had mapped out the sensor locations, it seems that the hereteks here had altered their patrol routes. Normally, this would not have been an issue. Even with another 1000 Astartes, the Pathfinders should have been able to track the guards and sneak in. However, today, they missed something. A camera that was previously damaged had been repaired. When the Wardens passed by it, one of the Astartes passed in view of it. Then, the alarm sounded.

However, the Wardens were already at the entrance of the central node of the sensor grid, so they quickly charged forward and stormed the area. In teams of four, they branched out as they traveled further into the complex. Working in conjunction with other teams, they timed their assaults perfectly. When one drew the attention of the defenders, another group with strike their flanks. It worked well, and the coordination allowed the rooms to be cleared one by one with minimal losses. The only problem this caused, was that it was slow. As such, the central processing area was heavily defended by the time the Wardens converged on it.

Here, a plan was formed. The Wardens would place explosives on the walls, ceilings, and floor since they had control of the area around it. Then, at a precise moment, all teams would simultaneously assault. In total, 4 teams assaulted the north wall, 4 teams assaulted the east wall, 4 on the west, 4 teams would drop in from the ceiling, and 4 teams of assault marines would jump through the floor. While an additional set of squads breaching through the south wall was considered, it was discarded since multiples of 6 tended to empower daemons. After mapping their entry points to minimize friendly fire and maximize crossfire, they Wardens prepared to breach.

Inside the room, the hereteks had equipped themselves with monstrous weapons and a single daemon engine. This creation was the size of an Astartes and had required 504 prototypes. This monstrosity was a nightmarish contraption, but it was unfinished. It lacked weapons or defenses, and instead just relied on its skeleton to murder.

As such, when the Wardens breached the room, it was only a fraction as powerful as it could have been. Within a second, the majority of the Wardens had targeted the daemon engine, deeming it as the larges threat. Of the 80 Wardens in the initial assault, a full 50 fired their weapons. And still, it remained alive and nearly unharmed. As the daemon engine turned towards one of the squads, the second wave of Wardens entered through the breaches, as the initial squads systematically cleared the remaining hereteks from the room. This second wave fully targeted the daemon engine, and the resulting fire melted one of its six legs. Screeching with its 9 mouths, the daemon collapsed onto the floor, before trying to fire its seven plague guns. And here, was where the 100 of the 160 Wardens targeted it with their weapons once more. Under this last wave, the daemon engine finally gave out and screeched, its eight sword-like arms trashing as it did.

With this, the Wardens had taken the sensor grid, but the grid was based on corrupted technology. As such, the Wardens decided to avoid using it and avoided touching any of the controls. Instead, they systematically destroyed the facility with flamers and explosives. The biological amalgamations of human brains that comprised the computation were heavily purged. Before long, the entire complex was burning as the Wardens moved on.

Now, Kesar faced a few choices. With the primary dangers destroyed, there were only two remaining areas. The research complex and the prison. Currently, the primary danger was the research complex, which held the most nightmarish creations. However, the Pathfinders had reported that the hereteks at the prison had begun sacrificing the prisoners in some ritual. Of note though, is that they simply do not have enough sacrifices to bring forth any actual danger, unless the few psykers in charge sacrifice themselves. Even then, however, it is unlikely that anything besides normal daemons will be summoned. While they may be a threat due to sheer numbers, Kesar was not worried.

Currently, he faced two options. Where to send his forces, and how to treat the prisoner locations. In regard to his forces, he could bring in the reserves, as there was simply no reason not to. This meant both locations could be hit with overwhelming force. However, he had to choose where he himself and the Titan Legion would go. For this, he chose to

[] Send both to the research complex
[] Send the Titans to the research complex and himself to the prison
[] Send the Titans to the prison and himself to the research complex
[] Send both to the prison
[] Write-in

Additionally, at the prison, there was the matter of what orders should the Wardens follow. They could simply destroy the prison through the use of heavy weapons. While this would destroy the location, the prisoners would also die. However, there were likely only up to a few thousand that were uncorrupted, nothing of consequence in the big picture. Another idea was to simply assault the location normally. This would be easy to do, but it would kill a significant chunk of the prisoners since the hereteks would try to use them as human shields. The last option was to prioritize prisoner survival at all costs. This would almost certainly result in casualties, but it would keep some of the prisoners alive. Of course, there was also the question of whether this was worth it. In the end, Kesar ordered the Wardens to

[] Destroy the prison indiscriminately
[] Assault normally
[] Prioritize the prisoners' lives
[] Write-in

Production Line Destruction: 29 + 40 (Kesar) + 40 (Primarch Equipment) + 20 (A Parent's Love) + 45 (Banish Runes, For the Lost, Sisters of Silence, For Those Denied Salvation) + 5 (Superior Equipment) + 5 (Mark IIB Armor) + 5 (Daemonic Horde) + 5 (Blitz) + 20 (Astartes) + 10 (Valhallans) + 1 (Rune of Reinforcement) + 1 (Perturabo's Notes) + 60 (Titans) = 286
Production Line Tries: 5 + 40 (Daemon Engines) + 20 (Defenses) + 60 (Rapid Production) Negated by Pathfinders = 65
Staging Grounds Wardens: 63 + 45 (Banish Runes, For the Lost, Sisters of Silence, For Those Denied Salvation) + 5 (Superior Equipment) + 5 (Mark IIB Armor) + 5 (Daemonic Horde) + 5 (Blitz) + 20 (Astartes) + 10 (Valhallans) + 1 (Rune of Reinforcement) + 1 (Perturabo's Notes) +20 (Defenses) = 180
Staging Grounds: 17 + 40 (Daemon Engines) + 40 (Numbers) – 20 (Disorganized) = 87
Sensor Infiltration: 29 + 20 (Astartes) + 25 (Sisters of Silence) + 10 (Realm of Nothingness) = 84
Sensor Grid Identification: 88 +30 (???) – 30 (Mapped Out) = 88
Destroy the Sensor Grid: 36 + 45 (Banish Runes, For the Lost, Sisters of Silence, For Those Denied Salvation) + 5 (Superior Equipment) + 5 (Mark IIB Armor) + 5 (Daemonic Horde) + 5 (Blitz) + 20 (Astartes) + 10 (Valhallans) + 1 (Rune of Reinforcement) + 30 (Surprise) = 132
Sensor Grid's Defense: 31 + 20 (Numbers) = 51
Lorgar Interlude
AN: As a reward for one of @Altered 's Omakes, here is the Lorgar Interlude I promised. There is a bit at the end with the Night Haunter, but I think it fits here.

Lorgar sighed as he continued his voyage. After meeting Kesar, the Urizen had spent time deep in theological discussions with his father Kor Phaeron. The topics raised proved enlightening. The idea that perhaps there were four other gods alongside his father was certainly something to be investigated. After his rant, Kor had told him that perhaps he should focus on other aspects of theology for the moment. While he was initially hesitant, his father had proven to be remarkably convincing and came up with excellent points. After spending years deep in theological research, he found hints that the true nature of gods, the primordial truth as Kor put it, could be found in the Eye of Terror.

"My son, are you sure about this course of action?" Inwardly, Kor was rather jubilant at this turn of events. The Anathema's son was proving to be far more interested in the true masters of the galaxy than he ever expected.

"Yes, father. While your fears are not, in fact, unfounded, this trip must be taken. I fear that Kesar's blasphemy will extend to other parts of the Imperium. Look at what has happened already. The False Path has been spreading across that damnable world at a remarkable pace." As Lorgar paced during the short explanation, he turned his thoughts towards recent events. Kesar Dorlin, at this, Lorgar snarled at the thought of what once was his brother. That thrice-damned heretic wasn't even malicious. That was the worst part. If his brother was misguided, then he could be forgiven. But that wasn't the case. He just did not care about the dangers of following the false path. The child was dangerous, but Lorgar simply could not deal with the situation.

"But still my son, to go behind the God-Emperor's back, such a thing is heresy according to your own arguments." As Kor spoke, he hid the vitriol he held for the Anathema back, perfectly disguising his face as an expression of worry and concern.

"Father, during my time studying the four gods below the God-Emperor, I have found some tales that indicate even Gods may err. As their flock, is it not our duty to work towards their goals, even if this may go against their words?" Lorgar was convinced of the righteousness of his actions. While going behind his God's back was heresy, it was necessary for the sake of mankind. He was not confident in his ability to fight Kesar or his Legion. While the Eternal Wardens were specialized against the Warp Xenos, they still were capable of ferocious defenses. And Kesar himself, he was dangerous and was only growing more dangerous as time passed. The Urizen needed allies, but so far, this had proven to be less than fruitful.

"I understand, but so far, we have made no progress. Angron was … not understanding." While it was incredibly useful to have someone acting against the Daemonsbane. The name itself brought fear into his heart, but thankfully, Lorgar misinterpreted it as worry for their progress in obtaining allies. Angron had proven to be less than pleased with their pleas. The only reason the World Eaters had not immediately turned on them was because of the favor of the Gods. And things had begun to grow worse.

"They simply do not see the dangers possessed. We must open their eyes to the true nature of the gods. We strive to bear the word of the God-Emperor and his four lesser brethren. The primordial truth will spread with time, but every task for the sake of salvation is difficult. Lion has been rather forceful in his demands for a meeting. Thankfully, he was occupied, but this is no longer the case. I worry about what he will do."

In truth, Lion was still very angry. From his perspective, the Urizen abandoned his duties and hid, leaving him to pay the price with tens of thousands of his sons. Then, Lorgar still avoided him while he was forced to fix another problem he was forcibly drawn away from. After years of this, Lorgar still insisted on remaining hidden and had yet to respond to any of his demands. In truth, the Urizen was worried, but his task was too important to be delayed. The salvation of mankind was at stake.

As the Urizen thought of how to sway his brothers to the truth, he spoke of an upcoming meeting. "Have you been able to learn why my Brother Konrad desired a visit?"

"I'm afraid not, although Erebus should likely be able to convince him of the dangers Kesar possesses." In truth, Kor was far less confident than he appeared. While Erebus was convincing, the Night Haunter was proving to be growing less and less likely to see the true nature of the Anathema. Hopefully, Erebus could lay the foundations.

As the First Chaplain of the Word Bearers watched the Night Lords' Stormraven land on the planet, he couldn't help but worry. As the vessel landed, he looked upon the Word Bearers near him, the ones that had sworn themselves to the true rulers of the galaxy. They had not been deemed worthy to invite the holy daemons in, but that would change. For now, he had to focus on causing the Night Haunters fall. As the Stormraven's doors opened, the First Chaplain's eyes widened as he ordered, "OPEN FIRE! ALL FORCES FIRE!"

As Erebus sprinted for the Word Bearers Stormbird, the remaining Astartes of Lorgar's Legion paused at the unexpected order. This gave enough time for the Night Lords' horrifying weapons to fire. Repurposed Dark Eldar drugs were fired which created a fine mist. The Word Bearers, who had not been wearing helmets as a show of respect, screamed in agony as every nerve ending send spikes of pain. Their hearts began beating quicker and quicker to purge the poison, but it was not enough. Their heart rates climbed as they writhed in agony, desperate for relief from the pain. It was granted, but it was not what they desired. The Night Lords descended alongside the Night Haunter. Meanwhile, Erebus was desperately trying to take off, after he ordered the remaining Word Bearers to buy him time. Hesitant, but loyal to the chaos gods, they complied, and they were rewarded with by swift execution from the Night Haunter's claws. Sadly, they bought enough time for the First Chaplain to take off.

At this, Konrad began muttering, "Nononononononono." Shaking his head, the other Night Lords took a step back, before Konrad slipped into one of his future visions. Nightmares abounded like normal. It was horrible and would have driven Astartes insane, but the Night Haunter had a stronger will than most, even if it was fraying. Desperate, he thought anything he could do to stop this. Yet, he expected disappointment. Meanwhile, the Night Lords around him had stepped further back, fearful of what the Night Haunter would do in response. They were surprised when Konrad Curze suddenly threw his head back and began laughing. With tears streaming down his face, the Night Haunter spoke joyously, the first time he could remember doing so. "I … I know what to do. I can stop it." Still smiling, the Night Lord entered his Stormraven as he planned his next move.

Meanwhile, Lorgar and Kor Phaeron continued their discussion on what to do as their next move. Hopefully, Erebus would succeed in convincing the Night Haunter of the dangers Kesar Dorlin possessed. However, even if the First Chaplain failed, how bad could it truly get?
Abom VI Wrap-up
[X] Send both to the research complex
[X] Assault normally

Thinking quickly to himself, Kesar decided that the Titans and himself would head to the research complex while the reserve forces would assault the prison normally. While it would be nice to save the prisoners, it was simply not worth risking his son's lives over it. Now, the mop-up began.

As the Wardens marched upon the research complex, Kesar noticed a few issues. For one, the Titans were too large to enter the underground facility. However, they could still provide fire support by firing their weapons and collapsing parts of the research complex. Meanwhile, the Wardens themselves headed into the nightmare within.

When they entered, they were met with horrible, horrible creatures. Gaping maws of insectoid daemon engines, tentacled monsters with too many eyes, and things, for what else could these gaping wrongnesses could be? Still, the Wardens pushed forward with their gene-father leading the way. More than once, they called in Titan support to destroy areas where the nightmares had gathered. It was effective and necessary. Without this, it would have been difficult to truly cordon the creations without losing thousands of Wardens due to how favorable the corridors were to these things. In these cramped quarters, the daemonic machines could face the Wardens with their strongest armor, all the while having their flanks protected.

Even with these advantages and the nightmarish skill, the Wardens pushed forward. All the while, Titans destroyed entire sections of the complex, and any of the more powerful creations were subject to Kesar's wrath. The Primarch charged at these creations, none of which lasted longer than a minute at most. The creation that took the longest was one that emitted a constant chant that caused the Warden's ears to bleed and many of the Librarians were only saved when the Sisters of Silence moved next to them and blocked their powers. The sheer corruption and wrongness should have caused so many to fall. Yet, the Wardens stood tall. They refused to become Lost. They survived Gehenna Station, they fought the creatures of the warp, and the served the Primarch that caused even daemons to fear. And they would follow him into hell.

Room after room was cleared, with the Valhallan army acting as a rear warning. Kesar and the Wardens traveled from room to room, as the daemonic creatures were slaughtered and culled one after the other. As their numbers continued to decrease, the monstrous nightmares began to panic. Here, they should have been the hunters, but they faced the Eternal Wardens. The Wardens slowly cleared the complex, inch by inch. After nearly a day of conflict, where the Astartes and Valhallan units were rotated out multiple times, the complex was finally purged. And during the entire process, Kesar stayed on the frontlines, as the daemons tried to run in a complex where the exits were covered by Titans and Wardens. Needless to say, none survived.

Meanwhile, the remaining Wardens prepared to burst into the prisoner complex. As they charged in, they found a horrible site. Nearly every single prisoner had been executed to bring forth a small horde of daemons. These daemonettes twirled and screamed in ecstasy before the saw the Wardens. Immediately upon seeing this, they ran back into the warp as the hereteks looked on in shock.

At the loss of their support, the hereteks pointed their weapons, not at the Wardens, but at the few prisoners that remained alive. "If you open … " In response to what was likely an ultimatum, the Wardens opened fire, killing as many hereteks as they could. In response, however, explosive collars on the prisoners detonated, the devices coded to explode when the nearby cultists were killed. The room was quickly cleared, and the Wardens moved onwards to the rest of the extremely spacious facility.

It was haunting how empty it was. There were no humans in the cells, they had been sacrificed to summon forth a horde of daemonnetes that saw the Wardens and grew terrified. Instead, the only sounds the Wardens heard were the sounds of hereteks preparing for their encroaching death. As the Wardens cleared room after room, with each kill, an explosion would go off and the Wardens knew that another prisoner had died. While it was very unlikely that they would have been able to save them without suffering horrendous losses, it still saddened them. These traitors to man had spent centuries tormenting these civilians, and when they were finally judged for their actions, they decided to murder any civilians they could.

Still, the Wardens progressed onwards, clearing room after room, before finally the planet had been cleansed of important targets. There were still hereteks hiding in the corners of the world, but this would be dealt with by dedicated teams. Meanwhile, the prison was swept again, this time looking for any survivors. Room after room was checked in the expansive facility, but it was terribly quiet. After hours of searching, the Wardens revealed the final tally. Of the 500,000 prisoners initially held here, a total of 73 had been found that were pure of soul and alive. It was not a pleasant feeling, but nothing could have been done.

With the conflict wrapped up, Kesar began to ponder how he could take the experiences of this battle and apply them to further improve the Wardens. As he did so, a different sort of battle was taking place on the Vigilance.

Onboard the Vigilance, several members of the Alpha Legion patrolled the halls in secret, carefully searching threats to Kesar's life. They had been placed here as a covert protection detail for years, and so far, they had not experienced any major issues. As they continued their patrol, they noticed something was off. Omegon was onboard as he was hoping to talk to Kesar about a joint project, but he was largely just relaxing. Why then, was then, was the life support decreasing at a faster rate than expected? After all, they should have known the exact count of bodies on the ship.

When he learned of this, Omegon ordered the Alpha Legion to report in in groups of five. Groups were brought in and cleared by the Primarch after they had provided the appropriate access codes. For a few seemingly random individuals, the hidden Primarch of the Alpha Legion took them into Kesar's office before sending them back out. After a few minutes of this, another group entered. This group was no different than the last, and at this point, the life support was reading the expected rate of decrease. When Omegon brought one of the Alpha Legionaries into a private room, this time, something was different.

The Changeling was giddy with excitement. This was one of his greatest tricks so far. Tricking the Alpha Legion was something even Tzeentch himself had yet to do. Resisting the urge to giggle, the daemon wondered how it would kill Alpharius. Transforming into him would be difficult, but doable. It had tested this before, and it had been successful. Still, the Primarchs were dangerous foes in any instance. As the Primarch in front of it asked questions regarding access codes and security verification, the Changeling answered each question flawlessly. The smugness in the daemon only increased as it realized that the Architect of Fate himself was assisting him. As the Primarch in front of it turned away, the Changeling's sight fractured into 99 separate possible futures.

In eighteen of these futures, it would fail to kill the Primarch as his initial strike would be dodged due to the insane reflexes of the Primarch. Then, the Primarch would send it back to the warp after its first attack would leave an opening it would exploit. In 72 futures, it would transform into the Primarch and duel with him. The resulting duel would take too long, and reinforcements would arrive. While they would be confused at first, somehow, they would know to target it, and the Changeling would be returned to the warp. In five of the remaining nine futures, the Primarch would withdraw too quickly for the Changeling to slay him. In the last four, however, Alpharius would die.

In the first, the Changeling would walk out before transforming into a bloodthirster at an exact moment. The Primarch would leap backward and during that leap, the daemon would turn into a Lord of Change and blast him with powerful sorcery. While still alive, this would open up the Primarch to the creation of a warp rift which would drag him into the warp to be torn apart by daemons.

In the second, the Changeling would perform the initial strike, and after the Primarch destroys his vision, he would swing his copied sword in an exact pattern which would lop off the Primarch's head.

In the third possible future, the daemon would take the form of Kesar Dorlin and strike. The brief hesitation would allow the daemon to gain a critical advantage which would wound the Primarch. After a furious melee, the Alpha Legion would break in at a position that would momentarily obscure Alpharius' vision. At this moment, the Changeling would stab the Primarch through the chest with his sword and kill him.

In the last possible future, and its favorite one, the Changeling would alter his form so that its ears would begin bleeding. As it faked hyperventilating, it would fake an attempt to warn of an assassination attempt on the Eternal Wardens using the Vigilance's cyclonic torpedoes. Concerned, the Primarch would move closer and the explanation would trickle out. When the Primarch would lay a hand on the Changeling's shoulder, he would then stab the Primarch laughing all the while.

With the possibility to kill a Primarch in such an entertaining manner, the Changeling chose the 99th​ possible future. Just as planned, the Primarch approached and laid a hand on the daemon's facsimile of a shoulder. Laughing, the Changeling drove his sword through the Primarch. "Now little snake, you see the futility of your defiance." In the warp, the Architect of Fate was pleased, now that the Anathema's most dangerous pawn was dealt with, he could move on to the next stage of plots. As Tzeentch began to weave his schemes, the dying Primarch said four words that terrified him.

"I am not Alpharius."

With that, the Astartes masquerading as Omegon masquerading as Alpharius perished, triggering explosives in the room. Within a microsecond of his death, the room was engulfed with flames as the Changeling screamed as it was tricked. Meanwhile, Tzeentch stopped completely. No plots, no plans for an eternity and never. In that moment and eternity, the Changer of Ways had seen all of his plans for the Alpha Legion derailed. His plots were dismantled, his plans were seen through, his divination tricked, his sorcery countered. Nothing had gone right!

In that single moment and eternity, the Changer of Ways changed once again. Except this time, it was without a doubt a detriment. The Alpha Legion had terrified him, to the point that he would never be able to operate against them at full effectiveness again.

As Omegon looked at the reports, he was irritated that he had missed a daemon stowing away. Then again, Malcador had explained that the Changeling was one of the best at infiltration and had even tricked the Sigillite once. Nevertheless, having just two Alpha Legionaries die in exchange for foiling another of the Architect of Fate's plots was worth it. Now, he simply had to ensure that the explosion had all traces erased and that Kesar would not find out what had happened. A simple task.

After a few days on Abom VI, the Primarch Kesar Dorlin had confirmed that the planet did not hold any more dangers, and in fact, he had found something interesting. A psychic device from the Dark Age, Kesar himself couldn't make anything of it. However, the Thousand Sons did. It seems that it was called an Occulus. This device allowed psykers to channel their abilities through it and extend their vision and information gathering abilities. Sadly, Kesar was unsure about whether he would be able to reverse engineer it since it seems to be purely operated by psykers. In fact, from his initial examination, none of the technology involved did anything besides maintain its shape. It seems that it simply channeled psychic energy in a manner that allowed for this to occur. Another major detriment to trying to reverse engineer it himself was that it would take time away from analyzing Gehenna Station, which was undoubtedly more important. However, he could give the device to Magnus, who was undoubtedly qualified to unlock its secrets. In the end, Kesar chose to

[] Let Magnus Uncover its secrets
[] Attempt to reverse engineer it himself
[] Write-in

As Kesar entered his office, he paused. Nothing was wrong in the room, in fact, it looked exactly as he left it. But then his augmented sense of smell registered a faint trace of cleaning sprays. Additionally, something was off. Drawing his sword, he prepared to call in reinforcements before an Alpha Legionary stepped out from behind his desk. "Lord Primarch, I apologize." With his hands raised and no weapon visible, Kesar put his sword away.

"What happened in here?" As he said this, he noticed that the Alpha Legionary looked sheepish, and Kesar's eyes noticed something underneath his desk. A small drop of blood. "Why is there blood in my office?"

"I apologize Lord Primarch, but there was an intruder that was dealt with. I am afraid that I was not cleared for information."

"I see, and you were attempting to complete the cover-up." At the Legionary's nod, Kesar continued. "In the future, please inform me of security holes or breaches. While I trust you, it is better to have contingencies as my First Captain puts it."

As the Alpha Legionary left, Kesar pondered the lessons from this year. From what he could see, there were four main issues. The first was being unable to properly understand how dangerous a world was until it was invaded. This resulted in Maticus arriving with minimal support. It would certainly help if Kesar could receive even a single word illustrating how dangerous the world was. These danger analyses could prove to be extremely useful.

Another idea was to implement a counterintelligence division in the Wardens. After repeatedly discovering Alpha Legionaries, it had become a joke within the Wardens that the Alpha Legion simply wanted their attention. However, it illustrated that there was a definite need to ensure that some form of defense existed against sabotage and infiltration.

The third idea involved increasing the Wardens' resistance to corruption. After some massively corruptive machines, the Wardens had proven to be able to resist through sheer willpower and the memories of the Lost. It would certainly be a good idea to further expand upon this and increase their resistance to the daemonic whispers.

The last idea was to simply improve the Legion's general combat ability. So far, the Legion was extremely specialized towards dealing with daemons. As such, the Wardens suffered when facing Xenos or other dangers. To counter this, Kesar could work towards increasing general combat skills. However, with how easy this combat was, there is unlikely to be much improvement. It would likely be as useful as the Runes of Reinforcement, but it was a general all-purpose upgrade that would come in handy.
"Konrad? How did you find me?"
In the end, Kesar chose to
"Little snake, I have information you should know."
[] Danger Analyses of Planets
[] Create a Counterintelligence Division
[] Increase Corruption Resistance
[] Improve General Combat Ability

Storming the Research Complex: 17 + 40 (Kesar) + 40 (Primarch Equipment) + 20 (A Parent's Love) + 45 (Banish Runes, For the Lost, Sisters of Silence, For Those Denied Salvation) + 5 (Superior Equipment) + 5 (Mark IIB Armor) + 5 (Blitz) + 20 (Astartes) + 10 (Valhallans) + 1 (Rune of Reinforcement) + 1 (Perturabo's Notes) + 60 (Titans) = 269
The Horrors: 57 + 40 (Extremely Favorable Terrain) + 80 (Nightmares) – 10 (Daemonsbane) = 147
Storming the Prison: 25 + 45 (Banish Runes, For the Lost, Sisters of Silence, For Those Denied Salvation) + 5 (Superior Equipment) + 5 (Mark IIB Armor) + 5 (Daemonic Horde) + 5 (Blitz) + 20 (Astartes) + 10 (Valhallans) + 1 (Rune of Reinforcement) + 1 (Perturabo's Notes) = 122
The Prison Complex: 64 + 10 (Numbers) – 10 (Daemonsbane) = 64
???: 19 + ??? = ???
The Alpha Legion Counters: 59 + ??? = ???
Corruption Resistance: 99 + ??? = ???
Corrupt Them: 98 + ?? = ???
Last edited:
A Glimpse of Future: Eastern Continent Part One
A Glimpse of Future: Eastern Continent Part One
The East is Valhalla's breadbasket, the center of the Valhalla's trade and home to nearly a third of Valhalla's entire population. It contains five great provinces 42 principalities and 32 tributaries. The heart of the East, it grows more than 30 percent of the world's grain. Most refer to it as the River Province, a practice with such history that even official records now use the unofficial title. Every principality within its borders is a functioning prefecture and obeys the Clear Glass Accord. The pressure to remain within the Accord's lines is strong. Neighbors within the River Province benefit a great deal from knowing that certain laws affect everyone else nearby. It keeps the exchange of all sorts flowing smoothly and enriches them all.

Visitors to Somapura first see the pinnacle of its Great Library, a hemispherical skylight capping a tower over 5,000 feet tall. The Great Library sits at the city's center, containing thousands of tomes focusing on the city's passion for artifice and artisanship. Savants and scholars serve researchers therein, and Lifts carry them throughout the Great Library, even though the miles of underground archives. Somapura's reputation is that of home to Valhalla's finest craftsmen in all the arts. The finest jewelry, furniture, tools, buildings, artifacts and nearly everything else come from Somapura, though its artisans mass-produce nothing. The law protects this reputation to the point of exiling any artisan who fails to meet the city's exacting standards. Goods from Somapura are always peerless and unique. They demand exorbitant prices when sold at all, though many are destined to be gifts for the Emperor, Malcador, Primarchs, Imperial Officials, and their retinues.

The city itself is the jewel of the East. All cities of the Valhalla are beautiful, but Somapura is a work of art even among them. Its geomancy is flawless, each building channeling harmonious flows toward the city's manses and the Great Library. Every edifice is pleasing to the eye. The city's inclination toward innovation insists that each construction be unique, but each also flows seamlessly into the next unique building and melds perfectly into the city's collective appearance. Besides unparalleled craftsmanship and creativity, the city is known for its annual contest of fine artisanship and for the automaton guardian's victors design and donate to the city's defense. Oa Té has won the competition over 50 times, each time crafting a guardian of identical appearance but radical capabilities.

Fine Crossing Prefecture meets the Hungry Dragon Prefecture and the Grey River on the west, the Yellow River on the north, the Rolling River on the east and Lynx Hills on the south. It is smaller than some prefectures, but being bounded on three sides by rivers makes it the richest prefecture in a province comprising the richest prefectures. "Drop a kernel in Fine Crossing, and you'll pick up a bushel," goes the proverb. The jealous say that Fine Crossing has nothing to offer but endless, repetitive fields. Those fields—dyed red or amber or amethyst by Sun above—inspire thousands of poets and painters every year. The views are breath-taking by nature and by design. The views out upon the great rivers are some of Valhalla's largest, attracting many vacationers. Where the Yellow and Grey merge into the Yanaze is a particular favorite. Some entrepreneurs sell rides on the unpredictable currents at that nexus. North of the Yellow and Yanaze Rivers, Glorious Fields Prefecture is a fertile land that yields much food. Irrigation canals supply the right amount of water to every inch of Land, and rice paddies make the southern half an emerald green. The north-eastern quarter is drier and better suited to golden wheat.

Hollow is named in humility under the belief that it is a necessary evil, a hole in the East's productive and fertile ground from which nothing useful comes—only proclamations and governance, the importance of which the city's founder played downward. The provincial manse displays her words to that effect over its public entrance: "Strong are the hands that toil that others may live." Beyond housing, the provincial government, Hollow's district government oversees the billions of citizens outside its walls and within the region irrigated by the Yanaze Dam. It also regulates trade between its district and the rest of the province. Eminently central to the East, this district government wields immense leverage over provincial trade and trade throughout the entire direction.

Hollow's Fertile Ground Academy teaches people from all over the province theories that pertain to the region's primary product: agriculture. It is the finest school in the East for the study of agricultural techniques. It also scores high marks with it's business, governance and geomancy programs. As the best agricultural school in the East, it is by extension the finest in Valhalla. The school is second to Vikramashila overall, naturally, but a second place to Valhalla's greatest university is still high honors.

Three dams control the flow of water around Hollow and in the River Province. The Grey River Dam appears least inventive. It performs well without being activated, so few know its power. When dictated by its hearthstone, the dam transubstantiates water that rises above a set level into the air, preventing floods. Landscaping upriver has made activation unnecessary for the last three centuries, and the hearthstone lies forgotten in Hollow's archives.

The Yellow River Dam is of variable height. It currently stands at 4000 feet, with four of its seven nested segments raised and the remaining three nestled inside the fourth. This position forces the river to fill over 10,000 miles of irrigation canals, watering vast Lands that feed several provinces. Of the three dams, the Yanaze Dam is the most impressive but least renowned. It is a massive circle-in-square glyph of red jade, broken into 997 pieces and embedded in the riverbed where the Yanaze meets the River of Tears. Without the need for maintenance or other necessities, the dam keeps the Yanaze River level within three inches of the ideal at all times. Of no less import, the Yanaze Dam works with similar runes where the River of Tears meets Frost Lake, keeping the River of Tears flowing.
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A Glimpse of Future: Eastern Continent Part Two
A Glimpse of Future: Eastern Continent Part Two
Hungry Dragon Prefecture reaches from the Yanaze River to the north, the Grey River to the east, the Malachite Slopes to the south and the coast to the west. Its capital sits on the promontory opposite the Dragon's Mouth of Tears, where the River of Tears pours into the Inland Sea, and that is the Hungry Dragon Prefecture's jewel. Thousands of sailing vessels are visible from Lothal Bluff on a clear day, dozens and sometimes hundreds of them composed of shining materials.

Sunshine gleaming off gold and alabaster is the first most travelers see of Lothal. The rest see the light of the Lothal Lighthouse, visible as far as 10000 leagues from the city. The city is the first Eastern port of call for air and water travel from anywhere in Valhalla but the near Southeast or Northeast. Between its position at the mouth of the Yanaze River and the famed Serene Breath Aviary, Lothal is the obvious stop for travelers and merchants alike. The Palace and other public buildings in the city are built of the finest durability-enhanced white stone and gold leaf. The rest of Lothal contrasts this finery in the elegant simplicity of their construction and layout: Beautiful though its highlights are, the city is devoted to the efficient distribution of the commerce moving through it at all times. Citizens are accustomed to high standards of living, and the millions who live there constantly lobby for greater amenities, which the government often provides to keep the city functioning smoothly.

The city of Patala occupies a valley nestled in the confluence of the River of Tears and the Avarice River. Uncountable mausoleums, crypts and catacombs and the homes of those who care for them tile the valley a consistent shade of grey. More than one-quarter of Valhalla's dead take their final rest here, and Patala's morticians lay another quarter to rest elsewhere. Many of the deceased are wealthy mortals or the Primarchs favored bureaucrats, assistants, servants, and Sons. The city's ritualists have buried every Eternal Warden who died during Battle. Within 11th legion, It became a tradition and honor to be laid down by the devoted embalmers. The Order of Righteous Morticians and Embalmers runs the city and makes sure that nothing obstructs their goal of honoring the dead.

Before Patala was a metropolis for the dead, it was the home of 30,000 mortals charged to inter with honor and respect the bodies of all who came to them. The 30,000 performed elaborate funeral rites for each Marine of 11th Legion that fell during the Crusade. Their number grew within a century to its current population of 80,000, where it stabilized by decree of the Morticians Order. The city has no walls, as walls would inhibit the unending sprawl of Patala's boundaries as more dead require burial. Even so, it is well guarded and all would-be raiders and conquerors fear the wrath of the many Marines who desire such burial.

Outsiders see Patala's valley and the Plains of the Dead as a disarray of tombs raised and sunk wherever there's space. Not so. Every grey wall, coffin, shadowed stairway, and bone-ridden hallway contributes to the place's deliberate geomancy, which is designed to neutralize the turbulence of local Essence and keep the dead content in their beds. Even the sunken crypts, their entrances swallowed long ago by the fens, figure into the geomantic calculations. The Essence is not dead, as some would expect, but calmed.

Anuradhapura is Valhalla's foremost producer of the written word in all its forms, as the city's nature attracts authors of all kinds. Its legendary printing district publishes pamphlets, catalogs, textbooks, novels, anthologies, magazines, journals, brochures, guidebooks, tracts, treatises and anything else one writes and disseminates to the world. It also produces papers of various quality, from the cheap but durable standard white to fancy sheets with pleasant odors or musical tones to heavy-duty paper that is guaranteed to ignore magical flame, the passage of time.

Vikramashila is the premier center of learning in the Valhalla. Not even cities that covet Vikramashila's title contest its superiority. Many academies make their primary campuses within the city's borders and more locate themselves nearby, but the Great Twelve academies are the real draw. Their fame is Imperium wide, and each occupies one of the 12 college-manses arranged in a radial fashion around the city center. As a place where students and instructors from the Great Twelve must meet for study, the tower also houses 12 floors of debate halls.

The Conservatory of the Assiduous Iron specializes in mining and metallurgy. The Institute for Enlightened Disposition dispenses knowledge of architecture, engineering, and manse design. The Factualist Seminary of the Inviolate Heavens imparts wisdom concerning cosmology, theology and a no-nonsense theory of astrology that conflicts with that of the Divine School Devonian, which teaches sorcery, thaumaturgy and a more intuitive form of Geomancy. Wise graduates of both academies argue over the proper course, as influenced by the stars or Geomancy when offering their unsolicited advice to the city's governance.

Valhalla's best physicians graduate from the Practiced Instructors' School of Curative Tradition. The Shrine to Glorious Transaction produces the finest factors and investors and highlights its founder Oa-Té's polymath nature. The Most Capable Administration Institute teaches the theory of governance in all its forms and gives Valhalla its finest bureaucrats, while the Poised Keepers of the Balanced Doctrine for Harmonious Conflict trains military minds. The debates the two academies' students share over governmental policy (especially regarding military stance) spill over into brawls two times out of three.

The Doorway to the Soul teaches the spiritual martial arts, and every known supernatural martial arts style can be taught by at least one of the school's many instructors. The Flawless Chroniclers' House of Records imparts history to its students and funds many examinations of the past. One instructor's research nears proof that the Primarch intended it to focus on all forms of martial prowess, not simply the spiritual. Gaia's College trains people in advanced planting and harvest techniques, as well as the business's financial realities. The Lone Cherry Blossom Academy produces unequaled poets, painters, sculptors, and other artists. In Central Library of Vikramashila, all known wisdom in all disciplines is recorded in multiple media for safety and preserved for posterity by a veritable army of Scholars. Its 757th-floor houses the Library's most famous volume, The Book of Three Circles.
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The Aurelion Betrayal, Year 13 Options Part 1
[X] Let Magnus Uncover its secrets
[X] Danger Analyses of Planets

After thinking, Kesar decided that he would send the Occulus to Magnus. While it would be nice to turn it into a joint research project, it was unlikely that this device was the best choice for that. Additionally, Kesar put together another division, this time comprised of normal humans. This team would take all information gathered on various planets and then create a comprehensive overview of how dangerous a particular planet was. Future missions would certainly be aided by this as Kesar could base his decisions on more accurate information.

Meanwhile, Scafrir had spent the remaining part of the year trying to get Eae to peacefully join the Imperium. After his initial decapitation strike, he spent months in discussion and negotiation. While the remnants of the government were largely fearful of being executed after their leaders attempted to kidnap Scafrir, the Master of Scouts finally managed to bypass the issue and appeal to the populace. By publically assuring the people of Eae that he would not purge their government in spite of the blatant disregard for diplomacy, the government caved and peacefully joined the Imperium.

Meanwhile, on Aam III, Maticus had spent the year holding a defensive location against the blood-crazed cultists. While he was successfully able to hold the location, as well as inflict a staggering number of casualties among the cultists, he was simply unable to kill the bloodthirster present. In fact, during the conflict, Maticus dueled the greater daemon in a ferocious duel that lasted hours. Despite being greatly skilled, Maticus was unable to harm the bloodthirster, who revelled in the carnage. After four hours, Maticus had run out of ammunition for his Volkite. After 6 hours, his chainsword ran out of fuel. And on the eight hour, his chainsword broke. At this moment, the bloodthirster used the opportunity to run his sword through the captain's chest. The only reason he lived, was because of his excellent reflexes that barely managed to turn his chest so only one of his hearts was destroyed.

Despite this, he would have died had it not been for the sacrifice of a Valhallan army regiment. The Valhallan army had been attached to the Wardens for some time now. Previously, they had spent much of their time attached to the Legion as garrison units. It made sense after all Astartes were far more useful on the frontlines, and this allowed for more Astartes to serve on the frontlines. However, at this moment, the Astartes were occupied holding back the horde of daemons that followed the Bloodthirster. If they were any other Legion, they would have faltered, but even the Wardens have their limits. With the Astartes occupied, the Valhallan army set out to do what they have done for millennia. Fight daemons.

A group of tanks fired repeatedly at the Bloodthirster, not wounding it, but it was distracted. Focused on the threat these humans possessed, the Greater Daemon moved towards the tanks, momentarily forgetting about Maticus, who lay in an Astartes induced healing state. As a small group began dragging the captain to safe lines, the Bloodthirster noticed and began to rip and tear into the Valhallan army. Soldier after soldier died to the creature, as their weapons did nothing. In the two minutes it took for the Eternal Wardens to divert forces, the Bloodthirster killed one thousand Valhallans.

Yet, it was unable to advance. Around it, were several tanks, firing constantly. Forced to deal with this threat, the Greater Daemon was unable to pursue the guardsmen that dragged Maticus to the apothecaries.

During these two minutes, the Bloodthirster turned its wrath upon the Valhallan army units as they kept its attention. Soldiers died within seconds before it, but they still maneuvered and peppered it with ineffective weapons fire. Some soldiers were unable to deal with the aura the Bloodthirster emitted and shot themselves. Some ran, but the majority held the line in these two minutes. A few exceptional guardsmen drew their chainswords and charged. The lasted even less time, but they did their duty and bought enough time for the Eternal Wardens to divert forces.

When the Wardens arrived, a group delayed the Bloodthirster, while the rest withdrew to the secondary defensive line. Carrying Maticus and escorting the Valhallans, the Wardens were successful in their withdrawal. However, it looked as if they would need to withdraw further if the Bloodthirster remained.

This issue was solved by an unexpected source of assistance. During the course of the year, Perturabo had performed excellently, with a series of conquests which were executed in rapid fashion. With the extra time and nearby forces, the Iron Lord diverted to Aam III to assist Maticus.

When the Iron Warriors arrived, they opened up by targeting the Bloodthirster. Thousands of Astartes descended, and through the use of masterful flanking assaults, the Greater Daemon was killed through sheer numbers. With their force commander incapacitated, the Eternal Wardens placed themselves under the Iron Lords command. Perturabo used the Eternal Wardens masterfully, placing them in positions where they would slaughter cultists and daemons in the millions. As for the Iron Warriors, they spent the time attacking strongholds and setting up defenses. After a period of months, the cooperation between the two Legions allowed for the planet to be pacified. Once it was, the Iron Warriors departed.

Thankfully, Maticus recovered and would not need augments thanks to his physiology and the apothecaries' skill. After the planet was pacified, Maticus directed the Wardens towards purging the planet, which they had already begun.

As Kesar began the trip back to Terra, he thought back to the events previously. He was saddened that Alpharius did not explain what had occurred on the Vigilance, but hopefully, there was an explanation for this. As the fleet traveled, there was a brief stop due to the safer nature of shorter warp jumps. During this phase, the Wardens received an urgent message.

*Lorgar Aurelion of the Word Bearers: Colchis: Excommuniate Traitoris*

Following Konrad's attempt to assassinate Erebus, the Night Haunter tracked down Alpharius before explaining exactly what the Urizen was up to. Upon hearing this, the Hydra went straight to Malcador and explained the situation. Within moments, the Alpha Legion, Night Lords, and the Sigillite began to plan how to stop Lorgar's fall.

However, the thirsting gods were invested and forced to take action. Kor Phaeron had spent years planning this contingency. Phaeron went to Lorgar and warned him what was occurring. Normally, this would not have worked, but it was easy to convince the Primarch of the danger once Erebus explained what the Night Haunter had attempted. In response, Lorgar brought the Word Bearers together. While the Astartes worshipped the Emperor, Lorgar still managed to convince them of the necessity to enter the Eye of Terror. In a masterful speech, he brought the Word Bearers to tears and religious fervor.

During the speech, a single Astartes attempted to sneak off. Barthusa Narek saw what was occurring, and as a loyal Astartes, he knew he had to warn the Imperium of Lorgar's fall. As he did so, however, Lorgar noticed. "Son, are you not loyal to the God-Emperor?"

Lorgar continued to speak, but Narek began running at this point. Sprinting towards the Stormbirds, several other members of the Word Bearers pursued him. He nearly made it as well, but when he arrived, Lorgar had already intercepted him, the Primarch's native physical superiority made it easy for the Urizen to travel faster. Nevertheless, Narek attempted to bypass him, but Lorgar was a Primarch.

The initial blow threw Narek into his brothers in the Word Bearers, and outnumbered by a ridiculous margin, the Word Bearer was secured and brought before Lorgar. Finally, the Astartes spoke. "I am Lord Primarch. That is why I must warn him of this heresy." At this, Lorgar's eyes flashed dangerously as he towered over the Astartes that had been manhandled into a kneeling position.

"I assure you, the Word Bearers have dedicated our lives towards the God-Emperor's will, and we will eliminate the heresy and show the galaxy the primordial truth. My Father and the four lesser gods deserve our worship." As the Word Bearers roared in adulation, Lorgar turned back towards Narek. "Now, what punishment is appropriate for you?"

"My son." At these words, Lorgar turned towards Kor Phaeron, as Narek tried to speak before being forcibly silenced. "I believe that I can steer him back towards the light. He just needs to be convinced of the truth. Please, give him to me, and in time he will understand the necessity of what we must do." At this, Lorgar nodded and Narek was thrown into a prison cell designed for Astartes, and Kor Phaeron began his horrible work.

Meanwhile, Lorgar focused on gathering resources. He was fortunate that his Legion was fully here, and he had managed to take the Word Bearers gene-seed so recruitment would not be a problem. However, he needed ships, resources, and manpower. Thankfully, he had spent the Crusade gaining the loyalty of the Imperial Army that was attached to him, and so far, the vast majority would likely remain loyal. Additionally, they had no idea what was occurring. With this, the Urizen had his Legion at full strength, and he managed to drag along large groups of the Imperial Army with him. However, there were some more items that Erebus and Kor Phaeron had managed to obtain that truly pleased Lorgar.

Now though, the Word Bearers traveled to the Eye of Terror, protected by a warp storm that prevented access. The Word Bearers took this as a sign of the gods' favor and prayed to the four gods, as well as the God-Emperor above them.

The news of Lorgar's betrayal seemed to have a measurable impact on the Crusade. Horus, Leman, Ferrus, and Fulgrim noticeably slowed their conquest as a result of the news, but their Legions did not suffer. Angron, Guilliman, Vulkan, and Magnus had average compliance rates as per normal. Rogal Dorn was one of the Primarchs that struggled this year, as he ran upon an Ork Empire with monstrous fortifications. The Primarch struggled with this so much, that he sent a message to Perturabo asking for assistance. When the Iron Lord explained that they were assisting Kesar, Dorn managed to secure the assistance of Lion, who had a rather uneventful year. Together, the Dark Angels and Imperial Fists were able to defeat the Orks.

Sanguinius also struggled this year with a Xeno race that possessed rather potent psykers. This caused major issues for the Blood Angels and required the aid of the White Scars as well as the Raven Guard. With three Legions together, the Xenos did not stand a chance and were swiftly exterminated.

The Death Guard greatly struggled this year, as they faced an empire run by human psykers. These individuals could even threaten Mortarion himself in large numbers. However, somehow, the Primarch managed to slay the psykers after withdrawing for a short period.

Mortarion stared at the scythe Kor Phaeron had given him. It had been beyond useful. The ability to prevent the use of the warp was extraordinarily useful. While he did not like the man, he could not deny that he had made some excellent points. Kesar was dangerous, his research into the warp only proved this. Still, he was not willing to betray the Emperor just yet, he would need to see if the Kor was telling the truth about their being a race of warp Xenos that just wanted to destroy psykers and the rest of the foul creatures.

Still, this scythe was certainly a point in his favor. The spikes, the sheer ease at which it cut through psykers. It felt amazing. The joy of combat, he had never felt this way before. Finally, he could destroy the treacherous psykers and any creature that used the warp. But for now, he would spill blood and collect their skulls. As long as the cowardly powers of sorcery could be slaughtered, he would be happy. At times, he felt that his scythe agreed as well, but that was surely his imagination.

After reading the missive, Kesar was deeply saddened. While he and Lorgar had their differences, he did not want his brother to die. Still, the Emperor could shed some light on the matter. After all, his father had requested his presence on Terra for an urgent meeting between him and some select individuals. Hopefully, things would become clearer.

For now, however, Kesar would focus on his research. Currently, he was still working on fully understanding Gene seed, which would take another year provided there were no issues. Besides that, he was also working on creating a Rune of Purity, which would take several years due to its complexity. For now, however, Kesar chose to:

AN: You can sacrifice actions from one category for another. Also, I'm adding a new category labeled other. This is so projects that aren't exactly within another category can be done, such as improving Valhalla's PDF/militia.

Research (Choose 1. 1 locked)
[] Pinpoint Teleportation – Advanced
[] Runic Linking – Master
[] Runic Crossing – Master
[] Vortex Mathematics - Basic
[] Warp Genetics – Advanced
[] Runic Linking Theory - Master
[] Runic Crossing Theory - Master
[] Pentagrammic Runic Lattices – Grandmaster
[] Basic Material Science - Basic
[] Warp Reflection Manipulation – Master
[] Basic Human Design Principles - Basic
[] Human Soul Reflection – Basic
[X] Gene Seed Mastery – Mastery (1/2 years) LOCKED
[] Higher Order Fundamental Modelling - Grandmaster
[] Basic Cyphers - Basic
[] Trigonometry – Basic
[] Calculus – Basic
[] Mathematical Logic – Basic
[] Topology – Advanced
[] Fractal Geometry – Advanced
[] Measure Theory – Advanced
[] Thermodynamics – Advanced
[] Relativity – Advanced
[] Electromagnetics – Advanced
[] Atomic and Molecular Physics – Advanced
[] Architectural Reflection Manipulation – Advanced
[] Advanced Understanding of Cultist Behavior - Advanced
[] Artificial Warp Rifts - Master
[] Void Shield Interaction – Master

Social (Choose 1. 1 locked)
[] Ferrus
[] Fulgrim
[] Vulkan
[] Dorn
[] Guilliman
[] Sanguinius
[] Perturabo
[] Curze "It's … it's fixed." *Begins sobbing*
[] Alpharius
[] Malcador

Infrastructure (Current PP 12865)
[] Let the GM take care of it
[] Plan upgrades for the Legion (1000PP)
[] Unlock Education Centers (1000PP)
[] Asteroid Belt Shipyards Design – allows asteroid belt shipyards (1000PP)
[] Theoretical Megastructures (locked till certain conditions met)
[] Upgrade Planetary Infrastructure
[] Upgrade Planetary Technology
[] Build Tier II Valhallan Defensive Grid 12k PP
[] Build Tier III Valhallan Defensive Grid 120k PP (Requires Tier II Defensive Grid)
[] Build Buildings
-[] Nursing Clinics – -10 to plague rolls if installed on all planets (percentage based). Costs 10 PP per planet.
-[] Hospital Complexes – -5 to plague rolls if installed on all planets (percentage based). Costs 20 PP per planet. Requires nursing clinics.
-[] Doctor Training – -5 to plague rolls if installed on all planets (percentage based). Costs 20 PP per planet. Requires Hospital Complexes.
-[] First Aid courses – Decreases civilian deaths during conflicts by 20% for the planet. Costs 2 PP per planet.
-[] Gene Monitoring – -90% to mutation rate if installed on all planets (percentage based). Costs 20 PP per planet. Requires Nursing Clinics.
-[] Dedicated Atmospheric Transport – +0.1% PP per installation. (Limited to +10%). Costs 50 PP per planet.
-[] Railroads – +0.1% PP per installation. (Limited to +10%). Costs 50 PP per planet.
-[] Wet navy dockyards – +0.1% PP per installation. (Limited to +10%). Costs 50 PP per planet.
-[] Distributed Spacecraft Production – Mechanicus can build more complex ships. Costs 100 PP per planet. Only available for Tier 10 planets and above (8 currently).
-[] Distributed Weapons Production – Mechanicus can build more complex weapons. Costs 50 PP per planet. Only available for Mid-Imperial worlds and above (33 currently).
-[] Spare Parts Manufacturing – Decreased logistic. Costs 10 PP per planet.
-[] Weapons Depots – Emergency stockpiles of high-grade weapons. Removes poorly equipped malus for PDFs and militias. Costs 10 PP per world.
-[] Interstellar Docking Ports – +0.01% PP per docking port. Costs 50 PP per world.
-[] Ground to Space transportation – +0.01% PP per docking port. Costs 50 PP per world. Requires Interstellar Docking Ports
-[] Improved Housing – Costs 100 PP per planet.
-[] Beautification - Costs 500 PP per planet, requires Improved Housing
[] Build System Wide Improvements
-[] Dyson Swarm Megastructure – Tier 16 planet with Advanced Tech (5 million PP)
-[] Stellar Forge Megastructure – Provides 5 million PP (1 billion PP)
-[] Emergency Fueling Stations – In the event of a promethium shortage, suffer no penalties in this system (200 PP per system)
-[] Stealth Stations – Hidden stations for a variety of usages (200 PP per station)
-[] Lunar/Ring Mining – Provides 50 PP (1k PP)
-[] Lagrange Point Sensor Network – Provides sensor data on the entire system (200 PP per system)
-[] Ultra Hostile Colonies – Place a Tier 10 colony with High Imperial Tech (5 million PP, limit of planets/100 round down)
-[] Stealth Bases – Provides a hidden source of troops (1k PP, limit of planets/100)
-[] Training Facilities – Provides a random bonus to the Legion (10k PP, limit of planets/100)
-[] Rocky Body Colonies – Place a Tier 10 colony with High Imperial Tech (500k PP)
-[] Bases – Place Tier 5 colony with High Imperial Tech, can't be upgraded (1k PP)
-[] Mining Outposts – +0.01% PP (100 PP)
-[] Asteroid Miners – +0.01% PP (100 PP)
-[] Oord Cloud Miners – +0.01% PP (1k PP)
-[] Warning Sensors – Provides advance warning of invasions (100 PP)

Other (Pick 1)
[] Train Valhallan PDF
[] Purge cultists on
-[] Write-in
[] Work on Adeptus Astra Telepathica
[] Write-in (Literally whatever you want)

Horus: 34
Leman: 31
Ferrus: 21
Fulgrim: 36
Vulkan: 52
Dorn: 19 (Lion Assist)
Guilliman: 70
Magnus: 46
Sanguinius: 5 (Khan assist + Corax)
Lion: 82
Perturabo: 96 (Assists Maticus)
Mortarion: 1 (He was talking to Lorgar)
Khan: 88
Angron: 70
Corax: 90
Maticus: 74 + ?? = ???
Khornates: 36
Scafrir: 72 + 10 (Scafrir) + 20 (Astartes) = 102
Negotiations: 66 + 30 (Decapitation) = 96
Konrad Curze: 54 + ??? = ???
Alpharius/Omegon: 15 + ??? = ???
Malcador: 66 +??? = ???
Kor Phaeron: 80 + ??? + ??? + ??? + ??? = ???
Lorgar Convince Mortarion: 50 + ?? = ???
Lorgar Runs Away Bravely: 78 + ??? = ???
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A Glimpse of Future: Eastern Continent Part Three
A Glimpse of Future: Eastern Continent Part Three
The Pataliputra is larger than most principalities, it contains Pataliputra and its satellite cities in the center of its southeast quadrant. The rest is reserved for such Space Marine pastimes as hunting, warfare, and solitary spiritual contemplation. The Magnificent Grounds of Pataliputra is kept a pristine wilderness for the savage enjoyment of its masters. Tropical trees grow thick, and the canopy blocks out much light. The Pataliputra border the Grey River on the west, the River Province on the north, the Vaniwayan on the south and reaches east enough to include the Ever-Rippling Sky Mirror Lake. Wild beasts stalk the jungle and are a threat to mortals traveling on foot. Most travelers move by airship to and from Pataliputra, and those who cannot accompany the shipments of raw goods taken from the region to the Artisan Fields Prefecture or the Grave Silk Lake Prefecture for processing.

Pataliputra is a perfect circle, divided into eight radial and equal slices. Six of these divisions fit the city's circular nature, with streets parallel to the outer wall, and feature the Valhallan style of construction. The seventh section is laid out in squares and right angles, unlike the gentle curves and 60- and 90-degree angles of the rest of the city. The last slice is the Imperial District, home to the city's 50,000 or so Officials and full of deep artificial ponds and canals. Nearby Lake Therak keeps the Pataliputra flooded and fed.

A dome of polished starmetal gleams atop a bluff just outside Pataliputra. This is the Great Observatory, a peerless aid for astrology that incorporates theoretical constellations into its readers' predictions. It contains the Ornery of Surya, a flawless model of the heavens that makes it possible to discern even the position of a specific fly's descendants a century from now. Mathura sits 300 miles southeast of Pataliputra, one of 10 satellite cities evenly spaced around the First City. These 10 cities support Pataliputra, growing the crops necessary to feed its millions and stocking the surrounding jungle with prey designed to give the Marines a good hunt. Half the cities maintain reality engines able to quell the Warp and strengthen the fabric of reality, all tied into manses that broadcast their protection over a hundred-mile radius. In an emergency, the five equipped cities are designed to usurp power from all manses and protect a Pataliputra-centred pentagon from Warp ravages.

Located in the Far Southeast, Udayagiri has a poor standard of living compared to the Valhalla's prefectures, but its people are hardworking and appear content. Udayagiri supplies a full tenth of Valhalla's adamant production and winning the supply contract for Hastinapur's construction imbued the tributary with inexhaustible cash reserves. Its lands are hot grass plains with sparse woodlands. Small rivers flow out of the hills to the west and Drawn of Hesiesh Prefecture. Birds' nests are everywhere, from a size that fits in a child's hand to one larger than most single-family homes. Orioles of different breeds and colors build all of them, and the birds themselves are common sights in the tributary's skies, cities, and towns. The region boasts over 10000 different species of oriole, some with fantastic properties.

Eccentric Kalpataru is an entire city cut into the living wood of a bonsai tree. Primarchs now-famous experiment made the bonsai the center of spatial and perceptual distortion. Although the road to the small bonsai looks no longer than a mile, travelers cross 100 miles to get there. Each step covers less space than the last, and the travelers themselves become smaller. The bonsai appears the same relative size until the last few perceived miles, where it grows to tower over the human form.

The Shakambhari Gate is two iridescent convex doors, each 800 feet in height, which never appears the same twice. Within, thousands of tunnels and chambers make up the city's homes, streets, public "buildings" and workplaces. Limited space dictates that the administration manage the allocation of homes and shops carefully. The existing system places Geomancers and Seekers orders above the working inhabitants. The bonsai's needles contain chambers that serve as workshops for the curious experiments that give Kalpataru its reputation as a city of unpredictably creative artificers and theoreticians. A tenth of the long-term inhabitants are devoted researchers; another four-tenths are the researchers' retinues.

The Flowing Grasp Province meets the River Province to the south, just level with the main body of the Avarice River. Its north-western border runs parallel to the Silver River exactly 200 miles west and demarcates the official transition from East to North. Flowing Grasp's land includes expanses of redwoods in its center, fertile plains in its south and west along the Silver and stretches of deciduous forests in its south and east. Verdant Sash is the first slash of the North-eastern forest, separating the fertile grasslands of Cookery Paradise, Faithful Shores Nation and the Thousand Hooves Plains Prefecture from the deep evergreen forests farther north and east. Its northern edge follows Maron's Finger and the Little Finger where it branches. Verdant Sash is also the only place in the near Northeast with access to the rich-hued redwoods and other softwoods besides the Water Roots Triumvirate.

So-named for the half-dozen rivers that intermingle to become the Silver River at its southwest end, the Water Root Triumvirate is most famous within the Flowing Grasp Province. Any apprentice savant knows of it and can recite its history. The size of the tributary and its control over much of the near Northeast made it an instant powerhouse in its province and in neighboring principalities. The tributary's border lies just 80 miles from the edge of the Great Northeast Forest. Conifers grow tall from there until they tower over the waters of Maron's Little Finger. Forts dot the southern and northern borders, a natural precaution for any principality surrounded by tributaries. The greater forts are complexes inside many massive living trees in the north and are connected through the ground, ready to stave off any trespassers. Small rivers flow through the region, impeding foot travel but enriching the soil for farming.

Khandagiri's 11 towers are its signature. They stand in a row, forming the northeast edge of the city and rising from 800 feet tall at either end to 1500 feet at the top of the centremost tower. The height of each but the middle tower is also the distance to the base of the next taller tower. Khandagiri's Eleven Towers laws are subsidiary to those governing the towers' care and regulation. Wealthy inhabitants and government buildings sit at the towers' feet, always to the southwest. Nothing is built northeast of the Eleven Towers between them and the near forest.
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