Dark topics and the like, based on the discussions about the rule 2 and 6 violations in that rome quest, seemed appropriate to have a warning, and keep it under spoilers.
Dark topics and the like, based on the discussions about the rule 2 and 6 violations in that rome quest, seemed appropriate to have a warning, and keep it under spoilers.
Really though, that sort of thing should be expected in a Warhammer Quest. If this happened in, say, a DC quest then yeah but Warhammer literally coined the term Grimdark.
Really though, that sort of thing should be expected in a Warhammer Quest. If this happened in, say, a DC quest then yeah but Warhammer literally coined the term Grimdark.
Sure, but I mean. Have you read the thing? Its definitely Grimdark, and none of my other omakes were close. I don't think there's been many omakes in this quest that really delved into the darker side of things quite like this. So the warning seemed appropriate, and I mean, even if its not necessary, it certainly doesn't hurt.
Fair warning, this is... significantly darker than my normal work.
On the twisted world of Velnias I a group of Astartes 5000 strong head to Velnar. Once the City of Water, built on the coast, with a thousand mile beach of white sand. Now, that sand and the ocean near it has been covered in the refuse of parties of the mad, and orgies of destruction. The city itself is covered in a haze of chemicals, created by the insane and deranged. As they approach they can see the very air around the city vibrate with the discordant notes of what only the corrupted could call music. Still they approach, conducting last minute Rites of Maintenance to ensure their machine spirits are in proper condition for the horror before them.
This city has been Lost, but there might be some few hidden away from the madness, and so they will not simply destroy the city in an inferno of orbital hellfire, but instead they will clear it, room by room, body by body until nothing tainted by the warp is left. That is their purpose, and they are dedicated to it. Yet still, they look out at what was once a beautiful city, and they feel despair at what was done to it, at the loss of what was once pure. Then rage comes over them, at what had been done, and at the foul warp xenos that had done it.
The city itself seems to notice their approach all at once. The skies above lighting up in a scintillating light-show involving colors that shouldn't exist, with no apparent rhyme or reason to their blasts of incandescence. Yet a message it apparently was, as from the many buildings of the city the residents there, or what was left of them, boiled out from the buildings. These twisted mockeries of what was once human joined by masses of daemonic abominations cavorting around and through the gathering masses.
Each of these Lost souls were covered in scars, piercings, brands, and all manner of other marking. Screaming out their desire for the sensations of battle and death. Their screams loud enough to overpower the music coming from the city in their sheer desperation for more. They had few weapons of particular interest to the Astartes closing on them, most with improvised weaponry that should not harm them when wielded by a purely human hand. Still though, these things were no longer purely human. Some though still had far more dangerous weapons. From stubbers, to las-rifles, and even the occasional person who seemed strapped with explosives, ready to blow themselves up along with the enemy in a last desperate drive for the ultimate experience.
The Astartes approached the city, using view-finders to verify the range as the mob of cultists charged them, preparing to unleash a blistering hail of fire. One looked through, their viewfinder and saw something that twisted even the veteran's stomach. What was once a babe, hanging from what was once its mother, seemingly sewed together. More such scenes of insanity abounded all throughout the mob. As the innocent, incapable of protecting themselves were corrupted as well. Even some young children, who should be happily playing in a field with a ball somewhere were instead charging along with the mod, their you flesh pricked and burned along with all the others, screaming till their throats bled.
Soon, they were in range, and began to fire. Whole swathes of the Lost were destroyed, rent asunder under the heavy weapons of the vehicles the Astartes had brought to purge this city. Yet still they continued on in a charge that seemed as much about feeling the bite of the Astartes' bullets as about getting at these interlopers in their grand quest for experience. The vehicles closed in, but turned before fully entering the mob. Instead keeping a constant distance from it and firing into its flank, heading around in a great circle trying to keep them contained. From inside the Rhino transport vehicles, individual Eternal Wardens opened fire with Volkite and Bolter. Their post-human skill allowing them to aim at the heads of their targets, a small mercy they could still afford for these poor Lost souls.
Even as the cultists died in droves, still they rushed for the Eternal Wardens, and hidden among their ranks were the lithe and disturbingly appealing forms of the daemons that dominated this planet. Using the bodies of their worshipers for cover, they closed with supernatural speed on the convoy. This was something they were ready for however, this was not the first city they had cleared, though hopefully it would be the last. Each individual Eternal Warden within the Rhinos stopped firing at the approaching cultists and instead began concentrating fire on the approaching warp xenos. If they let them close, this cleansing might instead turn into a far more dangerous battle. Especially with the city still ahead. Here, the Eternal Warden's intense and specific training proved its worth. Even though the these daemonic warp xenos were inhuman in their agility and grace, their very form betwitching, the Eternal Warden's did not falter, and did not miss. With thousands of Space Marines continuing to fire rapidly into the enclosing daemonettes, even their millions could not get close.
Instead of being distraught at their idols failure, the cultists merely raged on, overjoyed to see others destroyed, and wishing for nothing more than their own opportunity to experience such heady sensations, and so they redoubled their efforts, spreading out, trying to catch the convoy. There was no true leader here though, no strategist. Just an insane mob with no plan beyond experiencing ever more and more again. No interest or care in what was experienced, so long as something new was felt. So the convoy continued on, keeping far enough away to never truly be threatened by the mass of bodies, their Rhinos easily able to tank what few shots emerged from the crowd.
Eventually the whole mass was still and silent. This did not mean their job was done however. Instead the Astartes exited their vehicles, and combed through the mass field of death on foot. Ensuring that every body was dead. None could be left alive without risking their corruption spreading, and even more so, finally ending their corrupted existence was the final mercy allowed to them. Yet still, tears came to their eyes at this insanity. An entire world of billions, and so few remained still human, still sane. To see all these twisted mockeries of man was a burden on their souls. These people they could do nothing for save to end their suffering. As they spread out through the carpet of the dead and dying, flamer wielding Eternal Wardens followed behind them. Turning the corrupted remains to ash, for leaving such a mass of warp-tainted flesh and artifacts of daemonic artifice behind could not be allowed, instead the total destruction of all that remained was necessary to keep the taint from spreading.
Near the center of the dead, a Warden stopped. Struggling from under the body of what might have once been his parent was a young child. Seemingly unmarred in form. No scarring, piercing, or branding. No sharpened teeth or nails. Apparently a perfectly normal human boy, crying out for help. Yet covered in the blood of those around them. Corrupted blood. The Warden pointed his Volkite at the child, but did not fire. He knew that the chances of this boy still being free of corruption was nearly nonexistent. But there was a chance, however small. Still he did not touch the child, or free him from his confinement. There had been such situations before, and injuries taken from among their brothers who had tried to save the seemingly innocent such as this.
Instead, a Librarian, member of the Thousand Sons headed to the location instead, as the flamer bearing Wardens went around this small circle of hope and fear. Once he was close, he knelt down near the child and extended a hand. Focusing his psyker sight on the child and his soul, looking for any hint of corruption. With a sigh, and an apology he reported his results. The child was corrupted, it was small but existent. The Warden's hand tensed, and then fired the Volkite into the child's head, ending his suffering here and now. Their father had talked of the potential for a rune that might help in cases like this, but it wasn't available, not yet, and no corruption could be allowed to grow and fester, spreading through any who came near its bearer like a plague.
Eventually, with hearts of stone, the Eternal Wardens finished their work. No other potential pure existed in the mad hoard and they boarded the Rhinos to head for the city. There they would have to go room by room and building by building. There they might find some hidden corner with humans that still had their minds, bodies, and souls intact though they could hardly bare to hope, with how rare such things were reported to be all throughout the world, and rarer still as time moved on. Still they would check, and hope, and try again. As long as that hope remained. For they were the XIth legion, and wardens eternal of the hope for humanity.
Sure, but I mean. Have you read the thing? Its definitely Grimdark, and none of my other omakes were close. I don't think there's been many omakes in this quest that really delved into the darker side of things quite like this. So the warning seemed appropriate, and I mean, even if its not necessary, it certainly doesn't hurt.
Yeah I read it. It's very good by the way, and I found the last 3 paragraphs particularly interesting. Gives a lot more motivation to work on the Purity Rune.
A Glimpse of Future: Central Continent Part Three
Miracles of industrial artifice are commonplace for the Shambhala's citizens, from the Gates of Auspicious Passage that link distant cities to the comforting silo-spires of the Immaculate Leylines, forward bases of its Defence Line. Untold sums of resources are consumed in the twin endeavors of maintaining the Shambhala's defenses and completing the transformation of Valhalla. The Wealthy Valhallans foregone the opulence of their personal luxury products and palaces in order to sustain the infrastructure of the Valhalla. Even the most privileged Person of the Valhalla understand the paramount importance of holding off the Daemons, the ethos of total war that is at the heart of the Valhalla.
Primarch and Legion command the Valhalla, but it would not stand without the ceaseless labor of its mortal citizens. Every citizen is expected to work for the benefit of the Valhalla, whether on the assembly lines or the line of battle. Workers manufacture gunships in munitions factories and excavate veins of materials from other planets. Soldiers drawn from the Population serve under the Primarch in the ranks of the Valhallan Army, risking their lives to protect the Valhalla and Imperium. Administrators act as bureaucrats and local planners, answering to each nation-district's governor and implementing laws, regulations, and schedules passed down from the Central Administration. The Golden Path sees to matters of morale, history, and dogma, devoting as much time to the maintenance of state-sanctioned cults. The Traders and scientists compete with one another for the choicest of resources, but the Valhalla's constant war footing leaves no room for jealous hoarding. Their technical know-how keeps lights lit and engines humming, allowing all of Shambhala's citizens a degree of safety and comfort in Valhalla. Hard work has its rewards; dutiful laborers of even the lowest social caste can expect enough living space to comfortably house them and their families, ample allocations of food, access to essential technological amenities, medical treatment, public entertainment, and more.
Most mortals live in relative safety. Medical technology provides remedies and cures for almost any plague or poison, while the policing of the Regulators keeps crime to a bare minimum. Advances in infrastructure and technology have diminished the risk of industrial hazards in the workplace. But while the Primarch has solved many of the problems, new perils have appeared in their absence. Massive geomantic grids can provide power to entire cities, but system failure results in nation-wide blackouts that can last for days. Advanced industrial machinery and labor automatons have removed much of the risk to human life from mining and manufacturing, but reliance upon these technologies makes their breakdowns all the more disastrous. Even when they work in the shadow of the great Solar-engines, mortals must still contend with mechanical failures, industrial dangers, and grinding hours of labor.
Eight Nation-Districts:
The Outer portion of Shambhala divided into eight administrative nation-districts. One of them is Magadha, the elder city of orichalcum that sits atop the Land like a shining crown. Amid the sprawling factory-complexes and Geller-engines of the city's municipal infrastructure is the thousand-mile-high dome of orichalcum and black basalt where the Central Government convenes to rule. The Central Government's control radiates out from the dome through World-spanning technology. Hologlyphic projection relays transmit the oratories and proclamations of senators to crystalline display screens in every city of the Valhalla, while the Continent-moving machinery of the theotechtonic navigation grid sets the drift of Valhalla's continent-organs. Artificial dragon lines channel Essence from the Core of Valhalla to empower the Realm Defense Grid built by the 11th Primarch, and the Keystones for Anti-Daemonic and Anti-Divination Wards sits at the pinnacle of Magadha.
The district named Kosala serves as the crucible for the Valhallan's Army, and a forge for crafting the implements of revenge against Xenos, Daemons, and Cultists. Here, the great sums of materials produced by Avanti and Kamboja are put to use. In the arms factories of Kuru, laborers work to assemble Gunships, Tanks, and the titanic siege weaponry of the Realm Defense Grid. Warpsmiths oversee the construction of these artifact weapons with their technical expertise, with Legion artificers providing the finishing touches. In the metropolis of Panchala, newly recruited go through five years of flight school in the Steel Crucible of Dragons Academy, undergoing a hyper-accelerated regimen of intense training to prepare them for service in the Valhallan Navy. On the rain-slick plains below, the mortal soldiers of the Valhallan Army train for war.
In nation-district of Anga, Vast archologies float within its Landscape, buoyed by Anti-Gravity Technology. Crystalline panels reveal vine-draped trellises, trees heavy with fruit, and nutrient-baths thick with seedlings. Agricultural laborers work in specialized farm-decks, raising pigs, chickens, and yeddim engineered by Genetic sciences. Far below, Anga's tidal regions drain into paddies of artificial soil, where workers sow and harvest rice. High above, the city of Asmaka casts life-giving light upon all below, a reflection of the Primarch's promise to the people of Valhalla.
Genetic laboratories and bioenhancement facilities flourish throughout Anga, drawing specimens and raw materials from its archologies. Geneticists raise specialized breeds of animal and hybrid plant life, while Genesis savants working in the Arsenal of Experimental Life-Forms create artificial behemoths and engineered super-soldiers, living weapons against the forces of the Chaos. Normal hospitals provide state-of-the-art health care to the injured, while the Psykers find comprehensive supernatural care in the Garden of Holistic Rejuvenation, along with an extensive suite of biological enhancements and modifications. The wide open-air spaces of Anga also make it an ideal testing site for aircraft, making it home to the Valhallan Defense Line's Illustrious Institute of Naval Research.
Magadha is where the bureaucrats and Marines work, but Gandhara is where they come to rest. The nation-district caters to the Marines like no other: within its technicolor cities, the Marine feast on fine cuisine, enjoy the song and Dance and cheer for competitors in the arenas of the combat. While the Marines and their mortal followers occupy two very separate social strata, Gandhara is a mixing pot, where an off-duty Marine can play sports with his Mortal troops and an overworked bureaucrat can enjoy a good conversation and a cup of kaff. Sometimes this causes conflict, as tensions accumulated over decades boil out without duty to keep them contained. Sometimes, new bonds of friendship, and loyalty form. Inevitably, both sides must return to their duties—but often they return with a renewed sense of respect, and the knowledge of what they're fighting for.
A Glimpse of Future: Central Continent Part Four
Vajji is nestled in one of the Valhalla's mighty Geomantic nodes, a confluence of faith and genius. Centuries of work by technical savants have shaped it into a land of towering peaks and narrow, winding tunnels; prayer-flags flapping in wind, and electrical arcs trace out entire sutras in their deadly currents. Thousands of savants, technicians, and scholars make their home in the district, bustling from project to project and providing brain-power for the largest think tank humanity has ever seen. Led by Space Marine savants, they plumb the reaches of possibility, devising new and awe-inspiring tools for the Legion's endless struggle.
The Metropolis of Surasena forms the nation-district's core; the Synaptic Junction Dynamo runs down the city's spine, drawing energies from the Valhalla's Leylines into massive rods and channeling it into the power grid. Even the residue of that is enough to power Surasena ten times over—which leaves more than enough for the Primarch's experiments. Early in the Valhalla's history, a researcher perfected a method for containing Warp Vortex and transporting them safely within the Valhalla. This raw warp-stuff has served as fodder for countless theories, experiments, and weapons—the first vortex Bombs were birthed within the labs of Vajji, and its labs churn out refinements on the basic design to this day. In the nearby reaches, Psykers weave sanctified Wards within specially-shielded chambers, warping the laws of nature to better study them. These two disciplines have borne terrifying fruit in the form of the Titanomach, a device the size of a man's hand. When detonated, the Titanomach affirms the reality of Realspace upon a localized area, obliterating all Warp within it. It's hoped that weapons like these will prove a crucial asset in the ongoing war with Daemons, but there are those who wonder, in moments of silence, if such a thing is worth the price.
The air in Kashi is thick with hymns. Cathedral-complexes hold hourly masses, empowering the Geomantic Nodes with mortal worship in accordance with the Catechisms of the Golden Path. While the temples of the Golden Path are found in every city of the Valhalla, the nation-district of Kashi has been designed purely as an optimized power-source. Kashi's Soldiers are put through training regimens to make them the finest of any in the Realm, maximizing the consumption of the nutrition drugs that every morsel of food is laced with. Music halls and grand poetry salons draw thousands of mortals to listen to talented lectors and performers, promoting Government-approved doctrine with every show. Nowhere else does mortal culture flourish as it does in Kashi. So great is the nation's overpopulation that entire sectors of its geomantic grid are dedicated to powering the spatial-folding technology built into its dormitories, compacting the living space of thousands of citizens into a building no larger than a single apartment.
The district of Amravati floats on a massive Anti-Gravity Platform. The Twin-Metropolis of Malla and Malaya hold each other in an eternal embrace, forming a single gleaming city of moonsilver and orichalcum. At its center stands the Radiant Obelisk—a shining prismatic spire housing thousands of worshipers. They raise their voices in song; the Obelisk trembles, awed by the force of their faith. From this awe comes enough energy to run Malla and Malaya three times over. Often, this spare power is channeled outward, to power vehicles, equipment, and even smaller mobile settlements; when Amravati is in motion, it is channeled inward. The Obelisk itself recites the Heart Sutra, praising Humanity and it's Potential. While mortals offer up their faith to Geomantic System, strange engines of the Demomorphic Recombination Array and the Transdivine Parallax Enclave which are housed within the golden span of its capital metropolis, use those energies to Shield the souls of the Valhalla on a Massive scale.
Avanti's citizens oversee the largest mining operations in all the Valhalla, directing swarms of arachnid harvester-automatons or operating excavation machinery. Hover-Trains and hydraulic trams transport materials by the ton to the other nations, feeding the coffers of the Valhalla and the Valhallan Defense Line. Even after the steep taxes imposed by the Central Government, there is plenty left over for the Avanti, supporting such luxuries as the nation's Defence grid and Mechanical servitors. Innovation is encouraged and rewarded, with stipends of materials and exotic reagents paid out to those whose designs and inventions hold promise for the Valhalla's future. It is said that even the humblest mortal savants may live in the same splendor and opulence as their Primarch ruler if they have the talent and genius to earn it. The Central Government has commissioned a disproportionate number of Defense Line bases in Avanti to safeguard their greatest source of materials, and the clarions of the Army have become a familiar sound to the nation's citizens.
Kamboja's metropolis lies above an ocean of molten metal that flows through the veins of the Valhalla, a sea of Lava that rise up through the titanic shafts that pierce the nation's landscape. Under Primarch's reign, this industrial pyroclasm has become a source of untold wealth and resources. Huge tubes of Promethium and adamant extend from Kamboja's cities down into the shafts, pumping the molten materials into the distillation factories. Citizens work in the siphon-factories as technicians and engineers, performing routine maintenance on factories and refining the harvested materials through complex processes. The actual physical labor of extracting the minerals has been replaced by automated machinery, obsoleting the dangerous mining-skiffs once used to gather precious minerals. However, this is not without its own perils. When lava surges or solid mineral deposits obstruct the siphon-tubes, crews of laborers must descend through access tunnels to clear the blockage, braving the heat and poisoned air to do so.
While the siphon-tubes are Kamboja's most obvious form of industry, most of its populace is employed in the nation's other greater enterprise—the Akashic Archives. Soulsteel chambers deep beneath the Necropolis of Gaya house the Soul Imprints, gestalt material intelligence synthesized from the personalities and knowledge of the Valhalla's Honoured dead. Specially trained Luminors oversee the transfer of psyche-imprints from soulgems into the material intelligence, while curators assist visitors in navigating the vast stores of data held in the collective minds of the Soul Imprints. Within the halls of the Archives, savants debate the finer points of metaphysics with ancient scholars and philosophers, while young Soldiers are schooled in Daemonic battle strategy by ancestors who fought the Them first-hand. The topmost layer of the Archives houses the Sagacious Council of Fallen Stars, a revered council of Sages composed from the memories of Most Celebrated Heroes. It is considered traditional for the newly appointed Leaders to meet with the Soul Imprints of their processors, standing as equals before the flickering screens.
Brilliant work once again, SK. Your omake on Valhallan art actually gave me an idea. Fulgrim has a massive appreciation for art and music both old and new. Does this imply that he is also a professional rapper? Because the idea of that is hilarious as well as the possibility that he made a single about the XXth legion called "The Real Alpharius".
Brilliant work once again, SK. Your omake on Valhallan art actually gave me an idea. Fulgrim has a massive appreciation for art and music both old and new. Does this imply that he is also a professional rapper? Because the idea of that is hilarious as well as the possibility that he made a single about the XXth legion called "The Real Alpharius".
Yeah this is in line with the common interpretation of his character. But the image is funny to me especially since music and language is so radically different after 28k years that it might be considered high art by unaware peoples. Meanwhile the Emperor and Mal are laughing their asses off
Yeah this is in line with the common interpretation of his character. But the image is funny to me especially since music and language is so radically different after 28k years that it might be considered high art by unaware peoples. Meanwhile the Emperor and Mal are laughing their asses off
[x] Chaos everywhere
-[x] Power Source
-[x] Abom VI – This world is currently controlled by a set of tech hereteks who worship daemons. They have been creating many daemon engines for centuries and now the world is a hell hole filled with monsters. Astartes support is requested. 60,000 Kesar Here
-[x] Kova II – Requests for exterminatus have been requested by the population's inhabitants. All ships that tried to approach were shot down from the orbital defenses. 30,000 Oriacarius here
-[x] Eae II – A hive world with a large population that has been stalling for months about joining the Imperium. It seems clear that the governor refuses to join, but the diplomatic proceedings have been stalled for a long time. 5,000 Scafrir here
-[x] Aam III – A hive world currently split into eight groups that constantly war with each other, daemonic creatures have been sighted slaughtering groups before being slaughtered in turn. When Imperium vessels arrived however, the groups united against mankind. Astartes support is requested. 21,500 Maticus here
With the sheer number of potential problems to deal with, Kesar was unable to spend any time studying the power source for the void shield generators. It was odd how the void shields have their own separate power source, but that could just have been for design reasons since distributed power makes sabotage less damaging. Still, Kesar was disappointed that he was unable to spend time this year studying the power source. Hopefully, he would have time next year.
Now, however, the Crusade continued, and the drums of war marched on. Kesar was pleased to see that his Legion had grown over the years he had spent on Velnias, but this was a certainty. Still, the time was good for the Wardens as their numbers had replenished. As such, Kesar was able to split his forces. Half the Legion would travel with him to Abom VI to deal with the hereteks since it seemed like a world the Sovereign would like to be purged. He then sent a quarter of the Legion with Oriacarius to deal with the mysterious request for exterminatus from Kova II. Truthfully, the world worried him, but he simply had to trust in Oriacarius' abilities. While the first captain was certainly nervous considering what had occurred the last time he had led a part of the Legion independently, Kesar had confidence in him. With this confirmed, Maticus was ordered to take 21,500 Wardens to Aam III and deal with the situation as he saw fit. Hopefully, Maticus would do well in his first independent command. Lastly, the remaining Wardens were sent alongside Scafrir to conduct diplomacy and hopefully induct Eae II into the Imperium.
As Kesar traveled to Abom VI, he began to receive reports on the activities of his Legion. The first report was from Oriacarius who reported that Kova II was subject to exterminatus. It seems that when the first captain arrived, he maintained the fleet's distance before sending a single scout party. When the group landed, they managed to scan the area and came to a horrifying realization. The planetary inhabitants were victims of a horrific wasting disease, which was nightmarishly contagious. Thankfully, the locals had enacted a forced quarantine upon themselves and would prevent anyone that attempted to leave the world. However, the major piece of information was that this plague was created by a cultist that happened to be an Alpha class psyker. Additionally, the plague was made with the assistance of plague daemons and incorporated Dark Age bioweapons. What was even worse, however, was the fact that the disease could teleport off world. Thankfully the range was limited for now, but it was horrifically contagious and virulent.
In response to this, the scout team requested that Oriacarius declare exterminatus on this world because of the danger it presented to the Imperium. Meanwhile, the scouts attempted to slay the psyker responsible for this in order to die in a blaze of glory. Sadly, it was not to be as radio recordings indicated that the scout team was unable to breech the outer defenses and ended up dying to the plague before they could push past the outer walls. As the reports continued, Oriacarius instituted a quarantine upon the Wardens present, despite being hours away from the world. He then ordered continuous bombardment using macrocannons and torpedos, since the planet was a stationary target with no defenses. Even with the distance, the disease managed to teleport from shell to shell and infected several Wardens ships. For these Astartes, nothing could be done. They slowly wasted away from the disease which killed 99% of those it came into contact with, but only after days of deterioration. Thankfully, the quarantine managed to contain it when combined with the Librarians working tirelessly to stave off the disease. In the end, however, 5000 Wardens died before the planet was destroyed and the disease eradicated, although Oriacarius is insisting on continuing to observe the Wardens present at this location as well as the husk of Kova II.
After reviewing the report on Kova II, Kesar was accepting of how events had played out. While he mourned the loss of more of his sons, he understood that it was necessary for the good of mankind. After retiring to his workshop to carve their names and stories, he spent hours updating his armor. Sadly, Vulkan had been unable to meet with him to finalize the armor since he had to finish dealing with the Orks troubling the White Scars. Nevertheless, Kesar still took the time to record the names of the fallen and how they progressed through life. It wouldn't do to have one of them be forgotten. When Kesar was finished, he received a report from Scafrir which was unpleasant.
The nobles in charge of Eae II had attempted to take him hostage in order to leverage concessions. During negotiations, they asked that the Wardens give up their weapons as a show of trust. Scafrir complied as until that point the talks had been going well. However, once this was done, a large group of soldiers entered the room and ordered Scafrir to surrender. Needless to say, this went poorly for the soldiers of Eae. Even without their weapons and armor, the Wardens easily managed to deal with the soldiers due to the closed quarters and rapid reinforcements. After dealing with the kidnapping attempt and recovering their weapons, Scafrir withdrew from the world due to lacking the numbers to take it, but not before he managed to kill the major nobles present during the deception. Sadly, he was unable to capture them as he placed a higher emphasis on ensuring the Wardens were uninjured during the rapid assault and withdrawal. Nevertheless, the system will need to be pacified after the government betrayed the trust of the Imperium.
After reviewing the reports that Scafrir had sent, Kesar settled in for the trip to Abom VI. Truthfully, warp travel was always boring, even with the knowledge of the dangers inherent. While he was continuously attentive thanks to his transhuman physiology, he still felt the boredom. As Kesar focused on planning logistics for the upcoming campaign, he never noticed a slight fluctuation in the Gellar field. The rest of the crew did not either, as the Gellar field clearly continued to function properly as no daemons had boarded the ship. " A҈̧͡r҈̧̕e̸̕͢ y҈̧̕o̶͢͠u̸̧͞ s҉҇͜u҈̨͠r̷͢͝e̵͜͡ a̷̢̛b̴̢̛o҉̨͝u҈҇͢t҈̡͞ t̷̛͢h̴̨̛a̸̡͝t̷҇͢?̶͢͠"
When the ship arrived at Abom VI, he was unsure how to react to the report Maticus had sent. It seems that his initial scouting attempts were rather lackluster and resulted in basically no information. In response, he split the Legion assets present into 4 groups before conducting a 4 pronged invasion. Initially, the strike went excellently, with the Wardens' skill at slaying cultists and daemons being evident. However, as the Wardens continued to kill, a Greater Daemon known as a Bloodthirster appeared. These creatures were far stronger than other Greater Daemons, which resulted in a stalemate as Maticus slowly pulled the Wardens back. During the withdrawal, several groups were cut off and destroyed as the Greater Daemon proved a terrifyingly opponent in melee. Finally, the Wardens were able to create a landing zone and fortify it. So far, they have been under constant siege, and their numbers have been heavily attritioned. While the Wardens had managed to gain a foothold, they found that more and more daemons were appearing as the conflict progressed, almost as if they were being empowered by it. So far, 10,000 Wardens have perished on Aam, and Maticus has sent his apologies for the deaths incurred during his first command.
No, however, Kesar had to focus on the information the Pathfinders had gathered on Abom VI. Abom was a decently sized world with a small population. However, the population was majorly supplemented by daemon engines which were constructed by Lost Mechanicus. The actual Mechanicus was rather incensed with the desecration of the machine spirits and were very happy that Kesar was taking the time to deal with this insult to the Omnissiah. From what the Scouts had gathered, there were four major locations on Abom: the manufacturing centers for daemon engines, the lands where the daemon engines gathered, the location where nightmarish research took place, and the holding pens for test subjects.
For the manufacturing center, the Pathfinders provided a description of a series of monstrous factories where humans were 'adjusted' and used as materials in the construction of machines. These would then be constructed before daemons were summoned and bond to them. What was particularly disturbing was how rapidly these could be constructed. It was estimated that a tank could be produced every 15 seconds, which would be extremely dangerous to the Wardens. Thankfully, the Pathfinders understood this and set about sabotaging the area. While it was difficult work, the sheer ease at which the area was infiltrated was extremely useful for the Wardens. They managed to set up covert explosives at key areas that would disable the production of these monstrosities when the invasion began. Sadly, the Pathfinders were occupied with this task and were unable to properly scout out the surrounding area for stealth assaults.
The second area of importance were the staging grounds, where the daemonic machines gathered under the eye of the tech hereteks. Here, the machines were chained to the will of the hereteks, unable to satiate their desire for violence. When the Pathfinders arrived here, they decided that this would not do. They spent the time working to map out the location, and they did a marvelous job. They have even managed to secretly construct a defensive position for the Wardens that will greatly assist. Moreover, they also found a way to ensure that the daemon engines would attack. This method involved repeatedly calling out for the Sovereign, which would drive the corrupted machines into an intense rage that would cause them to charge the Wardens no matter what. Of course, the machines this was tested on were destroyed by the Wardens, but the Pathfinder's suggestions were interesting. Currently, the fortifications here could hold 10,000 Wardens, which would be useful.
For the third location, the Pathfinders had a very difficult time infiltrating. It seems that the location was covered by a massive sensor grid with only a few vulnerabilities. Thankfully, these were found, but the Pathfinders estimate that they will only be able to smuggle in 1000 Astartes. However, they have noted that there are not many defenses present, although they are extremely worried that some of the more experimental subjects may be released by the insane hereteks. So far, the Pathfinders have been unable to determine how dangerous the creatures are since they have avoided entering the complex because they do not know the sensor capabilities of these daemonic constructs.
Lastly was the holding facility for test subjects. Here, humans were subject to horrific tortures and experimentation in order to create ever more monstrous machines. The Pathfinders did not enter the facilities since the first time they attempted to do so, the prisoners spotted them and began pleading for help. This drew the attention of the hereteks, but the Pathfinders were able to leave without issue. However, the increase in security has resulted in the Pathfinders only being able to learn that there are 500,000 prisoners in the complex.
After reviewing the situation, Kesar came up with a few ideas on how to handle the situation. Since many of these corrupted machines could still be affected by technomancy, that could prove useful. However, the Thousand Sons have said that while it should be easy to do, they may be underestimating the difficulty. Additionally, they have said that if they slipped up, the results would be catastrophic. In short, this plan relies on having the Thousand Sons disorient the daemonic machines while the Wardens assault en masse.
Another idea involves simply destroying the world. Unlike Velnias, the only non-corrupted humans seem to be the prisoners after the only resistance was destroyed centuries ago. Now, the world would require extensive purges and would likely be a drain on the Imperium for centuries. Nevertheless, exterminatus is meant to be a last resort or used only if the world is a danger to the Imperium.
The third idea involved mass orbital fire, but there were issues with this. Firstly, it would destroy the planet's infrastructure by a ridiculous amount. Additionally, unlike most worlds, this world possessed anti-orbital ground defenses, which meant that this would be an issue. Sadly, it seems that the defenses were spread out across the four major locations, which meant that space superiority would only be absolute over an area that was already taken.
In the end, Kesar contemplated his choices before creating a battle plan for success.
Alright, Omakes. For @SouvikKundu , who wrote FIVE?! Omakes while I slept, here are the rewards for the first Omake. I liked how Perturabo responded to Dorn getting the Imperial palace and it's a thing that might happen, so here are your options
[] Perturabo Stage 3 Defenses - Quadruples Enemy Casualties, costs 120k PP
[] +5 to a roll of your choice
[] +10 to ???
Next, is a nice description of one of the Valhallan continents. I like the idea of the coliseum especially. For your rewards for this one:
[] Circus Radiant Megastructure Unlocked after Monument Megastructure completes (warning, likely to take a while)
[] +5 to a roll of your choice
[] +10 to a roll of the GMs choice
Next we have a continued description of the continents. This time of the Valhallan palace. For your rewards:
[] +5 to a roll of your choice
[] +20 to the next Valhallan architecture roll
[] +10 to ???
I shall do the remaining Omakes at a later time.
Meanwhile back to the daemons totally normal warp travel.