Shattered Aegis
Something is wrong.
Zahhak looks up from the map covered table before her, her fellow gods staring, but she pays no heed. She can't understand. Something fundamental to reality has shifted in an alien and unwelcome way, but it's so fundamental she can't put her claw on it.
Faust is staring, her expression full of second-hand grief.
Emotions are put on pause, as Zahhak checks and rechecks her minds, empathy is still connected by its complex mesh to the rest of her emotions, guilt and shame are present and the mental process to slowly fade them is working well enough for so recent an addition, her primary drives remain stable, with the urge to devour kept in check by her desire for affirmation, the three threads of her cognition still pull towards the same goals. Yet, she knows that so fundamental a shift must be internal, what has gone wrong?
Yharim puts a hand on her shoulder, radiating, sympathy? What?
Zahhak has not found any flaws or wounds in her mind, which means it must be affecting her self perception. This is troubling, but workable. She reaches for her shield-
Zahhak blinks in confusion. Someone is saying something, she ignores it.
Zahhak reaches for her love again, nothing. Not the resistance of a blocked connection, nothing. Emotional suppression breaks down and fear begins to trickle in, it is within tolerances and ignored.
Her form begins to run as her will waivers, the muck that makes up her true self exposed, but the part of her that would care is not responding, so it is disregarded.
Perception tests are performed a dozen times a second, call and response tests return inconclusive results
because she's not there internal test return clean. Fear begins rising rapidly, attempts to deprioritize emotion in decision making are failing.
Thread two has ceased functioning, caught up in some sort of loop. This is worrying, but less so than present concerns. Thread three and one are in conflict. Fear is beginning to overwhelm decision-making capacity.
Not her, please anyone but her.
Thread one is notably less emotion-based then thread three, so is given primacy.
Please, let this be a dream.
Contact tests are performed with all surviving family members, results are normal. Contact attempts are attempted with deceased family, and the results compared with attempts to contact the shieldmaiden. Memories of the sensation of the death of family members are recalled and compa-
Thread three has overruled thread one and asserted primacy.
An illusion, that is the only possible cause, some kind of mental trap, nothing else makes sen-
Thread one and two have overruled thread three.
Tamiko is dead.
The room is a blur as Zahhak charges into the warp, spending power like water for speed, all other concerns disregarded
Food is briefly present, then it is not.
Nothing. There is no body, no trace, no hint of her fate, no shattered fragment that could maybe be used to bring her back.
Lesser food talks about a stand, about the golden legion attacking an evacuation fleet. Further information is provided, it is irrelevant. The lesser food is ignored.
There is no threat to attack. There is no immediate danger to address. There is no possible path to pursue for the slightest chance of resurrection. There is no hope, there is no point. The veil tears and then there is nothing but pain and doubt.
How could I let this happen?
What am I even fighting for?
Is this what I sinned for? Is this the precious thing I did so much evil to achieve?
I owe it to her to survive.
And yet..
I"m sorry, Tamiko, I, I can't. I can't do this anymore, not without you.
But I can't waste the life she spent so much to protect.
She died protecting the innocent from the tyrant.
She died with her work undone.
Tjapa trumpets its intent to rule the Veil itself.
Yet, even now I can taste defiance on the warp.
To confront the Tyrant it in the center of its power would be suicide.
Yet, it could accomplish so much.
To stand between the dark and the innocent.
Like the shieldmaiden wished me to.
Like the shieldmaiden died doing.
A miracle, turning back the fall of dawn.
At the cost of my life
@Durin a somewhat dark omake.