The Effects of the Ritual on Avernus
The thinning of the veil initially seemed to have little effects on Avernus, most of the wildlife operating on relatively small amounts of power in the first place. That is not to say, however, that there were no consequences. Indeed some were rather major.
The Peoples
At present all known peoples possess powerful psykers in one form or another. As such feats that were once far more limited have become much more common. This compounds with the innate control that most Avernite Peoples have over their abilities to make already terrifying Avernites exceptionally more dangerous.
For example, Troll shamans have been observed using their geomancy on an unprecedented scale, changing the internal and external components of entire mountains single handedly to acquire raw materials for processing into their burgeoning industrial economy.
In general, this mirrors a trend in Peoples attempting to both grow more organised and improve their defences. For those not already starting well in advance, watching the World Serpent in action prompted them to begin. This trend does predate the ritual, but the knowledge of the vast incoming incursion has whipped them into a further frenzy.
Alliances are forming between the Nynye Hierarchies and Trolls, the Sirens are communicating and coordinating where they can, the pixies of the woods are seeming to weave layers of enchantments, Dragons put aside their differences to train and are even paying for food from Avernus so as to grow as large and strong as possible for the coming conflict and so on.
Everywhere possible the Peoples are readying.
Well they should, for it is far too likely that they will be wiped out.
The most striking of these preparations are those of the Lizardmen. With the promise of Isha resurrecting their true lords, all remnants of the past 60 million years of conflict seem to have been expunged. Saurus, Skink and Kroxigor work together to expand their defences to a scale never before seen on Avernus. At the same time, emissaries go out across the world, intent on providing advice and aid where they can.
Yet still, all eyes look to the poles as the aurora of Avernus constantly turns a sickly green.
This region of Avernus has always had a weaker barrier between the warp and reality than in other areas, owing to an experiment performed there millions of years ago. This has necessitated a permanent detachment of the Guardians known as the Sphinxes who slay any daemons that emerge and shut down the warp gates used.
The ritual weakening the veil further causing a spontaneous explosion of daemons pouring through the now paper-thin veil of the region, something seemingly expected by Avernus.
Significantly more Sphinxes had emerged, situated across the region, while the Sun Beetles started to swarm in by the thousands.
When the daemons emerged it was to a crossfire of lance level attacks and a barrage of conceptual locks, as the Sphinx seemed to treat the entire region as a warp rift, shutting it down and preventing the daemons from gaining a foothold.
The battle was over in a matter of days, even with the enhanced strength of the daemons, the World Serpent unleashing a handful of attacks from its scales which annihilated any remaining hold outs.
Even now more Sphinxes remain to guard the veil, but the increased threat appears to be contained... for now.
As it stands the Duat is a hot bed for the additional changes afflicting Avernus, with warp creatures and geography able to slip in and out of the region. In fact there are a few cases of humans accidentally doing the same.
The Wildlife
Much of Avernus's wildlife was unaffected due to their low levels of power, but mere months after the ritual occurred, Avernus has already started to deploy creatures designed to take advantage of the increased power levels, averaging from gamma to beta (although none so far have been found to be alpha level for unclear reasons.) Many of these are new creatures, but others are variants on old ones, like colossal Thundabeasts designed to anchor and amplify the effects of their collective shield.
Furthermore, the weakening is causing the warp ecosystem of Avernus to bleed into its real space one. Creatures, before seen only by psykers, can be found spontaneously appearing and meandering through Avernite streets.
This has unleashed a new wave of horrors upon Avernus, as these warp creatures represent some of the strongest monsters Avernus has yet had to offer outside of the caverns and the deep sea.
Geography and Environment
Similar to creatures of warp fauna and flora emerging into reality, parts of the ecosystems that those creatures come from are also randomly merging into reality.
Random events are occurring that should be impossible within the normal laws of reality, areas of strange structures, alien ecosystems spontaneously appearing and reappearing, and other strange occurrences are happening across regions formerly thought to have a relatively stable realspace.
However alien Avernus was, it has suddenly become even stranger.
As was already known, Avernus seems to have started pushing for the stability of human psykers shortly before the ritual started, and its efforts are only accelerating, as seem to be its other investments in the human genome.
How much progress it will make before the incursion occurs is presently unclear.
Furthermore, cultist numbers have increased dramatically, as have their danger owing to how easy it now is to summon daemons. Avernus has never been safe from corruption, but the weakening has made it even easier for daemons to work their spells upon the mad, the greedy and the desperate. The over all increase is significant in terms of percentage, but it is still well within containable limits. This is not unique to Avernus, it is merely more pronounced.
Additionally and adding more confusion is the fact that many of the Cultists are Nurglish in nature, indicating the God's increased focus upon the World. How much this is inflating the numbers of cultists is unclear.
Referring to a phenomenon of ethereal figures that will often appear shortly after someone's death, these ghosts so far have been mostly non-hostile, and unable to interact with reality. They do however, exhibit traits and reactions of the recently deceased.
Whether they are in fact the actual souls of Avernites, or impressions left on the warp by their presence, they eventually fade away without leaving a trace.
For some Avernites this presence is comforting, others it is abhorrent. Whatever the case is, it is causing uncomfortable questions to be asked as to our afterlife.
This phenomenon is not unique to humans on Avernus so far. Other Peoples experience them as well and are purportedly experimenting.
Hopefully some of its right.