The Fiftieth Meeting of the High Council Part Three: Proposals Discussed
You put your support behind the creation of the Imperial Trust Collage of War allowing it to pass unanimously. Then you start putting forward your proposals.
First you suggest integrating the Crimson Crusaders into he Imperial Trust. To discuss this Captain Idemian Quintor was brought to the High Council. He his preference would be making the Crimson Crusaders 9th Company as a Crusading Chapter, based out of a Starfort or Battle Barge and supplied by the Trust as a whole. Its companies would support the Trust's forces in battle and carry out independent campaigns under the control of the Security Council and the Master of the 9th Company. The 9th Company would still remain part of the greater Crimson Crusaders and owe its ultimate allegiance to the Chapter Master, though given current distances and communications this allegiance would be entirely theoretical. Numbers wise the 9th Company would grow to at most five hundred marines, as Captain Quintor tells you that they can not afford to have any more due to the Doom.
This proposal has several major issues, the main one being the Captain Quintor's refusal to swear allegiance to the Imperial Trust over the Chapter Master of the Crimson Crusaders, ensuring that the Companies loyalty to the Imperial Trust is not total. Unfortunately he refuses to budge on this issue.
- Currently Asgard, Alfheim, the Low Council Representative, the Astartes, the Adeptus Mechanicus and the Security Council are supporting this proposal.
Captain Quintor also suggests leaving the Crimson Crusaders 9th Company as allies of the Imperial Trust rather then members. In this situation the Imperial Turst would provide the Crimson Crusaders with what support it is willing to offer, often in exchange for the Crimson Crusaders to carry out particular missions, but would never have full control of the Crusaders. In this case the Crusaders would be provided with significantly less advanced equipment and as such would be able to have less on an impact, but their status as allies would ensure that they never have access to the locations or information that they would need to significantly impact the Trust.
The second proposal is inferior in nearly every way to the first, but avoids the issue of their being a member of the Imperial Trust with openly divided loyalties. You say openly due to the fact that as loyal as the Varangian Guard is you are sure that if they are forced to choose between the Imperium Secondus and their Primarch and the Imperial Trust they would follow their Primarch as long as he remains pure.
- Currently Vanaheim, Midgard, Muspelheim, Jotunheim and the Inquisition are supporting this propsoal.
- Currently Niflheim and Svartalfheim are undecided, with a good argument you may be able to sway them.
Your suggestion to colonise the Valinor sub sector leads to a great deal of debate about whether the Imperial Turst's forces could protect the colonisation without becoming overextended. Eventually after confirming the current defences of Dragon's Nest it is decided that the colonisation could be protected, though it is requested that member planets provide some additional forces and resources for the colonisation. This will however prevent the Trust from carrying out any real offensive operations over the next half century.
Your suggestion on building an Imperial Trust Psyker Hunter Academy is agreed to, and it is then immediately decided that the Academy would be on Avernus and that Jane would be tasked with setting it up as the Trust's best Psyker Hunter. This Academy will be funded by the Imperial Trust and will take students from throughout the Trust and teach them the entire Psyker Hunting process, from training to locating psykers, identifying rogues and killing them. These students will then work alongside Avernus' Psyker Hunters for a few years, giving them valuable experience working alongside the Trust's most experienced and active Psyker Hunters. THe suviviros would then return back to their homeworlds and act as the core of their worlds Psyker Hunting forces.
Your suggestion to spend two minor favours with the Empire of Ashes to get assistance clearing Dragon's Nest of Spies is agreed on, as is your request for another to be spent assigning a Seer Council to Ridcully.
As the first day comes to an end you have to decide exactly what to argue for about the Crimson Crusaders, and who to seek out before the next days talks begin. These talks will be about the merger with Dragons Nest, and the restructuring of the Imperial Trust.