I know I'm usually the negative one in these situations, so I'll try to be more positive for a change.
This was a brutal war, mistakes were made (ironically not in the battle itself, but more the build up to it) but this likey was one of the best outcomes (in a relative sense, it could have gone so much better, but I guess we're on the dice god's shit list this week.)
But at the end of the day, the trust is still in one piece, its sufferend a blow that will take decades to recover from on our own, but we're not alone we have the Blood Dragons who've taken far fewer ground based casulties and will be teching up as we increase integration, we've lost heroes, but sad as that is they were some of the better one that could have gone down (shivers about Jane) and Hrothgar was probably the best High Council member who could die.
More than that for the trust as a whole this is a message that despite Lin's death we can weather the trials of the galaxy. It'll be painful, but we can do it and by damnation we will do so.
Grab your bags fellas, lets get some tinder to feed the sparks!