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Google only gives me one result for this. Neat.
@Addio, the 40k wiki says that this style is called "Imperial Gothic", and it predates the Ecclesiarchy.Ecclesiarchical Imperialism, the defunct architectural design standard of the Imperium of Mankind, rarely employed on Avernus save in ceremonial districts and the Gubernatorial Palace due to design and maintenance costs.
Our Duat psyker city is a pyramid if that matters.University style, the modified architectural standard employed by cities under the authority of the Psykana, famed for its counterintuitive layout of thoroughfares, extraneous passageways, "niches," sanctioned Runic defacement, and heavy integration of lead shielding.
@Addio, wouldn't the orbitals be done in the style of Imperial Gothic/Ecclesiarchical Imperialism since void construction efforts would've come first from traditionalist Vanaheimers and continued upon the lack of any survival pressures plus an objective of pan-Trust conformity and continuation of extant and effective naval construction traditions?Orbital style, the modified architectural standard employed by orbital and system assets in Avernus, noted for its permanent structures and extravagantly decorated exteriors.
Durin said that putting Nova Cannons in our static defence system is doable and so the same is likely doable with Psychic Cannons. I don't see why a groundside psychic cannon would have to be mobile.I'd like to point out, using the Psychic Cannon on the ground would likly need an ordnatus. so we may as well do the one that gives us a super weapon now first.
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