Archmagos Explorator Tranth 'The Reclaimer'
Age: 392
M: 13 + 16 = 29 (+45 martial bonus)- Archmagos Tranth is a highly skilled leader of men, and can command Mechanicus task forces with great skill.
I: 13+4=17- Archmagos Tranth has little aptitude for spygames, though he has been forced to develop some since he started making discoveries.
A: 15+4=19- Archmagos Tranth is a skilled but not brilliant administrator, and has usually been able to finish his projects on time and on budget.
L: 17 + 34= 51- Archmagos Tranth is a genius, able to reverse engineer ancient technologies and even complete damage STCs with incredible regularity. Without a doubt Archmagos Tranth has the greatest understanding of STC systems of any living Tech-Priest.
P: 14 + 18 = 32- Archmagos Tranth has a deep and abiding faith in the Machine-God, and the Search for Knowledge which he has made his lifes task.
D: 11+1=11- Archmagos Tranth is not totally inept at social tasks, though whenever he is involved with one it is very obvious tat he would rather be elsewhere.
C: 18 +30= 48 (+675 combat bonus)- Archmagos Tranth is a living engine of destruction, able to use the many weapons systems he has integrated into his body with great skill in order to annihilate any foes that he encounters.
(97/7+3.5=17.5) Paragon Leaning Trait: The Scientist (can improve technologies based on known principles, can create entirely original designs based on known principles, +25 to all rolls to improve, create or understand technology)- Archmagos Tranth follows int eh footsteps of his Dark Age forebears in a rather different manner to most members of the Adeptus Mechanicus, choosing to imitate their methods rather then their results. When combined with Tranth sheer genius this allows him to create and improve on a bewildering range of technologies, a range that will only increase as his knowledge base expands. Archmagos Veneratus Extremis Explorator (+4D, +5M, +6C, +4P, +7L, +10 to rolls to find or decipher archeotech, +2 Mechanicus morale, -1 Mechanicus Unrest) – Archmagos Tranth has discovered and reverse engineered more technology than any other single Explorator in history, or even in legend. This has resulted in Fabricator-General Scott creating the rank of Archmagos Veneratus Extremis for him, a position that is closer to Living Saint than any other that you know of. Tech-Priest (+4L, +2P, +1C, -2D, -1I, -1M) So Close... (+5L, +5P) – Archmagos Explorator Tranth has discovered a non-functional STC constructor and has therefore come tantalisingly close to finding the Holy Grail of the Adeptus Mechanicus. Since then, his faith and the fervour he has put into his research have increased, driving him to greater heights. Avernite Bi-centenarian (+6C, +2P, +1I, -2D when dealing with non-Avernites) – Having survived two centuries of life on Avernus Archmagos Tranth have proven himself to be an expert warrior, the bearer of a strong will and very alert to danger.
Engine of Destruction(+1M, +9C, -1D)- Archmagos Tranth has replaced large portions of his body with highly advanced archeotech combat equipment. When combined with his rather impressive combat skills this turns him into a true engine of destruction on the battlefield. Warlord (+5M, +3C)- Over the years Archmagos Explorator Tranth has often found his research teams attacked countless times by the Avernite wildlife and has grown highly skilled at leading the security teams defensive efforts. Combat Analyst (+3M, +2C)- Archmagos Tranth is an expert at recording and analysing combat data, which he uses to aid his tactics as both an officer and as a combatant.
(+11M, +17C, -1D)- In his centuries on Avernus Archmagos Tranth has forged his body into one of the most powerful war machines in the Imperial Trust, and honed his mind to use both his body and any other forces under his command optimally. 'The Reclaimer' (+4L, +5 to attempts to complete STCs or reverse engineer)- Archmagos Explortor Tranth has come to be known as Tranth the Reclaimer by the Mechanicus of the Nine Worlds in recognition of both his incredible discoveries and of his success in reconstituting lost technologies. Survivor of the Pink Skies (+2P, +1C, +5 to all rolls against daemons)- Having proved himself against the most dangerous foes in the galaxy during the First Daemonic Incursion Archmagos Tranth has had his faith and combat skills tested. Optimiser (+3L, +10 to research rolls to improve on exiting technology)- Archmagos Tranth has a talent for improving on exiting technology, usually by working out its basic principles and then optimising it. Armourer(+2L, +10 to all rolls involving power armour, +1 Armour)- Archmagos Tranth has developed a great understanding of the mechanics of power armour over the years, an understanding that serves him well in a range of projects. One of which is his constant upgrading of his own body and person armour, which you suspect leaves even the Advanced Terminator Armour that he designed for the Astartes in the dust. Master Researcher (+1M, +1I, +4A, +7L, +15 bonus to research actions) – Archmagos Tranth is a master of researching the mysterious of technology, and to putting said mysteries into practical use. This is a rather rare talent for the Adeptus Mechanicus, even among those that he has trained. Titansmith (+2L, +3P, +10 to all rolls involving Titans)- Archmagos Tranth is responsible for recreating Titans for the Imperial Trust, a feat worthy of legend. Archeotech Sensors (+3I, +25 to all attempts to detect)- Archmagos Tranth has a collection of the best sensors know to mankind held within his body, and when combined with his incredibly mastery of technology few can bypass his gaze.
Archmagos Explorator (originally Magos Explorator) Tranth was born on the minor Forge World of Evorian and proved to have a talent for the Mysteries of the Machine at a young age. As a result of this he was put into training to become a Tech-Priest, where he proved to have a thirst for knowledge suited for a Magos Explorator. Tranth was assigned to join the expedition of Archmagos Explorator Sarren when it passed through Evorian when he was twenty five. He spent the next thirty years learning under Archmagos Explorator Sarren and became his protege, until he was dispatched to investigate reports of ancient ruins on Avernus. Like all good Magos Explorators, Tranth has a wide variety of skills and can handle himself in almost any situation.
Archmagos Explorator Tranth was regarded as having something to prove, as many viewed him as too inexperienced to command such a important dig. These doubts grew as Archmagos Explorator Tranth was unable to report any progress during the first few years, still getting used to life on a hostile deathworld, but he eventually managed to open the ruins under Gamma-4, now known as Dorthonion. The subsequent meteoric rise of Tranth's career appears to have permanently silenced his detractors, as even his allies and supporters in the Adeptus Mechanicus are shocked at the sheer number of important discoveries and invaluable finds of ancient technology Archmagos Explorator Tranth has been excavating from Avernus' ruins, as well as his uncanny competence in completing reverse-engineering projects, some of which were thought to be impossible to solve by other experts in the field.
Ok so don't outfit the millions of soldiers but do out fit the one who could really use it or even make a new specialist regiment that is specifically trained to use them. A
as the resident weirdo who pokes at the weapon spreadsheet, it's my time to shine! so first thing, Neutron Rifles are what the shit expensive. here, i'll a comparison of what a regiment would cost to equip with pulse V neutron.
Advanced Materials
Neutron rifles
pulse rifles
so! you'll notice how its more than 9 times the amount of Advanced materials? well AM is one of the resource types we always need more of. it's not quite the limiting factor, but it's one of the things we run out of first. now, while Netron is better than pulse, it's really not 9 times better, so if they are so expensive, why do we use them at all? expointal modifiers!
see, every 100 points of roll advantage doubles a units damage in combat, that means a unit with +300 will do on average, 4 times as much damage than a unit with +100. the base damage they multiply, relies on their gear, so the higher the multiplier, the more you get out of good gear. The hellgurad have a base bonus of +611, compared to the Helltrooper bonus of +513, so they do a hair less than double the damage in comparable situations. we could do a few elite helltrooper regiments with neutron, but they would be taking the exact same resources we use for helguard, including the men since helguard recruit from the helltroopers. They would also be providing the exact same role as anti armor force concentration troops. so it would probably not be worth it.
as the resident weirdo who pokes at the weapon spreadsheet, it's my time to shine! so first thing, Neutron Rifles are what the shit expensive. here, i'll a comparison of what a regiment would cost to equip with pulse V neutron.
Advanced Materials
Neutron rifles
pulse riffles
so! you'll notice how its more than 9 times the amount of Advanced materials? well AM is one of the resource types we always need more of. it's not quite the limiting factor, but it's one of the things we run out of first. now, while Netron is better than pulse, it's really not 9 times better, so if they are so expensive, why do we use them at all? expointal modifiers!
see, every 100 points of roll advantage doubles a units damage in combat, that means a unit with +300 will do on average, 4 times as much damage than a unit with +100. the base damage they multiply, relies on their gear, so the higher the multiplier, the more you get out of good gear. The hellgurad have a base bonis of +611, compared to the Helltrooper bonus of +513, so they do a hair less than double the damage in comparable situations. we could do a few elite helltrooper regiments with neutron, but they would be taking the exact same resources we use for helguard, including the men since helguard recruit from the helltroopers. They would also be providing the exact same role as anti armor force concentration troops. so it would probably not be worth it.
it would take a few years of military actions for a formation too small to really have much impact. for general purpose last stads we have the black irons, and for general purpose badasses we have helguard. an elite formation would have to fill a new niche to be worth it.
I don't think snipers have ever been organized in the equivalent of regiments/divisions in any form of media, to not talk about real life. They are just a specialized attachment.
Snipers are not the sort of thing one deploys in regiment format. Our regiments contain snipers, particularly our light infantry, but a fully dedicated sniper regiment would be impractical.
I don't think snipers have ever been organized in the equivalent of regiments/divisions in any form of media, to not talk about real life. They are just a specialized attachment.
Snipers are not the sort of thing one deploys in regiment format. Our regiments contain snipers, particularly our light infantry, but a fully dedicated sniper regiment would be impractical.
Ok first we are going to have about 8 billion military woohoo! Which still is not enough if one of the secondary powers fight us. We need to grow more.
Second the conservative admech went up. 7/10 unrest we need to get the huge forges built so that they hopefully bring it down. But it looks like we eventually will have to have a civil war. We can't let them go since they will get conquered and chaos would gain our tech , or whoever conquers them. We can't give them a world to have since they will grow like cancer on that world making the eventual civil war happen worse. So we need to make them as irrelevant as possible. We need to continue with the naval expansion and maybe even spend some of Rotbart action expanding shipyards. Vanaheim at best will eventually were down to 25 conservative which means that the shipyards will still be a huge risk when a civil war happens. So we need as much capacity as possible not at Vanaheim since even if only 25 of shipyard capacity get destroyed or damaged would be a huge blow to the Trust.
Vanaheim continues to be a bigger import sink hole than Avernus. I think it's because of the lack of innovation and willingness to adapt to new technology. Svarthiem has not much growth but that makes sense since they specialize in craftsman's artifacts and not mass production. Asgard some growth nothing major but did increase Am and em. Alfhiem did not have major growth but increased its admin to .44 putting it above Most trust worlds. Now for our allies they all seem to need thrones. Serious deficit with both Our main allies. But so are we in need of thrones. Neutral worlds had some growth and did ok. Biggest gain was the colonies who now have more guard than the core world sand major growth. Only problem seems to be they need exotic material imports.
Ok first we are going to have about 8 billion military woohoo! Which still is not enough if one of the secondary powers fight us. We need to grow more.
Second the conservative admech went up. 7/10 unrest we need to get the huge forges built so that they hopefully bring it down. But it looks like we eventually will have to have a civil war. We can't let them go since they will get conquered and chaos would gain our tech , or whoever conquers them. We can't give them a world to have since they will grow like cancer on that world making the eventual civil war happen worse. So we need to make them as irrelevant as possible. We need to continue with the naval expansion and maybe even spend some of Rotbart action expanding shipyards. Vanaheim at best will eventually were down to 25 conservative which means that the shipyards will still be a huge risk when a civil war happens. So we need as much capacity as possible not at Vanaheim since even if only 25 of shipyard capacity get destroyed or damaged would be a huge blow to the Trust.
Vanaheim continues to be a bigger import sink hole than Avernus. I think it's because of the lack of innovation and willingness to adapt to new technology. Svarthiem has not much growth but that makes sense since they specialize in craftsman's artifacts and not mass production. Asgard some growth nothing major but did increase Am and em. Alfhiem did not have major growth but increased its admin to .44 putting it above Most trust worlds. Now for our allies they all seem to need thrones. Serious deficit with both Our main allies. But so are we in need of thrones. Neutral worlds had some growth and did ok. Biggest gain was the colonies who now have more guard than the core world sand major growth. Only problem seems to be they need exotic material imports.
If you think about it we're pretty much carrying the trust Thus we must not fall no matter what. We need to increase pop growth as we are just pouring through right now away from the treasury. While AM production is ok as well as EM we are losing relic due to so many relic draining focuses. We also need to cut down on costs as much as possible so we can gain a big enough stockpile to survive the next 25 turns without worry of losing to much to debt that comes with our over thrones spending.
If you think about it we're pretty much carrying the trust Thus we must not fall no matter what. We need to increase pop growth as we are just pouring through right now away from the treasury. While AM production is ok as well as EM we are losing relic due to so many relic draining focuses. We also need to cut down on costs as much as possible so we can gain a big enough stockpile to survive the next 25 turns without worry of losing to much to debt that comes with our over thrones spending.
Eh we carry in esoteric and elite matters, the rest of the trust does most other things.
We can't ship like vanaheim mass produce AM and EM like Mus and Nilf, don't have peeps like Midgard, feed the trust like Alfheim astarte like Babylon etc.
We're good, but aside from the fact we produce a majority of the trust's astropaths the trust isn't dependent on us at least in the short term.
As for building up stockpiles and overspending, a lovely idea, but unfortunately an option and luxury we lack.
oh hey! Vanaheim has a Colossal Shipyard! nice! those things can churn out Gargantuan shipyards wholesale! that is a major milestone for the trust, and should let the trust do some fairly quick ship yard expansion. We might want to bring up further subsidizing the construction of such infrastructure in the high council meeting.
oh hey! Vanaheim has a Colossal Shipyard! nice! those things can churn out Gargantuan shipyards wholesale! that is a major milestone for the trust, and should let the trust do some fairly quick ship yard expansion. We might want to bring up further subsidizing the construction of such infrastructure in the high council meeting.
Vanaheim continues to be a bigger import sink hole than Avernus. I think it's because of the lack of innovation and willingness to adapt to new technology.
Or, you know, because they are our biggest shipyard and thus need to continue building ships and shipyards lest we all die, and thus need more and more Metal and Promethium and AM.
What is up with the Asgard Knights' skill level?
1. Didn't you say that the way to improve their skill was to get them the other patterns of Knights?
2. Wasn't that what we got from the conclave?
3. They have had decades of training and assimilation of the Knights and skill no?
Congratulations to sub sector Cobalt, who have finally got a higher pop than Midgard. Good luck to the other two, I'm sure you'll have it when you're next updated.
Also its not just me who thinks the economy of Alfheim took a massive nose dive? I guess Food got massively reduced for calculating its Economic Strength value.
Congratulations to sub sector Cobalt, who have finally got a higher pop than Midgard. Good luck to the other two, I'm sure you'll have it when you're next updated.
Also its not just me who thinks the economy of Alfheim took a massive nose dive? I guess Food got massively reduced for calculating its Economic Strength value.
Pretty sure it is because they are in a massive transitional phase going from an agri-world into an industrial world. That kind of change takes time and it will result in lower output until it is complete.