The Long Night Part One: Embers in the Dusk: A Planetary Governor Quest (43k) Complete Sequel Up

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yeah, before he got the sword a knight titan could be useful for letting him deal with other knight titans while he could deal with heroes. now though? he's a major threat to a titan on foot but a non threat in a titan. However, a knight titan has a major advantage of a higher kill ceiling. we might want to look into a knight specked for anti horde that he can hop out of when he needs to kill a super heavy. Maybe one with an auto pilot so it can go hide when he needs to fight something big. as for gifted, eh, its a mid artifact. a bit of pomp in the delivery is fine.
So... Jacob is basically a melee-spec Titanfall Pilot, is what you're thinking?
while true, unless he thought it should let him ignore stuff like ice or mud it wouldn't. Waaagh boosts are inconsistent as hell, you can't take for granted it would or would not provide immunity from anything. I wouldn't blink at an ork who could wade though flamers lacking an immunity to an extreme heat rebuff so long as it was environmental.
If anything, I would expect the opposite - ork would more likely be hurt by a something that actively tries to hurt him than by an environmental danger keeping him away from a fight.
Orks are extremely durable quick healing probability manipulators, while some could probably kick reason to the curb and punch their way through gravity (without being wierdboyz), I think those would be high ranking in a level four or five Waaaagh rather than the level one through three Waaagh's we're likely to be dealing with ourselves.
Leaving aside WAAAGH! shenanigans, gravity is not some magical force. If you're strong enough, you can just ignore it because it does not apply enough newtons to impede you.

Something that occurs to me is that Jacob's new sword is so absurdly good that he is likely less threatening in a knight titan.
Well, duh. It wouldn't do if first stage of a boss was weaker than a second stage now, would it?
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If anything, I would expect the opposite - ork would more likely be hurt by a something that actively tries to hurt him than by an environmental danger keeping him away from a fight.
Seems orky to me, that is probably what would happen.

Leaving aside WAAAGH! shenanigans, gravity is not some magical force. If you're strong enough, you can just ignore it because it does not apply enough newtons to impede you.
If it shifts 90 degrees from its original angle while you're in mid dodge most people have a serious problem. Same if there's suddenly zero gravity when you push off to take a step forward, or receive recoil from firing your weapon. Even worse if the down direction is shifting so fast that you're tumbling around the floor, walls, and ceiling of a hallway like it's a washing machine.

Edit: While the amount of gravity relative to Earth effects how much power you can put into a blow or block without being knocked away.

Yeah they could grip one of the surfaces in the environment, but then their ability to move around is compromised and one of their gripping appendages is occupied, which in itself might count as a debuff in a fight.

Well, duh. It wouldn't do if first stage of a boss was weaker than a second stage now, would it?
I'd give this a funny rating if it was its own post. (This is the primary reason I'm responding to all of your post, not just the arguement part)
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So. Jacob is Senator Armstrong.

Being in a Knight Titan would actually hinder his combat abilities, beyond providing a big blunt instrument to throw at the enemy with gravity upon being downed.
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Something that occurs to me is that Jacob's new sword is so absurdly good that he is likely less threatening in a knight titan.

Also anyone else bothered by the update saying that Jane and Jacob's items were "gifted" when we paid for them?
Actually, didn't we give the artefacts to them? They would have seriously stuggled to pay for them out of their own resources so the planetary government bought them and gifted them to them.

Presumably if they die they either plan to pass them on to the planetary government, the Inquisition, the most skilled fighter in their sword school, or something odd like holding a tournament/test of skill to see who gets the artefact.
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Noooo, Signeeeeee. Drat I was hoping to see what Paragon Administration looks like.

The sword is extremely impressive.
The diplomacy situation is unfortunate, though I wonder what Musphelhiem will be up to. Replacing their wards with better psykic equivalents? Adding more powerful wards to everything so they can mount psykic cannons on population centres?

Edit: thinking back to the beginning of the quest, we should have involved Lin in trying to get the various intra-Trust groups to share tech. We kind of need to plan out and prioritize everything we want him to do with the time he has left.

Reposting unanswered questions plus some new ones:
@Durin I was thinking of stupidly overpowered ships, and how to make their weapons practical and an idea struck me:
-1. Could an antimatter storage be made to fail 'safe' by planting a vortex munition in it?

Y'know, to suck the antimatter into the Warp.
Obviously Antimatter goes off quicker and more readily than Vortex munitions, so the vortex trigger would have to be keyed to a bunch of 'this is about to set off the antimatter' conditions. It might also need something more stable and predictable than a standard vortex munition.

-2. Would some kind of antimatter guarding precog psyker help with triggering it correctly? Or just introduce a new vulnerability?

-3. Do we think Vulcan(or maybe even first Artisan Granalf?) can build a cogitator that breaks or at least bends the normal AI requirement limitations on some powerful ship weapons?(via Primarch/Paragon/Warp bull——)

Newer questions:
Other people(Shard) have already confirmed that the Eldar being busy means we won't get much use out of minor favours for the next few decades, but some of the details of that need to be defined and confirmed.

-4. Does it just mean that no military forces and none of their seers are available, ruling out minor favours that need them, or does it rule out all minor favor use? Like, could we ask for an artefact, or some knowledge, or ask them to ship us a couple extra Exterminatus weapons?

You've mentioned a couple times that all of the forces of Chaos are giving a major upgrade or two to their troops, we know that the Tzeentchian one is ninefold psyker clone hivemind phylacteries, and we think that the Slanneshi one has something to do with the application of Dark Eldar tech/ Warpstone in one way or another
-5. Do the Eldar forces with us or the human planets we're setting up defences on have any useful intelligence on what exactly the other upgrades are?

Back to talking to the smith Sirens about getting Jacob a super psi-knight:

-6. How much of a penalty to combat is operating in a psi-knight going to apply?

I'm trying to figure out whether we should request to build the thing to work with his Paragon trait.

My first thoughts were that we could get runes to make it stupidly fast and the difficulty of not tripping at that speed could be represented as a difficult terrain modifier(which he's immune to), or that we could get a rune that turns the environment hostile, meaning an area difficult terrain debuff. Or even both if we're already buying something expensive.
-7. Are these ideas viable?

This also got me thinking about how we could make use of his difficult terrain immunity: I thought of his nifty new grav-sword and that reminded me of the Occurance Border random gravity issues table.
If gravity starts shifting from low to high, to microgravity, with the 'down' direction shifting so suddenly the combatants are sliding down a steep slope where there once was flat ground, or fighting on the wall or ceiling, or being flung up into the air until they pass the upper bound of the grav field and fall down again, that probably counts as a terrain modifier?

-8. Could we get grav guns or some sort of grav generator carried around by the soldiers who follow Jacob into battle to mess with the terrain?
-9. Could something like Caltrops?(Power Caltrops?) also create a terrain modifier?
-10. Would the Tau slow field create a terrain modifier?

We'd probably need to create a specialized regiment to be able to properly support him in the altered environment, but we can worry about that after we've made it possible.

I would have linked to a copy of the gravity issues random table on the internet for inspiration, but I can't find it outside of 4chan and I don't remember if this site allows linking to there, so I copied the text. And put it into a spoiler because it's long.
===Gravity Issues===
"Down" relative to the ship is a direction of 180° and facing the prow of the ship - IE, 0° would be pulling 'up,' 180° is normal, 90° would put your feet on the starboard bulkhead, and 270 would put you on the port bulkhead.

Many areas on the Occurence Border have some gravitational issues associated with them. If the DM wants to establish a different 'norm' in an area than usual, he may consider rolling 1d100+130 to generate a gravitational pull which averages to the usual but can vary wildly. For a number which will be statistically closer to the norm of 180 but can still vary significantly, consider rolling 4d10+158.

Results of 1-45 are applied cumulatively. If the gravity shifts suddenly and abruptly, everyone, from the lowliest Rating to a Daemon Prince, finds this very disorienting. Everyone is at a -10 penalty to all actions, unless the gravity suddenly shifts 45° or more in one go, in which case they are at a -30 penalty.<br>
Results of 46-80 are applied abruptly. This is highly disorienting, causing everyone to take a -30 penalty in the round in which the gravity strength changes, cumulative in addition to any penalties they would be suffering for the new gravitational pull. Gravity's a bitch, and the bigger you are, the harder it pulls.<br>
If a result of 81-95 is rolled, continue to re-roll and apply effects.

The Gravity...
* 01-20: Pulls in the wrong direction at normal strength.
** 01-05: Is offset -45°. Under otherwise normal conditions, this orients to 135° (Down-Starboard.)
** 06-10: Is offset +45°. Under otherwise normal conditions, this orients to 225° (Down-Port.)
** 11-15: Is offset -20° Fore-Aft. Under otherwise normal conditions, moving towards the bow is an uphill hike.
** 16-20: Is offset +20° Fore-Aft. Under otherwise normal conditions, moving towards the stern is an uphill hike.

* 21-45: Shifts cardinally in the wrong direction, at normal strength.
** 21-25: Is offset -90°. Under otherwise normal conditions, this orients to 90°. The starboard wall is now the deck.
** 26-30: Is offset +90°. Under otherwise normal conditions, this orients to 270°. The port wall is now the deck.
** 31-35: Is offset 180°. Under otherwise normal conditions, this orients to 360°. The ceiling is now the deck.
** 36-40: Is offset -90° Fore-Aft. Under otherwise normal conditions, the aft wall is now the deck.
** 41-45: Is offset +90° Fore-Aft. Under otherwise normal conditions, the fore wall is now the deck.

** 46-80: Has strength issues.
** 46-55: Is between 0.5g and 0.75g. Low Gravity Modifiers (Pages 38 and 116, Core) are in effect.
** 56-60: Is between 0.17g and 0.25g. Triple the effects of Low Gravity.
** 61-70: Is between 1.5g and 2g. High Gravity Modifiers (Pages 38 and 116, Core) are in effect.
** 71-75: Is between 3g and 3.5g. Triple the effects of High Gravity, and this is -30 arduous terrain (Page 253, Core).
** 76-80: Is less than 0.08g. There is effectively no gravity whatsoever - treat as zero gravity (Pages 38 and 116, Core). This is -10 difficult terrain (Page 253, Core).

* 81-90: Has two distinct problems. Roll twice on this chart.
* 91-95: Has three distinct problems. Roll thrice on this chart.

* 96-100: Gravity shifts frequently.
** Every round in combat (or every narratively-relevant interval of non-combat time,) roll again on this table. Roll at the start of combat rounds. Rolls of 96-100 indicate the problem is getting worse; roll an additional time on the table for each time this result is reached. Should this reach the point where the GM would be rolling more than three times per round, the poor overloaded gravity generators give out, leaving the entire compartment in microgravity. Frankly, this may come as something of a relief.

-11. Would getting Jane something from one of the Siren groups that increases crit chance be possible?
1. safer but not safe
2. woud help
3. maybe vulkan
4. no more military forces then you already ahve
5. no, most of them dont exist yet
6. at least -20 C, also no use of Paragon trait
7. no use of paragon trait in knight
8. you could, how much effect it woud have varies gretly
9. they could, again how much effect varies. Also power caltrops would be pricy
10. yes, but one that can be overpowered
11. no
1 can we divine Guilliman wound to gather more information about it?
2 if we divine the Tryanid fleets attacking Quartous will the Eldar pass the information off?
3 do we have to sound out the Eldar passing information to Quartous.
4 can we request information have on the Anathema as a action?
5 can we ask the Eldar to inspect Guilliman wound?
6 can we use the connection between Primarch and space marine to help heal Guilliman?
1. you can
2. yes
3. no
4. you can
5. yes, whether they will be allowed to is unknown
6. no, if it was the other way round yes but as is no

@Durin how are the diplomacy actions being done this turn? Are we doing it in two slots or one?
1. eight year slot
@Durin, do grav-shear weapons do more damage the more armoured the enemy is like with grav weapons?
they do not
@Durin IIRC we can double the amount of Eldar forces deployed against the Tyranids with a minor favor, Is there a limit in the number of minor favors we can use to increase the number of Eldar forces on that scenario?
2. The shared archtype of the Hero?
I don't think they share the archetype of the hero, they've each got different versions of more specific hero archetypes though?

@Durin IIRC we can double the amount of Eldar forces deployed against the Tyranids with a minor favor, Is there a limit in the number of minor favors we can use to increase the number of Eldar forces on that scenario?
Well at the moment nothing since you military support at all.
@Durin, can we double or triple down on healing Guilliman?
2. What about the Sky Dragon egg thing? Can we double down on that as well or does the intrigue-only limit block DD's?

IIRC, Durin said that the Arhra thing happening so early surprised him as well. The dice's honeymoon with drama must be going well...
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Landmines, man. Just use landmines.
But landmines aren't terrain. Mostly because they're not reusable.
Orks would just take the hit/throw a gretchin in to take the hit and move on or try to clear them first.
Because powerfields are reusable they'd either try to destroy them with guns or pick their way through them.
Also fighting orks inside of a minefield sounds like incoming splash damage from our own weapons.