Heroes of the Blood Dragons
Chapter Master Halaliel Uther "The Steadfast": Halaliel Uther is one of the last Space Marines on this side of the galaxy to remember Commander Dante before his eventual entombment in a dreadnaught. A battle brother in the Blood Dragons 8th company at the time, there was nothing of particular note about him. He wasn't the strongest, the fastest, the best with the blade or bolter, or one his brothers listened too. It wasn't until the 14th Black Crusade, the War for the Cure, that Halaliel was forged into the Marine he'd become. The 8th company was by providence, close enough to Baal to answer its call for aid and went to reinforce the planet in its time of need. In a desperate holding action, High Chaplain Gabriel fell to a Chaos Lord and instead of breaking Brother Halaliel surged forth, taking up the chaplain's Crozius Arcanum and striking down the heretic. Rallying his brothers he held the position until reinforcements finally arrived. In the aftermath he was fast-tracked to chaplaincy, eventually rising to High Chaplain and then Chapter Master after the Emperor's death. Haliel suffers little from the Thirst and is a calming presence to the rest of his chapter. Currently he is breathing a touch easier now that the merge is happening, as a polity's survival won't be all on him any more and he'll finally able to pay attention to his brothers properly. (Paragon Piety, Diplomacy, Combat)
Regent of Menagroth Hadraniel Pendragon: The heir apparent of the Chapter Master, he is much younger and often joked as being the most Ultramarine-like in the chapter. He simply smiles and pats his blade, for while his administrative skills are his strong suit, in a fight he is as good if not better then the Chapter Master already, having cut down three warbosses and several wandering bands of Chaos Marines that have invaded the Nest in the past. His skill not in question, and he works to fill in any gaps he does have. However the elders tease and haze him whenever they can, something that he tries to ignore but isn't always successful much to his brothers' enjoyment. Currently he is heading the Chapter's efforts to merge with the Imperial Trust, a challenging effort but one he enjoys immensely. (Admin, Combat, Piety)
Master of the Librarius Nuriel Ryuu: Recruited shortly before the Fall, has constantly been in battle against rogue psykers of the Nest. A gamma level telepath with an adamantine will and superb control, he was sent into the hive worlds of the Nest to help find psykers and hunt down the rogues. He has been hunting psykers for over three centuries, slaying thousands of rogue psykers, even a few Betas over his long career. He also made a number of improvements to the Nest's protocols for both detecting and eliminating psykers. Eventually when the Libarius at the time was killed he was nominated for the position for his sheer experience and willpower. (Intrigue, Control, Piety)
Master of the Forge Raziel Veles: One of the youngest Blood Dragons in a leadership position being only 400 years old, he has earned it by keeping the defenses on many of the border worlds intact by performing rapid and unorthodox battlefield repairs to great effect. Now that the Blood Dragons aren't under as much pressure anymore thanks to the Influence of the Imperial Trust. He has had time to work in his forge experimenting with the new and old designs, and enhancing the war panoply of the Nest's champions. He has spent much time with the new power armor, attempting to both make improvements and create more specialized variants. (Learning)
Sanguinary High Priest Suriel Haku: A sour and dour man who stomps around and mutters under his breath constantly. Suriel is the responsible for keeping the Blood Dragons functioning as they do, and largely responsible for the scale mutation turning out as well as it has. The second oldest in the chapter, he has seen the geneseed degrade over ages and the Thirst grow stronger, his despair growing with it. He has constantly searched for a cure despite knowing in his heart he isn't going to be the one to find it. He is hopeful for the first time in centuries however, with the notes from Corax he hopes that he can finally make progress on ending the thirst. (Learning)
High Chaplain Eremiel Vritra, The Unbroken: A seemingly laid back Blood Dragon despite the shoes he must fill, he takes all that comes with good cheer. He take his duties seriously but he doesn't let it crush him, a source of morale to the Dragons and a rarity in this time.The only time his smile fades is when has to deal with Red and Death Companies. Having to put down his brothers, even if it eases their suffering, is something he'll never get used to. The High Chaplain's main project right now is to help spread the New Imperial Truth, something he hopes will bring hope to the trillions in the Dragon's Nest and even the jaded elder's of his chapter who he can have a hard time reaching. (Piety and Combat)
Master of Recruits Dumah, The Silent Angel: Rendered permanently mute by a wound to his throat from a cursed blade, he now serves the chapter as a trainer, where having to rely upon slower forms of communication is of little hindrance. His unorthodox and extreme training methods have since made him an object of fear and respect for much of the chapter. Even after his initiates become full battle brothers, they still fear his silent approach. For Dumah, the testing is never over. Maybe you're in his crosshairs and he tags you with a non lethal bullet, an ambush in a tight corridor, a trap in your quarters after you've come home from a mission, he strives to ensure his methods are as diverse as the threats faced by the chapter. His methods are exacting and it shows in the skill of the Blood Dragons, marines often joking they fear Dumah more than any foe they face. (Intrigue and Combat)
Herald of Sanguinius Uzziel Ladon, The Whirlwind: The second youngest in leadership, he has earned it with his skill and a refusal to back down no matter the opponent. He is a simple man who knows who he is and what he's good at. He is the one the chapter sends when they need an enemy champion slain, or an elite unit cut to ribbons. His glaive almost seeming to bend and twist around the enemy from unexpected angles. His guard is treated as a hero killer unit on the battlefield, something they are often tasked with. Uzziel himself has a long list of foes he has cut down over the years. Upon hearing of the paragons from the Imperial Trust he now has a goal to reach towards, for while a few of his brothers are near him in skill, he is the closest to that ceiling and he is intent on pushing through it now, throwing himself into training harder than he ever has. (Combat)
Master of the Watch Nathanael Anansi: When the last Governor fell to the Abomination it wasn't only the government that was corrupted but the intrigue apparatus as well. So when the Chapter Master stepped into take control, he left it to Nathanael to rebuild. And rebuild it he has, and better than before. Though the many enemies that surround the Nest still manage to find gaps, he constantly adapts and changes. He enjoys his role as spymaster as it's something he's good at. On the increasingly rare cases he has to take care of a situation personally, he does so using two custom heavy impaler revolvers that Raziel made for him. Currently he is working closely with Inquisitor Klovis-Ultan to patch any holes the Blood Dragons have not yet been able to find. For the first time he has met his match in the trade, and Klovis enjoys having someone that can keep up with him and has a fresh perspective. (Intrigue and Admin)
Master of the Fleet Cassiel Alexander: With the many enemies the Blood Dragons face their fleet has to stay on constant alert. It's rare for Master Cassiel to be on the ground, something he secretly prefers. The void of space and all the things that fill it, this he sees as his true home. Born with an intuitive grasp of void tactics he quickly gained experience and hard fought skill through sheer necessity. His ships move like a many armed monster that seems to sway with unnatural coordination as they find gaps in the enemy's line. (Martial)
Master of the Marches Domiel: Born on a border world in Dragon's Nest his earliest memory is of a Chaos raid ravaging his world. Upon becoming a Battle Brother it was quickly noted that he had talent at reading the flow of battle and making use of the terrain to create ambushes. Upon becoming a Sergeant his squad always appeared exactly where it needed to be in a battle. It was a trend he continued when he became a Captain, saving the hive world of Mundo by cutting off the enemy advance at every point until reinforcements arrived. Promoted to Master of Marches, he handles the job in a seemingly random manner. The seeming randomness of his deployments is in fact the point. Instead of attempting to create a uniform defense, he has turned the Nest's garrison into a complex shell game, using the unknown force disposition to make even the largest of raids risky, as one can never be sure how well guarded a world will be. (Martial and Intrigue)
Warden of the Nest Samuel: Quiet and unassuming are two words one might use to describe Warden Samuel. Unlike most of his brothers when they were young he never sought glory. Doing duty for its own sake, he took interest in the common people and their plights. Taking time when he had it to help fix the problems they faced either by helping them do it or taking care of the paperwork necessary. He's a bit strange for a Blood Dragon, but he has a charisma that makes it easy for him to interface with the various worlds, knowing how to get the most of each and every world. (Diplomacy and Admin)
Master of Sieges Hadriel Tarkus, The Rock and the Hard Place: The Third oldest marine in the chapter, he has been involved in every single major defensive war the Blood Dragons have experienced, having a rare mind for defensive tactics among his brothers. His brothers prefer shock and awe, believing that best defense is a good offense. Sometimes though, you just need to hold that wall because you have no other choice. They send him to hold worlds they cannot afford to lose when a Waaagh or Chaos strikes. He is big even for a Space Marine, wielding a relic Thunder Hammer that crushes anything that comes into his path, screaming battle hymns as he fights. (Martial, Combat, and Piety)
Lord of Skyfall Gabriel Dracul: Gabriel Dracul is a surprisingly patient man for his position. He is easy going and calm, not showing any tension within, but Gabriel Dracul is a loaded spring ready to be launched at his enemies. The opportunities to attack are few, with the many enemies that surround the Nest. So when he can attack he relishes it, because he gets to take back something that was theirs. Instead of just losing ground and dying, he in his own way makes sure all the brothers he's lost haven't died for nothing. (Martial and Combat)
Master of Rites Uriel Haku: After the Lord Sector's fall, Blood Dragons were sent out to every world in the Nest to take over the various institutions of these worlds. Uriel was sent to a plain Agri world named Pharos to train the military forces there. He rapidly turned the subpar troops there into a veteran force that became known for shock and awe, and lethal melee ability the rival of any elite. He did this by getting to know his troops and tailoring the training to get the most out of them. When the position Master of Rites was made he was the first pick for the job. And while he cannot quite get to know all the forces tithed to him, he makes his rounds every so often to the various worlds to direct the Marines in charge. The results are telling; even without access to Trust technology and methods their Imperial Guard is not to be underestimated. As a whole in melee they match Avernus PDF - an impressive feat. From these troops he recruits the best for an elite force. This force almost matches the Avernus PDF in overall skill though is less well equipped. In melee they can match a Helltrooper in 2:1 odds, insane for mostly non deathworlders. (Diplomacy and Combat)
@Andres110 and @random_npc thank you so much for your help, it would've been a lot rougher otherwise.