The Long Night Part One: Embers in the Dusk: A Planetary Governor Quest (43k) Complete Sequel Up

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I didn't say anything about the Trust being a threat. I said something about Abbadon recruiting Turok and other powerful servants, Turok is the closest thing that can counter Ridcully and Robart not to mentioned Avernus is a strategic location with the planet mind , black sword, plus there is the technology that ca give his black imperium a power boost, the boost that we are giving to his enemies.

So is he ignorant of the Trust strategic value. Did he unknowingly let a powerful pawn die. How much does he comprehend.
I didn't say anything about the Trust being a threat. I said something about Abbadon recruiting Turok and other powerful servants, Turok is the closest thing that can counter Ridcully and Robart not to mentioned Avernus is a strategic location with the planet mind , black sword, plus there is the technology that ca give his black imperium a power boost, the boost that we are giving to his enemies.

So is he ignorant of the Trust strategic value. Did he unknowingly let a powerful pawn die. How much does he comprehend.

why should abadon care about some random demon prince and his pathetic domain out in the boonies?
I didn't say anything about the Trust being a threat. I said something about Abbadon recruiting Turok and other powerful servants, Turok is the closest thing that can counter Ridcully and Robart not to mentioned Avernus is a strategic location with the planet mind , black sword, plus there is the technology that ca give his black imperium a power boost, the boost that we are giving to his enemies.

So is he ignorant of the Trust strategic value. Did he unknowingly let a powerful pawn die. How much does he comprehend.
what you are talking about is the US President caring that a talented pro american fighter in Somalia dying, he has better things to care about.
I didn't say anything about the Trust being a threat. I said something about Abbadon recruiting Turok and other powerful servants, Turok is the closest thing that can counter Ridcully and Robart not to mentioned Avernus is a strategic location with the planet mind , black sword, plus there is the technology that ca give his black imperium a power boost, the boost that we are giving to his enemies.

So is he ignorant of the Trust strategic value. Did he unknowingly let a powerful pawn die. How much does he comprehend.

Toroq and all the surrounding chaos and ork domains are so far below his view it isn't even funny. Toroq isn't anything special he is no real match for Ridcully at all. Unless one group takes control of everything we know about no one in the higher command of the Black Imperium will know. Even then it would be as minor footnote.

That is the whole point of the Imperial Trust we are so insignificant and in such a remote part of the Galaxy no one knows about us. Unless we go out of our way to contact bigger Politys no one will look for us. That is our greatest strength not the DAoT tech we gained, not The Last Saint, not any of the heroes which in the massive scale aren't much, or even Ridcully.

If he attacked us then the Planet Mind would most likely unleash the life cleansing super weapons it has. The Chaos Gods are scared of that happening so will not put themselves in danger of that. Also technically all the Chaos Domains around are part of the Black Imperium. The problem is that Chaos doesn't work with each other unless they are forced to. We have been very careful in hiding that we are the ones pushing for the conference.
Person of Interest: The Spider Man
Ahem hem.

Person of Interest: The Spider Man



The blink spider. The perennial menace of Avernus. Loathed above all other dangers that populate this planet, no other creature enjoys an almost universal animosity from all sapient species.

Almost universal.

In the Dis Pharmaceutical Quarantine Quarters resides one man who can be described as the expert on blink spiders. He has lived with them, studied them, and bred them for nine decades. His name is John Aniseed, but to all those who meet him, he is remembered as… the Spider Man.


JOHN ANISEED: When I was a brat a blink spider tried to bite me and I told it no. Lucky for me I had some telepathy. Then me brother squashed it.

Probably about seven months later I told someone and they sent me to Ol' Bosoms, which is where I found Carmine One. Went through about sixteen Carmines; all my mates were slappin' 'em dead.

[IMG: A class photo of the Sanctioned Cohort UU-234-87. A cherubic John Aniseed is located by an impregnable bubble of personal space. His familiar, Carmine the Blink Spider, is censored for safe viewing.]

J: Right out of Uni I got a job with Antidote Corp milking spiders. I was making about two thrones a year plus overquota until Antidote got merged into Dis Pharmacy, then I got put on annual contract, six thrones a year. Then the team manager died of, uh, spider bite, and here I am.

Due to special considerations, I have my own residential cube. It's a cube within a cube, really. The gap is vacuum, with mobile drones carrying tiny mouse habitats to intercept any blink spiders trying to escape the nest. Blink spiders don't blink into vacuum; we can, because we're sapient and willing to jump into hard void if we have to, but given the choice between atmosphere with prey, and no atmosphere or prey, they will always go for the mouse, and then the drone flashes them with the laser matrix.

Anyway, it's fine, if a bit lonely. Haven't seen anybody for three months.

[VID: John reveals his personal quarters, which is enclosed by transparent environments containing sedated blink spiders. In the corner, a Tamia Jameson Concert poster is visible before John hastily covers it.]

J: We don't need to see that. Oh, this is Carmine. Say hi, Carmine!


J: Technically she's Carmine the 403rd​ or thereabouts, but who's counting? Aside from me. I'm counting. Anyway, all these fellas I usually keep psychically asleep. If I need to go out, there's a chemical aerosoliser and cryounit that keeps them all under, plus the emergency void-grenade if I'm gone too long.

[VID: John opens a large box. Inside, several blink spiders march in unison, injecting venom into a reservoir before feeding from a nutrient dispenser.]

J: All under my control. Completely safe! Although they do need to kill something every so often. Keeps their venom sharp.

[VID: John produces a mouse from his robes, and throws it in, before closing the box.]

J: So there are, traditionally, two problems with harvesting blink spider venom. One: getting the venom. Two: making antivenom out of venom.

[IMG: A complex procedure chart.]

Getting the venom is troublesome, because blink spiders don't bite what you want them to bite. Blink spiders will bite damn near everything except two things: dead bodies and other blink spiders. Can't pin them down, on account of they can teleport. With other species on other planets you'd use a bait-servitor or balloon man, or prisoners I reckon. Bait-servitors don't yield as much venom, you see, all the flesh bits start necrotising. A balloon man is better, it's designed to preserve as much venom as possible, but blink spiders know it's not alive, they can sense the vacancies inside.

Pre-mindbending, people'd pick up bitten rats and things, send 'em off to the nearest BioMech dropoff for a few credits. The venom farms, they keep a few thousand rats in a rolling drum, pick out the ones that drop dead. Then Fitzroy Zenkart, he's a telepath, he figures out a way to convince a blink spider to bite a target. Doesn't make him popular, but venom harvesters move on to balloon men. Jenn Yukang, biomancy, she learns the chemical that blink spiders use to identify each other, everyone in Bosoms starts smelling like spider, kids get sprayed five times a day. Slight drawback; everything starts trying to kill you even more. Then, finally, Morabi Kzokysczi, biomancy represent, first psyker to successfully imitate a blink spider venom gland through mutation of the sublingual salivary gland, third to successfully revert it. Terrible kisser. [John pantomimes projectile vomiting and cardiac arrest.]

So we have venom. Problem: how do we make antivenom? Traditionally, you find something that's survived, take its antibodies, and inject them into yourself, either beforehand to build immunity, or after a bite to neutralise venom. Slight complication is that blink spider venom has a 95 to 110% fatality rate depending on species, and if a creature has a physiology strong enough to throw off spider-venom, you don't want to be sticking its blood in you because you will die of bloodsplosion.

[VID: The second AC113 Island Turtle Blood Transfusion Incident.]

J: Initial colony drop had four-hundred enzyme vats in-case we needed to target a gene-virus on some xeno scum at some point, but good luck supplying a planet on them. [John laughs for an excessive length of time at his own joke.] These are still rat-farm times, and they're feeding these things to grox and taking out a few litres every week, but the grox is now inedible, and nobody likes getting injected with groxblood. Then the grox population grows high enough that they can section off a breeding population dedicated to immunity, start feeding them all envenomed corpses, and letting the strongest ones breed more potent antibodies. This is about a hundred-fifty years in, and the BioMech was still doing those things with cloned tissue silos that never quite worked out.

[IMG: An Adeptus Mechanicus Antivenom Flesh Pillar, mid-liquefaction.]

J: The key ingredient is a living host. Not a technically alive and metabolising meat culture, but an actual sentient being. There must be a life to extinguish, metaphysically speaking, to generate countermeasures to the psychocidal level of the venom; a purely biochemical solution only cures eight of ten cases for the weakest strains.

Additionally, there's… hm. It's a bit hard to explain, but part of the countermeasures include "not getting bitten" at all. Ritualistically, physically accepting the venom means spiritually accepting its gift, which significantly undercuts any sort of resistance by the recipient post facto. Some contact-based phenomena get around consent and defiance in their victims this way, like mindmelds and bodylocks, and it's also how you get death touches. The reasoning seems to be that if you really didn't want it, you'd have made it clear by not accepting it. Not exactly fair, though, but it's the warp.

So what I've been working on to get my golds is generating antivenom. Watch.

[VID: John works his mouth, before spitting a clear green fluid into a tube. He places it under a microviewer, and from his robes produces a CENSORED, allowing it to inject its venom into the tube. The venom fizzles, and the microviewer displays a 98% lysis rate of the venom.]

J: Modified salivary gland. I tried sweat glands, but it ruins towels.


John Aniseed remains the foremost behavioural expert on blink spiders. His Master Sanctionite thesis "Biomantic Autogeneration of Blink Spider Antivenom Type A" was reviewed and approved AC333. When questioned on the direction of his research, he replied that he was "looking for someone to settle down with." He enjoys ice cream sodas, playing his harp, and long walks outside of his house. He is currently single.


AN: They're not evil! They're just misguided!
... The problem is that Chaos doesn't work with each other unless they are forced to. We have been very careful in hiding that we are the ones pushing for the conference.
your last point there actually makes me think that we should be telling everyone to go partially in secret (mostly so that we can go in secret)....

that way nobody knows anything except what is required for the trades.
1) what you have to trade.
2) what you want to trade for.

pick-up locations are not needed since the eldar are the ones doing the transporting, names are not required since you don't need to know where the eldar are sending resources to/from.

of course, this is a bit of a simplification and I am sure people are going to be wanting to know who they are trading with to a degree(for good reasons)...but I think that questions about who/what/where/how should be from the perspective of "why should I tell you?" not "why shouldn't I tell everyone". (that is, the default for telling other people something about yourself should be to NOT do it inless otherwise made).

so maybe when we send people to the trade we should do it in disguise? maybe we should send the message that the others should as well so we don't look out of place. (the eldar I'm sure would still know out of necessity of their part in all of this...but we would be minimizing the amount of people who know each piece of info)

if we find that a trade can't happen anominously, we can reveal ourselves then to exactly the party that we are trading with. but this way we can make sure that not everyone at the trade will know everyone there and where they are and what they have.

YES, I am being paranoid about preventing info from spreading....but the thing is that info is very easily spread so you NEED to be paranoid about it(which means its not actually paranoia). I am sure the inquisitors can agree with me on that point after-all.

This is informational security, and I vote that at the least, we make sure that info is on a *actual* need-to-know basis....not the movie "need-to-know" basis which still gets told to everyone who is slightly curious.

-edit- I just realized that there might be a possibility that simply TRYING to hide info during this would make the entire event more note-worthy in terms of its warp-presence(hiding info like this is so tzeetchian afterall)....I don't know much about warp shenanigans so Imma drop that point out and let others discuss it.
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Ahem hem.

Person of Interest: The Spider Man



The blink spider. The perennial menace of Avernus. Loathed above all other dangers that populate this planet, no other creature enjoys an almost universal animosity from all sapient species.

Almost universal.

In the Dis Pharmaceutical Quarantine Quarters resides one man who can be described as the expert on blink spiders. He has lived with them, studied them, and bred them for nine decades. His name is John Aniseed, but to all those who meet him, he is remembered as… the Spider Man.


JOHN ANISEED: When I was a brat a blink spider tried to bite me and I told it no. Lucky for me I had some telepathy. Then me brother squashed it.

Probably about seven months later I told someone and they sent me to Ol' Bosoms, which is where I found Carmine One. Went through about sixteen Carmines; all my mates were slappin' 'em dead.

[IMG: A class photo of the Sanctioned Cohort UU-234-87. A cherubic John Aniseed is located by an impregnable bubble of personal space. His familiar, Carmine the Blink Spider, is censored for safe viewing.]

J: Right out of Uni I got a job with Antidote Corp milking spiders. I was making about two thrones a year plus overquota until Antidote got merged into Dis Pharmacy, then I got put on annual contract, six thrones a year. Then the team manager died of, uh, spider bite, and here I am.

Due to special considerations, I have my own residential cube. It's a cube within a cube, really. The gap is vacuum, with mobile drones carrying tiny mouse habitats to intercept any blink spiders trying to escape the nest. Blink spiders don't blink into vacuum; we can, because we're sapient and willing to jump into hard void if we have to, but given the choice between atmosphere with prey, and no atmosphere or prey, they will always go for the mouse, and then the drone flashes them with the laser matrix.

Anyway, it's fine, if a bit lonely. Haven't seen anybody for three months.

[VID: John reveals his personal quarters, which is enclosed by transparent environments containing sedated blink spiders. In the corner, a Tamia Jameson Concert poster is visible before John hastily covers it.]

J: We don't need to see that. Oh, this is Carmine. Say hi, Carmine!


J: Technically she's Carmine the 403rd​ or thereabouts, but who's counting? Aside from me. I'm counting. Anyway, all these fellas I usually keep psychically asleep. If I need to go out, there's a chemical aerosoliser and cryounit that keeps them all under, plus the emergency void-grenade if I'm gone too long.

[VID: John opens a large box. Inside, several blink spiders march in unison, injecting venom into a reservoir before feeding from a nutrient dispenser.]

J: All under my control. Completely safe! Although they do need to kill something every so often. Keeps their venom sharp.

[VID: John produces a mouse from his robes, and throws it in, before closing the box.]

J: So there are, traditionally, two problems with harvesting blink spider venom. One: getting the venom. Two: making antivenom out of venom.

[IMG: A complex procedure chart.]

Getting the venom is troublesome, because blink spiders don't bite what you want them to bite. Blink spiders will bite damn near everything except two things: dead bodies and other blink spiders. Can't pin them down, on account of they can teleport. With other species on other planets you'd use a bait-servitor or balloon man, or prisoners I reckon. Bait-servitors don't yield as much venom, you see, all the flesh bits start necrotising. A balloon man is better, it's designed to preserve as much venom as possible, but blink spiders know it's not alive, they can sense the vacancies inside.

Pre-mindbending, people'd pick up bitten rats and things, send 'em off to the nearest BioMech dropoff for a few credits. The venom farms, they keep a few thousand rats in a rolling drum, pick out the ones that drop dead. Then Fitzroy Zenkart, he's a telepath, he figures out a way to convince a blink spider to bite a target. Doesn't make him popular, but venom harvesters move on to balloon men. Jenn Yukang, biomancy, she learns the chemical that blink spiders use to identify each other, everyone in Bosoms starts smelling like spider, kids get sprayed five times a day. Slight drawback; everything starts trying to kill you even more. Then, finally, Morabi Kzokysczi, biomancy represent, first psyker to successfully imitate a blink spider venom gland through mutation of the sublingual salivary gland, third to successfully revert it. Terrible kisser. [John pantomimes projectile vomiting and cardiac arrest.]

So we have venom. Problem: how do we make antivenom? Traditionally, you find something that's survived, take its antibodies, and inject them into yourself, either beforehand to build immunity, or after a bite to neutralise venom. Slight complication is that blink spider venom has a 95 to 110% fatality rate depending on species, and if a creature has a physiology strong enough to throw off spider-venom, you don't want to be sticking its blood in you because you will die of bloodsplosion.

[VID: The second AC113 Island Turtle Blood Transfusion Incident.]

J: Initial colony drop had four-hundred enzyme vats in-case we needed to target a gene-virus on some xeno scum at some point, but good luck supplying a planet on them. [John laughs for an excessive length of time at his own joke.] These are still rat-farm times, and they're feeding these things to grox and taking out a few litres every week, but the grox is now inedible, and nobody likes getting injected with groxblood. Then the grox population grows high enough that they can section off a breeding population dedicated to immunity, start feeding them all envenomed corpses, and letting the strongest ones breed more potent antibodies. This is about a hundred-fifty years in, and the BioMech was still doing those things with cloned tissue silos that never quite worked out.

[IMG: An Adeptus Mechanicus Antivenom Flesh Pillar, mid-liquefaction.]

J: The key ingredient is a living host. Not a technically alive and metabolising meat culture, but an actual sentient being. There must be a life to extinguish, metaphysically speaking, to generate countermeasures to the psychocidal level of the venom; a purely biochemical solution only cures eight of ten cases for the weakest strains.

Additionally, there's… hm. It's a bit hard to explain, but part of the countermeasures include "not getting bitten" at all. Ritualistically, physically accepting the venom means spiritually accepting its gift, which significantly undercuts any sort of resistance by the recipient post facto. Some contact-based phenomena get around consent and defiance in their victims this way, like mindmelds and bodylocks, and it's also how you get death touches. The reasoning seems to be that if you really didn't want it, you'd have made it clear by not accepting it. Not exactly fair, though, but it's the warp.

So what I've been working on to get my golds is generating antivenom. Watch.

[VID: John works his mouth, before spitting a clear green fluid into a tube. He places it under a microviewer, and from his robes produces a CENSORED, allowing it to inject its venom into the tube. The venom fizzles, and the microviewer displays a 98% lysis rate of the venom.]

J: Modified salivary gland. I tried sweat glands, but it ruins towels.


John Aniseed remains the foremost behavioural expert on blink spiders. His Master Sanctionite thesis "Biomantic Autogeneration of Blink Spider Antivenom Type A" was reviewed and approved AC333. When questioned on the direction of his research, he replied that he was "looking for someone to settle down with." He enjoys ice cream sodas, playing his harp, and long walks outside of his house. He is currently single.


AN: They're not evil! They're just misguided!
well done,
if we are lucky, durin will add at least a small bonus ..or rather debuff, to the annual kill-rate of people via blink spiders because of this (something something, better blink-spider counter measures)

1. Knowing a daemon's True Name can corrupt a person just by knowing it. Would the devout follower of a god become more faithful if they knew their god's True Name?
2. Would they become more powerful if they did?
3. A person that hosts a daemon is a daemonhost. What do you call a person that hosts a god? A godhost?
4. I have an idea. A god gives us its True Name. If it gets in trouble that it can't get out of on its own, it gives us a call. Then we, with our massive amounts of psykers, summon the sub-Apex weakling and save its life. Is this a viable idea assuming we can generate the trust to not abuse their True Name?
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Inless someone can quote some numbers and show that (how ever many) defense monitors and 1 monitor carrier have more firepower and/or cost less then a ship or group of ships of equal cost/equal firepower
The whole point is that the carrier itself will not be doing any fighting and will retreat once it drops the monitors off, meaning it doesn't need to be well armed or armored, more akin to specialised mass conveyor than any military ship.
Turoq's Assault Part Five: Victory
Turoq's Assault Part Five: Victory

As the plasma field surrounding the Nomad Cities of Muspelheim died down the forces of Atlas restarted their assault, focusing entirly on a single Nomad City. Their initial attacks, on breaches opened in the previous assault failed upon discovering that the combat engineers of Muspelheim had managed a significant amount of repairs during the lull, with the Fire Giants being able to repair even the sections of the Nomad Cities directly in the plasma. Once this had been discovered the second and subsequent waves had far more success breaching the outer defences of Muspelheim. Within a few hours one of the cities of Muspelheim was once more the sight of viscous tunnel fighting. While the majority of the fighting went your way whenever the forces of Atlas managed to concentrate enough of their psychic might on a single area they were able to expand their beachhead, at least until a rapid reaction force was able to halt their advance. As well as conventional defences Champion Surt demonstrated a massive number of ways in which he could use the layered thermal shielding of Muspelheim to allow some rather devastating traps, including one time in which he detonated a dozen naval scale melta warheads within a recently taken district, using the thermal shielding to prevent the neighboring districts taken much damage and ripping the heart out of an assault wave. However despite the ingenious defences that Champion Surt deployed and the valiant efforts of the Imperial Trust soldiers numbers begun to tell, with the entire ground forces of the Atlas fleet being concentrated on single Nomad City containing little of six percent of the forces garrisoned on Muspelheim. Twenty hours after the assault began almost a tenth of the city had fallen into the hands of Atlas, at the cost of over a billion Skitarii and millions of more elite soldiers.

At this point the Imperial Trust Fleet, which had been forced to withdraw almost five days before started advancing. According to your Seers the Fabricator-Locum of Atlas read this as a desperation move, where much of the gathered Imperial Trust is traded for enough damage to his fleet that they can not take control of their target before the reinforcement fleets, which had entered the outer system a few days before, arrived. To be fair if it was not for the Eldar he would have been right. As it was minutes before the fleets clashed the Eldar Fleet made is presence known by launching a push into the heart of the Atlas Fleet, with the majority of the fleet clearing a way though the shoals of escorts to allow the Ghostships to target the Battleships that made up the heart of Atlas' Fleet. Then for the first time ever the Imperial Trust was able to witness the power of an Eldar Ghostship, as eighty Ghostships annihilate twenty-nine battleships in less then an hour. The combination of the Eldar's suprise attack and the death of all of the leadership of Atlas threw their fleet into disarray, allowing the Eldar to withdraw without suffering to many casualties and leaving them open for Admiral Freyr and his fleet. Admiral Freyr and his fleet of heavy warships hit the disorganised, escort heavy fleet of Atlas and punch straight though them, taking out two thirds of the remaining capital ships and half of the escorts in exchange for barely any losses, though a few Defence Stations do go down under the fire from desperately fleeing warships.
Eldar Kills
10 Battleships
19 Deamon Battleships
3 Grand Cruiser Squadrons
3 Heavy Cruiser Squadrons
78 Escort Squadrons
94 Attack Craft Flotillas

Atlas Kills
1 Battleship
6 Ghostship Squadrons
17 Cruiser Squadrons
13 Escort Flotillas
32 Attack Craft Flotillas

Counter Attack
Atlas d100=88+92(skill)+25(psykers)+25(deamonships)-20(Abomination)+10(numbers)-30(leadership lost)-20(disruption)=170
Imperial d100=38+80(skill)+20(Technology)+38(Martial)+20(hyperweights)=201
Name Type Loses Remaining
Sword Escort 3,847 4,301
Cobra Escort 1,234 775
Firestorm Escort 1,572 1,758
Endeavour Escort Cruiser    
Dauntless Light Cruiser 55 5
Luna Cruiser 3 1
Dictator Cruiser 3 1
Deamon Luna Cruiser 1  
Deamon Dictator Cruiser 1  
Battlecruiser Battlecruiser 70 1
Deamon Battlecruiser Battlecruiser 34 9
Heavy Cruiser Heavy Cruiser 24 2
Deamon Heavy Cruiser Heavy Cruiser 49 1
Grand Cruiser Grand Cruiser 30 5
Deamon Grand Cruiser Grand Cruiser 24 17
Battleship Battleship    
Deamon Battleship Battleship    
Ark Mechanicus Battleship    
Trasport Trasport    
Mass Convoyer Trasport    
Fury Fighter 28,765 10,893
Starhawk Bomber 19,770 16,572
Name Type Loses Remaining
Squire Frigate 7 3
Page Frigate 7 3
Youxia Escort Cruiser 2  
Monk Escort Cruiser 1  
Castra Defence Cruiser    
Bastion Defence Cruiser    
Knight Armoured Cruiser    
Cataphract Armoured Cruiser    
Kshatriya Armoured Cruiser    
Samurai Armoured Cruiser    
Teutonic Heavy Cruiser 3 3
Chevalier Heavy Cruiser 13 15
Paladin Heavy Cruiser 4 4
Templar Heavy Cruiser 3 3
Gurkha Grand Cruiser 1 8
Scots Grand Cruiser 1 8
Landsknecht Grand Cruiser 1 8
Pope Grand Cruiser 1 8
Berserker Battleship   8
Saint Battleship   4
Vajra Command battleship   1
Einherjar Command battleship   1
Legend Dreadnought   1
Defence Monitor Escort 1  
Orbital Weapons Platform Defence 11 13
Heavy Orbital Weapons Platform Defence 8 5
Defence Station Defence 3 77
Ramilies Starfort Defence   25
Guardian Fighter 3,925 10,205
Wraith Stealth Fighter 1,315 10,050
Dragon Bomber 2,617 6,803
Assassin Stealth Bomber 524 5,510

Emergency Warp Jump d100=34+20(chaos)+10(deamonship)+30(psykers)-20(location)=74: 80% casulties
Name Type Losses
Sword Escort 3,440 860
Cobra Escort 620 155
Firestorm Escort 1,406 352
Endeavour Escort Crusier    
Dauntless Light Cruiser 4 1
Luna Cruiser 1  
Dictator Cruiser 1  
Deamon Luna Cruiser    
Deamon Dictator Cruiser    
Battlecruiser Battlecruiser 1  
Deamon Battlecruiser Battlecruiser 6 3
Heavy Cruiser Heavy Cruiser 1  
Deamon Heavy Cruiser Heavy Cruiser 1  
Grand Cruiser Grand Cruiser 4 1
Deamon Grand Cruiser Grand Cruiser 12 5

With the withdrawal of Atala' Fleet the campaign is over, barring cleaning out the remains of Turoq's assault on Hvergelmir, which is accomplished rather easily between the Eldar forces, the defenders of Hvergelmir and the reinforcements from the neighboring systems. With the last of the attackers dead the Eldar gather their wounded and dead and leave. This campagin was decided almsot entirly on the void, leaving you with heavy but bearable naval losses and incredibly light round losses.
Name Type Losses
Page Frigate 1047.78
Squire Frigate 1047.78
Legionnaire Destroyer 259.99
Solider Destroyer 2327.16
Privateer Raider 361.05
Monk Escort Cruiser 185.05
Youxia Escort Cruiser 370.08
Fog Stealth Light Cruiser 3.81
Bastion Defence Cruiser 0.88
Castra Defence Cruiser 1.74
Fortress Defence Cruiser 3.48
Cathedral Defence Cruiser 3.49
Fortress Defence Cruiser 4.36
Castle Defence Cruiser 10.47
Samurai Armoured Cruiser 27.54
Kshatriya Armoured Cruiser 31.41
Cataphract Armoured Cruiser 55.08
Knight Armoured Cruiser 82.63
Hoplite Cruiser 1.73
Bishop Cruiser 2.59
Warrior Cruiser 2.59
Marauder Battlecruiser 9.08
Uhlan Battlecruiser 9.08
Disciple Battlecruiser 10.9
Husser Battlecruiser 10.9
Templar Heavy Cruiser 10.92
Teutonic Heavy Cruiser 10.92
Paladin Heavy Cruiser 14.55
Chevalier Heavy Cruiser 50.56
Landsknecht Grand Cruiser 4.46
Scots Grand Cruiser 4.46
Gurkha Grand Cruiser 4.51
Pope Grand Cruiser 4.51
Hero Battleship 0.11
Champion Battleship 0.12
Legate Battleship 0.17
Saint Battleship 0.18
Berserker Battleship 0.34
Hun Fast Battleship 0.06
Martyr Fast Battleship 0.06
Mongol Fast Battleship 0.26
Alexander Command battleship 0.01
Vajra Command battleship 0.02
Legend Dreadnought  
Prophet Dreadnought 0.01
Defence Monitor Escort 939.07
Orbital Weapons Platform Defence 3935.96
Heavy Orbital Weapons Platform Defence 774.46
Defence Station Defence 66.32
Ramilies Starfort Defence 0.3
Guardian Fighter 32,451
Dragon Bomber 20,781
Assassin Stealth Bomber 2159.26
Wraith Stealth Fighter 5,624.32
Emergency Warjump: 80% casualties
More than a billion casualties just to take 10% of one Nomad City.

Oh boy, Atlas was just absolutely gutted.
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Emergency Warp Jump d100=34+20(chaos)+10(deamonship)+30(psykers)-20(location)=74: 80% casulties

and just one last bit of injury on top of everything else, they lose almost everything on the way out. that said, i'm very glad we got the Eldar for this. They would have likely been able to either take that city or force us to do something expensive to save/destroy it. That would have been pretty bad.

oh by the by, the spoiler is not displaying everything for me, so if it's doing that for anyone else, here is the full simplified list.

Naval Losses, 66 Defence Stations, 774 Heavy Defence Platforms, 3936 Weapon Platforms, 9 Grand Cruiser Squadrons, 22 Heavy Cruiser Squadrons, 7 Battlecruiser Squadrons, 1 Cruiser Squadron, 25 Armored Cruiser Squadrons, 3 Defence Cruiser Squadrons, 47 Escort Cruiser Squadrons, 42 Frigate Flotillas, 26 Destroyer Flotillas, 9 Raider Flotillas, 19 Monitor Flotillas, 610 Attack Craft Flotillas

we managed to come through this without losing any battleships, and only 18 grand cruisers. I'm pretty sure we can replace our losses within a build cycle or two. graned grand cruisers take 14 years to make, so it could be a while until those are replaced.
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1.Is it too late to assign the seers to figuring out what part of Turoq's domain we need to raid to minimize chances of the forge worlds getting more of our tech from them?
2.Or do they already have everything Turoq captured?
Ugh, and Ridcully will be out of business for long enough that they might get there before we have actionable intel.

Why do I never think of these things until after the fact.
Okay, so while this outcome is sufficiently intimidating to keep them away from us for a good long while, it also means that they're likely to escalate a lot and come up with something clever the next time the take a swing at us. We should try to get some sort of observation on them.
Emergency Warp Jump d100=34+20(chaos)+10(deamonship)+30(psykers)-20(location)=74: 80% casulties
Lmao. Also
Atlas d100=88+92(skill)+25(psykers)+25(deamonships)-20(Abomination)+10(numbers)-30(leadership lost)-20(disruption)=170
We got all of their leadership. Coupled with the Hvergelmir stats that means we can chalk up at least 23 Dark Magos, 12 Lord Sorcerers and 60 chaos lords. Pretty fucking good, if I do say so myself.
Ugh, and Ridcully will be out of business for long enough that they might get there before we have actionable intel.

5 demon grand cruisers, 1 grand cruiser, 3 demon battlecruisers, and 1 very lucky light cruiser are all of the ships bigger than an escort that got away. due to the penalty for losing their leadership, we can assume none of those ships had flag officers on them. The odds of them having transferred the very valuable tech to any of those specific ships is very low.

the odds of them getting any of our tech from this is pretty low.
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5 demon grand cruisers, 1 grand cruiser, 3 demon battlecruisers, and 1 very lucky light cruiser are all of the ships bigger than an escort that got away. due to the penalty for losing their leadership, we can assume none of those ships had flag officers on them. The odds of them having transferred the very valuable tech to any of those specific ships is very low.

the odds of them getting any of our tech from this is pretty low.
+ We do have the Eldar seers...I hope they're not in so much of a hurry that we can't ask em "OY DID THEY NAB SOMIN?"