Impressive Assets of The Forge Realm of Callumus
The Calamity Class Battlecrusier
One of the mainstays of the Callumite fleets, the Calamity was created near the start of the polity by a genius of fleet design who was given the honour of designing a new ship to deal with the variety of new foes that the polity was facing.
Her response was the Calamity, which proved to be more successful than their wildest dreams and more potent than they could have anticipated for one reason alone. It is almost unkillable.
This is not to say the Calamity is a bad ship in other respects, quite the opposite in fact, but its armaments are unremarkable if high quality and while its engines and reactor can give it a speed boost in emergencies this does not represent a fundamental shift in the battlefield.
However, the Calamities design means that it simply will not die. This effect was achieved through splitting up the ship into highly reinforced sections. Should one section be destroyed the effect will be isolated to that section and effect no more.
This fundamentally changed the Callumite fleet composition. Suddenly Battlecrusiers were no longer the vulnerable glass cannons of the fleet. Now they could effectively take the mainlines of the fleets and provide an overwhelming boost to their navy, especially since they are not much more expensive than regular battlecrusiers.
The Lethian Myrmidons
Fabricator General Arkadia Lethe is unique in many ways, but one of the most unique is a genetic quirk that allows her body to accept almost any biological change and reinforcement with seemingly no negative consequence. This has let her enhance her body to a level equal to the Astartes in physical capacity and improve her mind to match.
However, this is a quirk unique to her…and her clones. Her genetics also mean that she makes for remarkably good clone stock, leading to the creation of the Lethians, one of the most potent detachments the Forge Empire can currently field.
As clones all but a very small handful do not even hold a candle to their progenitor, however given the vast abilities of said progenitor this is nothing to be ashamed of. The majority of these clones have been trained in the style of the Magos Myrmidon's and have succeeded in this capacity magnificently, with most being exceedingly skilled Tech Priests and unmatchable warriors on the battlefield, combining enhanced physiques with the best technology the polity has access too and simple unmatchable intelligence.
When combined with genetic improvements similar to their mother they are frequently deployed alongside the Astartes as part of the Myrmidon Legion, on dangerous missions against the Necrons or Ophelians, where their supreme skills have turned the tide in hundreds of engagements, either through skilful tactics, application of advanced technology and participating in the construction of the super weapons employed by the Legion.
The Myrmidon Legion
The ultimate "conventional" military force available to the Forge Empire, the Myrmidon Legion represents a vast concentration of force.
Rather than traditional tech priests or soldiers, the lowliest member of this exclusive group would be a Skitarii Alpha in a more normal organisation, the "chaff" they utilise are vast armies of Praetorians, while normal engineseers are replaced with devastating Myrmidons.
The Legion is deployed on fronts where a combination of brains and brawn is needed to win the day. The leaders of the Legion, more and more frequently the Lethians, are given Carte Blanche to utilise whatever tactics are needed to win, so long as they do not utilise chaotic measures to do so.
The Legion as a result has caused vast civilian casualties and been responsible for enormous collateral damage in the course of their duties, sometimes by accident, other times very intentionally. However, their effectiveness cannot be ignored under any circumstance, and they have put the fear of the Machine God into both the Ophelians and the Necrons on numerous occasions.
The Legion also has a secondary role, namely to safeguard and utilise the Ordanatii war machines the polity creates. Well Ordanatii is perhaps an exaggeration of the word. While Callamus's general tech level is higher than Mars, they lack the millennia of unique technological scraps that the King of Forges had access too, resulting in most of their Ordanatii are more comparable to Ordanatus Minoris although they are still weapons are incredible destruction.
The Myrmidon Legion is infamous in the Segementum Tempestus as a potential Exterminatus tier threat, surprisingly due to the number of geological, lithological, climatological and other such experts within their ranks that lets them take advantage of planetary quirks to devastating results.
The most extreme examples of this are with the worlds of Kektha and Calurdina.
Kektha was a resource world deep within Callamus's territory, that unknown to them was a Tomb world unaffiliated with the Maynarkh dynasty. When the sluggish legions began to wake Callamus immediately sent a vast force against them, while the Maynarkh started to proposition the Tomb Lord. If they could secure their allegiance they would be able to strike deep into Callumite territory.
With Callamus gaining ground the increasingly desperate and confused World agreed to the Maynarkh's demands and a wave of fully awakened constructs burst forth. In desperation, the Myrmidons evacuated the world and activated their final contingency. Several super fraking machines activated at critical points triggering super volcanic eruptions.
In credit to the Crypteks present, they managed to slow down the convulsions of the earth long enough for the Tomb to evacuate, but the world was lost. Ripped apart by the eruptions.
Caludina was a Dark Forge affiliated with Ophelia that was a key industrial world on the Callumite front. Destroying it was the key goal of a push the Callumites made and while they reached the world they were unable to take it, the defenders standing strong and reinforcements incoming.
Ordering the retreat of the forces the Legion remained behind, building a strange device, holding back the tides of Ophelians until a strange plume of orange plasma leapt into the sky. While there was no immediate reaction, the atmosphere suddenly caught fire, boiling away.
Caludina was originally selected as a Forge World due to an atmospheric quirk that made it excellent for taking in oxygen and creating high quality metals. The Legion turned this against them, burning it away and obliterating the infrastructure and population while they remained secure, maglocked to the now dead world.
The pride and joy of Callamus, Arclight was the first Ark Mechanicus created exclusively by the realm.
Initially the vessel was a Grand Crusier known as Lightbringer that was discovered, almost completely destroyed within an Orkish space hulk.
In order to boost moral and to deflect from some political tension at the time the Fabricator General decided to personally work on the vessel alongside several of their senior Archmagi.
What started as an idle task, turned into an incredible success as the highly active machine spirit worked with them, and the magi found themselves inspired to incredible heights crafting a ship that goes above and beyond the abilities anything its size should be capable of.
In the aftermath of this miracle, the ship quickly became one of the polities Flagships and over the millennia became something of a celebrity.
This celebrity served it well at the 51
st Conference of Forges, where the Fabricator General stated that the polity needed to create its own Ark Mechanici, Lightbringer being selected to serve as the glorious Martyr for this cause.
As was traditional the body of Lightbringer was dismembered, its machine spirit transported into a superior body while the combined might of the polity went to work. In many ways what resulted is an embodiment of what the polity is. Xenotech, innovated tech and more works alongside ancient secrets and an almighty machine spirit to create something so much more than the sum of its parts, the mightiest ship in the region by far.
I fully admit that these are based on things from the Deus Ex Mechanicus quest, but I tried to adapt them as best I could to Embers.