Out of princip and because I can not aprove of Enjou running unoposed I present the following plan.
1. Last trading was for 50 years after 125 years after Avernus founding. Next turn is 150 to 155 years. We are trading now for 5 turns only.
2. We are
10 bil Thrones in the red. To be able to act we need at least 5 bil more -or better 10 bil.
3. This plan trades away a bit less than 50% of our net income of Food and Iron. We have massive reserves in both and still high net income afterwards.
4. This plan produces less Throne income for us now (around 40 to 50 bil net income for the next 5 turns) but will leave us more room to buy during the next High Council Meeting when the duration is longer.
5. I did not aim for a larger buy because trade deals outside of the High Council Meeting have the habbit of beeing more expensive (for us). Our current problem with the Thrones came out of us players not understanding how hard the new taxation would hit us and consequently not trading correctly to compensate.
As always the plan is subject to change based on discussion.
[X] Plan A bit of everything
100 times - 20 Cr (O Cargo) = 100 Hyper Advanced Juve-Nat doses (total 10,000 doses per year. 0 Cargo. 2000 Credits)
100 times - 26.6 Cr (0.77) Cargo) =10 units of food per year (total of 1000 per year or 1/2 of our net income. 77 Cargo. 2660 Credits)
1000 times - 1.7 Cr (0.08 Cargo)=1,000,000 Metal per year (total 1,000,000,000,000 per year or 1/2 of our net income. 80 Cargo. 1700 Credits)
TOTAL VALUE 6,360 Credits
20.000 times - 2.4 Cr (0 cargo)= 1,000,000 Thrones per year (total 20,000,000,000 per year. 0 Cargo. 48,000 Credits)
DIFFERENCE 41,640 for Midgard
Midgard owes us 152,568 Cr
Midgard owes us 110,928 Cr
I do not know how much transport capacity we have avaiable. As such I have made this plan ignoring it for now. Can you weight in wich how much we have avaiable?