If that was true, how is it possible to explain that a Galaxy spanning empire has not had any significant technological progress in the 11,000 years covered by Games Workshop?
Because change and the hope of progress is quite literally evil* and all too easily ends up with 'Tentacles, tentacles everywhere!'. On top of that Chaos takes special efforts to smash or corrupt the shit out attempts to do this.
Despite this, there has been technological improvements, but they are done very slowly and carefully with decades of review and testing to make sure they're not trojan horses, and everyone imvolved 100% believes that they aren't progressing anything, but regressing closer towards a mythical golden age. This is how the Adeptus Mechanicus manages in a universe as screwed up as 40K, by believing that what they're doing isn't actually change.
* when the four great metaphysical evils are the urge to harm, giving into despair, the desire for pleasure, and the desire to change things, that tells you something. One of these is not like the other to a modernist, but is to an anti-modernist.
Also, in the fluff text I've read, the Imperium has done what I advocated Avernus to do a couple times, at least in isolated cases. There are also explicit statements in the text that it doesn't do those things many, many more times, so some war machines have anomalously advanced components that if they were studied and applied across the board, great improvements could be made to many things.
Generally, the hypertech components are incredibly hard to make and might as well be magic as far as the Adeptus Mechanicus is concerned, seeing as they're usually designed by post-human intelligences or are literally made by STCs.
Well, all technology in the Imperium is based on STC printouts, and the Imperium has invented or reinvented a couple things since M30. Due to that, I thought that indicated that the Imperium could make printouts.
It isn't. Most but not all technology is derived from STC produced equipment, but much of it is black box copies of black box of monkey copies of something an STC made ten thousand years ago that the Imperium has no STC or STC printout for.
An STC print out is a very specific thing. It's not the name for a design pattern. An STC print out is a very big deal, as it's the manufacturing instructions created by a hypettech AI specifically tailored for how an idiot can make one specific instance of a category of object given a certain set of material inputs.
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