Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] Vikings
[X] Bane Wolf
[X] Militia Training: Cadia Style
[X]Repair Imperial Navy Escorts
[X]Trade Negotiations (Svartalfheim )
[X]Diplomatic Contact (Jotunhiem)
[X]Constant Recruitment: Psyker Hunters
[X]Explore Ruins
[X]Try to complete STC fragment: Lower Mass Alloy
[X]Detailed Survey (Trolls)
[X]Priest Training: Public Speaking
[X]Task Minor Talents: Individual Strengths
[X] Personal Attention: Population Pressure: Expand Hollin: Phase One
[X]Speak to the People
No. of votes: 1
[X] Vikings
[X] Bane Wolves
[X] Militia Training: Cadia Style
[X] Personal Attention: Population Pressure: Expand Hollin: Phase One
Expedite: Personal Attention: Population Pressure: Expand Hollin: Phase One
[X] Repair Imperial Navy Escorts
[X] Trade Negotiations (Svartalfheim)
[X] Diplomatic Contact (Jotunheim)
[X] Personal Attention: Targeted Cultist Hunt: Yphax
[X] Constant Recruitment: Psyker Hunters
[X] Try to complete STC fragment: Warp Scanners
-[X] Double Down:[/color] Try to complete STC fragment: Warp Scanners
[X] Try to complete STC fragment: Wider Bandwidth Vox
[X] Regional Survey (Avernus' Spine)
[X] Orphanages: Schola Progenium Model
[X] Task Minor Talents: Witch Sniffers
No. of votes: 1[/b]
[X] Vikings
[X] Heavy Armour
[X] Deathstrike
[X] Repair Imperial Navy Escorts
[X] Request for aid: Adeptus Mechanicus: Specialists (Auxilia Myrmidon)
[X] Trade Negotiations (Svartalfheim)
[X] Constant Recruitment: Psyker Hunters
[X] Examine Medical Diagnostic Pod
[X] Try to complete STC fragment: Lower Mass Alloy
[X] Preliminary Examination (Gnaw Worms)
[X] Orphanages: Schola Progenium Model
[X] Task Minor Talents: Individual Strengths
[X] Investigate Headmaster Ridcully
[X] Courtly Manners
No. of votes: 1
[x]Bane Wolves
[x]Militia Training:
Cadia Style
[x]Repair Imperial Navy Escorts
[x]Trade Negotiations (Svartalfheim)
[x]Diplomatic Contact (Niflheim)
[x]Constant Recruitment: Psyker Hunters
[x]Explore Ruins
[x]Try to complete STC fragment: Warp Scanners
[x]Preliminary Examination (Phase Tigers)
[x]Orphanages: Schola Progenium Model
Task Minor Talents: Witch Sniffers
[x]Personal Attention â€"
Targeted Cultist Hunt: Yphax
[x]Investigate Headmaster Ridcully
No. of votes: 1
[X] Vikings
[X] Bane Wolves
[X] Militia Training: Cadia Style
[X] Personal Attention - Population Pressure: Expand Hollin: Phase One
[X] Repair Imperial Navy Escorts
[X] Trade Negotiations (Svartalfheim)
[X] Request for aid: Adeptus Mechanicus: Specialists (Auxilia Myrmidon)
[X] Constant Recruitment: Psyker Hunters
[X] Explore Ruins
[X] Try to complete STC fragment: Warp Scanners
-[X] Double Down
[X] Regional Survey (Avernus's Spine)
[X] Orphanages: Schola Progenium Model
-[X] Expedite: Orphanages: Schola Progenium Model
[X] Task Minor Talents: Individual Strengths
[X] Investigate Headmaster Ridcully
No. of votes: 13
Nezi karaketas,
[X]Bane Wolves
[X] Militia Training: Cadia Style
[X]Population Pressure: Expand Hollin: Phase One
-[X] Expedite: Personal attention: Population Pressure: Expand Hollin: Phase One
[X]Repair Imperial Navy Escorts
[X]Request for aid: Adeptus Mechanicus: Specialists (Auxilia Myrmidon)
[X]Request for aid: Adeptus Ministorum
-[X] Double Down: Request for aid: Adeptus Ministorum
[X]Constant Recruitment: Psyker Hunters
[X]Explore Ruins
[X]Detailed Survey (Trolls)
[X]Try to complete STC fragment: Lower Mass Alloy
[X]Orphanages: Schola Progenium Model
[X]Task Minor Talents: Witch Sniffers
[X]Courtly Manners
No. of votes: 1
[X] Vikings
[X] Bane Wolves
[X] Militia Training: Cadia Style
[X] Personal Attention - Population Pressure: Expand Hollin: Phase One
[X] Repair Imperial Navy Escorts
[X] Trade Negotiations (Svartalfheim)
[X] Request for aid: Adeptus Mechanicus: Specialists (Auxilia Myrmidon)
[X] Constant Recruitment: Psyker Hunters
[X] Explore Ruins
[X] Try to complete STC fragment: Warp Scanners
-[X] Double Down : Try to complete STC fragment: Warp Scanners
[X] Regional Survey (Avernus's Spine)
[X] Orphanages: Schola Progenium Model
-[X] Expedite: Orphanages: Schola Progenium Model
[X] Task Minor Talents: Witch Sniffers
[X] Investigate Headmaster Ridcully
No. of votes: 1
Militia Training:
Cadia Style
Bane Wolves
Personal Attention: Population Pressure: Displace
Repair Imperial Navy Escorts
Request for aid: Adeptus Mechanicus: Specialists (Auxilia Myrmidon)
Diplomatic Contact (Nilfheim)
Constant Recruitment: Psyker Hunters
Explore Ruins
Try to complete STC fragment: Warp Scanners
Double Down: Try to complete STC fragment: Warp Scanners
Detailed Survey (Trolls)
Orphanages: Schola Progenium Model
Expedite: Orphanages: Schola Progenium Model
Task Minor Talents: Individual Strengths
Investigate Headmaster Ridcully
No. of votes: 7
Elder Haman,
Dark Ness,
New Shadow