Knightly Experience- Lord-Marshal Sigurd has recently requested permission to deploy a large fraction of his Knights on Avernus in order to gain combat experience. You trust the Aesir, and your army, enough not to be overly worried about potentially thousands of Knights being deployed on Avernus so should probably start organising it.
Time: 1 year
Cost: 3,700,000 Thrones
Reward: + relationship with Asgard, several thousands Knights deployed on Avernus for training, reduced military casualties
+2 relationship with Asgard
Inquisitor Klovis-Ultan spent a year working with Lord-Marshal Sigurd and General Schwarz arranging for Knights to be deployed on Avernus, mostly Aridia and Elysium, in order to gain combat experience. While this will probably result in a small reduction in wildlife combat losses the increase in the average skill of an Aesir Knight is the main benefit that you expect to come from this. You also expect a good number of dead Aesir, Avernus is like that.