Examine: Goliath Class Factory Ship: Part Two- Currently a single Goliath Factory Ship is in the Avernus system with no way to make more. Archmagos Tranth tells you that with a decades study he would probably be able to figure out how to replicate it, which as well as providing a major addition to yur fleet potentional to operate without supply lines is the first step to reverse engineering the unknown technologies continaed within.
Time: 10 years
Chance of Success: -70% (24% after bonuses, failing by over 25% damages Goliath Factory Ship and increases Mechanicus Unrest by 1)
Cost: 800,000,000 Thrones, 40,000,000 Material, 4,000,000 Metal, 2,000,000 Promethium, 680,000 Advanced Material, 7,600 Exotic Material.
Reward: blueprints of the Goliath class Factory Ship