1000 Regiment Plan:
[] Navy (100 Wings = 100 regiments worth)
-[] 50 Wings: Fury Interceptor
-[] 50 Wings: Starhawk Bombers
Better to fight the enemy in space instead of on the ground where there is biomass. Also with 5 wings taking up as much space as a regiment, and fighter and bomber wings already being higher firepower then a single regiment it's obvious we should take as much as we can safely spare. This is a little less then half our Space based fighters and bombers. We should be able to deal with anything like a small raiding force attacking Avernus while we are gone.
[] Airforce (177 Wings = 35.4 regiments worth)
-[] 50 Wings: Thunderbolts
-[] 25 Wings: Lightnings
-[] 25 Wings: Avengers
-[] 15 Wings: Marauder Bombers
-[] 5 Wings: Marauder Vigilants
-[] 4 Wings: Wings of Thunder
-[] 3 Wings: Psyrodactyl
-[] 50 Wings: Cargo Ships
We've learned from painful experience what it is like to be fighting without conroling the skies. We want a sizable air force supplementing our ground troops. This leaves 50+ Fighter wings on Avernus along with roughly half our bombers and ground strike fighters. Cargo ships allow rapid redeployment of troops. We cannot ignore potential logistical issues. This should be enough Cargo Ships to move 40 regiments an hour or thereabouts?
@durin Can you confirm?
[] Elites and IG = 155.6
-[] 2 Shadowswords = 0.2
-[] 2 Baneblades = 0.2
-[] 2 Stormlords = 0.2
-[] 1 Vanquisher (Lemon Russ) Regiment = 1
-[] 14 Black Irons = 14
-[] 30 Drop Infantry = 30
-[] 25 IG Rough Riders = 25
-[] 20 IG Armor = 10
-[] 15 IG Heavy Infantry = 15
-[] 20 IG Light Infantry = 20
-[] 15 IG Mechanized Infantry = 15
-[] 25 IG Infantry = 25
Leave the Shadowblades behind so just in case something horrible happens Avernus will have at least 2 Squadrons of Titan-killer level weapons. Taking most of the IG level forces.
[] 30 Specialist Regiments = 15 regiments space worth
-[] 10 Artillery Regiments
-[] 3 Hellhound Regiments
-[] 7 Devil Dog Regiments
-[] 5 Sentinel Regiments
-[] 5 Anti-Air Regiments
[] PDF Forces = 694
-[] 100 PDF Armor = 50
-[] 104 PDF Mechanized Infantry = 104
-[] 300 PDF Infantry = 250
-[] 105 PDF Light Infantry = 105
-[] 50 PDF Heavy Infantry = 50
-[] 180 PDF Rough Riders = 115
I think we want to bring Rough Riders. They have as many Lemon Russ as the Mech. Infantry, and as many Monitors as Light Infantry. They seem pretty close to something like dragoons (mounted Infantry) or heavy cavalry.
Unless the camels will have difficulty with the Tyranids. I suppose that might be a reason to leave them behind.
@durin What are General Drago's thoughts on the above list for reinforcing Alfhiem? Are there certain types he thinks we should bring more of? Certain types he thinks we should avoid bringing? Certain types he thinks we need to leave more of behind on Avernus?