Omake - John Oliver in space part 2
John: "An were back. Okay now that we've covered the Averite response to the warp storms receding we now go to Vanahiem. A planet whose society acts like it's the capital of the sector but is more like it's deposit for bleeding hearted nobles with desires for more plants.
Today the leader of the opposition in the All-Thing, the Vanahiem democratic Government which appoints the Governor, has called for a plan to defeat the Valinor Navy but watch as he goes about it."
*cuts to V-Span footage of the All-Thing*
Opposition leader: "We, the Vanir, are the true Masters of Void Combat and Naval strategems. Everyone here knows of the white envelopes that weighed down our most bravest Captains and shackled them to mediocrity.
It is the duty of the Vanir families to come together in a unified effort to end the Valinor-Subsector Naval base and its affront to Human Void presence. They are not the Emperors people nor are they fitting to mann void craft. This is a right and duty left to professionals.."
*Cut back to Oliver*
"An I believe that the reason I was not promoted to Admiral was because no one liked me in the office and not my willingness to hide in port!" Oliver mocks.
*Laughs in crowd*
"To give a bit of insight the Imperium had many levels of nobility and with that many levels of snobery. Or Snobbing as one could say.."
*Small laughs*
" An what the chubby wanabee admiral is saying is that he wants to destroy their Naval forces. Now this is a commendable war cry and initiative except a day before Governor Olaf said he was contacting the Imperial Security Council for advise on how to best prepare for the storm to end.
Which calls the question as to why the opposition would ask for an attack on Valinor right as the storm is ending. Well the answer can be seen with a bit more. Please enjoy."
*Cuts back to V-Span as sounds of applauds thunder the All-Thing*
Speaker: "An it is so that this legislation requests the Governors answer for war plans. What says the Naval heads?"
Freyr: "I am Solar Admiral Freyr of House Njordson. I am the head currently of the Trust Navy and will ask what is the expediency the opposition asks?"
Opposition leader: "As soon as possible of course!
The Vanir are swift and we should do it at first light Solar Admiral."
Freyr: "Denied.
The Trust Navy will not assist as it must stay to defend nor can I send it on a goose chase."
Opposition leader: "You bloody Trustie I want a Vanir effort not a Njordson effort. If I wanted that than we would be letting the Valinor-Subsector fall to the abomination and foul Xenos while giving them food like those demented Avernites."
Freyr: "There is no way you can move the Vanahiem Defense fleet to Valinor. It has the explicit orders by rule of tradition to guard the homelands."
*Loud applause and cut back to John Oliver*
"So apparently the opposition of Vanahiems Government wants unity but not the leading family to break the Valinor Navy?
If you wanted a rabble mob to kill things with just ask the Midgardians if they have a suicide squad those guys always make good story tellers!"
"But really, this is indicative of a larger problem. Ever since the spying done by Avernites the All-Thing has asked for increased security and punishment for the Averites. In fact, the opposition leader who is part of the 'Valkyrur' faction has called on the Inquisition to call Exterminatus on Avernus despite the Trust constitution saying they could not have that power!
An if that's not wonky enough for you the man has also ran for Governor saying that he would 'break the back of Frederick' and 'Investigate the murder of Freya Njordson'.
An in case your wondering 'No that is not a Vanir phrase for asking permission to frisk their cousins' he actually thinks that the Avernite Goverment ordered the death of Freya."
*Crowd reacts with 'ohs' and then boos*
"Obviously he has lost and thankfully to be honest but. How is he still in Government?
If Avernus is as united as Governor Frederick says they'll be than Vanahiem is basically looking to back stab the Avernites and then solo invade the old Sector capital with a defense force. An I will remind everyone that they had their own Naval base and were the premier defense fleet of an entire SECTOR!
You don't break in their with anything less than a crusader.
However as a Noble I can't say I'm surprised. I mean Narcissism, the want for the destruction of humiliation, backstabbing allies, and doing things your own way?
Sounds like good old Imperial snobbery if you ask me. An I'm from a paradise world."
*Whoops and sexual encouragements ring out*
"Yes yes thank you. It wasn't that kind of paradise though we were more saintly. At least that's what the choir girls said."
*Cuts to picture of a
distant Imperial world*