1. yes +10@Durin, I have some questions:
1) Did we get bonuses to investigation from Shifting Realities and my omake?
2) How exactly the cost of a Fellblade distributed? I.e chassis 15%, engine 7% and so on.
3) Does Fred have any idea about how hard it will be to upgrade Baneblade with new Fellblade engines?
4) What types of ammunition does Fred usually carry for his grenade launcher?
5) Datacore STC's weapon section says that melta weapons only require Material. Does it include our Inferno Pistols, because old version was very rare and expensive in Imperium, presumably needing Advanced or Exotic Materials?
There are a couple sides on the issue, but the biggest sticking points is that certain worlds (Midgard) are unlikely to be able to afford to build the super advanced armor in proportion to their normal forces. The net result would be that their armies would be vulnerable to certain types of forces and tactics, requiring significant compromises elsewhere.If we want a cheaper big tank, the Mechanicus are prepared to design us an up gunned Macharius. Really the answer is to build more Cathedral-Forges so we can afford all the advanced armour we want.
Increasing our Fleet would be great. It would allow us to trap invaders or peruse them. I would let us attack other systems.Letting him in unmolested would massively increase the damage we take due to him being able to use his ground forces AND his space fleet to drop orbital bombardment on us. Your implied suggestion that Enjou shouldn't increase the strength of our fleet so the orks can more easily land their forces is stupid.
I respect him as the GM when he isn't the one that caused the issue he is complaining about.One would also think he's the one who has to write this and would get really annoyed at people constantly asking the same question over and over and over again, so silence.
Tragically it is a rare occurrence when units only have to fight the things they are best against.But superheavies aren't meant against light or medium infantry. Enemy vehicles are their main targets.
And that is his right.People would ask about Baneblades and he would say some variation on "Yes you can have them, but I haven't got around to it yet." Then a few turns later after we upgraded the AdMech a bit and researched some stuff people would ask again and he would give the same answer.
At no point did he give any indication that he was waiting for something in particular. At no point did he suggest there were obstacles that needed to be resolved. He could have answered any of the questions with 'Not until X' or 'No, because Y'. Again and again he would say 'yes you will get it eventually' then never gave the option and wonder why people kept asking about it.
He gave a definite answer ages ago for the exact same reasons as he gave now.That said I am thankful that he has finally given a solid answer on the subject.
We've made Felblades.Which probably explains why we do not actually have any Felblades. Or any plans to make any as far as I can see.
It was found in the Data core.BTW, we need to reverse-engineer Knight Forlorn for Asgard. Seems like a pretty useful thing against pretty much everybody.
It was found in the Data core.
Everything was save for the super exitus, vortext tech and the super gravetic gun.
We do we send them 100 knights per year.
it doesWe do we send them 100 knights per year.
Presumably that includes Forlorns.
many skills are universal, and they pass the psyker on to someone of the right skillset for the rest, often a Primaris for the more powerful psykersHow do Sanctionites teach and train psykers that aren't of their own discipline? (Partcularly in case of Betas.)
Do they enlist a Primaris or something?
The Baneblade reverse-engineering needs to be done by Tranth.
1) Can we get options to reverse-engineer the Baneblade and the Capitol Imperialis (if we still have it) next turn? So that we don't lose the STC tech, and to have some goodies to give to our allies without losing our DAoT advantage.
2) If we do get the options, will Tranth have to do the work or will the Collegia do automatic rolls for them too?
It was very good.
Since she started it at some point in the back ground before the last major (read non emergency) high council meeting I'd say no.
1. you could try but it is hard to detect the frequency of a non-psyker@Durin
1. As part of the resonance research, could we have an action to study the Phase Tigers, particularly with an eye towards studying how their frequencies interact with each other?
1.a. Would it also be possible to do a long term study of the frequencies of a green regiment as it matures?
2. How much time does it take to get a read on an individual's resonance?
3. Way back when the first Saren was studying Blink Spiders, there was an offhand mention that he had a way to gather them. Could that be used to design Blink Spider Lures?
4. If yes to 3, would planting Blink Spider Lures in, say, Ork villages be in any way cost effective?
With regards to 1 and 2, I'm interested to see if resonances could be used to better engineer grenadier regiments or other elite units.
1. noAnd then the question of how similar the frequency of our character's resonance are arises.
1.Do our advisors as a whole share some common resonance trait?
1a. Syr/Rotbart?
1b. Psykers who are in a relationship with the other?