@durin A few things about the upcoming Shitstorm
1 When you say that Gaarkill will attack us immediately after the Warpstorm ends, do you mean that He will attack just the year after the Warpstorm ends or anytime between (for example) 1 to 3 turns ?
2 What does Schwartz thinks of going with Heavy Rearm with the Helguard and Helltroopers immediately so we are better prepared once the orks arrive?
3 The new Elite power armor for the Marines is going to use a reactor or Batteries?
3.1 If it will use batteries, would we have the option in the future to redesign these Armors again so can use a Reactor?
4 When Parnell says that the smaller ships will be ready before the Warpstorm ends, does he also include the ADCs?
4.1 If we go with trade talks with Vanheim this turn, and buy more ADCs and monitors, how long will take until they are delivered?
4.2 How long will take until the Fólkvangr is repaired?
5 I saw that Chamsfiends are Canon, can we investigate them or we will need to "discover" them properly first?