Some thoughts on priorities.
Adeptus Muniturom:
Recruiting (Highest)
Air Refit: (High, need to pick up as much slack as they can)
Lessons Learned: Will (High, may want to PA it, more proportionally valuable)
Goliath: (Low, but it's just one year)
Martial Law: (Mixed)
Void Command: Be nice if we could delay one of the Constructions to offload the OWPs onto Parnell
Adeptus Adminstratum: I think we can afford to be down 1 Action for a year
Rebuild: All (Highest)
Quarantine: All (High, reserves can take it)
Upgrade Defenses: Avernus' Spine (Medium, it's only 1 year in)
Juvenat (Low, let it lapse)
Request Aid: Inquisition (High)
Request Aid: Imperial Trust Guard (High, Try to get the ones we raised.)
Adeptus Arbites: I think we can let Propaganda lapse. Full Cult Hunt
Curfew: All (High, effect)
Cultist Hunt: All (High, spend PA's on it too)
Hunt Them Down (Optimize cultist hunting. Important.)
Propaganda: (Mixed. My gut says to let it lapse.)
Adeptus Ministrum: Full Cult hunt here.
Preach (High, no real downside other than opportunity cost)
Investigate Rituals (Low, only 2 years in)
Adeptus Astra Telepathica: The big question is can we afford an interruption on the Rituals.
Advanced Training: Tamia Jameson (Highest, Action are that valuable)
You Cannot Hide: All (High, every spare action)
Training (Medium, sooner rather than later)
Advanced Training: Costanzo Nenci (Medium. Take time and a roll)
Establish New Psyker City. (Low. Set back far enough to let it lapse)
Astropathic Rituals (Mixed, to be debated)
Personal: I think we can afford to neglect Syr for a while. I think we can afford to finish off the OWP and do the Lessons Learned.
General of Avernus (Highest, Actions matter)
Chief Administrator of Avernus (2nd Highest, can wait one turn.)
Speech: Every Man's Duty (High, effective and cheap)
PA: Cultist Hunt (High, self explanatory)
PA: Lessons Learned: Will (High, it could really use our Martial)
PA: Replace OWP (Medium. One turn and it save serious man power)
Speak to the People (Medium, use if other actions may take Moral below 10)
PA: Pilot Armor (Low. Only one turn in. Let it lapse)
@durin , will we get an additional action that turn when we appoint a new department head?