Over the last five years the population of Avernus has grown by 4.16%, an average of 0.83% per year. This is slightly better then the last five years, mostly likely due to the Medi-Gel being handed out to the militia.
There was a Magma Wyrm attack on Dis three years ago which is responsible for the fact that Dis has on average shrunk by 1.32% per year over the last five years.
The population growth of Avernus' Spine has averaged 3.25% per year over the last five years, with the new medical tools and Medi-Gel being mostly responsible for the improvement.
The population of the Azure Islands rose by 2.77% per year, almost exactly the same as the previous year.
Over the last five years an average of 1.35% of the population of Lindon has been killed each year, mostly by a mix of Phase-Tigers and a plague.
The population growth of the Everglades has increased to 2.59% population per year, bringing the population to over seven hundred million.
Elysium has had an average population growth of 0.64% per year over the last half decade, which is a little below average for Avernus.
Blink Spider numbers in Aridia are starting to decrease, allowing the population to grow by an average of 0.62% per year over the last five years.
Improve Defences: Dis, Hollin, Garden Grove and The Fair Isle- There were several technologies in the datacores that will provide large boosts to your cities' defences. These upgrades range from improved macrocannons, orbital defence lasers and other fixed weapons to more powerful shields, better armoured walls and less volatile power generation. While expensive these upgrades will over double your cities resilience to damage and greatly increase its firepower. Henry considers this to be of high priority.
Time: 8 years
Cost: 1,054,000,000 Thrones, 1,025,000,000 Material, 966,300,000 Metal, 219,400,000 Promethium, 87,640 Advanced Material, 4,560 Exotic Material.
Upkeep per year: 7,027,200 Thrones, 6,832,000 Material, 6,551,600 Metal, 1,449,360 Promethium, 1,755 Advanced Material, 45.6 Exotic Material.
Reward: upgrade the defences of Dis, Hollin, Garden Grove and The Fair Isle using your new technology
Two years ago Henry finished upgrading the defences of Dis, Hollin, Garden Grove and The Fair Isle with the newly discovered technology. He tells you that the new fortifications will allow your Hives to shrug off orbital bombardment of the level that Garkill used against you in his invasion with only superficial damage, unless long term sustained bombardment is used anyway. As far as ground combat is concerned troops fighting from your Hives are now around twice as effective as they were before the upgrades, a major improvement.
Juve-Nat: Medical- One of the options to use the large amounts of Juve-Nat produced by your new factories is to extend the lives of your most skilled doctors. This will greatly increase the effect of your medical system as the number of skilled Doctors increases.
Time: 3 years.
Cost: 345,600,000 Thrones, 172,800,000 Material, 206,400 Advanced Material.
Upkeep per year: 17,280,000 Thrones, 864,000 Material, 10,320 Advanced Material. (increases with time)
Reward: 2.5 million Doctors given Juve-nat treatments, number of Doctors with Juve-Nat slowly increases, +0.05% population growth increasing by 0.05% per year until it reaches 0.5%.
Four years ago Henry finishes rolling out Juve-Nat treatments to the doctors that fit his carefully selected criteria. This should have a major effect on the already exceptional Avernite medical services over the next decade and should have a small but noticeable impact on the death rates in the coming years. Henry tells you that sixty percent of all Juve-Nat produced on Avernus is currently being used by the government and that he has several projects in mind to further increase it.
Personal Attention: Expedite: Knowledge Implantation Chairs: Large Factory: All- Henry suggests enlarging your Knowledge Implantation Chair Factories in order to be able to reach the point where you can start using them for non-military purposes. This will take a few years but is not particularly expensive and could lead to massive educational benefits.
Time: 6 years.
Cost: 66,000,000 Thrones, 13,200,000 Material, 3,300,000 Metal, 1,320,000 Promethium, 9,960 Advanced Materiel.
Upkeep per year:6,600,000 Thrones, 1,320,000 Material, 330,000 Metal, 132,000 Promethium, 996 Advanced Materiel.
Reward: Large Knowledge Implantation Chair Factories in all cities, produces 165,000 per year.
For the last five years you have bee overseeing the enlarging of the Knowledge Implantation Chair Factories until each one can produce several thousand chairs per year. This will allow you to build the millions of chairs that will be needed if you want to use them to educate your population, though it will still take several decades to reach the point where their use can become universal.
Personal Attention: Double Down: Administratum Reorganisation: Part Five- Administratum Reorganisation: Part Five – Now that the Imperium has collapsed, other things are in the process of doing so as well. Henry wishes to reorganise the Administratum to be more efficient over small areas. This will be a long and difficult process, but Henry will continue now that he has started. This is the fifth and final out of five planned reorganisation phases and is larger in scope then any of the previous plans.
Time: 5 years.
Chance of Success: 25%
Cost: 55,000,000 Thrones.
Reward: increase administrative bonus by 5%
Locked – Four out of Five years completed
For the last half decade you have been working on finishing the reorganisation of the Avernite Administratum. This consisted of a combination of hunting down the remaining source of inefficiency, reorganising the taxation system and several other simpler tasks. You expect to finish within the next six months and estimate a ten percent increase in efficiency.
Internal Transit Networks: All- One of the technologies in the datacores was an advanced internal transport network designed for use on capital ships that can easily be used as a public transport system for cities. According to Henry this would greatly benefit the cities' economy and allow you to quickly redeploy your forces within your cities. Henry considers this to be of high priority.
Time: 10 years.
Cost: 880,000,000 Thrones, 220,000,000 Material, 88,000,000 Metal, 44,000,000 Promethium, 680,000 Advanced Material, 152 Exotic Material.
Upkeep per year: 88,000,000 Thrones, 22,000,000 Materiel, 8,800,000 Metal, 4,400,000 Promethium, 34,000 Advanced Material, 4 Exotic Material.
Reward: Internal transit network in all cities, +50% Thrones income, major boost to moving troops within cities.
Locked – Six out of Ten years completed
For the last five years the new internal transit networks for your cities have been being constructed. Work is progressing well and in several sections of Avernus internal transit networks have started to begin operation. Henry estimates that it will take another three years for the final networks to be finished and claims that there will be a massive economic boom as a result.
Upgrade Defences: Salem and The Fens- The last Hives that you need to upgrade the defences of are Salem and The Fens. Once you have finished these upgrades there will be a Hive with massive defences in every region of Avernus, providing a strong point for your people to retreat to in case of disaster. Henry advises that you begin this upgrade within a year of the current upgrades finishing.
Time: 7 years
Cost: 1,055,000,000 Thrones, 1,025,000,000 Material, 966,300,000 Metal, 217,400,000 Promethium, 100,100 Advanced Material. 2,976 Exotic Material.
Upkeep per year: 10,550,000 Thrones, 10,250,000 Material, 9,663,000 Metal, 2,174,000 Promethium, 1,001 Advanced Material, 30 Exotic Material.
Reward: upgrade the defences of Salem and The Fens to Super-Heavy
Locked – Four out of Seven years completed
Four years ago Henry started upgrading the defences of Salem and The Fens, Avernus' last two Hives. So far he has started the construction of the new reactors, the new Void Shield Generators, the new Macrocannons and Orbital Defences Lasers as well as the new outer wall. He tells you that work is going well and that the smaller weapons and other detail work will being to be installed next year
Expedite: Underground Railways: Expand- While you now have an underground railway between all of the cities of Avernus, barring The Azure Islands anyway, Henry still has plans to improve on it. One of these plans is to enlarge the underground passages so that more cargo can be moved at a time and so that larger vehicles can be shifted.
Time: 9 years.
Cost: 240,000,000 Thrones, 80,000,000 Material, 200,000,000 Metal, 40,000,000 Promethium, 8,000 Advanced Material.
Upkeep per year: 96,000,000 Thrones, 16,000,000 Materiel, 40,000,000 Metal, 8,000,000 Promethium, 800 Advanced Material.
Reward: Much larger rail network, +10% Thrones and +2% Material on the mainland, can transport more men at a time, can transport Reaver Titans.
Locked – Two out of Eight years completed: Expedited
Two years ago Henry started a large expansion to the Underground Railways of Avernus. The new tunnels will be massive constructions able to fit Battle Titans and Leviathans, or truly massive amounts of goods and men. According to Henry currently the most important routes have been widened and the new railways, designed to fit several different sizes of trains, are beginning to be installed.