Between those alternatives, I would keep the current course of action, since durin confimed that at least one datacore was in the command ships...
Do you have a quote, because I don't remember durin confirming it. Rather Tranth IC told us to try researching them.
Even if that is the case, it might be worth it to do the research to get started on the DAoT ships, because otherwise it might take 9+ more years before we find a datacore (and it's probably damaged, requiring more research time).
We only need to do two action and then we can start repairing Escort Destroyers:
Detailed Survey (Escort Destroyer)- The Escort Destroyer is an all rounder design, with a mix of fire-power, speed and defences. This class is generally armed with long range weapon batteries and was most likely the cheap, expendable escort that was tasked with engaging enemy escorts. There are fifteen intact ships of this class, one thousand, six hundred and twenty mostly intact, three thousand half destroyed and six thousand nine hundred mostly destroyed. From what Tranth can determine these ships do not have any really new technologies.
Since we have 1,635 intact or mostly intact I'm sure our shipyards can keep busy repairing them until we have searched all the remaining Command Battleships.
Let's see... 6 slip a shipyard, x6 shipyards = 36 slips... assuming we can fix a mostly intact escort in one year (reasonable assumption since a brand new one can be built in 3 years), that's up to 300+ escorts that we could get repaired while we are still searching for a datacore.
I think that's a significant enough number to justify doing the research now.
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