no, i have already decided which battleships have an intact data core@durin If we double down the Detailed Survey on the command spaceships, the chance of finding an intact datacore will increase?
Why do your fangs look like they belong on a vampire wererabbit?
just to tell you all, I have corrected the contact Troll option which was 25% to 75% as it always should have been
Turn 64, the last turn we have to tutor Syr. Maybe we should spend the Intrigue action to tutor Syr? This'll be the last tutor action we'll ever do.
Enjou this is exactly what I was talking about last turn. last turn you said you would do education reform this turn but now you yet again put it on the back burner.
Hey Enjou, didn't Henry mention wanting to wait for current upgrades to finish before starting the new defenses?
Despite this he is ready to start his next projects, which he advises be the upgrade of The Fair Isle and Garden Grove's defences.
" Two hours later when her rescuers arrived they found her attempting to clean Carniflower sap off her blade while standing in the middle of dozens of dead Carniflowers. Arbitrator Jane Oakheart is not considered the most deadly swordswoman on Avernus for without reason."
But almost exactly the same thing happend to Freddie and I think something similar to Tranth, so it's not really uncommon either.Deathhead spiders killing someone for no reason is Avernus buisness. Cleaning house like that is done by a medium sized military artillery bombardment.
Not an injured person with a blade who went down quick via a plane crash.
Which is a testament to Jane's awesomeness.Not sure about Freddie since I can't rmemeber when Avernus wildlife decided to go for him.
Tranth I remember him fighting his way out against..someting. But he had bodyguards I think. An even then..she fell from the sky after a psychodact thought that her transport was prey. Then had to dodge her way through carniflower seed projectiles and cutting them up like fracking lettuce.
I mean carniflower seeds, once attachted, will grow baby vines from within the prey so as to spread out. Meaning she coudn't even be hit ONCE! Again, was she even groggy from falling thousands of feet in the air?